Vector< T > Class Template Reference

#include <vector.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Vector ()
 Vector (const unsigned, const T &=T()) throw ( bad_alloc )
 Vector (const Vector< T > &) throw ( bad_alloc )
 ~Vector ()
bool empty () const
unsigned size () const
unsigned capacity () const
void clear ()
void resize (const unsigned, const T &=T()) throw ( bad_alloc )
T & at (const unsigned) const throw ( out_of_range )
void assign (const unsigned, const T &) throw ( out_of_range )
void push_back (const T &) throw ( bad_alloc )
void insert (const unsigned, const T &) throw ( bad_alloc, out_of_range )
void sort ()
void remove (const unsigned) throw ( out_of_range )
T & operator[] (const unsigned) const throw ( out_of_range )
const Vector< T > & operator= (const Vector< T > &) throw ( bad_alloc )

Private Member Functions

void initialize ()
void increaseCapacity () throw ( bad_alloc )

Private Attributes

T * contents
unsigned sz
unsigned cap

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
class Vector< T >

Implementation of a resizable Vector ADT using dynamically allocated C-style arrays

Mark Maloof (maloof@cs)
1.3, 4/15/13

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename T >
Vector< T >::Vector (  )  [inline]

Default constructor.

template<typename T >
Vector< T >::Vector ( const unsigned  sz,
const T &  object = T() 
) throw ( bad_alloc ) [inline]

Constructor for initializing a vector to a fixed size with its components initialized to a specified object. If there is no such object, then the default is used.

sz the size of the vector
object the initial object for the components
bad_alloc if memory cannot be allocated
template<typename T >
Vector< T >::Vector ( const Vector< T > &  vector  )  throw ( bad_alloc ) [inline]

Copy constructor. Make a deep copy of the specified vector.

vector the vector to be copied
bad_alloc if memory cannot be allocated
template<typename T >
Vector< T >::~Vector (  )  [inline]


Member Function Documentation

template<typename T >
void Vector< T >::assign ( const unsigned  i,
const T &  object 
) throw ( out_of_range ) [inline]

Assigns the object to the specified position in the vector.

i the position to be assigned.
object the object to be stored in the vector.
out_of_range if index parameter is out of bounds.
template<typename T >
T & Vector< T >::at ( const unsigned  i  )  const throw ( out_of_range ) [inline]

Returns a reference to the object stored at a given position in the vector.

i the object's location.
a reference to the object.
out_of_range if index parameter is out of bounds.
template<typename T >
unsigned Vector< T >::capacity (  )  const [inline]

Returns the capacity of the vector, which is the number of elements that the vector can store before increasing the capacity.

an unsigned integer indicating the vector's capacity.
template<typename T >
void Vector< T >::clear (  )  [inline]

Removes the elements of the vector.

template<typename T >
bool Vector< T >::empty (  )  const [inline]

Returns true if the vector is empty; returns false otherwise.

true if empty; false otherwise.
template<typename T >
void Vector< T >::increaseCapacity (  )  throw ( bad_alloc ) [inline, private]

Increases the capacity of the vector by doubling its current capacity.

bad_alloc if memory cannot be allocated.
template<typename T >
void Vector< T >::initialize (  )  [inline, private]

Initializes this vector by setting its private data members.

template<typename T >
void Vector< T >::insert ( const unsigned  i,
const T &  object 
) throw ( bad_alloc, out_of_range ) [inline]

Inserts the object at the given position. Increases capacity if necessary.

i the position of insertion.
object the object to be inserted.
bad_alloc if memory cannot be allocated.
out_of_range if index parameter is out of bounds.
template<typename T >
const Vector< T > & Vector< T >::operator= ( const Vector< T > &  vector  )  throw ( bad_alloc ) [inline]

Returns a deep copy of the vector passed in as the parameter.

vector the vector to be copied.
a copy of the vector.
bad_alloc if memory cannot be allocated.
template<typename T >
T & Vector< T >::operator[] ( const unsigned  i  )  const throw ( out_of_range ) [inline]

Returns a reference to the object stored at a given position in the vector.

i the object's location.
a reference to the object.
out_of_range if index parameter is out of bounds.
template<typename T >
void Vector< T >::push_back ( const T &  object  )  throw ( bad_alloc ) [inline]

Adds the object to the end of the vector. Increases capacity if necessary.

object the object to be added to the end of the vector.
bad_alloc if memory cannot be allocated.
template<typename T >
void Vector< T >::remove ( const unsigned  i  )  throw ( out_of_range ) [inline]

Removes the object stored in the given position.

i the position of removal.
out_of_range if index parameter is out of bounds.
template<typename T >
void Vector< T >::resize ( const unsigned  newSize,
const T &  object = T() 
) throw ( bad_alloc ) [inline]

Resizes the vector to its new size. After allocating new memory and copy the contents of old memory, stores the object in any unassigned locations.

newSize the new size of the vector
object the object for any new, unassigned locations
bad_alloc if memory cannot be allocated
template<typename T >
unsigned Vector< T >::size (  )  const [inline]

Returns the size (i.e., the number of elements) of the vector.

an unsigned integer indicating the vector's size.
template<typename T >
void Vector< T >::sort (  )  [inline]

Sorts the elements of this vector in ascending order.

Member Data Documentation

template<typename T >
unsigned Vector< T >::cap [private]

the capacity of this vector

template<typename T >
T* Vector< T >::contents [private]

the contents of this vector

template<typename T >
unsigned Vector< T >::sz [private]

the size of this vector

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