This course is intended for computer science majors and minors, and other students with a serious interest in learning C++ programming. The course covers the following topics: basic data types, the C++ string class, variables and constants, and their declaration, input/output (cin/cout) operators, assignment operators, arithmetic operators, conditional control structures, repetition control structures, basic file operations, user-‐defined functions, value and reference parameters, scope rules, name precedence, function overloading, template functions, elementary software engineering principles, Standard Template Library (STL), the vector class, elementary searching and sorting, user-‐defined classes, operator overloading, pointers, self-‐referential classes, dynamic object creation and destruction, linked lists, and recursion. This course satisfies the college science requirement.
The bitmat project option required students to access and manipulate the binary bitmap image data. Tasks included changing the color of input images, inverting images, and jumbling sections of images.
For details of each project's requirements see the projects link above.
This course included six (6) projects. The first two projects were relatively basic and provided students with an introduction to the C++ language and the department computing environment. The third project was more complicated requiring both file input/output and detailed screen output.
Students had an option for the final three projects. The geometric shapes opiton challenged students to draw variaus geometric shapes on the terminal screen. The final project involved drawing and animating multiple shapes on the screen at the same time. For details of each project's requirements see the projects link above.