I am a research scientist in cryptography and information security.
I am working on maturing Blockchain technology from the academia side and presents research results on Blockchain security. At Georgetown University, I’m a co-directing CyberSMART research center and lead multi-disciplinary research among technology, economy, law, and regulation.
I am now acting co-chair of Blockchain Governance Initiative Network (BGIN), where is the multi-stakeholder discussion body for blockchain technology and governance. I also founded BSafe.network, which is the neutral international research test network for Blockchain to promote applied academic research in blockchain technologies. It is international actual network with 27 international universities and acts the same role as NSFNet for the Internet. I also founded CELLOS consortium, the international consortium for security evaluation of cryptographic protocol and serve as the head of its technical working group for securing cryptographic protocol like TLS. I lead international research collaboration on Blockchain with BSafe.network and by founding BASE (Blockchain Academic Synergized Environment) alliance with the University of Tokyo and Keio University.
I am a part of many program committees on Blockchain technology and information security, and a program co-chair of Scaling Bitcoin 2018 Tokyo. I serve as the leader of security standardization project of Blockchain (ISO TC307). Previously I served as the head of Japanese national body of ISO/IEC JTC1 SC27/WG2 for cryptographic techniques, a member of advisory board cryptographic technology for the Japanese government.
Download my resumé.
PhD in Computer Science, 2003
Tokyo Institute of Technology
MEng in Computer Science, 1996
Tokyo Institute of Technology
BEng in Computer Science, 1994
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Building healthy ecosystem by multi-stakeholders
Verification of security of blockchain protocol and services
Building secure, private and interoperable digital money system
Building decetralized trust system for digital society
Building secure and privacy enhancing smart contract mecanisms
AsiaCrypt,RFIDSec Asia, IWSEC, Indocrypt, ACISP, Information Security Conference (ISC), IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEICE transactions of fundamentals, IT Transactions, International Journal of Information Security, Journal of Information Procession Society of Japan