COSC 374 - Operating Systems
Tuesday/Thursday 4:15 - 5:30
ICC 107
Assignments, Projects, and Exams
- Homework 1
Examining Process State in Unix Due in class January 25th, 2005.
- Homework 2
Textbook problems due February 1:
- Chapter 1: 2, 3, 6, 9, 10
- Chapter 2: 3, 4, 5, 9
- Homework 3
Textbook problems due February 10:
- Chapter 3: 7, 10, 11 12
- Chapter 4: 2, 4
- Project 1 - Part 1
Writing a User Shell, Part 1 Due before class, February 22nd
- Homework 4
Textbook problems due March 1:
- Chapter 5: 1, 2, 3
- Chapter 6: 3, 4, 5, 9
- Project 1 - Part 2
a User Shell, Part 2 Due before class, March 31st
- Homework 5
Textbook problems due April 7th:
- Chapter 8: 6, 10
- Chapter 9: 2, 5, 8, 10
- Chapter 10: 5, 9, 11
- Project 2
Paging Algorithm Simulation
Due before class April 21st.
Textbook The textbook for this course will be
"Operating Systems Concepts, 6th Edition, Windows XP
Update". This is an older edition of the book, and there are a
few copies in the bookstore. You can easily find it online, and
it may be more inexpensive there. The links below should help
you, but do not constitute any endorsement of a particular
- Instructor: Clay Shields
Office Hours: Wednesday, 1- 3 PM, or by appointment.
Contact: Information here
All my courses are run under the same set of policies which are
here. Students are expected to read and understand these
policies. You can also read the Honor Council site.
Description and Grading
- Description:
This course studies the software systems that provide the
interface between the computer system hardware resources and
the users of the system. This interface is composed of a large
collection of programs that provide simplified and uniform
access to information storage (data and programs on tape,
disk, and in memory), processing elements (CPUs and remote
computers), input/output devices (telecommunications,
keyboards, mice, video displays, printers, etc.), and data
acquisition and equipment control devices. Topics include,
processes and threads of execution, concurrent process
synchronization, concurrent access to hardware resources, file
systems, memory management and virtual memory, job scheduling,
system modeling and performance evaluation, network
communication and protocols, and computer and network
security. A variety of example operating systems of different
types will be examined and their characteristics compared.
Prerequisites: COSC 175 and 251.
- Grading:
- Homeworks: 20%
- Programming exercises: 35%
- Midterm exam: 20%
March 3rd, 2005, in class
- Final exam: 25%
May 10th, 2005, 5 - 7 PM