Srping 2005 |
Clay Shields |
Project 2 - Paging Algorithm PerformanceDue before class April 21st, 2005 |
As we have discussed in class, the choice of a page replacement algorithm can greatly affect the performance of a computer system. In this project, you will simulate several different algorithms and test their performance on memory trace files of programs running on a Linux system.
The SimulatorYou first task will be to write a simulation of a single-level page table that runs on your account on daruma. Assume that the page size is 4k, and that it is a 32 bit processor.Program speed matters, so I suggest C or C++, though Java is acceptable though not preferred. Interpreted languages such as Perl or Ruby are right out. Running the programThe program should be contained in a single file named with your netid. For example, my simulation would be named clay.c. Your program should accept the following arguments:<yournetid.c> <number of frames> <algorithm to use> [verbose] where: number of frames is the number of physical frames of RAM available to the process. In general, this number will be less than 20 for this simulation. algorithm to use is one of the following (see below for more information about which to implement):
Your simulator should read input lines from standard input of the form:
0x40000c35 W where the first hex value is the address being accessed, and the second value indicates a read or write at that memory address. We are using standard input because the trace files are very large when uncompressed. We won't uncompress them. Instead, we will use gzcat to spew the uncompressed trace file, and pipe the output into our simulations. For example, a run might look like: gzcat gpp.gz | clay 10 opt Algorithms to ImplementYou will have to implement three different page replacement algorithms. While this sounds awful given it is nice out and you are about to graduate (assuming you pass this class), with careful planning of how you store and update your page table it isn't really very difficult to implement additional algorithms. You can choose which to implement from this menu:At least two of these three:
and 3 minus however many of the above you implemented of the following:
OutputYour program should simulate the algorithm specified using the number of frames specified. When complete, it should output statistics in the following format:
Number of memory accesses: Additionally, if the verbose flag is set, it should output a message every time a page is replaced. This message should indicate the hex address of the page being replaced, the page replacing it, and whether the replaced page is overwritten or written to disk first. For example:
Page 60970 overwritten by 60929
Trace FilesThese traces files were gathered on a Linux system using pin. They have been reduced in terms of the number of references, however, because full traces are prohibitively large. They are listed below in order of number of memory accesses.
Instead of having to download everything to your own directory (though
you can if you want) you can probably reach each of these files on
daruma using
the path:
~clay/public_html/classes/spring2005/os/ The need for speedSpeed counts. We want our systems to be fast. We will therefore be using the command /usr/bin/time to get a measure of how fast our programs are. Make sure that you time your program, not gzcat. Do not use the verbose flag for timed runs.You can time your programs like this: gzcat | /usr/bin/time clay 10 opt You will get additional output that looks like this:
real 5.8 The time we are most interested in is the user time, since that is how much CPU time your program took to run on that trace. There will be a bonus for fast programs, and a deduction for really slow ones. What to turn in:You will e-mail me two things prior to class: