
This is a review of the LC3 from Patt & Patel's book. It
has to do mostly with programing in assembly and interrupt
and exception procesing. You can get much the same material
from trunk/docs/, in the PP appendices there and other
documents, such as the assembly language manual.
Also, review the class lecture notes on LC3.

--  PP reading and references

Chp. 7.1 - 7.4 
LC-3 Assembly language: instruction syntax, labels, comments, assembler 
directives, 2-pass assembly, object files and linking, executable images. 

Chp 8.1 - 8.3.3 
Device registers, memory-mapped I/O, keyboard and display I/O. 

Chp 8.5

Chp 9.1.1 - 9.2.2 
TRAP/JSR subroutine calls, register saving.

Chp 10.1 - 10.2 
Stacks, push/pop, stack under/overflow, interrupt I/O, 
saving/restoring program state.

LC-3 Instruction notation definitions:   App. A.2 
LC-3 Instruction descriptions:           App. A.3
LC-3 TRAP routines:                      App. A.3, Table A.2
LC-3 I/O device registers:               App. A.3, Table A.3
LC-3 Interrupt and exception execution:  App. A.4 and C.6
LC-3 FSM state diagram:                  App. C, Fig. C.2 and C.7
LC-3 Complete datapath:                  App. C, Fig. C.8
LC-3 memory map:                         App. A.1

--  PP review exercises

Chp 6: 
6.13 (shift right [NB-use assembly language])

Chp 7:
7.1 (instr. assembly w/ labels [NB-show instr. bits])
7.14 (replace an opcode in assembled prog. to debug)
7.24 (debug loop control)

Chp 8:
8.5 (what is KBSR[15]?)
8.11 (polling vs. intr. efficiency)
8.14 (I/O addr. decode)
8.15 (KBSR[14] and intr. handling)

Chp 9:
9.2 (TRAP execution)
9.13 (debugging JSR and RET)
9.19 (complete the intr. priority service call)

Chp 10:
10.10 (cc pushed in intr.)
10.11 (device registers and IVT)
10.24 (prog. and intr. service interaction)