= LC3-project-1.html
= LC3 micro-OS Project Requirements


Build an OS for the LC3. A very small OS is also called a "monitor"; 
"micro" (one-million-th) gives some idea of the relative size of our 
project as compared to a real, full-scale OS (see below). An OS 
provides an interface to the HW and services. It is the program that 
includes booting and then whatever follows as a service interface. 
We might think of our LC3 OS as suitable for an embedded application 
where overall system size is very restricted. It is to be written 
in assembly language and C, linked together. 

Required Capabilities:

--- Initializes the stack, the vector table, all service routines
    that need initialization, and any OS data structures.

--- Issues a prompt to screen.

--- Echoes user's keyboard input to the display.

--- Reads keyboard input to detect user commands.

--- Executes at least three commands:

       "h": lists available commands
       "r": runs a user program
       "q": shuts down the machine

A user program should return to the OS when finished and the OS 
should then continue taking commands. Your user program should be
written in C and compiled with our LC3 compiler, lcc.
The lcc compiler generates a user program that will execute RET as
its last instruction (essentially, RET is the C "return" statement.)
Consequently, your OS main loop should jump to user code as if it is 
making a function call. The user code will return to the instruction 
immediately following that jump instruction.

Any enhancements beyond the bare bones capabilities receives extra 
credit, of course.

Note: An estimate of the size of a real system is around 30 million 
lines of source code (SLOC), and eight-thousand person-years. We will 
work on our system about one-fifth of the time for one-fourth of a 
semester, or about (1/100) person-year, and our code will be 
about 200 SLOC. If you are interested in the above estimations, see, 


 Methods, Languages

---- Your OS will be written in C and assembly language. You will
compile, assemble, and link these together using our LC3 C compiler,
lcc. You will load the object file, os.obj, into PennSim.jar at
address x0200. You will also load a user program to address x3000. 
You will then have PennSim.jar execute your OS. Your OS will display
a prompt, get commands, and execute the commands. When your OS executes
the run-user-program command, "r", your OS will jump to your user code to 
execute it. The starting point for your OS code development consists of 
two files, os.c and asm-utilities.asm.

---- Keyboard input is simulated by having PennSim.jar read a plain
text file. Characters from the file are received by the LC3's keyboard 
controller in order, first to last. Characters are limited to upper and
lower case letters A-Z, punctuation, digits, and "Enter" or "Return".
The characters are loaded into KBDR by PennSim.jar one at a time.
Unfortunately, and unrealistically, as soon as the KBDR is read (ldi, e.g.)
a new character arrives in its place, as if the typist were insanely
fast. Load the input file with a sequence of characters modelling
a user interacting with the OS. Only user input belongs in the file:
the program receiving the input does character echoing (displaying 
what was entered), including newlines. There is a command window
in PennSimm (just under the control buttons). The command to read
the text file as keyboard input is,

    input myKeyboardInput.txt

where "myKeyboardInput.txt" is any text file you have prepared as input.

  OS Elements

---- Your OS initialization should set up the vector table, defining
an address for every vector. Since most vectors are undefined, they
should get some default address. Just write a loop that fills in the
default address for all vectors from x0000 to x01FF (0-255). Next,
overwrite the vectors you need to initialize to non-default addresses:

    x0020  --- TRAP x20, aka "GETC", get one char from keyboard.
    x0021  --- TRAP x21, aka "OUT" , send one char to display.
    x0022  --- TRAP x22, aka "PUTS", display a string.
    x0022  --- TRAP x25, aka "HALT", display a string.
    x0100  --- EXCEPTION-PRIVILEGE , handle a Privilege Exception.
    x0101  --- EXCEPTION-OPCODE    , handle an Illegal Opcode Exception.

---- Your keyboard interrupt handler should store keyboard data in a 
buffer (one char is big enough). It should also set a flag variable to 
indicate to an input service routine that new data is available in the 
buffer. A keyboard input service routine should return a character 
from the keyboard buffer and reset the flag. Programs should call this 
input routine using a trap: typically, this would be the lowest-level input 
service, "getc", which you should rewrite (the existing getc code does not 
work as just described).

---- Your testbench should also load a user program to x3000. Your user 
code should print "Hello World" and exit back the OS monitor. Use a trap 
routine to return to the OS. Alternately, have your OS initially set 
the user's stack as if a C routine had called main(). That way, the usual 
C code to leave a subroutine will work to leave main() and get back to the 
OS command loop. This also means you can write the user's code entirely in 