#------------------------------ # lc3/src/Makefile # # This file is a way to run commands and also # provides documentation. It is in sections: # (D) "make usage" to get started. # See the bottom of this Makefile. # (1) compile and simulate verilog code w/ "iverilog", "vvp". # (2) lc3os.bin: assemble LC3 operating system from source, and # convert it to a format suitable for loading into memory # by iverilog's readmemb(). SEE (4) for tools needed. # (3) prog.bin: assemble and convert lc3 assembly program # for verilog testbench as a user program (load to x3000). # (4) lc3tools: build and install assembler and other tools. # (4.5) Configure, build, and install the LC3 C compiler, lcc. # (4.6) Compile C code to LC3 assembly. # (5) kb: build keyboard interface, run simulation w/ kb. # (6) OS incremental builds, separate assembly, and so forth. # (M) source code linking for drivers; clean up. # # WARNING, THIS MAKEFILE DOCUMENTS SUGGESTED ACTIONS. YOU MAY # HAVE TO DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY ON YOUR SYSTEM. # #------------------------------------------------------------- #--(SECT 1)--------- compile/run verilog code. #-- "testVerilogCompile_foo.v" is verilog source #-- for some device model, the device being tested. # NB--" ;\" causes multiple commands to run in the same shell. testVerilogCompile:: cp testVerilogCompile_fooHeader.vh ../run cp testVerilogCompile_fooTestBench.v ../run cp testVerilogCompile_foo.v ../run cd ../run; \ iverilog testVerilogCompile_fooHeader.vh \ testVerilogCompile_foo.v \ testVerilogCompile_fooTestBench.v; \ vvp a.out #-- Note: when testing assembly programs (not the LC3 design) #-- we only need to compile the LC3 model once. We can then #-- reuse a.out, running our code via "vvp a.out". #-- Library "lc3-run.jelib" is for that purpose. It has one #-- testbench that reads "lc3os.bin" into memory at x0200. #-- This fakes the boot process. You can add a readmemb line #-- that also reads "prog.bin" into memory at x3000. This #-- fakes user program loading. #------------------------------------------------------------- #--(SECT 2)---- assemble and convert LC3 operating system code. #--- (2.a) pre-process source code (see lc3pre). #--- (2.b) Assemble the resulting .asm file. #--- (2.c) Convert the .obj to for iverilog's readmemb(). #--- (2.d) Delete the first line, the ".ORIG" header. #--- The result will be in ../run/lc3os.bin. #--- NB--Edit the Make variable, OS, as needed, or #--- commandline overide, e.g., "make lc3os.bin OS=testINT". OS=lc3os-v1-bare os.bin:: @echo "###########################################" @echo "######### BUILDING lc3os.bin ##########" @echo "######### from ${OS}.asm ##########" @echo "###########################################" @echo "" @echo "------ preprocessing --------" @echo "" cat ${OS}.asm | lc3pre > ${OS}_pre.asm @echo "" @echo "-------- assembling ---------" @echo "" lc3as ${OS}_pre.asm @echo "" @echo "-------- converting ---------" @echo "" cat ${OS}_pre.obj | obj2bin | sed '1d' > ${OS}_pre.bin @echo "" @echo "-------- copying to ../run ---------" @echo "" cp ${OS}_pre.bin ../run/lc3os.bin @echo "" @echo "-------- clean up -----------" @echo " DO make clean TO CLEAN UP" @echo "" @echo "##########################################" @echo "######## DONE BUILDING lc3os.bin ########" @echo "##########################################" #------------------------------------------------------------- #--(SECT 3)- Assemble/convert a user program. #-- The result will be in ../run/.bin. #-- NB--Edit the Make variable, PROG, as needed, or #-- commandline overide, e.g., "make prog.bin PROG=testINT". PROG=testALLinstrRTI prog.bin:: @echo "###########################################" @echo "######### BUILDING ${PROG}.bin ##########" @echo "######### from ${PROG}.asm ##########" @echo "###########################################" @echo "" @echo "------ preprocessing --------" @echo "" cat ${PROG}.asm | lc3pre > ${PROG}_pre.asm @echo "" @echo "-------- assembling ---------" @echo "" lc3as ${PROG}_pre.asm @echo "" @echo "-------- converting ---------" @echo "" cat ${PROG}_pre.obj | obj2bin | sed '1d'>${PROG}_pre.bin @echo "" @echo "-------- copying to ../run ---------" @echo "" cp ${PROG}_pre.bin ../run/${PROG}.bin @echo "" @echo "-------- clean up -----------" @echo " DO make clean TO CLEAN UP" @echo "##########################################" @echo "######## DONE BUILDING ${PROG}.bin #######" @echo "##########################################" #------------------------------------------------------------- #--(SECT 4.)---tools # Build and install the assembler, file format converter, # lc3 stand-alone simulator, compiler, and so forth. # The lc3as assembler for unix is built from the # lc3tools_v12.zip sources, with its own configure and # Makefile. See the lc3tools_v12/README if the make fails. # Builds for other tools (lc3as, obj2bin, ...) are shown below. lc3tools:: @echo "You must set your PATH environment variables." @echo "DO" @echo " make Path" @echo "to see instructions." @echo "DO" @echo " make usage" @echo "to see other instructions." make ../bin/lc3as make ../bin/obj2bin make ../bin/unix2dosEOLN make ../bin/kb make ../bin/text2bin make ../bin/lc3pre ../bin/lc3as: lc3tools_v12.zip unzip lc3tools_v12.zip cd lc3tools; ./configure ; make -cp ./lc3tools/lc3as ../bin -cp ./lc3tools/lc3convert ../bin -cp ./lc3tools/lc3sim ../bin -cp ./lc3tools/lc3sim-tk ../bin -cp ./lc3tools/lc3as.exe ../bin -cp ./lc3tools/lc3convert.exe ../bin -cp ./lc3tools/lc3sim.exe ../bin @echo "If copy failed, are tools in ../bin complete?" @echo "You only need one of lc3as or lc3as.exe, e.g." ../bin/obj2bin: obj2bin.c cc obj2bin.c -o ../bin/obj2bin ../bin/unix2dosEOLN: unix2msEOLN.c cc unix2msEOLN.c -o ../bin/unix2dosEOLN ../bin/text2bin: text2bin.c cc -o ../bin/text2bin text2bin.c ../bin/lc3pre: lc3pre cp lc3pre ../bin/lc3pre #------------------------------------------------------------- #--(SECT 4.5)------ Build the C compiler, lcc. lcc:: @echo '-----------------------------' cd ../bin; unzip ../src/lcc.zip @echo 'Alter configuration file by hand to build lcc:' @echo '1: cd ../bin/lcc-1.3.' @echo '2: vi configure' @echo '3: Change INSTALL_DIR and TOP_DIR, e.g., ' @echo ' INSTALL_DIR=/Users/squier/LC3dev/trunk/bin' @echo ' TOP_DIR=/Users/squier/LC3dev/trunk/bin/lcc-1.3' @echo ' Use full pathname to bin directory. Do not use' @echo ' pathnames with embedded spaces, see' @echo ' make PATH' @echo '4: sh configure' @echo '5: make' @echo '6: make install' @echo '7: cd ..; ./lcc fig.16.14.c' @echo 'If that goes well, you are set.' @echo '-----------------------------' #------------------------------------------------------------- #--(SECT 4.6)------ Compile LC3 C code to LC3 assembly code. CSRC=myC cc:: lcc ${CSRC}.c #-- Gives "a.asm" along w/ "a.sym" and "a.obj". If "main" is not #-- a function in myC.c, the complaint can be ignored: We #-- and hand link with other assembly sources. See docs #-- for an explanation of lcc's .asm. #--(SECT 5.)--- Keyboard interface and runtime simulation: #-- kb.c forks and execs "vvp a.out" to run verilog simulation. #-- The lc3 display output goes to the controlling window. ../bin/kb: kb.c kbIn.v cc kb.c -o ../bin/kb #-- This next is an example of kb usage with a testbench.v. #-- We assume that testbench.v is an LC3 simulation. #-- The point is to have the testbench ready for kb to run it. #-- kb runs "vvp a.out"; the compiled testbench must be "a.out", #-- which is the default for iverilog. #-- The "; \" causes all three commands to run in same shell. kbrun:: cd ../run; \ iverilog testbench.v; \ ../bin/kb #------------------------------------------------------------- #--(SECT 6.)-- OS incremental builds, separate module assembly. #------------------------------------------------------------- ASM=putc as:: @echo "------ preprocessing --------" cat ${ASM}.asm | lc3pre > ${ASM}_pre.asm @echo "-------- assembling ---------" lc3as ${ASM}_pre.asm DST=puts_driver SRC=puts addST:: echo "// ${SRC}------------" >> ${DST}_st.asm cat ${SRC}_pre.sym >> ${DST}_st.asm 1ST=putc_driver 2ND=putc link:: cat ${2ND}_pre.obj | sed 's/..//'>${2ND}.obj cat ${1ST}_pre.obj ${2ND}.obj > ${1ST}.obj OBJ=putc_driver 2bin:: cat ${OBJ}.obj | obj2bin | sed '1d' > ${OBJ}.bin #------------------------------------------------------------- #--(SECT M)-- misc.: Source code linking for drivers; clean. putc_driver: putc_driver.asm putc.asm echo ".ORIG x0200" > putcd.asm cat putc_driver.asm putc.asm >> putcd.asm echo ".END" >> putcd.asm make os.bin 'OS=putcd' puts_driver: puts_driver.asm puts.asm putc.asm echo ".ORIG x0200" > putsd.asm cat puts_driver.asm puts.asm >> putsd.asm cat putc.asm >> putsd.asm echo ".END" >> putsd.asm make os.bin 'OS=putsd' kbsvc_driver: kbsvc_driver.asm kbsvc.asm puts.asm putc.asm echo ".ORIG x0200" > kbd.asm cat kbsvc_driver.asm kbsvc.asm >> kbd.asm cat puts.asm putc.asm >> kbd.asm cat ints.asm >> kbd.asm echo ".END" >> kbd.asm make os.bin 'OS=kbd' clean:: -rm *.obj *.bin *.sym *.lst *.hex a.out a.exe _*.asm -rm _lc3pre* *_pre.asm putcd* putsd* kbd* #------------------------------------------------------------- #--(SECT D)-- Documentation usage:: @echo 'documentation:' @echo ' make TOOLS' @echo ' make PATH' @echo ' make PRE' @echo ' make SIM' @echo ' make DEBUG' @echo ' ' @echo 'actions:' @echo ' make testVerilogCompile' @echo ' make os.bin OS=lc3os' @echo ' make prog.bin PROG=testVID' @echo ' make lc3tools' @echo ' make lcc' @echo ' make cc C=foo' @echo ' make kbrun' @echo ' make as ASM=putc' @echo ' make link 1ST=putc_driver 2ND=putc' @echo ' make addST DST=puts_driver SRC=puts' @echo ' make 2bin OBJ=putc_driver' @echo ' make clean' PATH:: @echo 'PATH--------- Set your shell PATH variable' @echo 'to your "bin" directory. For bash:' @echo ' cd ' @echo ' vi .bash_profile' @echo ' PATH=:$${PATH}' @echo 'where is the full pathname to' @echo 'your trunk/bin. NB--You cannot have' @echo 'embedded spaces in . If so,' @echo ' ln -s ' @echo 'E.g.,' @echo ' pwd' @echo ' ".../squier/Documents/My\ Documents/trunk"' @echo ' cd' @echo ' ln -s Documents/My\ Documents/trunk foo' @echo ' PATH=
	@echo 'where 
 is the path prefix.'
	@echo '-------------------------'
	@echo '-----PRE-PROCESSING source code.'
	@echo 'Extend a language, make it readable:'
	@echo 'sed provides string substitution and m4 '
	@echo 'provides string substition with arguments.'
	@echo 'Files:'
	@echo '-- lc3pre_Language_Extensions.txt: a summary'
	@echo '-- lc3pre: sed/m4 assembly pre-processor'
	@echo '-------------------------'
	@echo '----Object file (.obj) conversion.'
	@echo 'Assembler's .obj output is "pure" binary;'
	@echo 'verilog's readmemb() reads text files.'
	@echo 'Our .bin file format is a text version'
	@echo 'of .obj: each pure binary 16-bit word in'
	@echo '.obj file is translated to a 16-char text'
	@echo 'line ascii chars, '0' and '1', giving the'
	@echo 'word's value in base 2 notation. The .obj'
	@echo 'header, i.e., .ORIG info, is stripped off:'
	@echo 'it is meaningless to readmemb().'
	@echo '-------------------------'

	@echo '------Simulation Environment.'
	@echo 'Verilog simulation will be run in trunk/run. In'
	@echo 'most of our verilog testbench code, readmemb()'
	@echo 'reads a file, eg. "lc3os.bin". Files need to'
	@echo 'be in trunk/run. Defaults for this Makefile put'
	@echo '.bin files there.
	@echo '-------------------------'

	@echo '----TOOLS, Building tools.'
	@echo 'C compiler, assembler-linker, converter, '
	@echo '(lcc, lc3as, obj2bin) need to be compiled'
	@echo 'from C sources (e.g., lc3tools_v12.zip).'
	@echo '   make lc3tools'
	@echo '   make lcc'
	@echo '-------------------------'
	@echo 'Other tools: ------------'
	@echo 'lc3diff, compares two directories for changes.'
	@echo 'Standard tools you should know/use: '
	@echo '  shell scripts, sed, m4, diff, cmp '
	@echo '  ps, od, make, cat, find, grep, bash'
	@echo '  ln, "|", ">", "<", awk, kill'

	@echo ' ---- Debugging simulators'
	@echo ' Standalone LC3 debuggers, e.g., PennSim.jar,'
	@echo ' are good for quick coding experiments: Load'
	@echo ' an .obj and see how it works. NB--LC3'
	@echo ' architectures do not correspond exactly'
	@echo ' with our LC3 design, and have restrictions,'
	@echo ' e.g., interrupts are not implemented. '