#= Lec-2-HW-1

- PART 1. Reading
Patt & Patel (PP), Chp. 1


PP Chp. 2: 
    2.1-6 (binary, decimal, 2s-comp., logic).
    2.7.1 (bit vector)
    2.7.3 (ASCII)
    2.7.4 (hex)


PP, inside back cover (ASCII)

- PART 2. Textbook Problems
[NB--Solutions will be posted after the due date.]

These will give us some common language and introduce the scope of the 
general topic. These should all be easy, but that does not mean the 
answers are always obvious or that there is always a unique correct answer.

PP: 1.2, 1.3, 1.5 1.10, 1.12a-d, 1.13, 1.18, 1.21-23, 

These should be mostly easy review:

PP: 2.1-8, 2.10-13, 2.17.a, 2.18.a, 2.28-29, 2.30(b,e), 2.31-2, 2.33(b, e),
    2.45, 2.46.