# Lec-1-HW-1.html

= PART-1, Instructions


Any submitted work requires a cover sheet in the format shown below.
This includes any work that you check in to your Subversion branch.

Staple Multiple Pages Together.

The cover sheet may include submitted material, or simply the required
material. Any additional material shall be stapled to the cover

-----------[ BEGIN Example Cover Page ]------------------------------

[staple here]

....[Identification Section]......

My Full Name
HW-1 "Introduction"
1 Sep 2012

.....[Notes and Comments Section]......

I spent hours and hours on this project and now I understand the entire 
content of the course. May I be excused from the rest of the assignments, 
the midterm, the final, and any projects, and get an A for the course?
By the way, the completed project is in my Subversion branch under


and the directory sub-tree below there. My log comments are very informative,
so please see them for preliminary documentation.

....[Solutions Section, optional on 1st page.].....

(Question 1.)

    It is false that this answer is correct.

(Question 2.)

    The answer to the prior question is true.

-------------[ END Example Cover Page ]------------------------------

= PART-II, Problems

NOTE In what follows let URL stand for,

(0.a) If you use MS Windows, install cygwin. Take all defaults to
get a minimal installation. Check that it runs. Then rerun setup.exe 
to add other tools to your installation. Be sure to include
the usual standard tools (e.g., vi or emacs). When you run setup,
You will see a list with items such as "Devel". If you
click on the "+" for one of these, you will see a bunch of tools you
could add to your cygwin installation. Clicking on a square box will
select the item to add.

(0.b) Check that you have Subversion: open a terminal window and type
"svn" and see if it runs. You should get an error message about too
few arguments. If you don't have it, it may be installed but your
PATH environment variable does not include the path to it. You can use
    cd /; find . -name "svn" 
to search for it. That could take a long time though. If you have XCode,
you should have it. If you cannot find it, you will have to see how it
is available for your OS: Google to look for hints, or
to go subversion.apache.org and download a client.

(1.) Read class notes Lec-1-tools-1.

(2.) Download electricBinary.jar from our svn repository:

(3.) Run electricBinary.jar to see that you can make it execute.
If you have trouble, try going to one of these,

(4.) Use svn to "svn checkout" our class's CourseDocuments,
    svn co URL/projects2/120-2012fall.

(5.) See if you have iverilog installed. If not, check the same way
you did for svn to install it. Alternately, you can install iverilog 
from iverilog.wikia.com/wiki/Installation_Guide.
See bottom of installation notes for pre-compiled binaries for your
OS. You can also get a source code tarball and build it yourself. 

NOTE We will be using the above to work on a project, which has a wiki,
There's not much there now, but we will add to it.

What to turn in.

For each step above,
write up notes on how well you managed to get things working. Tell
me what you were able to do, what problems you had, and how things
stand at this point.