= 120-2012fall-HW-list

Lec-1-HW-1-install.html                              (DUE Thu 6 Sep)
     install cygwin, Electric, svn, verilog ) 

Lec-1-HW-2-tutorial.html                             (DUE Thu 13 Sep)
     Electric tutorial (svn ci your work)     

Lec-2-HW-1-chp1.html	                             (DUE Thu 20 Sep)
     PP, chp. 1 and 2 problems

Lec-2-HW-2-2x1mux.pdf	                             (DUE Thu 20 Sep)
     2x1 mux in Electric (svn ci logic.jelib) 

Lec-2-HW-3-testbench.html                            (DUE Thu 20 Sep)
     verilog testbench code and questions

Lec-3-HW-1-chp4.html                                 (DUE Thu 27 Sep)
     PP, chp. 4 problems, von-Neumann

Lec-3-HW-2-selfModify-a.pdf                          (DUE Thu 27 Sep)
     self-modifying code puzzle               

Lec-4-HW-1-selfModify-b.pdf                          (DUE Thu 04 Oct)
     looping and use LEA

Lec-4-HW-2-LC3signalTracing-a.html                   (DUE Thu 04 Oct)
     instruction-fetch phase*
     *-Only do state-18 trace for this HW.

Lec-4-HW-2-LC3signalTracing-b.html                   (DUE Thu 11 Oct)
     instruction-fetch phase*
     *-Trace the entire phase.

Lec-5-HW-1-TM-basics.pdf                             (DUE Thu 11 Oct)
     simple TMs, encodings, machine size, string generation

Lec-5-HW-2-TMstateMach.pdf                           (Due Thu 19 Oct)

Lec-6-HW-1-devices.pdf                               (Due Thu 25 Oct)

Lec-6-HW-2-digitalDesign.pdf                         (Due Thu 01 Nov)

Lec-6-HW-3-ALUarithmetic.pdf                         (Due Thu 08 Nov)

MIDTERM (in class)                                   (    Tue 13 Nov)

Lec-7-HW-1-LC3-ISA.pdf                               (Due Thu 29 Nov)

Lec-7-HW-2-LC3-ASM.pdf                               (Due Tue 04 Dec)

Lec-7-HW-3-LC3-sysProg.pdf                           (Due Thu 06 Dec)

FINAL   (09:00-11:00)                                (    Mon 17 Dec)