================================= = READINGS ================================= -------- Lec-1-Intro-History -------- Dave Patterson Computer Architecture is Back: Parallel Computing Landscape http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=On-k-E5HpcQ Peter Denning See collection of articles in this directory on what computing and computer science is. ---------Lec-5-TM --------- Andrew Hodges Alan Turing: The logical and physical basis of computing Hodges-TuringLogicalPhysical-2004.pdf Shigeru Kondo Reaction-Diffusion Model as a Framework for Understanding Biological Pattern Formation Kondo-2010-ReactionDiffusionBioPatternTuringMachine.pdf "Formal Models of Computation", by Charles F. Schmidt. A good place to start is with this definition of an algorithm. The article then moves to Finite State Machines then on to Turing Machines and grammars and regular expressions and computational complexity. http://www.rci.rutgers.edu/~cfs/472_html/TM/FormalModelsToc.html " What is a Turing Machine", by Jack Copeland. Brief desciption of TMs with brief notes on theoretical results. http://www.alanturing.net/turing_archive/pages/Reference%20Articles/What%20is%20a%20Turing%20Machine.html "Virtual Turing Machine (VTM)" , by Paul Ming. A simulator for TMs using a simple text-based input. http://www.cs.may.ie/~tnaughton/turing/ "Turing Machines", by David Boozer. A somewhat detailed description of a TM execution along with an encoding scheme and programs to that both encode and execute the encodings. http://www.its.caltech.edu/~boozer/symbols/turing_machines.html "Introduction to Finite Automata". Definitions for finite automata, in a large site about theoretical CS. http://www.cs.odu.edu/~toida/nerzic/390teched/regular/fa/intr_2_fa.html "Turing Machines," at Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. A longer treatment of TMs, execution, encodings, and some short notes on theoretical results. Lots of good links, too. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/turing-machine/ "Turing Machines and Finite Automata" at Mulhauser Consulting, Ltd. A very brief UTM summary, but with several interesting links. http://www.mulhauser.net/research/tutorials/turing/ "Models of Computation", by J.A.N. Lee. A nice, clear, step-by-step, basic tutorial on TM execution using fairly short detailed examples. Also has links to another tutorial covering the Church-Turing thesis and theoretical results, mostly the Halting Problem with a proof. Also, some on finite state machines and comparisons with TMs. http://courses.cs.vt.edu/~cs1104/ModelsComp/TOC.html "The Turing Machine and Universal Computation", by Muhammad Ahmad. A quick overview leads into an historical tracing of the origins of Turing's work and related mathematical questions and on from there. Shows interesting connections, Hilbert and QM-TM, for example, and includes many links to that type of material. http://www.rit.edu/~maa2454/turing1.html "What is Computation? The Turing machine", by Jocelyn Paine. A brief treatment in a linked set of tutorial notes on AI. See also the preceeding pages on Turing equivalence and the Halting Problem. http://www.j-paine.org/students/lectures/lect7/node17.html "Turing Machine", at everything2.net. Users submit conbtributions to this site as a cooperatively produced encyclopaedic site. A long series of comments covers many interesting aspects with links to other entries wherever undefined terms appear. http://www.everything2.net/index.pl?node_id=19653 "Models of Computation", Chapter 1, from Theoretical Methods in Computer Science by Lszl Lovsz . An overview the concept of computation and how TMs fit into that discussion. Includes links to definitions of terms, including a detailed article on TMs. http://artemis.cs.yale.edu/classes/cs460/Spring98/chap1/machine.html "Turing Machine", by Eric W. Weisstein. A Wolfram view of TMs. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/TuringMachine.html "Computation with Turing Machines", by C.M.W. Little. A good introduction to TMs, but seems to be missing all the figures. www.cs.tcd.ie/courses/baict/bam/js/resources/Lectures/TMLecture1.pdf "The Myth of the Turing Machine", by Chris Eliasmith. The article is on cognitive science, and the question of whether Turing computability applies. http://watarts.uwaterloo.ca/~celiasmi/Papers/Turing%20Myth.central.jetai.1ce.nofields.html "Computation, Dynamics and the Phase-Transition", by Jeremy Avnet. Interesting article about Cellular Automata starting from TMs. http://www.theory.org/complexity/cdpt/html/cdpt.html "The Alan Turing Internet Scrapbook". Lost of interesting bits and pieces about TMs and Turing, with many links. http://www.turing.org.uk/turing/scrapbook/machine.html -------- Lec-6-devices -------- Irwin-VLSIintro-2002.pdf Davis-VLSIoverview-2004.pdf Zar-Harris-VLSIscaling-2005.pdf -------- Lec-7-FSMimplementation -------- Barr-HowProgrammableLogicWorks-1999.pdf* Ezware-FlipFlopsAndRegisters-.pdf* Ezware-RegisteredLogicAndStateMachines-.pdf* Styles-MemoryAndClockedLogic-2006.pdf* Martin-PipeliningProjectAndGatingClocks-.pdf*