= Lec-1-HW-2-performanceVScost.html


    (HP) Hennessy & Patterson, Computer Architecture, 5ed
    (PH) Patterson & Hennessy, Computer Organization, 4e/revised


    HP, Chp. 1

    PH (for review, read as needed, see CourseDocuments/):
        Append C, Basics of Logic Design

Problems: HP, Chp. 1:

Case Study 1
1.1.a   (die yield)
1.2.a-c (die costs)
1.3.a-b (redundancy)

Case Study 2
1.4.a-c (system power supply)
1.5.a   (procs per door)
1.5.c   (heat per sq. ft.)
1.7.a-d (dual-core, lower freq/volts)

1.8.a (#transistors)
1.8.e (DRAM)

1.9a-b (race to idle)

1.11.a-c (MTTF)

1.12.a-b (MTTF/$)

1.13.a (SPEC ratios)
1.13.c (SPEC ratios versus speedup)

1.14.e (vectorization speedup)

1.15.a-b (speedup)

1.18.d-e (speedup w/ penalty)