Project 4
Spring 2017
Due: W 4/12 @ 5:00 P.M 11:59 P.M.
10 points
Building upon your previous projects—naturally—implement Flach's primal version of the perceptron as Perceptron, Flach's kernel perceptron with a polynomial kernel KernelPerceptron, and Zurada's multi-layer feed-forward neural network trained with the backpropagation algorithm as BP. For these three methods, terminate training if they have not converged after 50,000 iterations. For getDistribution, use the hardmax function on the network's output; we'll discuss this in class. For Perceptron, use a learning rate of 0.9.
For BP, initialize the weights to small random values. Make sure BP uses a different random seed each time it is constructed. If train reaches 50,000 iterations, it should throw FailedToConvergeException, which you can derive from RuntimeException. Use the learning rate of 0.9, a minimum error of 0.1, the option -J to specify the number of units in the hidden layer not including the bias unit.
Implement routines to map the examples of a data set into a homogeneous coordinate system. For data sets consisting of only nominal attributes, use either a binary or bipolar encoding for the attributes. For the class label, use a linear binary or bipolar encoding. The perceptrons should use a bipolar encoding, and the multi-layer neural network should use a binary encoding. You can assume that examples passed to classify( Example ) and getDistribution( Example ) are in a homogeneous coordinate system. You do not need to worry about data sets with both numeric and nominal attributes.
Implement hold-out. The user should be able to specify the proportion of examples for the training set using the -p option on the command line.
Here are some new data sets:
Opportunities for extra credit: You must implement these methods yourself from descriptions in authoritative sources, such as textbooks and peer-reviewed papers. You must provide citations for these authoritative sources with your submission. Your submission must run with these features disabled, as the autograder will not check them. You can include them in your submission, but use command-line options to let me enable them when I review and evaluate these extensions for extra credit.
As we have discussed in class, training neural networks can be computationally expensive, and it may not converge. Develop your implementation by training and testing on the small data sets, such as bikes and xor, until you are confident that everything seems to be working. I would recommend using the hold-out method for larger data sets, such as votes and mushroom. I would not recommend using k-fold cross-validation, although if you're using your own laptop, and you want to convert electricity to heat, then go ahead.
If you're using cs-class, please be mindful of other users on the system. If you want to kick off a big training job in the background and go to the Tombs, please be nice and use nice. For example:
cs-class$ nice backprop -t cats-and-dogs.mff < /dev/null >| output &This command runs backprop with a nice priority. The fancy redirects prevent ssh from hanging when you log out and write the output of backprop to the file named output. The final ampersand puts the job in to the background, where it will run for a long time. At this point, you can log out and head over the Tombs.
When you reconnect to cs-class, you can check to see if the job is still running by looking for the name of your executable —in this case, backprop—in the list of active processes:
cs-class$ ps -ef | grep backprop maloofm 16205 1 98 15:37 ? 00:00:13 backprop -t cats-and-dogs.mff maloofm 17920 16238 0 15:45 pts/5 00:00:00 grep backpropYou can examine the contents of the output file by typing:
cs-class$ more outputIf for some reason your implementation of backprop seems like it will never terminate, please do not leave it running. To kill a job, look in the list of active processes for the job's ID:
cs-class$ ps -ef | grep backprop maloofm 16205 1 98 15:37 ? 00:00:13 backprop -t cats-and-dogs.mff maloofm 17920 16238 0 15:45 pts/5 00:00:00 grep backpropIn this case, it is 16205. Use the kill command to kill the process. It should no longer appear in the process list.
cs-class$ kill 16205 cs-class$ ps -ef | grep backprop maloofm 19129 16238 0 15:55 pts/5 00:00:00 grep backprop
In accordance with the class policies and Georgetown's Honor Code, I certify that, with the exceptions of the class resources and those items noted below, I have neither given nor received any assistance on this project.Include this file in your zip file
Submit p4 exactly like you submitted p3.
If something goes wrong with Autolab, upload your zip file to Blackboard.
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