COSC 574: Automated Reasoning

Project 3
Spring 2016

Due: F 4/15 @ 11:59 PM W 4/20 @ 11:59 PM
10 points

For this project, you will implement routines for efficiently manipulating factors based on Koller and Friedman's product-factor algorithm. You will then use these routines to implement Russell and Norvig's variable elimination algorithm.

Evaluate your implementation three problems:

  1. the experimental-drug problem from lecture
  2. Russell and Norvig's burglary network
  3. a problem of your choosing from a reputable source with three or more nodes
Implement these three problems as three separate executables. You do not need to read network configurations from a file. Feel free to construct the network in a function through direct assignment. Make sure it is easy for me to change the query.

Include with your submission a transcript of your program's execution on the three problems.

In the header comments in at least the main file of your project, provide the following information:

// Name
// E-mail Address
// Platform: Windows, OS X, Linux, etc.
// Language/Environment: gcc, g++, java, ruby, python
// In accordance with the class policies and Georgetown's Honor Code,
// I certify that, with the exceptions of the class resources and those
// items noted below, I have neither given nor received any assistance
// on this project.
When you are ready to submit your program for grading, create a zip file of the directory containing only your project's source, transcript, and build instructions, and upload it to Blackboard.