// // Russell, R. and Norvig, P. (2010). Artificial intelligence: A modern // approach, 3rd Edition. p. 330. Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ. // // It is a crime for an American to sell weapons to hostile nations. (cond (and (american x) (and (weapon y) (and (sells x y z) (hostile z)))) (criminal x)) // The country Nono...has some missiles (owns nono m1) (missile m1) // All of its missiles were sold to it be Colonel West (cond (and (missile x) (owns nono x)) (sells west x nono)) // Missiles are weapons (background information) (cond (missile x) (weapon x)) // Enemies of America are hostile (background information) (cond (enemy x america) (hostile x)) // West, who is American... (american west) // The country Nono, an enemy of American... (enemy nono america) // Prove that West is a criminal (criminal west)