Project 1
Fall 2006
Due: Sep 29 @ 5 PM
4 points
Make | Tires | Handle Bars | Water Bottles | Weight | Bike Type |
Trek | Knobby | Straight | 1 | 250.3 | Mountain |
Bridgestone | Treads | Straight | 2 | 200.1 | Hybrid |
Cannondale | Knobby | Curved | 0 | 222.9 | Mountain |
Nishiki | Treads | Curved | 1 | 190.3 | Hybrid |
Trek | Treads | Straight | 2 | 196.8 | Hybrid |
The file bikes.mff shows this data set in Mark's File Format. Files containing valid data sets begin with '@dataset' followed by an identifier. Attribute declarations appear next. The string '@attribute' precedes each declaration, which is for a symbolic attribute, a discrete attribute, or a numeric attribute. The attribute's name appears next, followed by its domain. The domain for symbolic attributes is a list of values separated by whitespace. The domain for discrete attributes is simply a positive integer, with zero being the first legitimate value. The domain for numeric attributes is not explicitly specified and is assumed to be the set of representable floating-point numbers.
The token '@examples' separates the attribute declarations from the examples, which are simply values separated by whitespace.
Comments begin with the pound character (#), and are followed by
one or more spaces and the body of the comment. They are inline
comments, so the parser can ignore the rest of the line following
the start of a comment.
For simplicity, you can assume that all elements of the file are separated by at least one space character. Moreover, attribute declarations and examples will appear on single lines.
% readdata -t bikes.mff % readdata -t bikes.train % readdata -t bikes.train -T bikes.test % readdata -t bikes-tr.mff -T bikes-te.mffThe program should perform light checks for proper formatting and data integrity. For this project, the program can simply output the examples of the input files to the console.
// // Name // E-mail Address // Platform: Windows, OS X, Linux, Solaris (daruma), etc. // Language/Environment: gcc, g++, java, g77, etc. // // In accordance with the class policies and Georgetown's Honor Code, // I certify that, with the exceptions of the class resources and those // items noted below, I have neither given nor received any assistance // on this project. /When you are ready to submit your program for grading, create a compressed archive of a directory containing only your project's source, and send it to me by e-mail as an attachment. The directory's name should be the same as your net ID.
For example, assume your net ID is ab123. If the directory p1 contains your project, then rename the directory to ab123.
To make the archive smaller, remove any object files, such as .class, a.out, and .o files.
Use zip, tar, or jar to create an archive:
% zip ab123.tar ab123/* % tar -cf ab123.tar ab123 % jar -cf ab123.jar ab123Use jar only for Java projects. If you use jar or tar, then compress the archive by typing
% gzip ab123.tar % gzip ab123.jarwhich creates a file ab123.tar.gz and ab123.jar.gz, respectively.
N.B. If you use zip, then you need to change the extension of your file to something other than .zip, as UIS strips .zip attachments. The extension .piz works pretty well. So you'd rename to ab123.piz.
Attach the file containing your project to an e-mail and send it to me.
Make sure you send a carbon copy of your project to yourself, so you'll have a record of when you submitted your project. Ideally, also keep a copy on a university or department machine. However, make sure that your archive, directory, or files are not readable by others.
Submit your project before 5:00 P.M. on the due date.