Project 3
Fall 2004
Due: Nov 5 @ 5 P.M.
13 points
>(rewrite-clause '(cond q r)) ((NOT Q) R) >(rewrite-clause '(cond (not (and brd (not w))) hf)) ((BRD HF) ((NOT W) HF)) >(rewrite-clauses '((cond p q) (cond q r) ((not r)) (p))) (((NOT P) Q) ((NOT Q) R) ((NOT R)) (P))
Hint: Realize that each clause is a tree with parent nodes of COND, AND, OR, and NOT. First write a Lisp function that traverses this expression tree. Then insert calls to the match function from match.lisp to find the pattern you want to rewrite. Here is a function that rewrites the conditional operators in a clause:
;;; ;;; rewrite-conds ;;; ;;; Rewrites (cond p q) as (or (not p) q) ;;; (defun rewrite-conds (clause) (cond ((atom clause) clause) ((= 1 (length clause)) clause) (t (let ((bindings (match clause '(cond (? x) (? y))))) (cond ((not (null bindings)) (let ((phi (rewrite-conds (second (first bindings)))) (psi (rewrite-conds (second (second bindings))))) (list 'or (list 'not phi) psi))) ((eq 'not (car clause)) (list (car clause) (rewrite-conds (second clause)))) (t (list (car clause) (rewrite-conds (second clause)) (rewrite-conds (third clause)))))))))
The match function unifies two clauses and returns a binding list Use the question mark as the first element of a list to signify a variable. These should appear in the second clause. For example:
>(match '(f a) '(f (? x))) (((? X) A) (MATCH T)) >(match '(f a) '(g (? x))) NIL >(match '(f a b) '(f (? x) (? y))) (((? X) A) ((? Y) B) (MATCH T)) >(match '(f a b) '(f (? x) (? x))) NIL
>(prove '(((NOT P) Q) ((NOT Q) R) ((NOT R)) (P))) THint: A useful Lisp function that we did not cover in class is the remove function, which simply removes an element from a list. For example:
>(remove 'a '(b c d a e f g)) (B C D E F G)The default test for this function is #'eq, so, in the default mode, you can't remove lists from lists:
>(remove '(a b) '(b c (a b) e f g)) (B C (A B) E F G)You can, however, supply another test for the remove function. Recall that we can use #'equal to compare lists, so we can type:
>(remove '(a b) '(b c (a b) e f g) :test #'equal) (B C E F G)
(defun example1 () (let* ((wffs '((cond p q) (cond q r) ((not r)) (p))) ; negated conclusion (clauses (rewrite-clauses wffs))) (format t "Original statements: ~a~%" wffs) (format t "Clauses in CNF: ~a~%" clauses) (prove clauses))) (defun example2 () (let* ((wffs '((cond (not hf) w) (cond (not w) (not brd)) (cond (not (and brd (not w))) hf) (cond (not (or (not hf) (not brd))) (not brch)) (brd) (brch))) ; negated conclusion (clauses (rewrite-clauses wffs))) (format t "Original clauses: ~a~%" wffs) (format t "Clauses in CNF: ~a~%" clauses) (prove clauses)))
;;;; ;;;; COSC [187|387] Project 3 ;;;; Name ;;;; E-mail Address ;;;; Platform: Windows, Linux, Solaris (gusun, daruma) ;;;; Lisp Environment: gcl, clisp, cmucl ;;;; Mail Client: mailx, pine, GUMail, Netscape, Yahoo!, etc. ;;;; ;;;; In accordance with the class policies and Georgetown's Honor Code, ;;;; I certify that, with the exceptions of the course materials and those ;;;; items noted below, I have neither given nor received any assistance ;;;; on this project. ;;;;Submit your project as a single file as an attachment to an e-mail. Send the e-mail to me. The attachment should be named so that the file stem is your NetID and the extension is .lisp.
You must submit your project before 5 PM on the due date.
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