COSC 187/387: Artificial Intelligence
Project 1
Fall 2004
Due: Sep 27 @ 5 P.M.
4 points
- Write a function that uses the do form
(not dolist and not dotimes) to find the minimum
and maximum values in a list of numbers. The function should return
these two values in a list. Do not use the min and max
functions in your implementation.
- Same problem as above, but use recursion.
- Same problem as above, but use apply,
min, and max.
- Conduct a timing study using your three implementations of
the ``min-max'' function (items 1--3 above). Write a function that
returns a list of 1000 random numbers. Write another function that
generates 1000 such lists, giving each to the three implementations
of the min-max function. Use the time function to determine
how much time each implementation requires to process the 1000 lists.
Which is faster? Why?
- Encode the following tree as a list assigned to a globally
declared variable. Write two Lisp functions, preorder and postorder,
that print the pre-order and post-order traversals of the tree
passed in as the argument, respectively.
- Encode the following graph using property lists. Write a Lisp
function that, when given a start and an end node, uses depth-first
search to return a path between them.
For example,
>(dfs 'a 'g)
(A C F E G)
>(dfs 'f 'g)
(F E G)
>(dfs 'e 'c)
- Develop a representation for a tic-tac-toe board. Write a
function that, when given a board configuration as its argument,
returns a list containing all of the next possible moves.
Instructions for Submission
Submit your project as a single file.
In the header comments, provide the following information:
;;;; COSC [187|387] Project 1
;;;; Name
;;;; E-mail Address
;;;; Platform: Windows, Linux, Solaris (gusun, daruma)
;;;; Lisp Environment: gcl, clisp, cmucl
Place the results of the timing study in the header comments.
Submit your project as a single file as an attachment to an e-mail.
Send the e-mail to me. The attachment should be named
so that the file stem is your NetID and the extension is
You must submit your project before 5 PM on the due date.
When storing source code on university machines, it is
important to set file permissions so others cannot read the file.
To turn off such read/write permissions, type at the UNIX prompt
chmod og-rw <file>, where <file>
is the name of your source file.