COSC 387: Artificial Intelligence
Paper Guidelines
Due: Dec 7, 5 PM
The final paper should describe what you have done and how it worked.
It should also speculate on why your approach did or did not work and on
directions for future research. Here is a sample outline for a paper
describing an experimental study:
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Statement of the Problem
- Literature Survey
- Approach
- Experimental Study
- Method
- Results
- Analysis
- Conclusion (of the paper)
- Summary of the paper
- Inferences drawn from your findings
- Future Work
- References
Some of these sections will need to be renamed or will be irrelevant,
depending on the type of project you undertake. Furthermore, you might
want to collapse the section on the problem statement into
the introduction. In the conclusion, the summary, inferences,
and future work do not necessarily need to be separate sections;
they also can be paragraphs.
The format and length---and quality---of the paper should be comparable to
a conference paper: 8 pages, single-spaced, 10 point type, Times-Roman
font, 1 inch margins all around. Here are templates in PDF and
PostScript formats:
[tmpl.pdf |]