COSC-072: Computer Science II

Spring 2011

Course Description

This course surveys advanced topics of C++ programming and introductory concepts of data structures. It is intended for computer science majors and minors, and other students with a serious interest in learning C++ programming. The course covers the following topics: program organization, pointers, self-referential classes, dynamic object creation and destruction, linked lists, recursion, inheritance, abstract base classes, virtual functions, polymorphism, template classes, exception handling, C-style arrays, bit operations, random file access, big-Oh notation, abstract data types, stacks, queues, deques, lists, vectors, sequences, priority queues, binary trees, binary search trees, elementary graphs, searching, and sorting. This course satisfies the college science requirement.

Prerequisite: Computer Science I (COSC-071).

Primary Text: Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, by Goodrich, Tamassia, and Mount.

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