COSC-071: Computer Science I

Spring 2011

"People who know neither programming nor mathematics take for granted that programming is like mathematics. Yet, it turns out that English majors are as likely to be as successful at programming as mathematics graduates are. In practice, the worlds of mathematics and programming are just about disjoint." -M.H. van Emden, Communications of the ACM, 32(12), p. 1498, December 1989.

Class Time: TR 1:15–2:40 PM
Classroom: REI 262
Instructor: Mark Maloof
Office: 325 St. Mary's
Mailbox: 329A St. Mary's
Office Hours: None for 24–25 academic year. (or by appointment)

Everything you need to know about the TAs:

Name Net ID Office Hours
Allie Candido amc242 T 5:30–8 PM, R 2:30– 4 PM
Lindsay Neubauer lan27 T 2:30– 4 PM, W 12:15–2:45
Brian Miller bcm36 M 11:30 AM–1 PM, MW 3–4 PM
Chuck Roslof cmr65 MW 4–6 PM

TA's Office: 330 St. Mary's
TA's Mailboxes: 329A St. Mary's


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Copyright © 2019 Mark Maloof. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.