Introduction to Computer Science (COSC 010) (Fall 2021)


Mahendran Velauthapillai Department of Computer Science Phone: 202-687-5936 (office) 331 St.Marys

OFFICE HOURS: MW: 3.30 to 4.30 PM or by appointment

NameOffice Hours (EDT)
Washington DC Time
Location Email
Matthew Gates M 8-9PM
Patrick CroninTBA TBA
Milan Khosla TBA

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The class is designed to give hands on expreience in using computers and computer programming. Students will be introduced to digital logic, circuits, graphics, memory access (internal/external), networks, security, algorithms, representation of information in computers and programming. Students will write programs, and perform other laboratory exercises to understand these concepts. Python language will be used as the media by which these topics will be covered. Students will be required to write programs in Python.
Introduction to Computing and Programming in PYTHON
by Mark Guzdial & Barbara Ericson
Publisher: Pearson
ISBN-13: 9780134025544
TOPICS COVERED: Data types, variables, conditionals, loops, functions, parameter passing, lists,files, tuples, dictionary, classes, inheritance and exception handling.

COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Programming projects: 60% of your grade Mid Term1: : 10% of your grade Mid Term2: : 10% of your grade Final : 20% of your grade

IMPORTANT DATES: Mid term1: Sep 29 (W) Mid term2: Nov 3 (W) Finals; TBA

Course Schedule:

1Introduction to Computer Science and Media
1Introduction to Programming
2Variables, lists
3Conditionals and Loops
4Modifying Pictures Using Loops
5Multi dimensional lists
6Modifying Pixels in Range
7Picture Techniques with Selection and Combination
8Functions and parameter passing
9Modifying Sound Using Loops
10Files input/output
11Modifying Samples in Range
11Making Sounds by Combining Pieces
13 Inhereitence, exception handling


Home WorkGiven Due Points Problem Solution
18-258-3010 hw1 sol
28-309-0110 hw2 sol
COURSE POLICY: 1. All Home works should be turned in at the end of the class. Keep the graded home works until the semester is over. Do NOT discard your home works. 2. Late Home work will NOT be accepted. If you cannot make it to class to turn in your home work its your responsibility to turn it in prior to the due date. 3. Makeups and extensions will be given only for medical reasons.

COURSE ETHICS: You can discuss the questions with your classmates, but do not copy the solutions.