

Cyber Threat Intelligence Information Exchange: Whatever is necessary to improve the security posture of the world’s networks, whether attacked by nation states, professional organized crime, lone hackers, or confused users.

VoIP transition: We created VoIP and enhanced services, now is time to deploy. How do we transition people from POTS to the all-IP network. Inquiries include routing data bases, caller identity, caller privacy, and policy aspects of regulation, ubiquitous access, and economics.

Blockchain: Use of blockchain for identity management. Economics of blockchain versus conventional, distributed computing. Which legal contracts are computable on the blockchain? The policy, legal, and economic impacts of blockchain.

Secure communications: How to enable interoperable, yet highly secure, multimedia communications between individuals in different enterprises with differing security trust levels. See the Georgetown Center for Secure Communications web page.

Peer-to-peer communications: Location, distribution, and ISP-friendly architectures and protocols.

Content Distribution Networks: Federation architectures and algorithms and bulk security for content management.

Policy and governance for secure communications: How to ensure compliance with applicable regulations, fiduciary responsibility, and legal requirements to interconnect enterprises with security or compliance responsibilities.


Currently Underway

See Security and Software Engineering Research Center for active and previous projects.

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