Collected remarks on the preposition *for* in English ===================================================== "The meaning of *for* seems abstract, manifold, and elusive." - Lindstromberg (2010, p. 224) "As a preposition, *for* enters into so many different constructions, and is used in so many different ways, that it is impossible to give a precise definition to every one." - Wood (1967, p. 33) "*For* is a very interesting and complex preposition in English; it can have all three functions we have discussed [argument, adjunct, argument-adjunct]." - Van Valin & LaPolla (1997, p. 382) "*For* is perhaps the most polysemous of the prepositions of English, with a plethora of subtly distinct meanings and a small set of grammaticised uses in addition." - Pullum & Huddleston (p. 655)