COSC 286: Computer Graphics

Project 3
Fall 1998

Due: 27 October
10 points

Using the DoubleMatix class from Project 1, implement the 2D transformation functions T(tx, ty), S(sx, sy), S(sx, sy, xf, yf), R(theta), R(theta, xr, yr). Implement a polygon table to store two-dimensional objects. Demonstrate that the object representation and the various transformation functions work using a simple two-dimensional object, such as a cube.

Extra credit: Implement the viewing transformation for the two-dimensional case and demonstrate its use (2 points).

Extra credit: Implement the Liang-Barsky clipping algorithm and demonstrate its use (2 points).

Feel free to use the programming language of your choice. Hand in a disk with your source and executable by the start of class on the due date.