COSC 286: Computer Graphics

Project 1
Fall 1998

Due: 15 September
5 points

Implement the class DoubleMatrix, which is a two-dimensional array of doubles. In addition to constructor methods, provide methods for matrix mutliplication and for creating an identity matrix.

The matrix multiplication method should implement C = AB, where the matrix A is an instance of DoubleMatrix and is passed in as a parameter.

When you run your program it should print the results of the two following matrix multiplications. In both cases, the A matrix is the first one.

                [[ 4 ]
[[2  4  -2  3]   [ 1 ]
 [-1 0   2  3]]  [-1 ]
                 [ 3 ]]

[[2  3  -1] [[1]
 [1  0   1]  [2]
 [4 -3   1]  [3]]

Feel free to use the programming language of your choice. It needn't be object-oriented. For Java programmers, email your code as a single file to the TA, Selim Yargici (yargicis@gusun), by the start of class on the due date with a subject line of "". For everyone else, hand in a disk with your source and executable by the start of class on the due date.