gusun% a.out Loading grades from "proj4.dta". ** Basketweaver's Interactive Grading Program ** List of Commands A: adds a student and grades F: finds a student and prints his or her grades P: prints students and their raw grades R: reports students and averaged grades Q: quits the program Enter command: p Name 1 2 3 4 5 Midterm Final Andropov, Pickup 98.00 100.00 56.00 100.00 80.00 100.00 79.00 Bundren, Dewey Dell 98.00 90.00 43.00 95.00 98.00 97.00 93.00 Suri, Suresh 96.00 80.00 74.00 100.00 61.10 83.30 86.00 Willis, Wanda 68.00 0.00 58.00 44.40 61.10 65.00 45.00 Zhang, Xiao 88.00 100.00 51.00 80.00 81.00 70.00 73.00 List of Commands A: adds a student and grades F: finds a student and prints his or her grades P: prints students and their raw grades R: reports students and averaged grades Q: quits the program Enter command: r Name Numeric Letter Andropov, Pickup 85.20 B Bundren, Dewey Dell 90.10 A- Suri, Suresh 80.88 B- Willis, Wanda 52.36 F Zhang, Xiao 74.60 C List of Commands A: adds a student and grades F: finds a student and prints his or her grades P: prints students and their raw grades R: reports students and averaged grades Q: quits the program Enter command: f Finding a student... Enter the student's name: Dewey Dell Name 1 2 3 4 5 Midterm Final Bundren, Dewey Dell 98.00 90.00 43.00 95.00 98.00 97.00 93.00 Name Numeric Letter Bundren, Dewey Dell 90.10 A- List of Commands A: adds a student and grades F: finds a student and prints his or her grades P: prints students and their raw grades R: reports students and averaged grades Q: quits the program Enter command: f Finding a student... Enter the student's name: Maloof Did not find a student with the name "Maloof" List of Commands A: adds a student and grades F: finds a student and prints his or her grades P: prints students and their raw grades R: reports students and averaged grades Q: quits the program Enter command: a Adding a student... Enter name: Mark Maloof Enter project 1 grade: 67 Enter project 2 grade: 45 Enter project 3 grade: 87 Enter project 4 grade: 67 Enter project 5 grade: 98 Enter midterm grade: 76 Enter final grade: 88 List of Commands A: adds a student and grades F: finds a student and prints his or her grades P: prints students and their raw grades R: reports students and averaged grades Q: quits the program Enter command: p Name 1 2 3 4 5 Midterm Final Andropov, Pickup 98.00 100.00 56.00 100.00 80.00 100.00 79.00 Bundren, Dewey Dell 98.00 90.00 43.00 95.00 98.00 97.00 93.00 Suri, Suresh 96.00 80.00 74.00 100.00 61.10 83.30 86.00 Willis, Wanda 68.00 0.00 58.00 44.40 61.10 65.00 45.00 Zhang, Xiao 88.00 100.00 51.00 80.00 81.00 70.00 73.00 Mark Maloof 67.00 45.00 87.00 67.00 98.00 76.00 88.00 List of Commands A: adds a student and grades F: finds a student and prints his or her grades P: prints students and their raw grades R: reports students and averaged grades Q: quits the program Enter command: r Name Numeric Letter Andropov, Pickup 85.20 B Bundren, Dewey Dell 90.10 A- Suri, Suresh 80.88 B- Willis, Wanda 52.36 F Zhang, Xiao 74.60 C Mark Maloof 82.20 B- List of Commands A: adds a student and grades F: finds a student and prints his or her grades P: prints students and their raw grades R: reports students and averaged grades Q: quits the program Enter command: q Saving grades to "proj4.out". gusun%