gusun% a.out ** Georgetown Computer-User Profiler System ** List of Commands M: prints this menu A: adds profiles from a file E: enter and add a profile from the keyboard L: loads profiles from a file S: saves profiles to a file C: classifies profiles in a file K: classifies profiles entered from the keyboard X: clears stored profiles Q: quits the program Enter command: l Loading profiles from a file... Enter filename: past.dta Enter command: c Classifying a profiles from a file... Enter filename: recent.dta Match: petepuma classified as petepuma Mismatch: sylvester classified as bugs Match: daffy classified as daffy Match: porky classified as porky Mismatch: minnie classified as sylvester Mismatch: bugs classified as coyote Match: petepuma classified as petepuma Match: daffy classified as daffy Match: porky classified as porky Mismatch: tweety classified as minnie Enter command: m List of Commands M: prints this menu A: adds profiles from a file E: enter and add a profile from the keyboard L: loads profiles from a file S: saves profiles to a file C: classifies profiles in a file K: classifies profiles entered from the keyboard X: clears stored profiles Q: quits the program Enter command: e Adding a profile... Enter user name: bugs Enter average real time: 72.78 Enter minimum real time: 0.02 Enter maximum real time: 96460.8 Enter average system time: 0.1892 Enter minimum system time: 0.0 Enter maximum system time: 1.33 Enter average user time: 0.4485 Enter minimum user time: 0.0 Enter maximum user time: 5.2 Enter average characters transferred: 523125.0769 Enter minimum characters transferred: 27 Enter maximum characters transferred: 6733834.0 Enter average blocks read/written: 7.6154 Enter minimum blocks read/written: 0.0 Enter maximum blocks read/written: 0.0 Enter average CPU time: 0.2523 Enter minimum CPU time: 0.0 Enter maximum CPU time: 1.0 Enter average hog factor: 0.415 Enter minimum hog factor: 0.0 Enter maximum hog factor: 1.0 Enter command: m List of Commands M: prints this menu A: adds profiles from a file E: enter and add a profile from the keyboard L: loads profiles from a file S: saves profiles to a file C: classifies profiles in a file K: classifies profiles entered from the keyboard X: clears stored profiles Q: quits the program Enter command: s Saving profiles to a file... Enter filename: newprofiles.dta Enter command: k Classifying a single profile... Enter user name: tweety Enter average real time: 0.0 Enter minimum real time: 0.02 Enter maximum real time: 63000 Enter average system time: 0.0 Enter minimum system time: 0.2 Enter maximum system time: 63000 Enter average user time: 0.0 Enter minimum user time: 0.0 Enter maximum user time: 32 Enter average characters transferred: 0.0 Enter minimum characters transferred: 0.0 Enter maximum characters transferred: 0.85 Enter average blocks read/written: 0.0 Enter minimum blocks read/written: 9 Enter maximum blocks read/written: 40000 Enter average CPU time: 0.0 Enter minimum CPU time: 0.0 Enter maximum CPU time: 0.0 Enter average hog factor: 0.0 Enter minimum hog factor: 0.0 Enter maximum hog factor: 1.0 Mismatch: tweety classified as daffy Enter command: m List of Commands M: prints this menu A: adds profiles from a file E: enter and add a profile from the keyboard L: loads profiles from a file S: saves profiles to a file C: classifies profiles in a file K: classifies profiles entered from the keyboard X: clears stored profiles Q: quits the program Enter command: x Clearing profiles from list... Enter command: c Classifying a profiles from a file... List contains no profiles. Enter command: q gusun%