// Johann Shudlick
// April 29, 1999
// Final Project
// Create an appicaiton for tutoring and testing elemtentary school kids

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.applet.Applet;

public class reviewFrame extends Frame implements ItemListener, ActionListener
   private int num, order[], stateOrder[], capitolOrder[], picOrder[], stateIndex, capitolIndex, picIndex;
   private String stateName[] = { "GeoWhiz", "Arizona", "California", "Colorado", "Idaho", "Kansas", "Montana", "Nebraska", "Nevada", "New Mexico", "North Dakota", "Oklahoma", "Oregon", "South Dakota", "Texas", "Utah", "Washington", "Wyoming" };
   private String capitolName[] = { "", "Phoenix", "Sacramento", "Denver", "Boise", "Topeka", "Helena", "Lincoln", "Carson City", "Santa Fe", "Bismark", "Oklahoma City", "Salem", "Pierre", "Austin", "Salt Lake City", "Olympia", "Cheyenne" };
   private String picName[];
   public boolean used[];
   private GeoWhiz gw;
   private CheckboxGroup stateNames, capitolNames, picNames;
   private Checkbox states[], capitols[], pics[], temp1, temp2, temp3;
   private int stateX = 25, stateY = 25, capX = 150 , capY = 25, picX = 275, picY = 25, seconds = 150;
   private Image map;
   private Button test, study, again;
   private reviewFrame z;
   private Label hint,ins1, ins2, ins3;

   reviewFrame( GeoWhiz parent)
      super( "Review What You've Learned!!!" );
      setSize( 640, 400 );
      addWindowListener( new WindowDispose(this) );
      setLayout( null );

      gw = parent;

      map = gw.getImage( gw.getDocumentBase(), "numberedMap.jpg" );

      hint = new Label( "<-- Try to beat the clock!!!" );
      add( hint );
      hint.setBounds( 455, 300, 275, 25 );

      ins1 = new Label( "TO REVIEW: Click on the name, capital, and" );
      add( ins1 );
      ins1.setBounds( 395, 330, 275, 10 );

      ins2 = new Label( "location for each state. Text will dim if" );
      add( ins2 );
      ins2.setBounds( 395, 341, 275, 10 );

      ins3 = new Label( "three corresponding options are checked." );
      add( ins2 );
      ins2.setBounds( 395, 352, 275, 10 );

      test = new Button ( "Test Now!" );
      add( test );
      test.addActionListener( this );
      test.setBounds( 395, 265, 75, 25 );

      study = new Button ( "Study More!" );
      add( study );
      study.addActionListener( this );
      study.setBounds( 475, 265, 75, 25 );

      again = new Button ( "Try Again!" );
      add( again );
      again.addActionListener( this );
      again.setBounds( 555, 265, 75, 25 );
      picName = new String[ 18 ];
      for( int i = 1; i < 18; i++)
         picName[ i ] = new String( "Number " + i );         

      order = new int[18];
      stateOrder = new int[18];
      picOrder = new int[18];
      capitolOrder = new int[18];
      used = new boolean[18];

      stateNames = new CheckboxGroup();
      states = new Checkbox[ 18 ];
      for( int i = 1; i < 18; i++)
         stateOrder[i] = order[i];

         states[ i ] = new Checkbox( stateName[ stateOrder[i] ], stateNames, false );
         states[ i ].addItemListener(this);
         add( states[ i ] );
         states[ i ].setBounds( stateX, stateY, 100, 15 );
         stateY = stateY + 20;

      ResortArray( );
      capitolNames = new CheckboxGroup();
      capitols = new Checkbox[ 18 ];
      for( int i = 1; i < 18; i++)
         capitolOrder[i] = order[i];

         capitols[ i ] = new Checkbox( capitolName[ capitolOrder[i] ], capitolNames, false );
         capitols[ i ].addItemListener(this);
         add( capitols[ i ] );
         capitols[ i ].setBounds( capX, capY, 100, 15 );
         capY = capY + 20;

      ResortArray( );
      picNames = new CheckboxGroup();
      pics = new Checkbox[ 18 ];
      for( int i = 1; i < 18; i++)
         picOrder[i] = order[i];

         pics[ i ] = new Checkbox( picName[ picOrder[i] ], picNames, false );
         pics[ i ].addItemListener(this);
         add( pics[ i ] );
         pics[ i ].setBounds( picX, picY, 100, 15 );
         picY = picY + 20;

   public void paint( Graphics g )
      g.drawRect( 395, 25, 232, 232 );
      g.drawRect( 395, 300, 40, 25 );
      g.drawImage( map, 396, 26, 230, 230, this );
      g.drawString( "" + seconds, 405, 320 ); 

      if( seconds > 0)
            Thread.sleep( 1000 );
         catch ( InterruptedException exception)
            System.out.println( exception.toString() );

         hint.setText( "Looks like the clock beat you..." );

   public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
      if( e.getSource() == again )
         z = new reviewFrame( gw );
         z.setVisible( true );
      if( e.getSource() == test )
         z.setVisible( false );
      if( e.getSource() == study )
         z.setVisible( false );

   public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent e )
      temp1 = stateNames.getSelectedCheckbox();
      temp2 = capitolNames.getSelectedCheckbox();
      temp3 = picNames.getSelectedCheckbox();

      for( int i = 1; i < 18; i++ )
         if( temp1 == states[ i ] )
            stateIndex = i;
         if( temp2 == capitols[ i ] )
            capitolIndex = i;
         if( temp3 == pics[ i ] )
            picIndex = i;

      if( stateOrder[ stateIndex ]== capitolOrder[ capitolIndex ] && stateOrder[ stateIndex ]== picOrder[ picIndex ] )
         states[ stateIndex ].setEnabled( false );
         capitols[ capitolIndex ].setEnabled( false );
         pics[ picIndex ].setEnabled( false );

   public void ResortArray( )
      for( int i = 1; i < 18; i++ )
         num = ( 1 + (int)(Math.random() * 17 ) );
         while( used[ num ] )
            num = ( 1 + (int)(Math.random() * 17 ) );
         order[ i ] = num;
         used[ num ] = true;

      for( int i = 1; i < 18; i++ )
         used[ i ] = false;