// Johann Shudlick
// April 29, 1999
// Final Project
// Create an appicaiton for tutoring and testing elemtentary school kids

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.applet.Applet;

public class resultsFrame extends Frame 
   private int correct, incorrect, percent;
   private GeoWhiz gw;
   private Image pig, flag;
   private int Xcoor = 25;
   private testFrame w;

   resultsFrame( int c, int i, GeoWhiz t)
      super( "See How You Did!!!" );
      setSize( 400, 300 );
      setVisible( true );

      w = new testFrame( t );
      correct = c;
      incorrect = i;
      gw = t;
      percent = (int)( correct / 34 * 100 );

      addWindowListener( new WindowHide(this) );
      pig = gw.getImage( gw.getDocumentBase(), "flypigWHT.gif" );
      flag = gw.getImage( gw.getDocumentBase(), "a-flag.gif" );

   public void paint( Graphics g )
      if( percent == 100 )
        g.drawImage( flag, 125, 250, this );
        g.drawString( "A true patriot!!!  Congratulations!!!", 50, 375 );
      if( percent < 70 )
        g.drawImage( pig, 125, 100, this );
        g.drawString( "You think you'd pass geography? Yeah. Right. When pigs fly...", 10, 225 );

      g.drawString( "You answered " + correct + " questions correctly.  Congratualtions!!!", 10, 50 );

      g.drawString( "This gives you an overall score of " + percent + "%.", 10, 70 );

//    g.drawString( "The city you listed for the Capital was incorrect for the following numbers:", 10, 100 );

//    for( int i = 1; i < 18; i++ )
//    {
//       if( w.cap[ i ] )
//       {
//           g.drawString( " " + i, Xcoor, 120);
//           Xcoor = Xcoor + 14;
//       }
//    }

//    g.drawString( "The state name you provided was incorrect for the following numbers: ", 10, 160 );
//    Xcoor = 25;

//    for( int i = 1; i < 18; i++ )
//     {
//        if( w.sta[ i ] )
//        {
//           g.drawString( "" + i, Xcoor, 180);
//           Xcoor = Xcoor + 14;
//        }
//    }   