Programming Assignment 2. Nov 17 2015 1. Write a C++ program to implement a version of Vector using AVL trees. Use pointer implementation. Zero points otherwise. Additional information will be provided during regular class hours. Operations on the tree are: elementAtRank(r) : return the element at rank r, error if out of bounds replaceAtRank(r,e): replace element at rank r by e, error if out of bounds insertAtRank(r,e): insert e at rank r; elements currently at rank r or above are pushed up by 1 in rank, error if out of bounds removeAtRank(r): delete element at rank r; elements currently at rank r or above are pushed down by 1 in rank, error if out of bounds printAll(): print elements by rank. You may assume that the type of e is int. IMPORTANT: You are not allowed to share codes, copy from any printed source or internet. Please see the handout regarding cheating. We will talk about these operations in the class.