About Me


[On leave while on IPA at OSTP - Contact Clare Sullivan for information on Cyber SMART.]

I come from the commercial world, working, founding, and turning around companies of all sizes, from 7-person private companies; starting top-tier venture companies; being the officer of a top-tier private equity company; to being the CTO of NASDAQ-listed and NYSE-listed companies. Lots more details at https://www.standardstrack.com/

My research areas include information sharing, secure communication, security and stability of communications networks, peer-to-peer networks, CDNs, and policy and governance for communications. I am also heavily involved in Internet governance.

Current Board Service:

See CV

My Website




PGP Public Keys

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Research Professor of Computer Science

Georgetown Site Director, Security and Software Engineering Research Center (S2ERC)

The Georgetown directory has my email address and office phone number. Be aware that as a telecom geek, the office phone will try to find me wherever I am. Be mindful if you are calling at midnight. Likewise, if it is mid-day in Washington, it is midnight in Beijing.

Unless the sky is falling, I am unresponsive Friday afternoon through Sunday. If the sky is falling, send an urgent email. Otherwise, I’ll get back to you Sunday or Monday. If you are asking for money, make sure your interests match my funded research interests. If you are selling stuff, I don’t buy much stuff. If you want to fund research, please contact me. While I am serving in the Federal government, I will be unable to discuss funding opportunities. If you wish to fund the Cyber SMART or other efforts at Georgetown, contact Clare Sullivan.

If you want to come work for me at Georgetown as a student, postdoc, or research scientist/faculty, read this page carefully.

Contacting Me