Spring 2010

Clay Shields

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Project 1 - Part 1: Writing a User Shell

Project 1: The Shell

This project was written by instructors of CS354 at Purdue University, and is taken from their web site.


The goal of this project is to build a shell interpreter like csh. The project has been divided in several parts. Some sources are being provided so you don't need to start from scratch.

Using the Debugger

It is important that you learn how to use a debugger to debug your C and C++ programs. If you spend a few hours learning how to use gdb, it will save you a lot of hours of development in this lab.

To start gdb type gdb program. For example, to debug your shell type:

csh> gdb shell

Then type

(gdb) break main

This will make the debugger stop your program before main is called. In general, to set a breakpoint in a given function type break <function-name>

To start running your program type:


Your program will start running and then will stop at main.

Use "step"or "next" to execute the following line in your program. "step" will execute the following line and if it is a function, it will step into it. "next" will execute the following line and if it a function it will execute the function.

(gdb) next 
- Executes following line. If it is a function it will execute the function and return.
(gdb) step 
- Executes following line. If it is a function it will step into it.

An empty line in gdb will rerun the previous gdb command.

Other useful commands are:

print var 
- Prints a variable
- Prints the stack trace
- Exits gdb

For more complete tutorials on gdb see:

GDB Tutorial 1
GDB Tutorial 2
GDB Tutorial 3
GDB Tutorial 4

First part: Lex and Yacc

In this part you will build the scanner and parser for your shell.
  • Copy the tar file shell-src.tar.gz, that contains all the files in shell-src, to your home directory on spoof.cs.georgetown.edu from my home directory using the following command:

    cp ~clay/shell-src.tar.gz ~/

    and untar it using the following command:

  • gunzip shell-src.tar.gz
    tar -xvf shell-src.tar
  • Build the shell program by typing :
  •  make
    To run it type:
    Then type commands like
     ls -al
     ls -al aaa bbb > out
    Check the output printed

  • First, understand how the program works. Read the shell-src/Makefile to learn how the program is built. The file shell-src/command.h implements the data structure that represents a shell command. The struct SimpleCommand implements the list of arguments of a simple command. Usually a shell command can be represented by only one SimpleCommand. However, when pipes are used, a command will consist of more than one SimpleCommand. The struct Command represents a list of SimpleCommand structs. Other fields that the Command struct has are _outFile, _inputFile, and _errFile that represent input, output, and error redirection.

  • Currently the shell program implements a very simple grammar:
  •  cmd [arg]* [> filename]
    You will have to modify shell-src/shell.y to implement a more complex grammar
     cmd [arg]* [ | cmd [arg]* ]* 
    [< filename] 
    [ [> filename] [ >& filename] [>> filename] [>>& filename] ] 
  • Insert the necessary actions in shell-src/shell.y to fill in the Command struct. Make sure that the Command struct is printed correctly.

  • Run your program against the following commands:
  •  ls
     ls -al
     ls -al aaa bbb cc
     ls -al aaa bbb cc > outfile
     ls | cat | grep
     ls | cat | grep > out < inp
     ls aaaa | grep cccc | grep jjjj ssss dfdffdf
     ls aaaa | grep cccc | grep jjjj ssss dfdffdf >& out < in
     httpd &
     ls aaaa | grep cccc | grep jjjj ssss dfdffdf >>& out < in

The deadline of this part of the project is February 17th, before class. Follow these instructions to turnin your part one.

1. Login to spoof.cs.georgetown.edu.

2. cd to shell-src and type make clean

3. Type make to make sure that your shell is build correctly.

4. Type make clean again.

5. cd one directory above shell-src by typing "cd .."

6. Create a tar file named <user_name>.tar, where <user_name> is your spoof.cs.georgetown.edu login, by typing

tar -cf <user_name>.tar shell-src

7. Gzip the tar file by typing

gzip <user_name>.tar

8. Since this timestamp will be used to verify whether the work was completed on time or not, you should set the permissions on the file you submitted to make sure that the file timestamp is not changed. So this by typing:

chmod a-w <user_name>.tar.gz

9. Finally, mail the gzipped tar file to clay at cs dot georgetown dot edu as an attachment. We need to do this so I have a record in case the machine crashes. This will also allow you to make a backup to your own system in accordance with the class policies.


Information about lex and yacc can be found here. You can also find information on Google.