COSC 071
Project 1
A printable version is available here.

During the Spring of 1998, over 400 California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) were found dead, and many others were seen displaying signs of neurological dsyfunction along the central California coast. A bloom of pseudo-nitzschia australis (a diatom) was observed in the Monterey Bay region during the same period. This bloom was associated
with production of domoic acid (DA), a neurotoxin that was also detected in planktivorous fish, including the northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax), and in sea lion body fluids. These and other concurrent observations demonstrated the trophic transfer of DA resulting in marine mammal mortality (Reference).

The biologists who study these blooms would like to be able to estimate the concentrations of pseudo-nitzschia australis based on measured conditions in Monterey Bay. They have performed experiments to determine the conditions in which pseudo-nitzschia australis grows best; they would like you to produce a computer model of what theconcentration of pseudo-nitzschia australis might be given particular conditions.

Experiments in Monterey Bay and in the laboratory show that the density of pseudo-nitzschia australis (in milligrams/m^3) is dependent on four things: the water temperature (in degrees C); the salinity of the water (in parts per million); the average light (measured as lumens); and the nutrients available. Nutrients are measured from samples that were drawn into seasoned polyethylene scintillation vials and frozen for later processing with an AlpChem autoanalyzer. Pseudo-nitzschia australis is most sensitive to nitrates (NO3 and NO2), which are measured in milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m^3).

Data is available that shows the seasonal average of some of these values for the Monterey Bay. Typical values for each are:

The results of experiments on pseudo-nitzschia australis growth are as follows.

There are two parts to this project.

Sample Run:

This program will provide an estimate of the concentration
of pseudo-nitzschia australis in Monterey Bay given:
  the average light (in lumens);
  the average water temperature (in degrees Centigrade);
  the water salinity (in ppm);
  and the concentration of nutrients (in mg/m^3).
Output is in mg/m^3

Please enter the average amount of light in lumens: 1280
Please enter the average water temperature in degrees C: 12.5
Please enter the water salinity in ppm: 33
Please enter the nutrients in mg/m^3: 14

The estimated amount of pseudo-nitzschia australis (in mg/m^3) is: 519.256

Submission instructions

To submit your program, send it to the appropriate TA as listed on the class home page. The submission instructions remain the same as they did for homework 2.