AMR Editor Search in release

Found 223 matches for  :prep-with  [strict mode]  

[1]   consensus   chtb_0001.1   (snt. 7 in workset  first50, last updated on Thu Jul 23, 2015)
The development of Shanghai 's Pudong is in step with the establishment of its legal system

(i / in-step 
      :domain (d / develop-02 
            :ARG1 (c / city-district :wiki "Pudong" :name (n / name :op1 "Pudong") 
                  :location (g2 / city :wiki "Shanghai" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Shanghai")))) 
      :prep-with (e / establish-01 
            :ARG1 (s / system 
                  :poss c 
                  :ARG1-of (l / legal-02)))) 
       Open an issue       

[2]   consensus   nw.wsj_0007.2   (snt. 55 in workset  wsj100-sent, last updated on Thu Jun 14, 2012)
Finmeccanica is an Italian state - owned holding company with interests in the mechanical engineering industry .

(c3 / company :wiki "Finmeccanica" 
      :name (n2 / name :op1 "Finmeccanica") 
      :ARG1-of (o / own-01 
            :ARG0 (s2 / state)) 
      :prep-with (i2 / interest 
            :prep-in (i3 / industry 
                  :mod (e / engineering 
                        :mod (m / mechanics)))) 
      :mod (c / country :wiki "Italy" 
            :name (i / name :op1 "Italy")) 
      :mod (h / holding)) 
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[3]   consensus   wb.eng_0003.32   (snt. 32 in workset  wb-eng-0003, last updated on Fri May 9, 2014)
but with the glaring needs in other parts of the state , 288 was definitely excess ...

(c / contrast-01 
      :ARG2 (e / excess 
            :mod (d / definite) 
            :domain (r / road :wiki "Virginia_State_Route_288" 
                  :name (x / name :op1 288)) 
            :prep-with (n / need-01 
                  :mod (g / glaring) 
                  :location (t / thing 
                        :part-of (s / state) 
                        :mod (o / other))))) 
       Open an issue       

[4]   cjconsensus   DF-199-192783-684_3808.28   (snt. 40 in workset  dfa-wset-1, last updated on Wed Mar 2, 2016)
Any qualified person with charisma and a track record can compete with clout.

(c / capable-01 
      :ARG1 (p / person 
            :mod (a / any) 
            :ARG1-of (q / qualify-02) 
            :prep-with (a2 / and 
                  :op1 (c2 / charisma) 
                  :op2 (r / record-01 
                        :ARG1 (t / track)))) 
      :ARG2 (c3 / compete-01 
            :ARG0 p 
            :manner (c5 / clout))) 
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[5]   cjconsensus   DF-199-192783-684_6362.5   (snt. 51 in workset  dfa-wset-1, last updated on Thu Jan 16, 2014)
If you get caught with meth, got to jail...

(g / go-02 
      :ARG0 y 
      :ARG4 (j / jail) 
      :condition (c2 / catch-02 
            :ARG1 (y / you) 
            :prep-with (m / meth))) 
       Open an issue       

[6]   cjconsensus   DF-199-192783-685_0989.2   (snt. 2 in workset  dfa-wset-3, last updated on Sun Jul 12, 2015)
Does America want us to have to fight our way back in in six month or a year with a death toll in multiples of thousands over a radically less period of time?

(w / want-01 :mode interrogative 
      :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "America")) 
      :ARG1 (o / obligate-01 
            :ARG2 (f / fight-01 
                  :ARG0 (w2 / we) 
                  :ARG2 (w3 / way 
                        :poss w2 
                        :direction (b / back)) 
                  :duration (o2 / or 
                        :op1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 6 
                              :unit (m / month)) 
                        :op2 (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 1 
                              :unit (y / year))) 
                  :prep-with (t3 / toll 
                        :mod (d / die-01) 
                        :quant (m2 / multiple :op1 1000) 
                        :duration (p / period 
                              :mod (t4 / time 
                                    :mod (l / less 
                                          :mod (r / radical)))))))) 
       Open an issue       

[7]   cjconsensus   DF-199-192784-587_3990.9   (snt. 9 in workset  dfa-wset-4, last updated on Mon Nov 2, 2015)
I don't have a problem with the first two - provided that they make available photo IDs at no cost to people with limited income and allow clear instructions and make it easy to obtain (in other words - there are many locations to obtain and enough hours that are varied enough to get these ids).

(m / multi-sentence 
      :snt1 (h / have-03 :polarity - 
            :ARG0 (i / i) 
            :ARG1 (p / problem 
                  :topic (t4 / thing :quant 2 
                        :ord (o3 / ordinal-entity :value 1))) 
            :condition (a / and 
                  :op1 (a5 / avail-01 
                        :ARG0 (t2 / they) 
                        :ARG2 (d / document-01 
                              :ARG1 (i2 / identity) 
                              :part (p2 / photo)) 
                        :manner (c / cost-01 :polarity - 
                              :ARG1 d) 
                        :beneficiary (p3 / person 
                              :prep-with (i3 / income 
                                    :ARG1-of (l / limit-01)))) 
                  :op2 (a3 / allow-01 
                        :ARG0 t2 
                        :ARG1 (i4 / instruction 
                              :ARG1-of (c2 / clear-06))) 
                  :op3 (m3 / make-02 
                        :ARG0 t2 
                        :ARG1 (e / easy-05 
                              :ARG1 (o / obtain-01 
                                    :ARG1 d))))) 
      :snt2 (a4 / and 
            :op1 (l2 / location 
                  :mod (m4 / many) 
                  :purpose (o2 / obtain-01 
                        :ARG1 d)) 
            :op2 (h2 / hour 
                  :quant (e2 / enough) 
                  :ARG1-of (v / vary-01 
                        :degree (e3 / enough) 
                        :purpose (g / get-01 
                              :ARG1 d))) 
            :ARG1-of (w / word-01 
                  :mod (o4 / other)))) 
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[8]   cjconsensus   DF-199-192909-667_1340.28   (snt. 28 in workset  dfa-wset-14, last updated on Thu Sep 12, 2013)
So it is a society with a very male testosterone-rich style.

(i2 / infer-01 
      :ARG1 (s / society 
            :prep-with (s2 / style 
                  :mod (t / testosterone 
                        :mod (m / male) 
                        :mod (r / rich) 
                        :degree (v / very))) 
            :mod (s3 / so) 
            :domain (i / it))) 
       Open an issue       

[9]   cjconsensus   DF-199-192956-653_5360.21   (snt. 36 in workset  dfa-wset-15, last updated on Wed Jul 29, 2015)
If this happens it will be a major breaking of faith with the American people.

(b / break-18 
      :ARG0 t 
      :ARG1 (f / faith 
            :prep-with (p / people 
                  :mod (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")))) 
      :ARG1-of (m / major-02) 
      :condition (e / event 
            :mod (t / this))) 
       Open an issue       

[10]   cjconsensus   DF-199-192956-653_5360.30   (snt. 45 in workset  dfa-wset-15, last updated on Thu Aug 22, 2013)
If you wanna defeat Obama, seems to me you need a candidate with something between their ears.

(s / seem-01 
      :ARG1 (n / need-01 
            :ARG0 (y / you) 
            :ARG1 (c / candidate 
                  :prep-with (s2 / something 
                        :location (b / between 
                              :op1 (e / ear 
                                    :part-of c))))) 
      :ARG2 (i / i) 
      :condition (w / want-01 
            :ARG0 y 
            :ARG1 (d / defeat-01 
                  :ARG1 (p / person :wiki "Barack_Obama" 
                        :name (n2 / name :op1 "Obama"))))) 
       Open an issue       

[11]   cjconsensus   DF-199-192956-653_5360.7   (snt. 22 in workset  dfa-wset-15, last updated on Fri Aug 23, 2013)
If they succeed, their plan must pass the House and the Senate with no alterations.

(o / obligate-01 
      :ARG1 (p / pass-01 
            :ARG0 (a / and 
                  :op1 (g / government-organization :wiki "United_States_House_of_Representatives" 
                        :name (n / name :op1 "House")) 
                  :op2 (g2 / government-organization :wiki "United_States_Senate" 
                        :name (n2 / name :op1 "Senate"))) 
            :ARG1 (t / thing 
                  :ARG1-of (p2 / plan-01 
                        :ARG0 (t2 / they))) 
            :prep-with (a2 / alteration :polarity -)) 
      :condition (s / succeed-01 
            :ARG0 t2)) 
       Open an issue       

[12]   cjconsensus   DF-199-193268-677_5527.13   (snt. 13 in workset  dfa-wset-18, last updated on Tue Sep 3, 2013)
Why can Obama, the greatest drone murderer in history, get away with it with hardly a word about it?

(c2 / cause-01 
      :ARG0 (a / amr-unknown) 
      :ARG1 (p3 / possible-01 
            :ARG1 (g / get-away-08 
                  :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki "Barack_Obama" 
                        :name (n / name :op1 "Obama") 
                        :ARG0-of (m / murder-01 
                              :ARG2 (d / drone)) 
                        :mod (g2 / great 
                              :degree (m2 / most) 
                              :compared-to (h / history))) 
                  :ARG1 m 
                  :prep-with (w / word-01 
                        :ARG1 m 
                        :manner (h2 / hardly))))) 
       Open an issue       

[13]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192400-625_6677.10   (snt. 45 in workset  dfa-wset-24, last updated on Tue Jul 28, 2015)
Of course, don't go over the top with it lest you go in completely the opposite direction.

(g / go-02 :polarity - 
      :ARG0 (y / you) 
      :ARG4 (t / top 
            :mod (o / over)) 
      :prep-with (i / it) 
      :mod (o3 / of-course) 
      :purpose (g2 / go-02 :polarity - 
            :ARG0 y 
            :direction (d / direction 
                  :ARG1-of (o2 / opposite-01 
                        :ARG1-of (c / complete-02))))) 
       Open an issue       

[14]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192400-625_7046.9   (snt. 57 in workset  dfa-wset-24, last updated on Thu Feb 4, 2016)
Its not uncommon for people's existing feelings about themselves to become more intense when they are in new situations and feel the pressure to socialise with strangers and fit into new roles, i.e. being a university student.

(c / common 
      :domain (b / become-01 
            :ARG1 (t / thing 
                  :ARG1-of (f / feel-01 
                        :ARG0 (p / person) 
                        :ARG2 p) 
                  :ARG1-of (e / exist-01)) 
            :ARG2 (i / intense-02 
                  :ARG1 t 
                  :degree (m / more)) 
            :time (a / and 
                  :op1 (b2 / be-located-at-91 
                        :ARG1 p 
                        :ARG2 (s / situation 
                              :ARG1-of (n / new-02))) 
                  :op2 (f2 / feel-01 
                        :ARG0 p 
                        :ARG1 (p2 / pressure-01 
                              :ARG1 p 
                              :ARG2 (a2 / and 
                                    :op1 (s2 / socialize-01 
                                          :ARG0 p 
                                          :prep-with (s3 / stranger)) 
                                    :op2 (f3 / fit-06 
                                          :ARG1 p 
                                          :ARG2 (r / role 
                                                :ARG1-of n 
                                                :example (p3 / person 
                                                      :ARG0-of (s4 / study-01 
                                                            :location (u / university))))))))))) 
       Open an issue       

[15]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192400-625_7200.10   (snt. 10 in workset  dfa-wset-25, last updated on Wed Jul 29, 2015)
I used to walk on my toes, but that was because I was born with strange toes that curled under and had to be straightened with surgery two years ago.

(c3 / contrast-01 
      :ARG1 (w / walk-01 
            :ARG0 (i / i) 
            :prep-on (t2 / toe 
                  :part-of i)) 
      :ARG2 (c / cause-01 
            :ARG0 (b / bear-02 
                  :ARG1 i 
                  :prep-with (t3 / toe 
                        :mod (s / strange) 
                        :ARG1-of (c2 / curl-01 
                              :ARG2 (u / under)) 
                        :ARG1-of (s2 / straighten-01 
                              :ARG2 (s3 / surgery-01) 
                              :ARG2-of (o / obligate-01) 
                              :time (b2 / before 
                                    :op1 (n / now) 
                                    :quant (t4 / temporal-quantity :quant 2 
                                          :unit (y2 / year)))))) 
            :ARG1 w)) 
       Open an issue       

[16]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192400-625_7557.6   (snt. 17 in workset  dev-test-sample51, last updated on Mon Sep 16, 2013)
when i cant find anything to cut with i take around 5 paracetmols and other drugs and i take them with larger and vodka.

(a2 / and 
      :op1 (t / take-01 
            :ARG0 (i / i) 
            :ARG1 (a4 / and 
                  :op1 (p / paracetamol 
                        :quant (a / around :op1 5)) 
                  :op2 (d / drug 
                        :mod (o / other)))) 
      :op1 (t2 / take-01 
            :ARG0 i 
            :ARG1 a4 
            :prep-with (a5 / and 
                  :op1 (l / lager) 
                  :op2 (v / vodka))) 
      :time (p2 / possible-01 :polarity - 
            :ARG1 (f / find-01 
                  :ARG1 (t3 / thing 
                        :instrument-of (c / cut-01))))) 
       Open an issue       

[17]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192403-625_0034.16   (snt. 34 in workset  dfa-wset-28, last updated on Tue Nov 3, 2015)
If you aren't planning on being with this girl forever then go for it.

(g / go-03 :mode imperative 
      :ARG0 (y / you) 
      :ARG1 (i2 / it) 
      :condition (p / plan-01 :polarity - 
            :ARG0 y 
            :ARG1 (b / be-located-at-91 
                  :ARG1 y 
                  :prep-with (g2 / girl 
                        :mod (t / this)) 
                  :duration (f / forever)))) 
       Open an issue       

[18]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192403-625_0034.8   (snt. 26 in workset  dfa-wset-28, last updated on Thu May 14, 2015)
What should I look out for/ be careful of, really don't want to ruin things with my girlfriend, but the idea of a threesome is thrilling, not gunna lie.

(m / multi-sentence 
      :snt1 (r / recommend-01 
            :ARG4 (o / or 
                  :op1 (l / look-after-07 
                        :ARG0 (i / i) 
                        :ARG1 (a / amr-unknown)) 
                  :op2 (c / care-04 
                        :ARG0 i 
                        :ARG1 (a2 / amr-unknown)))) 
      :snt2 (w / want-01 :polarity - 
            :ARG0 (i3 / i) 
            :ARG1 (r2 / ruin-01 
                  :ARG0 i3 
                  :ARG1 (t / thing 
                        :prep-with (p / person 
                              :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 
                                    :ARG1 i3 
                                    :ARG2 (g / girlfriend))))) 
            :degree (r3 / really) 
            :concession-of (a3 / and 
                  :op1 (t2 / thrill-01 
                        :ARG0 (i2 / idea 
                              :topic (t3 / threesome))) 
                  :op2 (l3 / lie-08 :polarity - 
                        :ARG0 i3)))) 
       Open an issue       

[19]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192403-625_1270.1   (snt. 1 in workset  dfa-wset-32, last updated on Fri Jul 24, 2015)
Ok so I am female and like males, always have, obsessed with a few male celebs and see myself wth guys.

(a2 / and 
      :op1 (f2 / female 
            :domain i) 
      :op2 (l / like-01 
            :ARG0 i 
            :ARG1 (m2 / male) 
            :time (a / always)) 
      :op3 (o / obsess-01 
            :ARG0 (i / i) 
            :ARG1 (c / celeb 
                  :mod (m / male 
                        :quant (f / few)))) 
      :op4 (s / see-01 
            :ARG0 i 
            :ARG1 i 
            :prep-with (g / guy)) 
      :ARG1-of (o2 / okay-01)) 
       Open an issue       

[20]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192403-625_1504.14   (snt. 27 in workset  dfa-wset-32, last updated on Fri Feb 21, 2014)
Other people have cut me out because I'm not with him anymore either!

(c / cut-out-06 
      :ARG0 (p / person 
            :mod (o / other)) 
      :ARG1 (i / i) 
      :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 :mode expressive 
            :prep-with (h / he :polarity - 
                  :domain i 
                  :mod (e / either) 
                  :mod (a / anymore)))) 
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[21]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192403-625_1504.24   (snt. 37 in workset  dfa-wset-32, last updated on Thu Feb 4, 2016)
So i think if you have like one other friend go out with them, maybe get a job or hobby and meet new people show him you dont care these boys love to think we are sitting at home waiting for their text which we might be but they cant know that

(m / multi-sentence 
      :snt1 (c3 / cause-01 
            :ARG1 (t6 / think-01 
                  :ARG0 (i / i) 
                  :ARG1 (g / go-out-17 
                        :ARG0 y 
                        :condition (h / have-03 
                              :ARG0 (y / you) 
                              :ARG1 (p5 / person :quant 1 
                                    :mod (o2 / other) 
                                    :ARG0-of (h5 / have-rel-role-91 
                                          :ARG1 y 
                                          :ARG2 (f / friend)))) 
                        :prep-with (t / they)))) 
      :snt2 (p / possible-01 
            :ARG1 (a / and 
                  :op1 (g2 / get-01 
                        :ARG0 (y2 / you) 
                        :ARG1 (o3 / or 
                              :op1 (j / job) 
                              :op2 (h2 / hobby))) 
                  :op2 (m2 / meet-03 
                        :ARG0 y2 
                        :ARG1 (p2 / person 
                              :ARG1-of (n / new-02))))) 
      :snt3 (s / show-01 
            :ARG0 (y3 / you) 
            :ARG1 (c / care-01 :polarity - 
                  :ARG0 y3) 
            :ARG2 (h3 / he)) 
      :snt4 (c2 / contrast-01 
            :ARG1 (l / love-01 
                  :ARG0 (b / boy 
                        :mod (t2 / this)) 
                  :ARG1 (t3 / think-01 
                        :ARG0 b 
                        :ARG1 (s2 / sit-01 
                              :ARG1 (w / we) 
                              :ARG2 (h4 / home) 
                              :manner (w2 / wait-01 
                                    :ARG1 w 
                                    :ARG2 (t4 / text 
                                          :poss b) 
                                    :ARG1-of (p4 / possible-01))))) 
            :ARG2 (p3 / possible-01 :polarity - 
                  :ARG1 (k / know-01 
                        :ARG0 b 
                        :ARG1 (t5 / that))))) 
       Open an issue       

[22]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192410-470_5205.17   (snt. 30 in workset  dfa-wset-37, last updated on Sat Oct 24, 2015)
goes down well with the ladies and I look a LOT younger than my years, though that's probably more to do with genetics eh

(a / and 
      :op1 (g / go-down-27 
            :manner (w / well-09) 
            :prep-with (l / lady)) 
      :op2 (l2 / look-02 
            :ARG0 (i / i) 
            :ARG1 (y / young 
                  :degree (m / more 
                        :degree (l3 / lot)) 
                  :compared-to (m3 / multiple 
                        :op1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1 
                              :unit (y2 / year)) 
                        :age-of i)) 
            :concession (h / have-to-do-with-04 
                  :ARG0 l2 
                  :ARG1 (g3 / genetic) 
                  :ARG2 (m2 / more) 
                  :mod (p / probable))) 
      :mod (e / eh :mode expressive)) 
       Open an issue       

[23]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192410-470_9050.5   (snt. 5 in workset  dfa-wset-39, last updated on Fri May 2, 2014)
Imo, while I do love HP and have grown up with it etc. etc., I know when I am 40+ years old I will look back upon the tattoo and wonder what made me decide to get it.

(o / opine-01 
      :ARG0 (i / i) 
      :ARG1 (c / contrast-01 
            :ARG1 (k / know-01 
                  :ARG0 i 
                  :ARG1 (a2 / and 
                        :op1 (l2 / look-01 
                              :ARG0 i 
                              :ARG1 (t / thing 
                                    :ARG2-of (t2 / tattoo-01)) 
                              :direction (b2 / back)) 
                        :op2 (w / wonder-01 
                              :ARG0 i 
                              :ARG1 (t3 / thing 
                                    :ARG0-of (c2 / cause-01 
                                          :ARG1 (d / decide-01 
                                                :ARG0 i 
                                                :ARG1 (g2 / get-01 
                                                      :ARG0 i 
                                                      :ARG1 t))))) 
                        :time (a3 / age-01 
                              :ARG1 i 
                              :ARG2 (t4 / temporal-quantity :quant 40 
                                    :unit (y / year))))) 
            :ARG2 (a / and 
                  :op1 (l / love-01 
                        :ARG0 i 
                        :ARG1 (b / book :wiki "Harry_Potter" 
                              :name (n / name :op1 "HP"))) 
                  :op2 (g / grow-up-04 
                        :ARG1 i 
                        :prep-with b) 
                  :op3 (e / et-cetera)))) 
       Open an issue       

[24]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192410-471_1085.9   (snt. 29 in workset  dfa-wset-39, last updated on Mon Nov 2, 2015)
c) Say if i do get weeklies/monthlies, can i sleep/go to the shower with them?

(h / have-condition-91 :li "c" 
      :ARG1 (p / possible-01 :mode interrogative 
            :ARG1 (s / slash 
                  :op1 (s2 / sleep-01 
                        :ARG0 (i / i)) 
                  :op2 (s3 / shower-01 
                        :ARG0 i) 
                  :prep-with (t / they))) 
      :ARG2 (g2 / get-01 
            :ARG0 i 
            :ARG1 (s4 / slash 
                  :op1 (h2 / have-frequency-91 
                        :ARG2 (r / rate-entity-91 
                              :ARG1 1 
                              :ARG2 (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 1 
                                    :unit (w / week)))) 
                  :op2 (h3 / have-frequency-91 
                        :ARG2 (r2 / rate-entity-91 
                              :ARG1 1 
                              :ARG2 (t3 / temporal-quantity :quant 1 
                                    :unit (m / month))))))) 
       Open an issue       

[25]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192446-380_7675.8   (snt. 36 in workset  dfa-wset-43, last updated on Mon Mar 17, 2014)
Heathrow might even get its third runway so we could do with a few more pilots.

(c / cause-01 
      :ARG0 (p / possible-01 
            :ARG1 (g / get-01 
                  :ARG0 (a / airport :wiki "London_Heathrow_Airport" 
                        :name (n / name :op1 "Heathrow")) 
                  :ARG1 (r / runway 
                        :ord (o / ordinal-entity :value 3) 
                        :poss a) 
                  :mod (e / even))) 
      :ARG1 (p2 / possible-01 
            :ARG1 (d / do-02 
                  :ARG0 (w / we) 
                  :prep-with (p3 / person 
                        :ARG0-of (p4 / pilot-01) 
                        :quant (f / few 
                              :quant (m / more)))))) 
       Open an issue       

[26]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192446-380_7795.10   (snt. 10 in workset  dfa-wset-45, last updated on Fri May 2, 2014)
With all the stuff going with the Falklands, I think this makes the UK seem a bit hypocritical.

(t / think-01 
      :ARG0 (i / i) 
      :ARG1 (m / make-02 
            :ARG0 (t2 / this) 
            :ARG1 (s2 / seem-01 
                  :ARG1 (h / hypocritical 
                        :quant (b / bit) 
                        :domain (c / country :wiki "United_Kingdom" 
                              :name (n / name :op1 "UK")))) 
            :ARG0-of (c2 / cause-01 
                  :ARG1 (s / stuff 
                        :mod (a / all) 
                        :prep-with (i2 / island :wiki "Falkland_Islands" 
                              :name (n2 / name :op1 "Falklands")))))) 
       Open an issue       

[27]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192446-380_7981.14   (snt. 30 in workset  dfa-wset-46, last updated on Wed Nov 4, 2015)
I see nothing wrong with this morally, he knows the girl is 14 and still decides to meet her (having previously stated his intentions through IM).

(m / multi-sentence 
      :snt1 (s / see-01 
            :ARG0 (i / i) 
            :ARG1 (n / nothing 
                  :ARG1-of (w / wrong-02) 
                  :prep-with (t / this 
                        :ARG1-of (m2 / moral-02)))) 
      :snt2 (h3 / have-concession-91 
            :ARG1 (k / know-01 
                  :ARG0 (h / he) 
                  :ARG1 (a / age-01 
                        :ARG1 (g / girl) 
                        :ARG2 (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 14 
                              :unit (y / year)))) 
            :ARG2 (d / decide-01 
                  :ARG0 h 
                  :ARG1 (m3 / meet-02 
                        :ARG0 h 
                        :ARG1 g) 
                  :mod (s2 / still))) 
      :snt3 (s3 / state-01 
            :ARG1 (t3 / thing 
                  :ARG1-of (i2 / intend-01 
                        :ARG0 (h2 / he))) 
            :medium (p / product :wiki "Instant_messaging" :name (n2 / name :op1 "IM")) 
            :time (p2 / previous))) 
       Open an issue       

[28]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192446-380_8064.5   (snt. 38 in workset  dfa-wset-46, last updated on Sun Mar 23, 2014)
Guess they didn't get the versions with the execution parts edited out?

(g / guess-01 
      :ARG0 (i / i) 
      :ARG1 (g2 / get-01 
            :ARG0 (t / they) 
            :ARG1 (v / version 
                  :prep-with (p / part 
                        :mod (e / execute-01) 
                        :ARG1-of (e2 / edit-01 
                              :manner (o / out)))) 
            :polarity -) 
      :mode interrogative) 
       Open an issue       

[29]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192446-380_8114.19   (snt. 19 in workset  dfa-wset-47, last updated on Sun Mar 9, 2014)
The fact she called Nigeria... Nygigreeah.... I think she was half with it...

(c / cause-01 
      :ARG0 (f / fact 
            :domain (c2 / call-01 
                  :ARG0 (s / she) 
                  :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "Nigeria" 
                        :name (n / name :op1 "Nigeria")) 
                  :ARG2 (c4 / country :wiki - 
                        :name (n2 / name :op1 "Nygigreeah")))) 
      :ARG1 (t / think-01 
            :ARG0 (i / i) 
            :ARG1 (h / half 
                  :domain s 
                  :prep-with (i2 / it)))) 
       Open an issue       

[30]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192446-380_8114.20   (snt. 20 in workset  dfa-wset-47, last updated on Wed Dec 16, 2015)
No-one in their right mind, starts screaming and swearing like that, with their young child sat on their lap...

(s / start-01 
      :ARG0 (n / no-one 
            :prep-in (m / mind 
                  :ARG1-of (r / right-03))) 
      :ARG1 (a / and 
            :op1 (s2 / scream-01 
                  :ARG0 n) 
            :op2 (s3 / swear-02 
                  :ARG0 n) 
            :ARG1-of (r2 / resemble-01 
                  :ARG2 (t / that)) 
            :prep-with (p / person 
                  :mod (y / young) 
                  :ARG1-of (s4 / sit-01 
                        :ARG2 (l / lap 
                              :part-of n)) 
                  :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 
                        :ARG1 n 
                        :ARG2 (c / child))))) 
       Open an issue       

[31]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192446-380_8198.2   (snt. 34 in workset  dfa-wset-47, last updated on Thu Jul 30, 2015)
Along with tougher sentancing I dont know what else could be done that would'nt upset the bleeding heart liberals ( no pun intended )

(m2 / multi-sentence 
      :snt1 (k / know-01 :polarity - 
            :ARG0 (i / i) 
            :ARG1 (p / possible-01 
                  :ARG1 (t2 / thing 
                        :ARG1-of (d / do-02) 
                        :ARG2-of (u / upset-01 :polarity - 
                              :ARG1 (p3 / person 
                                    :ARG1-of (l / liberal-02 
                                          :part (h / heart 
                                                :ARG1-of (b / bleed-01))))))) 
            :mod (a / along 
                  :prep-with (s / sentence-01 
                        :ARG0-of (t / tough-03 
                              :degree (m / more))))) 
      :snt2 (i2 / intend-01 :polarity - 
            :ARG1 (p2 / pun))) 
       Open an issue       

[32]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192448-618_9503.9   (snt. 27 in workset  dfa-wset-52, last updated on Thu Feb 4, 2016)
Therefore they use the bus with the uneducated white chavs

(c / cause-01 
      :ARG1 (u / use-01 
            :ARG0 (t / they) 
            :ARG1 (b / bus) 
            :prep-with (c2 / chav 
                  :ARG1-of (e / educate-01 :polarity -) 
                  :ARG1-of (w / white-02)))) 
       Open an issue       

[33]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192448-618_9512.20   (snt. 20 in workset  dfa-wset-53, last updated on Tue Nov 3, 2015)
But an agressive opposition, along with a biased press and press with an agenda make them out to be a lot worse than they are.

(c / contrast-01 
      :ARG2 (t / thing 
            :ARG0-of (o / oppose-01) 
            :mod (a / aggressive) 
            :prep-along-with (a2 / and 
                  :op1 (p / press 
                        :ARG1-of (b / bias-01)) 
                  :op2 (p2 / press 
                        :prep-with (a3 / agenda))) 
            :ARG0-of (m / make-out-23 
                  :ARG1 (t2 / they) 
                  :ARG2 (b2 / bad-07 
                        :ARG1 t2 
                        :degree (m2 / more 
                              :degree (l / lot)) 
                        :compared-to (b3 / bad-07 
                              :ARG1 t2))))) 
       Open an issue       

[34]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192448-618_9512.26   (snt. 26 in workset  dfa-wset-53, last updated on Wed Feb 10, 2016)
And before anyone storms in with the negs and the 'that's just slander where's the evidence of this', Google is your friend, do your own research on the BNP vs AFA and the links between the BNP and the NF, Combat 18, National Socialist Movement etc etc etc

(a / and 
      :op2 (h / have-rel-role-91 
            :ARG0 (c / company :wiki "Google" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Google")) 
            :ARG1 (y / you) 
            :ARG2 (f / friend) 
            :time (b / before 
                  :op1 (s / storm-02 
                        :ARG0 (a2 / anyone) 
                        :prep-with (a3 / and 
                              :op1 (n / negative-03) 
                              :op2 (s2 / slander-01 
                                    :ARG1 (t / that 
                                          :mod (j / just) 
                                          :ARG1-of (e / evidence-01 
                                                :location (a4 / amr-unknown))))))) 
            :ARG0-of (c2 / cause-01 
                  :ARG1 (d / do-02 :mode imperative 
                        :ARG0 y 
                        :ARG1 (r / research-01 
                              :ARG0 y 
                              :ARG1 (a5 / and 
                                    :op1 (p / political-party :wiki "British_National_Party" :name (n3 / name :op1 "BNP") 
                                          :ARG1-of (o6 / oppose-01 
                                                :ARG0 (o2 / organization :wiki "Anti-Fascist_Action" :name (n4 / name :op1 "AFA")))) 
                                    :op2 (l / link-01 
                                          :ARG1 p 
                                          :ARG2 (a6 / and 
                                                :op1 (o3 / organization :wiki "National_Front_(UK)" :name (n5 / name :op1 "NF")) 
                                                :op2 (o4 / organization :wiki "Combat_18" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Combat" :op2 "18")) 
                                                :op3 (o5 / organization :wiki "British_Movement" :name (n7 / name :op1 "National" :op2 "Socialist" :op3 "Movement")) 
                                                :op4 (e2 / et-cetera))))))))) 
       Open an issue       

[35]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192448-618_9563.19   (snt. 45 in workset  dfa-wset-53, last updated on Wed Mar 12, 2014)
On the other hand, I detest Labour with a passion.

(c / contrast-01 
      :ARG2 (d / detest-01 
            :ARG0 (i / i) 
            :ARG1 (p / political-party :wiki "Labour_Party_(UK)" 
                  :name (n / name :op1 "Labour")) 
            :prep-with (p2 / passion))) 
       Open an issue       

[36]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192448-618_9851.62   (snt. 62 in workset  dfa-wset-56, last updated on Fri May 15, 2015)
Why should they be the only people to have gold-plated pensions with no detriment to anyone except the tax payer?

(c / cause-01 
      :ARG0 (a / amr-unknown) 
      :ARG1 (r / recommend-01 
            :ARG1 (h / have-03 
                  :ARG0 (t / they 
                        :mod (p / person 
                              :mod (o / only))) 
                  :ARG1 (p2 / pension 
                        :ARG1-of (p3 / plate-01 
                              :ARG2 (g / gold))) 
                  :prep-with (d / detriment :polarity - 
                        :beneficiary (a2 / anyone 
                              :ARG2-of (e / except-01 
                                    :ARG1 (p4 / person 
                                          :ARG0-of (p5 / pay-01 
                                                :ARG3 (t2 / tax))))))))) 
       Open an issue       

[37]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192448-618_9882.4   (snt. 4 in workset  dfa-wset-58, last updated on Sun Jul 26, 2015)
The private sector can do pretty much whatever it wants but the state must be able to support itself with or without the boom and bust of the private sector.

(h / have-concession-91 
      :ARG1 (o / obligate-01 
            :ARG1 (s2 / state) 
            :ARG2 (c / capable-01 
                  :ARG1 s2 
                  :ARG2 (o2 / or 
                        :op1 (s3 / support-01 
                              :ARG0 s2 
                              :ARG1 s2 
                              :prep-with (a / and 
                                    :op1 (b / boom-02 
                                          :ARG0 s) 
                                    :op2 (b2 / bust-06 
                                          :ARG0 s))) 
                        :op2 (s4 / support-01 
                              :ARG0 s2 
                              :ARG1 s2 
                              :prep-without a)))) 
      :ARG2 (p / possible-01 
            :ARG1 (d / do-02 
                  :ARG0 (s / sector 
                        :ARG1-of (p2 / private-03)) 
                  :ARG1 (w2 / whatever 
                        :ARG1-of (w / want-01 
                              :ARG0 s)) 
                  :mod (m / much 
                        :degree (p3 / pretty))))) 
       Open an issue       

[38]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192448-619_0116.19   (snt. 19 in workset  dfa-wset-59, last updated on Wed Nov 4, 2015)
Perhaps reform, with more punishment on drug dealers would be good.

(g / good-02 
      :ARG1 (r / reform 
            :ARG1-of (p / possible-01) 
            :prep-with (p2 / punish-01 
                  :ARG1 (p3 / person 
                        :ARG0-of (d3 / deal-02 
                              :ARG1 (d / drug))) 
                  :degree (m / more)))) 
       Open an issue       

[39]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192448-619_1299.13   (snt. 26 in workset  dfa-wset-62, last updated on Sat Jan 30, 2016)
Labour got a majority in 2005 with 9.6 million votes but the tories come short in 2010 despite having 1.1 million more votes than this.

(c / contrast-01 
      :ARG1 (g / get-01 
            :ARG0 (p / political-party :wiki "Labour_Party_(UK)" 
                  :name (n / name :op1 "Labour")) 
            :ARG1 (m / majority 
                  :prep-with (v / vote-01 :ARG2 9600000 
                        :ARG1 p)) 
            :time (d / date-entity :year 2005)) 
      :ARG2 (s / short-06 
            :ARG1 (p2 / political-party :wiki "Conservative_Party_(UK)" 
                  :name (n2 / name :op1 "Tory")) 
            :time (d2 / date-entity :year 2010) 
            :concession (h / have-03 
                  :ARG0 p2 
                  :ARG1 (v2 / vote-01 :ARG2 1100000 
                        :mod (m2 / more) 
                        :compared-to v)))) 
       Open an issue       

[40]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192448-619_1299.16   (snt. 29 in workset  dfa-wset-62, last updated on Thu Jan 21, 2016)
If I honestly thought Labour could solve the problem, despite all my problems with them, I would have voted Labour.

(v / vote-01 
      :ARG0 (i / i) 
      :ARG1 (p / political-party :wiki "Labour_Party_(UK)" :name (n / name :op1 "Labour")) 
      :condition (t / think-01 
            :ARG0 i 
            :ARG1 (p2 / possible-01 
                  :ARG1 (s / solve-01 
                        :ARG0 p 
                        :ARG1 (p3 / problem))) 
            :ARG1-of (h / honest-01)) 
      :concession (p4 / problem 
            :poss i 
            :prep-with p 
            :mod (a / all))) 
       Open an issue       

[41]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192448-619_1299.7   (snt. 20 in workset  dfa-wset-62, last updated on Sun Mar 30, 2014)
We had first past the post last time, the country was on its knees and we had had 13 years of Labour government, with Labour's popularity at rock bottom.

(a2 / and 
      :op1 (h / have-03 
            :ARG0 (w / we) 
            :ARG1 (e / event :wiki "First-past-the-post_voting" 
                  :name (n / name :op1 "First" :op2 "Past" :op3 "The" :op4 "Post")) 
            :time (t / time 
                  :mod (l / last))) 
      :op2 (a / and 
            :op1 (k / kneel-01 
                  :ARG0 (c / country)) 
            :op2 (h2 / have-03 
                  :ARG0 (w2 / we) 
                  :ARG1 (g / government-organization 
                        :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 
                              :duration (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 13 
                                    :unit (y / year)) 
                              :prep-with (p2 / popularity 
                                    :poss p 
                                    :location (b2 / bottom 
                                                :mod (r / rock)))) 
                        :mod (p / political-party :wiki "Labour_Party_(UK)" 
                              :name (n2 / name :op1 "Labour")))))) 
       Open an issue       

[42]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192451-579_6283.9   (snt. 27 in workset  dfa-wset-63, last updated on Wed Nov 4, 2015)
Drinking is a common practice with the upper class society and personally I find it quite upsetting, it seems as if Pakistan is moving in the opposite direction- the rich becoming more obsessed with western culture and the less well off being neglected further.

(m / multi-sentence 
      :snt1 (a / and 
            :op1 (p / practice 
                  :mod (c / common) 
                  :domain (d / drink-01) 
                  :prep-with (s / society 
                        :mod (c2 / class 
                              :mod (u / upper)))) 
            :op2 (f / find-02 
                  :ARG0 (i / i) 
                  :ARG1 (u2 / upset-01 
                        :degree (q / quite)) 
                  :ARG1-of (p2 / personal-02))) 
      :snt2 (s2 / seem-01 
            :ARG1 (m2 / move-01 
                  :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "Pakistan" :name (n / name :op1 "Pakistan")) 
                  :ARG2 (d2 / direction 
                        :ARG1-of (o / opposite-01)))) 
      :snt3 (a2 / and 
            :op1 (b / become-01 
                  :ARG1 (r / rich) 
                  :ARG2 (o2 / obsess-01 
                        :ARG1 (c4 / culture 
                              :mod (w / world-region :wiki "Western_world" :name (n3 / name :op1 "West"))) 
                        :degree (m3 / more))) 
            :op2 (n2 / neglect-01 
                  :ARG1 (p3 / person 
                        :ARG1-of (w2 / well-off-10 
                              :degree (l / less))) 
                  :degree (f2 / further)))) 
       Open an issue       

[43]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192451-579_6300.5   (snt. 5 in workset  dfa-wset-64, last updated on Thu Dec 17, 2015)
Yeh right, they're so on board with that!

(a / and 
      :op1 (r / right-06 
            :mod (y / yeh :mode expressive)) 
      :op2 (b / board-01 
            :ARG0 (t / they) 
            :degree (s / so) 
            :prep-with (t2 / that))) 
       Open an issue       

[44]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192451-579_6312.10   (snt. 44 in workset  dfa-wset-64, last updated on Fri Jul 24, 2015)
Indians in particular are treated badly, there are Indian maids and they are often hit by the house wife if they for example make a small mistake or sometimes they are hit with no reason.

(e2 / exemplify-01 
      :ARG0 (o3 / or 
            :op1 (h / hit-01 
                  :ARG0 (p3 / person 
                        :ARG0-of (h4 / have-rel-role-91 
                              :ARG2 (w / wife 
                                    :mod (h2 / house)))) 
                  :ARG1 (m / maid 
                        :mod c) 
                  :frequency (o / often) 
                  :condition (m2 / mistake-02 
                        :ARG0 m 
                        :ARG1 (t2 / thing 
                              :mod (s / small)) 
                        :ARG0-of (e / exemplify-01))) 
            :op2 (h3 / hit-01 
                  :ARG1 m 
                  :frequency (s2 / sometimes) 
                  :prep-with (r / reason :polarity -))) 
      :ARG1 (t / treat-01 
            :ARG1 (p / person 
                  :mod (c / country :wiki "India" :name (n / name :op1 "India"))) 
            :ARG2 (b / bad-04 
                  :ARG2 p) 
            :manner (p2 / particular))) 
       Open an issue       

[45]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192451-579_6409.18   (snt. 23 in workset  dfa-wset-66, last updated on Mon Apr 7, 2014)
The rebels need help with the big military targets, but when it comes to ground operations, they are more than capable of handling the situation.

(n / need-01 
      :ARG0 (p / person 
            :ARG0-of (r / rebel-01)) 
      :ARG1 (h / help 
            :prep-with (t / target 
                  :mod (m / military) 
                  :mod (b / big))) 
      :concession (c2 / capable-01 
            :mod (m2 / more-than) 
            :time (c / come-12 
                  :ARG1 (o / operate-01 
                        :ARG2 (g / ground) 
                        :location-of (h2 / handle-01 
                              :ARG0 (t2 / they) 
                              :ARG1 (s / situation)))))) 
       Open an issue       

[46]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192451-579_6673.10   (snt. 17 in workset  dfa-wset-67, last updated on Mon Apr 21, 2014)
Iran's the only one with the balls to stand up to Israel/USA.

(o / one 
      :mod (o2 / only) 
      :domain (c / country :wiki "Iran" 
            :name (n / name :op1 "Iran")) 
      :prep-with (b / ball) 
      :ARG1-of (s / stand-up-07 
            :prep-to (s2 / slash 
                  :op1 (c2 / country :wiki "Israel" 
                        :name (n2 / name :op1 "Israel")) 
                  :op2 (c3 / country :wiki "United_States" 
                        :name (n3 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States" :op3 "of" :op4 "America"))))) 
       Open an issue       

[47]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192451-579_6804.1   (snt. 42 in workset  dfa-wset-68, last updated on Sat Mar 22, 2014)
What does everybody think about the possibility of going to war with Iran?

(t / think-01 
      :ARG0 (e / everybody) 
      :ARG1 (a / amr-unknown) 
      :ARG2 (p / possibility 
            :mod (g / go-02 
                  :ARG4 (w / war) 
                  :prep-with (c / country :wiki "Iran" 
                        :name (n / name :op1 "Iran"))))) 
       Open an issue       

[48]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192451-579_6804.5   (snt. 46 in workset  dfa-wset-68, last updated on Mon Jan 12, 2015)
Mark my words. No other country will attack Iran except for Israel, with perhaps military support in terms of intelligence from the US/UK.

(m2 / multi-sentence 
      :snt1 (m / mark-02 
            :ARG1 (w / word 
                  :poss (i / i))) 
      :snt2 (a / attack-01 
            :ARG0 (c2 / country 
                  :mod (o / other :polarity -) 
                  :ARG2-of (e / except-01 
                        :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "Israel" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Israel")))) 
            :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n / name :op1 "Iran")) 
            :prep-with (p / possible-01 
                  :ARG1 (s / support 
                        :mod (m3 / military) 
                        :prep-in (t / term 
                              :mod (i2 / intelligence 
                                    :source (s2 / slash 
                                          :op1 (c4 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n3 / name :op1 "US")) 
                                          :op2 (c5 / country :wiki "United_Kingdom" :name (n4 / name :op1 "UK"))))))))) 
       Open an issue       

[49]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192451-579_7144.25   (snt. 54 in workset  dfa-wset-71, last updated on Fri Oct 16, 2015)
1. He started a war in Chad - a crushingly poor nation that was in the middle of a civil war at the time - with the intent of establishing a puppet Jamahiriya that he could control.

(s / start-01 :li 1 
      :ARG0 (h / he) 
      :ARG1 (w / war 
            :location (c / country :wiki "Chad" 
                  :name (n / name :op1 "Chad") 
                  :mod (n2 / nation 
                        :mod (p / poor 
                              :ARG0-of (c2 / crush-01)) 
                        :ARG1-of (b / be-located-at-91 
                              :ARG2 (m / middle 
                                    :poss (w2 / war 
                                          :mod (c3 / civil))) 
                              :time (t / time))))) 
      :prep-with (i / intend-01 
            :ARG0 h 
            :ARG1 (e / establish-01 
                  :ARG0 h 
                  :ARG1 (o / organization :wiki "History_of_Libya_under_Muammar_Gaddafi" 
                        :name (n3 / name :op1 "Jamahiriya") 
                        :mod (p2 / puppet 
                              :ARG1-of (c4 / control-01 
                                    :ARG0 h 
                                    :ARG1-of (p3 / possible-01))))))) 
       Open an issue       

[50]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192451-579_7557.12   (snt. 12 in workset  dfa-wset-73, last updated on Wed Mar 2, 2016)
Then 12 years later there is no longer a Soviet union but they notice a strengthening Iran that is a potential threat to their ally Israel so when some they get some 'evidence' of Iraq with nuclear material from a known unreliable source via MI6 they jump with joy to invade it.

(c / contrast-01 
      :ARG1 (c2 / country :polarity - :wiki "Soviet_Union" :name (n / name :op1 "Soviet" :op2 "Union") 
            :time (a / after 
                  :op1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 12 
                        :unit (y / year))) 
            :ARG1-of (l / long-03)) 
      :ARG2 (n2 / notice-01 
            :ARG0 (t2 / they) 
            :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Iran") 
                  :ARG1-of (s / strengthen-01) 
                  :ARG0-of (t3 / threaten-01 
                        :ARG2 (c4 / country :wiki "Israel" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Israel") 
                              :ARG2-of (a2 / ally-01 
                                    :ARG1 t2)) 
                        :mod (p / potential)))) 
      :ARG0-of (c5 / cause-01 
            :ARG1 (j / jump-02 
                  :ARG0 t2 
                  :ARG1 (i / invade-01 
                        :ARG0 t2 
                        :ARG1 c6) 
                  :prep-with (j2 / joy) 
                  :time (g / get-01 
                        :ARG0 t2 
                        :ARG1 (t4 / thing 
                              :ARG0-of (e / evidence-01 
                                    :ARG1 (h / have-03 
                                          :ARG0 (c6 / country :wiki "Iraq" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Iraq")) 
                                          :ARG1 (m / material 
                                                :mod (n6 / nucleus))) 
                                    :source (t5 / thing 
                                          :ARG1-of (k / know-02 
                                                :ARG2 (r / rely-01 
                                                      :ARG1 t5 
                                                      :ARG1-of (p2 / possible-01 :polarity -)))) 
                                    :path (o / organization :wiki "Secret_Intelligence_Service" :name (n7 / name :op1 "MI6"))) 
                              :mod (s2 / some)))))) 
       Open an issue       

[51]   cjconsensus   DF-212-191668-305_7962.4   (snt. 73 in workset  dfa-69, last updated on Sat Apr 19, 2014)
It'll cost a lot to do it which would not be advisable at the current time with the economic situation not looking rosy,

(c / cost-01 
      :ARG1 (d / do-02 
            :ARG1 (i / it)) 
      :ARG2 (l / lot) 
      :ARG2-of (a / advise-01 :polarity - 
            :time (c2 / current) 
            :prep-with (s / situation 
                  :mod (e / economy) 
                  :ARG0-of (l2 / look-02 :polarity - 
                        :ARG1 (r / rosy))))) 
       Open an issue       

[52]   cjconsensus   DF-212-191673-310_8652.4   (snt. 36 in workset  dfa-70, last updated on Mon Mar 31, 2014)
These ships will soon start turning thirty years old with no SLEP being undertaken.

(s / start-01 
      :ARG0 (s2 / ship 
            :mod (t / this)) 
      :ARG1 (a2 / age-01 
            :ARG1 s2 
            :ARG2 (t4 / temporal-quantity :quant 30 
                  :unit (y2 / year)) 
            :prep-with (p / product :polarity - :wiki - 
                  :name (n / name :op1 "SLEP") 
                  :ARG1-of (u / undertake-01))) 
      :time (s3 / soon)) 
       Open an issue       

[53]   cjconsensus   DF-212-191678-308_7777.30   (snt. 30 in workset  dfa-71, last updated on Wed Mar 2, 2016)
In my job, I work with ALL the inter-agency players, and I NEVER experience the kind of inertia and drag with anybody else.

(a / and 
      :op1 (w / work-01 
            :ARG0 (i / i) 
            :ARG3 (p / person 
                  :ARG0-of (p2 / play-01) 
                  :mod (i2 / interagency) 
                  :mod (a2 / all)) 
            :prep-in (j / job 
                  :poss i)) 
      :op2 (e / experience-01 :polarity - 
            :ARG0 i 
            :ARG1 (k / kind-yy 
                  :mod (i3 / inertia) 
                  :mod (d / drag)) 
            :prep-with (a4 / anybody 
                  :mod (e2 / else)) 
            :time (e3 / ever))) 
       Open an issue       

[54]   cjconsensus   DF-212-191678-308_7777.48   (snt. 48 in workset  dfa-71, last updated on Thu Feb 11, 2016)
Bush's goal is a secure Iraq, with a functioning gov't that can police the country and be an American ally in the War On Terror.

(g / goal 
      :poss (p / person :wiki "George_W._Bush" :name (n / name :op1 "Bush")) 
      :domain (c / country :wiki "Iraq" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Iraq") 
            :ARG1-of (s / secure-02) 
            :prep-with (g2 / government-organization 
                  :ARG0-of (g3 / govern-01) 
                  :ARG0-of (f / function-01) 
                  :ARG0-of (p2 / police-01 
                        :ARG1 (c2 / country) 
                        :ARG1-of (p3 / possible-01)) 
                  :ARG1-of (a2 / ally-01 
                        :ARG2 (c3 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n3 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")) 
                        :prep-in (w / war :wiki "War_on_Terror" :name (n4 / name :op1 "War" :op2 "On" :op3 "Terror")) 
                        :ARG1-of p3)))) 
       Open an issue       

[55]   cjconsensus   DF-212-191678-308_7777.56   (snt. 56 in workset  dfa-71, last updated on Wed Mar 2, 2016)
If it was up to me, everytime an IED goes off we'd get our people out, draw a circle on a map with at least a 500m radius around the point of the blast, and turn that area into a smoking crater.

(h / have-condition-91 
      :ARG1 (a / and 
            :op1 (g2 / get-05 
                  :ARG1 (p2 / person 
                        :poss (w / we)) 
                  :ARG2 (o / out)) 
            :op2 (d / draw-01 
                  :ARG0 w 
                  :ARG1 (c / circle 
                        :prep-with (r / radius 
                              :mod (d2 / distance-quantity :quant 500 
                                    :unit (m2 / meter) 
                                    :prep-at (l / least)) 
                              :location (a3 / around 
                                    :op1 (p3 / point 
                                          :mod (b / blast))))) 
                  :location (m / map)) 
            :op3 (t / turn-02 
                  :ARG0 w 
                  :ARG1 (a2 / area 
                        :mod (t2 / that)) 
                  :ARG2 (c2 / crater 
                        :ARG1-of (s / smoke-01))) 
            :time (g / go-off-16 
                  :ARG1 (d3 / device 
                        :ARG1-of (i2 / improvise-01) 
                        :ARG1-of (e2 / explode-01 
                              :ARG1-of (p / possible-01))) 
                  :frequency (e / everytime))) 
      :ARG2 (u / up 
            :domain (i / it) 
            :prep-to (i3 / i))) 
       Open an issue       

[56]   cjconsensus   DF-212-191678-308_7777.57   (snt. 57 in workset  dfa-71, last updated on Wed Jun 24, 2015)
And I don't care if there's a school full of kids there with classes in session.

(a / and 
      :op2 (c / care-01 :polarity - 
            :ARG0 (i / i) 
            :ARG1 (s / school 
                  :ARG1-of (f / full-09 
                        :ARG2 (k / kid)) 
                  :location (t / there) 
                  :prep-with (c2 / class 
                        :prep-in (s2 / session))))) 
       Open an issue       

[57]   cjconsensus   DF-212-191678-308_7777.62   (snt. 62 in workset  dfa-71, last updated on Sun Mar 30, 2014)
I also have some problems with Bush that I didn't have when I voted for him, based on his piss poor performance.

(h / have-03 
      :ARG0 (i / i) 
      :ARG1 (p / problem 
            :quant (s / some) 
            :prep-with (p2 / person :wiki "George_W._Bush" 
                  :name (n / name :op1 "Bush")) 
            :ARG1-of (h2 / have-03 :polarity - 
                  :ARG0 i 
                  :time (v / vote-01 
                        :ARG0 i 
                        :ARG1 p2)) 
            :ARG1-of (b / base-02 
                  :ARG2 (p3 / performance 
                        :mod (p4 / poor) 
                        :mod (p5 / piss) 
                        :poss p2))) 
      :mod (a / also)) 
       Open an issue       

[58]   cjconsensus   DF-212-191678-309_0211.17   (snt. 88 in workset  dfa-71, last updated on Thu Oct 29, 2015)
Maybe if those guys had been in a real APC some would have survived. I can't say. If the blast is big enough, it can kill even an MBT. The Pals took out two Israeli Merkavas, the best-armored tanks in the world, with simple blast IEDs.

(m / multi-sentence 
      :snt1 (p / possible-01 
            :ARG1 (s / survive-01 
                  :ARG0 (g2 / guy 
                        :ARG1-of (i / include-91 
                              :ARG2 g) 
                        :mod (s2 / some)) 
                  :condition (b / be-located-at-91 
                              :ARG1 (g / guy 
                                    :mod (t / that)) 
                              :ARG2 (c3 / carrier 
                                    :ARG1-of (a2 / armor-01) 
                                    :mod (p5 / personnel) 
                                    :ARG1-of (r / real-04))))) 
      :snt2 (p3 / possible-01 :polarity - 
            :ARG1 (s3 / say-01 
                  :ARG0 (i2 / i))) 
      :snt3 (h2 / have-condition-91 
            :ARG1 (c / capable-01 
                  :ARG1 (b2 / blast-01) 
                  :ARG2 (k / kill-01 
                        :ARG0 b2 
                        :ARG1 (t3 / tank 
                              :mod (m4 / main) 
                              :ARG0-of (b6 / battle-01)) 
                        :mod (e / even))) 
            :ARG2 (b3 / big 
                  :degree (e2 / enough) 
                  :domain (b4 / blast-01))) 
      :snt4 (t2 / take-out-11 
            :ARG0 (p2 / person 
                  :mod (e3 / ethnic-group :wiki "Palestinians" :name (n / name :op1 "Palestinian"))) 
            :ARG1 (v / vehicle :quant 2 :wiki "Merkava" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Merkava") 
                  :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Israel" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Israel")) 
                  :ARG1-of (m2 / mean-01 
                        :ARG2 (t4 / tank 
                              :ARG1-of (a / armor-01 
                                    :ARG1-of (g3 / good-02 
                                          :degree (m3 / most) 
                                          :compared-to (w / world) 
                                          :prep-with (d / device 
                                                :ARG1-of (i3 / improvise-01) 
                                                :ARG1-of (e4 / explode-01 
                                                      :ARG1-of (p4 / possible-01)) 
                                                :ARG1-of (s4 / simple-02) 
                                                :mod (b5 / blast-01))))))))) 
       Open an issue       

[59]   cjconsensus   DF-212-191678-309_0211.25   (snt. 96 in workset  dfa-71, last updated on Sat Jan 30, 2016)
Sometimes an insurgency has to learn its lessons several times. Take the case of pressure-triggered IEDs. These are basically standard anti-vehicle mines, with something like a bathroom scale as trigger. People and cars can pass over them unharmed, but if a really heavy (meaning armored) vehicle rolls over that scale, the bomb goes off. (Trucks are a problem. Some trucks weigh as much as an APC.) The best part is that you don't even need a triggerman to set it off. You can all be off at the hookah parlor polishing up your alibis when it goes off.

(m / multi-sentence 
      :snt1 (o / obligate-01 
            :ARG2 (l / learn-01 
                  :ARG0 (i / insurgency) 
                  :ARG1 (l2 / lesson 
                        :poss i) 
                  :time (s2 / several 
                        :op1 (t / time))) 
            :time (s / sometimes)) 
      :snt2 (t2 / take-01 
            :ARG1 (c / case-04 
                  :ARG1 (d / device 
                        :ARG1-of (i4 / improvise-01) 
                        :ARG1-of (e3 / explode-01 
                              :ARG1-of (p / possible-01)) 
                        :ARG1-of (t3 / trigger-01 
                              :ARG2 (p2 / pressure-01))))) 
      :snt3 (m2 / mine 
            :ARG0-of (c2 / counter-01 
                  :ARG1 (v / vehicle)) 
            :ARG1-of (s3 / standard-02) 
            :mod (b / basic) 
            :prep-with (s4 / something 
                  :ARG1-of (r / resemble-01 
                        :ARG2 (s5 / scale 
                              :mod (b2 / bathroom))) 
                  :purpose (t4 / trigger-01))) 
      :snt4 (c3 / contrast-01 
            :ARG1 (p3 / possible-01 
                  :ARG1 (p4 / pass-over-12 
                        :ARG0 (a / and 
                              :op1 (p5 / person) 
                              :op2 (c4 / car)) 
                        :mod (h / harm-01 :polarity - 
                              :ARG1 a))) 
            :ARG2 (g / go-off-16 
                  :ARG1 (b3 / bomb) 
                  :condition (r2 / roll-01 
                              :ARG1 (v2 / vehicle 
                                    :mod (h3 / heavy 
                                          :degree (r3 / really)) 
                                    :ARG1-of (m3 / mean-01 
                                          :ARG2 (v3 / vehicle 
                                                :ARG1-of (a2 / armor-01)))) 
                              :ARG2 (s6 / scale 
                                    :mod (t5 / this))))) 
      :snt5 (p6 / problem 
            :domain (t6 / truck)) 
      :snt6 (w / weigh-01 
            :ARG1 (t7 / truck 
                  :mod (s7 / some)) 
            :degree (e2 / equal) 
            :compared-to (w2 / weigh-01 
                  :ARG1 (c5 / carrier 
                        :ARG1-of (a3 / armor-01) 
                        :mod (p11 / personnel)))) 
      :snt8 (p8 / possible-01 
            :ARG1 (b4 / be-located-at-91 
                  :ARG1 (y2 / you 
                        :mod (a4 / all) 
                        :ARG0-of (p10 / polish-up-03 
                              :ARG1 (a5 / alibi 
                                    :poss y2))) 
                  :ARG2 (p9 / parlor 
                        :mod (h4 / hookah)) 
                  :time (g3 / go-off-16 
                        :ARG1 (i3 / it)))) 
      :snt7 (p7 / part 
            :domain (n3 / need-01 :polarity - 
                  :ARG0 (y / you) 
                  :ARG1 (t8 / triggerman 
                        :ARG0-of (s8 / set-off-05 
                              :ARG1 (i2 / it))) 
                  :mod (e / even)) 
            :ARG1-of (g2 / good-02 
                  :degree (m4 / most)))) 
       Open an issue       

[60]   cjconsensus   DF-212-191678-309_0211.27   (snt. 98 in workset  dfa-71, last updated on Mon Nov 2, 2015)
Thanks to info-sharing, the internet gives an insurgency, they're back at it, with better wiring diagrams. A week ago (Oct. 24 '05), a pressure bomb shredded a Humvee in Baqouba, tearing four GIs legs to pieces.

(m / multi-sentence 
      :snt1 (a / and 
            :op1 (g / give-01 
                  :ARG0 (i / internet) 
                  :ARG1 (i2 / insurgency) 
                  :ARG2-of (t / thank-01 
                        :ARG1 (s / share-01 
                              :ARG1 (i3 / information)))) 
            :op2 (b / back-02 
                  :ARG1 (t2 / they) 
                  :destination (i4 / it) 
                  :prep-with (d / diagram 
                        :ARG1-of (g2 / good-02 
                              :degree (m2 / more)) 
                        :mod (w / wire-02)))) 
      :snt2 (s2 / shred-01 
            :ARG0 (b2 / bomb 
                  :mod (p / pressure-01)) 
            :ARG1 (v / vehicle :wiki "Humvee" :name (n / name :op1 "Humvee")) 
            :location (c / city :wiki "Baqubah" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Baqouba")) 
            :time (b3 / before 
                  :op1 (n3 / now) 
                  :quant (t3 / temporal-quantity :quant 1 
                        :unit (w2 / week)) 
                  :ARG1-of (m3 / mean-01 
                        :ARG2 (d2 / date-entity :year 2005 :month 10 :day 24))) 
            :manner (t4 / tear-01 
                  :ARG0 b2 
                  :ARG1 (l / leg 
                        :part-of (p2 / person :quant 4 
                              :mod (m4 / military :wiki "G.I._(military)" :name (n4 / name :op1 "GI")))) 
                  :prep-to (p3 / piece)))) 
       Open an issue       

[61]   cjconsensus   DF-212-191682-305_7587.17   (snt. 17 in workset  dfa-72, last updated on Thu Oct 29, 2015)
But then you have that option already with the US, so the fact that you ask this question probably points to a drift in confidence or the fact that you feel you would be able to better control an Indian nuke umbrella to your prime advantage versus a US one.

(c / contrast-01 
      :ARG2 (c2 / cause-01 
            :ARG0 (h / have-03 
                  :ARG0 (y / you) 
                  :ARG1 (o / option) 
                  :time (t / then) 
                  :prep-with (c3 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "US")) 
                  :time (a3 / already)) 
            :ARG1 (p2 / point-out-02 
                  :ARG0 (q / question-01 
                        :ARG0 y 
                        :ARG1 (t2 / this)) 
                  :ARG1 (o2 / or 
                        :op1 (d / drift-01 
                              :ARG1 (c4 / confidence)) 
                        :op2 (f / feel-02 
                              :ARG0 y 
                              :ARG1 (c7 / capable-01 
                                    :ARG1 y 
                                    :ARG2 (c5 / control-01 
                                          :ARG0 y 
                                          :ARG1 (u / umbrella 
                                                :mod (n2 / nuke) 
                                                :mod (c6 / country :wiki "India" :name (n3 / name :op1 "India"))) 
                                          :purpose (a2 / advantage 
                                                :mod (p4 / prime) 
                                                :poss y 
                                                :prep-against (u2 / umbrella 
                                                      :mod c3)) 
                                          :ARG2-of (g / good-03 
                                                :ARG1 y 
                                                :degree (m / more)))))) 
                  :mod (p / probable)))) 
       Open an issue       

[62]   cjconsensus   DF-212-191693-304_1346.12   (snt. 29 in workset  dfa-72, last updated on Thu Feb 4, 2016)
Manually rip all dvds to Mkvs, make a little htpc with a low cost amd llano cpu and a wireless card and hook it up to my TV.

(a / and 
      :op1 (r / rip-06 
            :ARG2 (f2 / format :wiki "Matroska" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Matroska" :op2 "Multimedia" :op3 "Container")) 
            :ARG3 (d / disc 
                  :mod (a2 / all) 
                  :mod (d2 / digital) 
                  :mod (v / versatile)) 
            :manner (m2 / manual)) 
      :op2 (m / make-01 
            :ARG1 (t2 / theater 
                  :mod (l / little) 
                  :prep-with (a5 / and 
                        :op1 (u / unit 
                              :ARG0-of (p2 / process-01) 
                              :mod (c2 / central) 
                              :ARG1-of (c / cost-01 
                                    :ARG2 (l2 / low-04)) 
                              :mod (p / product :wiki "AMD_Accelerated_Processing_Unit#K10_architecture_.282011.29:_Llano" :name (n / name :op1 "AMD" :op2 "Llano"))) 
                        :op2 (c3 / card 
                              :mod (w / wireless))) 
                  :mod (h2 / home) 
                  :mod (c4 / computer 
                        :ARG1-of (p3 / personal-02)))) 
      :op3 (h / hook-up-02 
            :ARG1 u 
            :ARG2 (t / television 
                  :poss (i / i)))) 
       Open an issue       

[63]   cjconsensus   DF-212-191693-304_1346.3   (snt. 20 in workset  dfa-72, last updated on Wed Oct 28, 2015)
Media server with 6TB storage running FreeNAS lives in the basement, Boxee box hooked into AV stack (Plasma, BD player, CD player, cable box, Receiver) lives upstairs, CAT-5 network.

(a / and 
      :op1 (l / live-01 
            :ARG0 (s / server 
                  :mod (m / media) 
                  :prep-with (s2 / storage 
                        :quant (i / information-quantity :quant 6 
                              :unit (t / terabyte)) 
                        :ARG0-of (r / run-01 
                              :ARG1 (p / product :wiki "FreeNAS" :name (n4 / name :op1 "FreeNAS"))))) 
            :location (b / basement)) 
      :op2 (l2 / live-01 
            :ARG1 (b2 / box 
                  :mod (p4 / product :wiki "Boxee" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Boxee")) 
                  :ARG1-of (h / hook-01 
                        :ARG2 (s3 / stack :wiki "Audio_and_video_connector" :name (n6 / name :op1 "AV") 
                              :ARG1-of (m2 / mean-01 
                                    :ARG2 (a2 / and 
                                          :op1 (p2 / plasma) 
                                          :op2 (t3 / thing 
                                                :ARG2-of (p5 / play-11 
                                                      :ARG3 (d / disc 
                                                            :mod (b4 / blu-ray)))) 
                                          :op3 (t2 / thing 
                                                :ARG2-of (p6 / play-11 
                                                      :ARG3 (d2 / disc 
                                                            :mod (c2 / compact)))) 
                                          :op4 (b3 / box 
                                                :mod (c / cable)) 
                                          :op5 (r2 / receiver)))))) 
            :location (u / upstairs)) 
      :op3 (n / network 
            :mod (p3 / product :wiki "Category_5_cable" :name (n2 / name :op1 "CAT-5")))) 
       Open an issue       

[64]   cjconsensus   DF-212-191693-304_1507.3   (snt. 32 in workset  dfa-72, last updated on Thu Feb 11, 2016)
So far its a split between semi-scifi(Halo ) or literally modernwarfare2(COD4) with new maps and missions..

(s / split-01 
      :ARG1 (a2 / and 
            :op1 (s3 / scifi 
                  :mod (s4 / semi) 
                  :ARG1-of (m4 / mean-01 
                        :ARG2 (p2 / product :wiki "Halo_(series)" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Halo")))) 
            :op2 (p3 / product :wiki "Call_of_Duty:_Modern_Warfare_2" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Modern" :op2 "Warfare" :op3 "2") 
                  :prep-with (a / and 
                        :op1 (m2 / map) 
                        :op2 (m3 / mission) 
                        :ARG1-of (n / new-01)) 
                  :ARG1-of (m / mean-01 
                        :ARG2 (p / product :wiki "Call_of_Duty_4:_Modern_Warfare" :name (n4 / name :op1 "COD4"))))) 
      :time (s2 / so-far) 
      :manner (l / literal)) 
       Open an issue       

[65]   cjconsensus   DF-212-191695-308_4953.4   (snt. 56 in workset  dfa-72, last updated on Tue Jan 13, 2015)
Israel in the past has sucessfully fought off nations with larger numbers of troops before a prime example being the six day war.

(f / fight-off-02 
      :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "Israel" :name (n / name :op1 "Israel")) 
      :ARG1 (n2 / nation 
            :prep-with (t / troop 
                  :quant (n3 / number 
                        :mod (l / large 
                              :degree (m / more))))) 
      :time (p / past) 
      :time (b / before 
            :op1 (e / exemplify-01 
                  :ARG0 (w / war :wiki "Six-Day_War" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Six-Day" :op2 "War")) 
                  :ARG1 f 
                  :mod (p2 / prime))) 
      :ARG1-of (s / succeed-01)) 
       Open an issue       

[66]   cjconsensus   DF-215-192297-405_6538.23   (snt. 87 in workset  dfa-72, last updated on Thu Feb 4, 2016)
If a dropshipper has 100 items for example and we sell 107 to 107 different people then we have 7 potential unhappy customers with the potential for 7 negative feedbacks.

(h / have-03 
      :ARG0 (w / we) 
      :ARG1 (c / customer :quant 7 
            :ARG1-of (h2 / happy-01 :polarity - 
                  :mod (p / potential)) 
            :prep-with (p2 / potential 
                  :prep-for (f / feedback :quant 7 
                        :ARG0-of (n / negative-03)))) 
      :condition (a / and 
            :op1 (h3 / have-03 
                  :ARG0 (d / dropshipper) 
                  :ARG1 (i / item :quant 100) 
                  :mod (e / example)) 
            :op2 (s / sell-01 
                  :ARG0 w 
                  :ARG1 (i2 / item :quant 107) 
                  :ARG2 (p3 / person :quant 107 
                        :ARG1-of (d2 / differ-02))))) 
       Open an issue       

[67]   cjconsensus   DF-215-192297-405_6538.9   (snt. 73 in workset  dfa-72, last updated on Tue Jun 9, 2015)
You CAN have a successful business with dropshippers but it is W*O*R*K.

(c / contrast-01 
      :ARG1 (p / possible-01 
            :ARG1 (h / have-03 
                  :ARG0 (y / you) 
                  :ARG1 (b / business 
                        :mod (s / success)) 
                  :prep-with (s2 / ship-01 
                        :ARG1 (d / drop)))) 
      :ARG2 (t / thing 
            :ARG1-of (w / work-01) 
            :domain b)) 
       Open an issue       

[68]   cjconsensus   DF-215-192297-636_8305.30   (snt. 40 in workset  dfa-73, last updated on Wed Mar 2, 2016)
Using "compatible with," "fits," or "for" before a brand name in the title of your listing to describe items that are universally compatible or that are compatible with an entire product class

(u / use-01 
      :ARG0 (y / you) 
      :ARG1 (o / or 
            :op1 (s / string-entity :value "compatible with") 
            :op2 (f / fit-06) 
            :op3 (f2 / for)) 
      :location (b / before 
            :op1 (n / name 
                  :mod (b2 / brand))) 
      :location (t / title 
            :poss (l / listing 
                  :poss y)) 
      :purpose (d / describe-01 
            :ARG0 y 
            :ARG1 (i / item 
                  :mod (o2 / or 
                        :op1 (c2 / compatible 
                              :mod (u2 / universal)) 
                        :op2 (c3 / compatible 
                              :prep-with (c4 / class 
                                    :mod (p / product 
                                          :quant (e / entire)))))))) 
       Open an issue       

[69]   cjconsensus   DF-225-195986-848_5143.16   (snt. 59 in workset  dfa-73, last updated on Sun Jul 26, 2015)
Then, once your 'special rate product' ends, you go onto SVR, with no overpayment restrictions.

(g / go-06 
      :ARG0 (y / you) 
      :ARG1 (r / rate 
            :mod (v / variable) 
            :ARG1-of (s / standard-02)) 
      :time (e / end-01 
            :ARG1 (p / product 
                  :mod (r2 / rate 
                        :ARG1-of (s2 / special-02)) 
                  :poss (y2 / you))) 
      :prep-with (t / thing :polarity - 
            :ARG1-of (r3 / restrict-01 
                  :mod (o / overpay-01)))) 
       Open an issue       

[70]   cjconsensus   DF-225-195986-848_5143.3   (snt. 46 in workset  dfa-73, last updated on Sun Jul 26, 2015)
I have a £63,950 SVR mortgage with Halifax with 19 1/2 years left. (it's currently £64,570 due to some stupidity a few yrs ago).

(m4 / multi-sentence 
      :snt1 (h / have-03 
            :ARG0 (i / i) 
            :ARG1 (m / mortgage-01 
                  :mod (r / rate 
                        :mod (v / variable) 
                        :ARG1-of (s / standard-02) 
                        :mod (m2 / monetary-quantity :quant 63950 
                              :unit (p / pound))) 
                  :prep-with (c / company :wiki "Halifax_(bank)" :name (n / name :op1 "Halifax")) 
                  :prep-with (t / temporal-quantity :quant 19.5 
                        :unit (y / year) 
                        :ARG1-of (l / leave-17)))) 
      :snt2 (m3 / monetary-quantity :quant 64570 
            :unit (p2 / pound) 
            :domain (i2 / it) 
            :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 
                  :ARG0 (s2 / stupidity 
                        :mod (s3 / some) 
                        :time (b / before 
                              :op1 (n2 / now) 
                              :quant (f2 / few 
                                    :op1 (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 1 
                                          :unit (y2 / year)))))) 
            :time (c3 / current))) 
       Open an issue       

[71]   cjconsensus   DF-225-195986-848_5296.5   (snt. 76 in workset  dfa-73, last updated on Mon May 25, 2015)
I took the mortgage out with my then husband, we split two years ago.

(a / and 
      :op1 (t / take-out-11 
            :ARG0 (i / i) 
            :ARG1 (m / mortgage-01) 
            :prep-with (p / person 
                  :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 
                        :ARG1 i 
                        :ARG2 (h2 / husband) 
                        :time (t2 / then)))) 
      :op2 (s / split-01 
            :ARG1 (w / we) 
            :time (b / before 
                  :op1 (n / now) 
                  :quant (t3 / temporal-quantity :quant 2 
                        :unit (y / year))))) 
       Open an issue       

[72]   cjconsensus   DF-225-195986-849_0285.13   (snt. 13 in workset  dfa-74, last updated on Tue Nov 3, 2015)
Banks will want you to think that you have a better chance of getting a mortgage with them as you have your finances with them but this is simply not true.

(c / contrast-01 
      :ARG0 (w / want-01 
            :ARG0 (b / bank) 
            :ARG1 (t / think-01 
                  :ARG0 (y / you) 
                  :ARG1 (c2 / chance-02 
                        :ARG1 (g2 / get-01 
                              :ARG1 y 
                              :ARG2 (m2 / mortgage-01 
                                    :ARG0 b)) 
                        :ARG2 (g / good-02 
                              :degree (m / more)) 
                        :ARG1-of (c3 / cause-01 
                              :ARG0 (h2 / have-03 
                                    :ARG0 y 
                                    :ARG1 (f / finance 
                                          :poss y) 
                                    :prep-with b))))) 
      :ARG1 (t2 / true-01 :polarity - 
            :ARG1 c2 
            :mod (s / simple))) 
       Open an issue       

[73]   cjconsensus   DF-225-195986-849_6697.11   (snt. 38 in workset  dfa-75, last updated on Thu Oct 8, 2015)
Unfortunately this was quite a common problem, particularly with young first time buyers who have no real clue about mortgages.

(f / fortunate-01 :polarity - 
      :ARG2 (p / problem 
            :mod (c / common 
                  :mod (q / quite)) 
            :prep-with (p3 / person 
                  :mod (y / young) 
                  :mod (p2 / particular) 
                  :ARG0-of (h / have-03 :polarity - 
                        :ARG1 (c2 / clue 
                              :topic (m / mortgage) 
                              :ARG1-of (r / real-04))) 
                  :ARG0-of (b / buy-01 
                        :ord (o / ordinal-entity :value 1))) 
            :domain (t / this))) 
       Open an issue       

[74]   cjconsensus   DF-225-195989-880_0167.16   (snt. 83 in workset  dfa-75, last updated on Wed Nov 4, 2015)
2) If she wants to stay with LTSB, support her in finding the best home for her money from their range, but also help her to keep it in a good paying account, as most of their accounts have 12 month bonuses.

(h / have-condition-91 :li 2 
      :ARG1 (h5 / have-concession-91 
            :ARG1 (s3 / support-01 
                  :ARG1 (f / find-01 
                        :ARG0 s 
                        :ARG1 (h2 / home 
                              :ARG1-of (g2 / good-02 
                                    :degree (m4 / most))) 
                        :beneficiary (m / money 
                              :poss (s / she)) 
                        :source (r / range 
                              :poss c))) 
            :ARG2 (h3 / help-01 
                  :ARG1 (k / keep-01 
                        :ARG0 s 
                        :ARG1 m 
                        :location (a3 / account 
                              :ARG0-of (p / pay-01) 
                              :ARG1-of (g / good-02))) 
                  :mod (a2 / also) 
                  :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 
                        :ARG0 (m2 / most 
                              :ARG3-of (i / include-91 
                                    :ARG2 (a4 / account 
                                          :poss c)) 
                              :ARG0-of (h4 / have-03 
                                    :ARG1 (b / bonus 
                                          :mod (t / temporal-quantity :quant 12 
                                                :unit (m3 / month)))))))) 
      :ARG2 (w / want-01 
            :ARG1 (s2 / stay-01 
                  :ARG1 s 
                  :prep-with (c / company :wiki "Lloyds_Bank" :name (n / name :op1 "LTSB"))))) 
       Open an issue       

[75]   cjconsensus   DF-225-195989-880_0167.3   (snt. 70 in workset  dfa-75, last updated on Wed Sep 21, 2016)
What appears to be the case is that she has: £150k+ in an OEIC/shares ISA with Scottish Widows £30k in easy access savings account paying 2% with lloyds £15k in current account with Lloyds £5k in cash ISA with lloyds

(a / appear-02 
      :ARG1 (a2 / and 
            :op1 (h / have-03 
                  :ARG0 (s / she) 
                  :ARG1 (a7 / and 
                        :op1 (p2 / plus 
                              :op1 (m / monetary-quantity :quant 150000 
                                    :unit (p / pound)) 
                              :location (s2 / slash 
                                    :op1 (c5 / company 
                                          :ARG0-of (i / invest-01 
                                                :ARG1-of (e / end-01 
                                                      :ARG1-of (o / open-06)))) 
                                    :op2 (s3 / share 
                                          :mod (p7 / product :wiki "Individual_Savings_Account" :name (n4 / name :op1 "ISA")))) 
                              :prep-with (c2 / company :wiki "Scottish_Widows" :name (n / name :op1 "Scottish" :op2 "Widows"))) 
                        :op2 (m2 / monetary-quantity :quant 30000 
                              :location (a4 / account 
                                    :mod (s5 / save-01) 
                                    :ARG1-of (a5 / access-01 
                                          :ARG1-of (e2 / easy-05)) 
                                    :ARG0-of (p4 / pay-01 
                                          :ARG1 (p5 / percentage-entity :value 2))) 
                              :prep-with (c3 / company :wiki "Lloyds_Banking_Group" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Lloyds")) 
                              :unit (p8 / pound)) 
                        :op3 (m3 / monetary-quantity :quant 15000 
                              :location (a6 / account 
                                    :time (c4 / current)) 
                              :prep-with c3 
                              :unit (p6 / pound)) 
                        :op4 (m4 / monetary-quantity :quant 5000 
                              :unit (p3 / pound) 
                              :prep-in (c / cash 
                                    :mod p7) 
                              :prep-with c3))))) 
       Open an issue       

[76]   cjconsensus   DF-225-196010-966_3642.3   (snt. 19 in workset  dfa-76, last updated on Wed Nov 4, 2015)
In some ways i envy my DH who has a July birthday that generally falls within schools holidays and we are all around him with good weather.

(e / envy-01 
      :ARG0 (i / i) 
      :ARG1 (p / person 
            :ARG0-of (h2 / have-rel-role-91 
                  :ARG1 i 
                  :ARG2 (h3 / husband)) 
            :mod (d2 / dear)) 
      :ARG2 (a / and 
            :op1 (f / fall-04 
                  :ARG1 (b / birthday 
                        :poss p 
                        :mod (d / date-entity :month 7)) 
                  :ARG2 (h / holiday 
                        :mod (s / school)) 
                  :ARG1-of (g2 / general-02)) 
            :op2 (a2 / around 
                  :op1 p 
                  :prep-with (w / weather 
                        :ARG1-of (g / good-02)) 
                  :domain (w2 / we 
                        :mod (a3 / all)))) 
      :manner (w3 / way 
            :mod (s2 / some))) 
       Open an issue       

[77]   cjconsensus   DF-225-196010-966_4222.11   (snt. 62 in workset  dfa-76, last updated on Thu Feb 11, 2016)
If it is relevant at all, DH has no previous convictions, arrests or anything similar with the police, and is a middle aged businessman set upon by 20 year old males of a different racial background to us.

(h / have-condition-91 
      :ARG1 (a2 / and 
            :op1 (h2 / have-03 
                  :ARG0 (p / person 
                        :ARG0-of (h3 / have-rel-role-91 
                              :ARG1 i 
                              :ARG2 (h4 / husband)) 
                        :mod (d / dear)) 
                  :ARG1 (o / or 
                        :op1 (a5 / and 
                              :op1 (c / convict-01 
                                    :time (p2 / previous)) 
                              :op2 (a3 / arrest-01)) 
                        :op3 (a4 / anything 
                              :ARG1-of (r2 / resemble-01 
                                    :ARG2 a5))) 
                  :prep-with (p3 / police)) 
            :op2 (b / businessman 
                  :domain p 
                  :age (t2 / temporal-quantity 
                        :mod (m / middle)) 
                  :ARG1-of (s / set-upon-10 
                        :ARG0 (m2 / male 
                              :age (t / temporal-quantity :quant 20 
                                    :unit (y / year)) 
                              :mod (b2 / background 
                                    :mod (r3 / race) 
                                    :ARG1-of (r4 / resemble-01 :polarity - 
                                          :ARG2 (w / we))))))) 
      :ARG2 (r / relevant-01 
            :ARG1 (i / it) 
            :prep-at (a / all))) 
       Open an issue       

[78]   cjconsensus   PROXY_AFP_ENG_20031202_0313.22   (snt. 44 in workset  proxy-19-wset-5, last updated on Fri Sep 13, 2013)
A spokeswoman for Germany's Federal exports office confirmed Siemens's application for an export licence had been lodged with Germany's Federal exports office.

(c / confirm-01 
      :ARG0 (p / person 
            :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 
                  :ARG1 (g3 / government-organization :wiki "Federal_Office_of_Economics_and_Export_Control" 
                        :name (n5 / name :op1 "Federal" :op2 "Exports" :op3 "Office") 
                        :poss (c2 / country :wiki "Germany" 
                              :name (n / name :op1 "Germany"))) 
                  :ARG2 (s / spokeswoman))) 
      :ARG1 (l2 / lodge-03 
            :ARG1 (a2 / apply-01 
                  :ARG0 (c3 / company :wiki "Siemens" 
                        :name (n2 / name :op1 "Siemens")) 
                  :ARG1 (l / licence 
                        :mod (e2 / export-01))) 
            :prep-with g3)) 
       Open an issue       

[79]   cjconsensus   PROXY_AFP_ENG_20050321_0150.23   (snt. 23 in workset  proxy-19-wset-16, last updated on Tue May 28, 2013)
Hejian was founded in November 2001 with capital of 350 million U.S. dollars.

(f / found-01 
      :ARG1 (c / company :wiki "Hejian_Technology_Corporation" 
            :name (n / name :op1 "Hejian") 
            :prep-with (c4 / capital 
                  :mod (m / monetary-quantity :quant 350000000 
                        :unit (d2 / dollar 
                              :mod (c3 / country :wiki "United_States" 
                                    :name (n2 / name :op1 "U.S.")))))) 
      :time (d / date-entity :month 11 :year 2001)) 
       Open an issue       

[80]   cjconsensus   PROXY_AFP_ENG_20050519_0289.8   (snt. 50 in workset  proxy-19-wset-16, last updated on Wed Jan 20, 2016)
5 projects worth 10.6 million dollars are currently in operation under an action plan implemented as part of the 1993 pact with UNDOC.

(o / operate-01 
      :ARG1 (p / project :quant 5 
            :ARG1-of (w / worth-01 
                  :ARG2 (m / monetary-quantity :quant 10600000 
                        :unit (d2 / dollar)))) 
      :ARG4 (u / under 
            :op1 (i / implement-01 
                  :ARG1 (p2 / plan 
                        :mod (a / action) 
                        :part-of (p3 / pact 
                              :time (d / date-entity :year 1993) 
                              :prep-with (o2 / organization :wiki "United_Nations_Office_on_Drugs_and_Crime" :name (n / name :op1 "UNDOC")))))) 
      :time (c / current)) 
       Open an issue       

[81]   cjconsensus   PROXY_AFP_ENG_20050912_0366.17   (snt. 45 in workset  proxy-19-wset-19, last updated on Wed Jun 3, 2015)
The vessels are 65 meters long, contain sophisticated detection equipment, 6 torpedo tubes and missile launchers and can remain at sea up to 45 days with a crew of 31 and dive 300 meters.

(a3 / and 
      :op1 (l / long-03 
            :ARG1 (v / vessel) 
            :ARG2 (d / distance-quantity :quant 65 
                  :unit (m / meter))) 
      :op2 (c / contain-01 
            :ARG0 v 
            :ARG1 (a / and 
                  :op1 (e / equipment 
                        :ARG2-of (d2 / detect-01) 
                        :mod (s / sophisticated)) 
                  :op2 (t / tube :quant 6 
                        :instrument-of (t2 / torpedo-01)) 
                  :op3 (p3 / product 
                        :ARG0-of (l3 / launch-01 
                              :ARG1 (m2 / missile))))) 
      :op3 (p / possible-01 
            :ARG1 (a2 / and 
                  :op1 (r / remain-01 
                        :ARG1 v 
                        :location (s2 / sea) 
                        :prep-with (c2 / crew 
                              :consist-of (p2 / person :quant 31)) 
                        :duration (u / up-to 
                              :op1 (t3 / temporal-quantity :quant 45 
                                    :unit (d4 / day)))) 
                  :op2 (d3 / dive-01 
                        :mod (d5 / distance-quantity :quant 300 
                              :unit (m3 / meter)))))) 
       Open an issue       

[82]   cjconsensus   PROXY_AFP_ENG_20070326_0201.5   (snt. 55 in workset  proxy-19-wset-27, last updated on Wed Feb 10, 2016)
Indonesia's Foreign Minister Hassan Wirajuda said on 070326 that Muslim-majority Indonesia agreed to further UN sanctions against Iran over the Iranian government's disputed atomic program because the sanctions promote the goal of a nuclear weapons-free Middle East.

(s / say-01 
      :ARG0 (p3 / person :wiki "Hassan_Wirajuda" :name (n / name :op1 "Hassan" :op2 "Wirajuda") 
            :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 
                  :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Indonesia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Indonesia") 
                        :prep-with (m / majority 
                              :mod (r / religious-group :wiki "Islam" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Islam")))) 
                  :ARG2 (m2 / minister 
                        :topic (f / foreign)))) 
      :ARG1 (a / agree-01 
            :ARG0 c 
            :ARG1 (f2 / further-01 
                  :ARG0 c 
                  :ARG1 (s2 / sanction-02 
                        :ARG0 (o / organization :wiki "United_Nations" :name (n4 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "Nations")) 
                        :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Iran")) 
                        :ARG1-of (c4 / cause-01 
                              :ARG0 (p / program 
                                    :mod (a2 / atom) 
                                    :ARG2-of (d2 / dispute-01) 
                                    :poss (g / government-organization 
                                          :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 
                                                :ARG1 c2)))))) 
            :ARG1-of (c3 / cause-01 
                  :ARG0 (p2 / promote-02 
                        :ARG0 s2 
                        :ARG1 (g3 / goal 
                              :mod (w / world-region :wiki "Middle_East" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Middle" :op2 "East") 
                                    :ARG1-of (f3 / free-04 
                                          :ARG2 (w2 / weapon 
                                                :mod (n7 / nucleus)))))))) 
      :time (d / date-entity :year 2007 :month 3 :day 26)) 
       Open an issue       

[83]   cjconsensus   PROXY_AFP_ENG_20070511_0288.6   (snt. 55 in workset  proxy-19-wset-31, last updated on Tue Oct 6, 2015)
Estonian Defense Minister Jaak Aaviksoo stated on 11 May 2007 that Estonian officials will raise the handling of cyber attacks with EU defense ministers at a meeting in Brussels on 14 May 2007.

(s / state-01 
      :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Jaak_Aaviksoo" :name (n / name :op1 "Jaak" :op2 "Aaviksoo") 
            :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 
                  :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Estonia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Estonia")) 
                  :ARG2 (m / minister 
                        :topic (d / defend-01)))) 
      :ARG1 (r / raise-01 
            :ARG0 (p2 / person 
                  :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 
                        :ARG1 c 
                        :ARG2 (o / official))) 
            :ARG1 (h / handle-01 
                  :ARG1 (a / attack-01 
                        :mod (c2 / cyber))) 
            :time (m3 / meet-03 
                  :location (c3 / city :wiki "Brussels" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Brussels")) 
                  :time (d3 / date-entity :year 2007 :month 5 :day 14)) 
            :prep-with (p3 / person 
                  :ARG0-of (h4 / have-org-role-91 
                        :ARG1 (o2 / organization :wiki "European_Union" :name (n3 / name :op1 "European" :op2 "Union")) 
                        :ARG2 (m2 / minister 
                              :topic (d4 / defend-01))))) 
      :time (d2 / date-entity :year 2007 :month 5 :day 11)) 
       Open an issue       

[84]   cjconsensus   PROXY_AFP_ENG_20070525_0061.12   (snt. 54 in workset  proxy-19-wset-32, last updated on Thu Jun 27, 2013)
Roh stated that Republic of Korea will move forward with a program to create an ocean-going navy.

(s / state-01 
      :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Roh_Moo-hyun" 
            :name (n / name :op1 "Roh")) 
      :ARG1 (m / move-01 
            :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "South_Korea" 
                  :name (n2 / name :op1 "Republic" :op2 "of" :op3 "Korea")) 
            :direction (f / forward) 
            :prep-with (p2 / program) 
            :purpose (c2 / create-01 
                  :ARG0 c 
                  :ARG1 (n3 / navy 
                        :ARG1-of (g / go-01 
                              :medium (o / ocean)))))) 
       Open an issue       

[85]   cjconsensus   PROXY_AFP_ENG_20070529_0077.28   (snt. 28 in workset  proxy-19-wset-33, last updated on Wed Jan 20, 2016)
Military analyst Alexander golts stated that the test was part of a massive effort by the Russian government to regain parity with the United States' strategic missile forces.

(s / state-01 
      :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n4 / name :op1 "Alexander" :op2 "Golts") 
            :ARG0-of (a / analyze-01 
                  :ARG1 (m / military))) 
      :ARG1 (h / have-part-91 
            :ARG1 (e / effort-01 
                  :ARG0 g 
                  :ARG1 (r / regain-01 
                        :ARG0 (g / government-organization 
                              :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 
                                    :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Russia")))) 
                        :ARG1 (p3 / parity 
                              :prep-with (f / force 
                                    :mod (m3 / missile) 
                                    :mod (s2 / strategic) 
                                    :poss (c4 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n6 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States"))))) 
                  :mod (m2 / massive)) 
            :ARG2 (t2 / test-01))) 
       Open an issue       

[86]   cjconsensus   PROXY_AFP_ENG_20070529_0077.29   (snt. 29 in workset  proxy-19-wset-33, last updated on Wed Sep 11, 2013)
Golts stated that the principle military political aim of the current Russian leadership is to regain parity with the United States.

(s / state-01 
      :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - 
            :name (n3 / name :op1 "Golts")) 
      :ARG1 (a / aim-01 
            :ARG0 (l / leadership 
                  :time (c4 / current) 
                  :mod (c5 / country :wiki "Russia" 
                        :name (n5 / name :op1 "Russia"))) 
            :ARG1 (r / regain-01 
                  :ARG0 l 
                  :ARG1 (p2 / parity 
                        :prep-with (c3 / country :wiki "United_States" 
                              :name (n4 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")))) 
            :mod (p3 / politics) 
            :mod (m / military) 
            :mod (p4 / principle))) 
       Open an issue       

[87]   cjconsensus   PROXY_AFP_ENG_20070529_0077.5   (snt. 5 in workset  proxy-19-wset-33, last updated on Thu Sep 5, 2013)
In response to U.S. plans Putin states that Russia will suspend its compliance with a European conventional weapons control treaty as Russia continues working to regain military parity with the U.S..

(r / respond-01 
      :ARG1 (p2 / plan-01 
            :ARG0 (c5 / country :wiki "United_States" 
                  :name (n7 / name :op1 "U.S."))) 
      :ARG2 (s / state-01 
            :ARG0 (p3 / person :wiki "Vladimir_Putin" 
                  :name (n8 / name :op1 "Putin")) 
            :ARG1 (s2 / suspend-01 
                  :ARG0 (c6 / country :wiki "Russia" 
                        :name (n9 / name :op1 "Russia")) 
                  :ARG1 (c7 / comply-01 
                        :ARG0 c6 
                        :ARG1 (t / treaty 
                              :topic (c8 / control-01 
                                    :ARG1 (w / weapon 
                                          :mod (c9 / convention))) 
                              :mod (c10 / continent :wiki "Europe" 
                                    :name (n10 / name :op1 "Europe")))) 
                  :time (c11 / continue-01 
                        :ARG0 c6 
                        :ARG1 (w2 / work-01 
                              :ARG0 c6 
                              :ARG1 (r2 / regain-01 
                                    :ARG0 c6 
                                    :ARG1 (p4 / parity 
                                          :mod (m / military) 
                                          :prep-with c5))))))) 
       Open an issue       

[88]   cjconsensus   PROXY_AFP_ENG_20070714_0117.10   (snt. 26 in workset  proxy-19-wset-37, last updated on Wed May 6, 2015)
Felgenhauer pointed out that Russia has other problems with Europe and that this withdrawal is another factor reducing confidence and deteriorating relations especially with European countries.

(p / point-out-02 
      :ARG0 (p4 / person :wiki "Pavel_Felgenhauer" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Felgenhauer")) 
      :ARG1 (a / and 
            :op1 (h / have-03 
                  :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russia")) 
                  :ARG1 (p3 / problem 
                        :mod (o / other)) 
                  :prep-with (c2 / continent :wiki "Europe" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Europe"))) 
            :op2 (f2 / factor 
                  :domain (w / withdraw-01 
                        :mod (t / this)) 
                  :mod (a2 / another) 
                  :ARG0-of (r / reduce-01 
                        :ARG1 (c3 / confident-01)) 
                  :ARG0-of (d / deteriorate-01 
                        :ARG1 (r2 / relation-03 
                              :ARG0 c 
                              :ARG2 (c4 / country 
                                    :location c2)) 
                        :mod (e / especially))))) 
       Open an issue       

[89]   cjconsensus   PROXY_AFP_ENG_20071228_0377.17   (snt. 52 in workset  proxy-19-wset-54, last updated on Sat May 10, 2014)
People caught with over 600 grammes of heroin or 20 kilogrammes of opium in Vietnam are sentenced to death by firing squad.

(s / sentence-01 
      :ARG1 (p / person 
            :ARG1-of (c / catch-02 
                  :prep-with (o / or 
                        :op1 (h / heroin 
                              :quant (o2 / over 
                                    :op1 (m / mass-quantity :quant 600 
                                          :unit (g / gram)))) 
                        :op2 (o3 / opium 
                              :quant (m2 / mass-quantity :quant 20 
                                    :unit (k / kilogram)))) 
                  :location (c2 / country :wiki "Vietnam" :name (n / name :op1 "Vietnam")))) 
      :ARG2 (d / die-01 
            :ARG1 p 
            :manner (s2 / squad 
                  :ARG0-of (f / fire-01)))) 
       Open an issue       

[90]   cjconsensus   PROXY_AFP_ENG_20080303_0316.7   (snt. 44 in workset  proxy-19-wset-60, last updated on Thu Feb 4, 2016)
A new UN Security Council resolution against Iran's nuclear activities would be irrational and unlawful and complicate the standoff with Western nations rather than promoting resolution of the issue.

(a / and 
      :op1 (r / rational :polarity - 
            :domain (r3 / resolution 
                  :ARG1-of (n / new-01) 
                  :prep-against (a2 / activity-06 
                        :ARG0 (c3 / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Iran")) 
                        :mod (n4 / nucleus)) 
                  :mod (o / organization :wiki "United_Nations_Security_Council" :name (n2 / name :op1 "UN" :op2 "Security" :op3 "Council")))) 
      :op2 (l / law :polarity - 
            :domain r3) 
      :op3 (c2 / complicate-01 
            :ARG0 r3 
            :ARG1 (s / standoff 
                  :prep-with (n6 / nation 
                        :location (w / world-region :wiki "Western_world" :name (n7 / name :op1 "West"))))) 
      :ARG1-of (i2 / instead-of-91 
            :ARG2 (p / promote-02 
                  :ARG0 r3 
                  :ARG1 (r2 / resolution 
                        :poss (i / issue-02))))) 
       Open an issue       

[91]   cjconsensus   PROXY_AFP_ENG_20080303_0416.19   (snt. 19 in workset  proxy-19-wset-61, last updated on Mon Jul 6, 2015)
Iran was involved in military research incompatible with conventional weapon activities.

(i / involve-01 
      :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n / name :op1 "Iran")) 
      :ARG2 (r / research-01 
            :mod (c2 / compatible :polarity - 
                  :prep-with (a / activity-06 
                        :mod (w / weapon 
                              :mod (c3 / convention)))) 
            :mod (m / military))) 
       Open an issue       

[92]   cjconsensus   PROXY_AFP_ENG_20080802_0345.6   (snt. 18 in workset  proxy-19-wset-69, last updated on Wed Jul 24, 2013)
Ever villafane held Mexican identity documents during arrest with the name Marco Antonio Espinoza tovali.

(h / hold-01 
      :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - 
            :name (n / name :op1 "Ever" :op2 "Villafane")) 
      :ARG1 (d / document 
            :mod (i / identity) 
            :mod (c / country :wiki "Mexico" 
                  :name (n2 / name :op1 "Mexico")) 
            :prep-with (n4 / name :op1 "Marco" :op2 "Antonio" :op3 "Espinoza" :op4 "Tovali")) 
      :time (a / arrest-01)) 
       Open an issue       

[93]   cjconsensus   PROXY_AFP_ENG_20080813_1032.41   (snt. 63 in workset  proxy-19-wset-69, last updated on Wed Jul 24, 2013)
Botnets are networks of computers that have been turned into zombies or BOTs with malicious software.

(n2 / network 
      :consist-of (c / computer 
            :ARG1-of (t / turn-02 
                  :ARG2 (o / or 
                        :op1 (z / zombie) 
                        :op2 (b2 / bot 
                              :prep-with (s / software 
                                    :mod (m / malicious)))))) 
      :domain (b / botnet)) 
       Open an issue       

[94]   cjconsensus   PROXY_AFP_ENG_20081107_0372.18   (snt. 71 in workset  proxy-19-wset-71, last updated on Wed Sep 18, 2013)
Russia is the EU's third largest trading partner with growth rates of up to 20 percent per year.

(p / partner-01 
      :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "Russia" 
            :name (n2 / name :op1 "Russia") 
            :prep-with (r2 / rate-entity-91 
                  :ARG1 (u / up-to 
                        :op1 (p3 / percentage-entity :value 20)) 
                  :ARG2 (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 1 
                        :unit (y / year)) 
                  :mod (g / grow-01))) 
      :ARG1 (o / organization :wiki "European_Union" 
            :name (n / name :op1 "EU")) 
      :mod (t / trade-01) 
      :mod (l / large 
            :degree (m2 / most 
                  :ord (o2 / ordinal-entity :value 3)))) 
       Open an issue       

[95]   cjconsensus   PROXY_APW_ENG_20080218_0615.25   (snt. 25 in workset  proxy-19-wset-79, last updated on Fri May 29, 2015)
On 080218 John Williams stated in The Guardian newspaper that many within United Kingdom's government had failed to find problems with Tony Blair's case for joining the invasion of Iraq.

(s / state-01 
      :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "John" :op2 "Williams")) 
      :ARG1 (f / fail-01 
            :ARG0 (p3 / person 
                  :quant (m / many) 
                  :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 
                        :ARG1 (g / government-organization 
                              :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 
                                    :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "United_Kingdom" :name (n3 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "Kingdom")))))) 
            :ARG1 (f2 / find-01 
                  :ARG0 p3 
                  :ARG1 (p4 / problem) 
                  :prep-with (c3 / case-03 
                        :ARG1 (j / join-01 
                              :ARG3 (i / invade-01 
                                    :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "Iraq" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Iraq")))) 
                        :ARG2 (p2 / person :wiki "Tony_Blair" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Tony" :op2 "Blair"))))) 
      :time (d / date-entity :day 18 :month 2 :year 2008) 
      :medium (n6 / newspaper :wiki "The_Guardian" :name (n7 / name :op1 "The" :op2 "Guardian"))) 
       Open an issue       

[96]   cjconsensus   PROXY_APW_ENG_20080218_0615.27   (snt. 27 in workset  proxy-19-wset-79, last updated on Tue Oct 6, 2015)
On 080218 John Williams stated in The Guardian newspaper that other people were more perceptive than the many within United Kingdom's government had failed to find problems with Tony Blair's case for joining the invasion of Iraq and that one of these more perceptive people was the former United Kingdom Foreign Secretary Robin Cook.

(s / state-01 
      :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "John" :op2 "Williams")) 
      :ARG1 (a / and 
            :op1 (p4 / perceptive-02 
                  :ARG0 (p5 / person 
                        :mod (o / other)) 
                  :ARG1 (f / fail-01 
                        :ARG1 g 
                        :ARG2 (f2 / find-01 
                              :ARG0 g 
                              :ARG1 (p7 / problem) 
                              :prep-with (c / case-03 
                                    :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki "Tony_Blair" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Tony" :op2 "Blair")) 
                                    :ARG1 (j / join-01 
                                          :ARG1 (i / invade-01 
                                                :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "Iraq" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Iraq"))))))) 
                  :degree (m / more) 
                  :compared-to (p6 / person 
                        :quant (m2 / many) 
                        :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 
                              :ARG1 (g / government-organization 
                                    :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 
                                          :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "United_Kingdom" :name (n6 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "Kingdom"))))))) 
            :op1 (i2 / include-91 
                  :ARG1 (p3 / person :wiki "Robin_Cook" :name (n7 / name :op1 "Robin" :op2 "Cook") 
                        :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 
                              :ARG1 c3 
                              :ARG2 (s2 / secretary 
                                    :topic (f3 / foreign)) 
                              :time (f4 / former))) 
                  :ARG2 p5)) 
      :time (d / date-entity :day 18 :month 2 :year 2008) 
      :medium (n8 / newspaper :wiki "The_Guardian" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Guardian"))) 
       Open an issue       

[97]   cjconsensus   PROXY_APW_ENG_20080319_0386.9   (snt. 38 in workset  proxy-19-wset-81, last updated on Fri Sep 20, 2013)
Luong was apprehended in February 2007 at the Ho Chi Minh City Airport while preparing to board a flight to Sydney with heroin concealed in her shoes and luggage.

(a / apprehend-01 
      :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - 
            :name (n / name :op1 "Luong")) 
      :time (d / date-entity :month 2 :year 2007) 
      :location (a2 / airport 
            :mod (c / city :wiki "Ho_Chi_Minh_City" 
                  :name (n2 / name :op1 "Ho" :op2 "Chi" :op3 "Minh"))) 
      :time (p2 / prepare-02 
            :ARG2 (b / board-01 
                  :ARG1 (f / fly-01 
                        :destination (c2 / city :wiki "Sydney" 
                              :name (n3 / name :op1 "Sydney"))) 
                  :prep-with (h / heroin 
                        :ARG1-of (c3 / conceal-01 
                              :location (a3 / and 
                                    :op1 (s / shoe-01) 
                                    :op2 (l / luggage) 
                                    :poss p)))))) 
       Open an issue       

[98]   cjconsensus   PROXY_APW_ENG_20080415_1054.6   (snt. 24 in workset  proxy-19-wset-82, last updated on Tue Jul 28, 2015)
A security official stated that on 15 April 2008 an Egyptian military court known for severe verdicts convicted 25 key members of the opposition Muslim Brotherhood with sentences up to 10 years in jail.

(s / state-01 
      :ARG0 (p / person 
            :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 
                  :ARG1 (s2 / security) 
                  :ARG2 (o2 / official))) 
      :ARG1 (c2 / convict-01 
            :ARG0 (c3 / court 
                  :mod (m / military) 
                  :mod (c / country :wiki "Egypt" :name (n / name :op1 "Egypt")) 
                  :ARG1-of (k / know-02 
                        :ARG3 (v / verdict 
                              :mod (s3 / severe)))) 
            :ARG1 (p2 / person :quant 25 
                  :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 
                        :ARG1 (o / organization :wiki "Muslim_Brotherhood" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Muslim" :op2 "Brotherhood") 
                              :ARG0-of (o3 / oppose-01)) 
                        :ARG2 (m2 / member 
                              :ARG1-of (k2 / key-02)))) 
            :time (d / date-entity :day 15 :month 4 :year 2008) 
            :prep-with (s4 / sentence-01 
                  :ARG0 c3 
                  :ARG1 p2 
                  :ARG2 (u / up-to 
                        :op1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 10 
                              :unit (y / year) 
                              :location (j / jail)))))) 
       Open an issue       

[99]   cjconsensus   PROXY_APW_ENG_20080417_0885.28   (snt. 28 in workset  proxy-19-wset-83, last updated on Fri Jan 29, 2016)
Kriel stated that the South African Government's approval for the transport of the arms across South African territory effectively means that the government is replacing its ineffective policy of silent diplomacy with a more catastrophic policy of complicity with the State violence and human rights violations committed by the Zimbabwean government against its own citizens.

(s / state-01 
      :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n4 / name :op1 "Kriel")) 
      :ARG1 (m / mean-01 
            :ARG1 (a / approve-01 
                  :ARG0 (g / government-organization 
                        :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 
                              :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "South_Africa" :name (n / name :op1 "South" :op2 "Africa")))) 
                  :ARG1 (t / transport-01 
                        :ARG1 (a2 / arm) 
                        :ARG4 (a3 / across 
                              :op1 (t2 / territory 
                                    :location c)))) 
            :ARG2 (r / replace-01 
                  :ARG0 g 
                  :ARG1 (p2 / policy-01 
                        :ARG0 g 
                        :ARG1 (d / diplomacy 
                              :mod (s2 / silent)) 
                        :ARG1-of (e2 / effective-04 :polarity -)) 
                  :ARG2 (p3 / policy-01 
                        :ARG1 (c4 / complicity 
                              :prep-with (a4 / and 
                                    :op1 (v / violence 
                                          :mod (s3 / state)) 
                                    :op2 (v2 / violate-01 
                                          :ARG1 (r2 / right-05 
                                                :ARG1 (h / human))) 
                                    :ARG1-of (c5 / commit-02 
                                          :ARG0 (g5 / government-organization 
                                                :ARG0-of (g6 / govern-01 
                                                      :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "Zimbabwe" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Zimbabwe")))) 
                                          :prep-against (c6 / citizen 
                                                :poss g5)))) 
                        :mod (c2 / catastrophic 
                              :degree (m2 / more)))) 
            :ARG1-of (e / effective-04))) 
       Open an issue       

[100]   cjconsensus   PROXY_APW_ENG_20080513_0501.27   (snt. 27 in workset  proxy-19-wset-87, last updated on Sat Jan 30, 2016)
The left-leaning newspaper Asahi raised concerns that the legislation could escalate friction with neighboring countries.

(c / concern-01 
      :ARG0 (p / possible-01 
            :ARG1 (e / escalate-01 
                  :ARG0 (l3 / legislation) 
                  :ARG1 (f / friction 
                        :prep-with (c2 / country 
                              :ARG1-of (n4 / neighbor-01))))) 
      :ARG1 (n2 / newspaper :wiki "Asahi_Shimbun" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Asahi") 
            :ARG0-of (l / lean-01 
                  :ARG2 (l2 / left-19)))) 
       Open an issue       

[101]   cjconsensus   PROXY_APW_ENG_20080514_0575.16   (snt. 43 in workset  proxy-19-wset-87, last updated on Mon Jul 22, 2013)
The Cyber Defense Center will be operational in August 2008 with the formal opening planned for 2009.

(o2 / operate-01 
      :ARG1 (f / facility :wiki "Cooperative_Cyber_Defence_Centre_of_Excellence" 
            :name (n2 / name :op1 "Cyber" :op2 "Defense" :op3 "Center")) 
      :time (d3 / date-entity :month 8 :year 2008) 
      :prep-with (o3 / open-01 
            :mod (f2 / formal) 
            :ARG1-of (p / plan-01 
                  :time (d4 / date-entity :year 2009)))) 
       Open an issue       

[102]   cjconsensus   PROXY_APW_ENG_20080710_1336.8   (snt. 8 in workset  proxy-19-wset-89, last updated on Thu Jul 18, 2013)
20080710 the image with 4 launches was absent from Sepah's main page but both images were in the archive.

(a / absent-01 
      :ARG1 (i / image 
            :prep-with (l / launch-01 :quant 4)) 
      :ARG2 (p2 / page 
            :mod (m / main) 
            :mod (o / organization :wiki - 
                  :name (n2 / name :op1 "Sepah"))) 
      :time (d / date-entity :day 10 :month 7 :year 2008) 
      :concession (i2 / image 
            :mod (b / both) 
            :prep-in (a2 / archive))) 
       Open an issue       

[103]   cjconsensus   PROXY_APW_ENG_20081020_0726.19   (snt. 67 in workset  proxy-19-wset-92, last updated on Sun Jul 28, 2013)
Verhagen said the Netherlands Government plans to raise the matter with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

(s / say-01 
      :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Maxime_Verhagen" 
            :name (n / name :op1 "Verhagen")) 
      :ARG1 (p2 / plan-01 
            :ARG0 (g / government-organization 
                  :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 
                        :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Netherlands" 
                              :name (n2 / name :op1 "Netherlands")))) 
            :ARG1 (r / raise-01 
                  :ARG0 g 
                  :ARG1 (m / matter) 
                  :prep-with (o / organization :wiki "Organization_for_Security_and_Co-operation_in_Europe" 
                        :name (n3 / name :op1 "Organization" :op2 "for" :op3 "Security" :op4 "and" :op5 "Cooperation" :op6 "in" :op7 "Europe"))))) 
       Open an issue       

[104]   cjconsensus   PROXY_APW_ENG_20081127_1149.12   (snt. 12 in workset  proxy-19-wset-95, last updated on Sun Jul 26, 2015)
The report stated transnational terrorists have discovered that the global space is largely unregulated with the rule of law either weak or nonexistent and is a place where terrorists can operate with a reasonable prospect of impunity as in the mountains of Afghanistan before 9/11.

(s / state-01 
      :ARG0 (r / report-01) 
      :ARG1 (d / discover-01 
            :ARG0 (t / terrorist 
                  :mod (t2 / transnational)) 
            :ARG1 (a2 / and 
                  :op1 (r2 / regulate-01 :polarity - 
                        :ARG1 (s2 / space 
                              :mod (g / globe)) 
                        :degree (l / large) 
                        :manner (o / or 
                              :op1 (w / weak-02 
                                    :ARG1 (r3 / rule-01 
                                          :ARG1 (l2 / law))) 
                              :op2 (r6 / rule-01 :polarity - 
                                    :ARG1 l2))) 
                  :op2 (p / place 
                        :location-of (p2 / possible-01 
                              :ARG1 (o2 / operate-01 
                                    :ARG0 (t3 / terrorist) 
                                    :prep-with (p3 / prospect-02 
                                          :ARG1 (i / impunity) 
                                          :ARG1-of (r4 / reasonable-02)) 
                                    :ARG1-of (r5 / resemble-01 
                                          :ARG2 (o3 / operate-01 
                                                :location (m / mountain 
                                                      :poss (c / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n / name :op1 "Afghanistan"))) 
                                                :time (b / before 
                                                      :op1 (d2 / date-entity :month 9 :day 11)))))) 
                        :domain s2)))) 
       Open an issue       

[105]   cjconsensus   PROXY_LTW_ENG_20030814_0653.46   (snt. 46 in workset  proxy-19-wset-99, last updated on Fri Jan 17, 2014)
Some of the packets were labeled in English as Scud B or Scud C. Nearly all of the drawings showed rockets or sections of rockets with notes and mathematical formulas handwritten in Korean.

(m / multi-sentence 
      :snt1 (l / label-01 
            :ARG1 (p / packet 
                  :ARG1-of (i / include-91 
                        :ARG2 (p2 / packet)) 
                  :mod (s2 / some)) 
            :ARG2 (o / or 
                  :op1 (p3 / product :wiki "Scud" 
                        :name (n2 / name :op1 "Scud" :op2 "B")) 
                  :op2 (p4 / product :wiki "Scud" 
                        :name (n3 / name :op1 "Scud" :op2 "C"))) 
            :medium (l2 / language :wiki "English_language" 
                  :name (n / name :op1 "English"))) 
      :snt2 (s / show-01 
            :ARG0 (d / draw-01 
                  :quant (n4 / near 
                        :op1 (a / all))) 
            :ARG1 (o2 / or 
                  :op1 (r / rocket 
                        :prep-with (a2 / and 
                              :op1 (n5 / note 
                                    :ARG1-of (w / write-01 
                                          :manner (h / hand) 
                                          :medium (l3 / language :wiki "Korean_language" 
                                                :name (n6 / name :op1 "Korean")))) 
                              :op2 (f / formula 
                                    :mod (m2 / mathematics) 
                                    :ARG1-of w))) 
                  :op2 (s3 / section-01 
                        :ARG1 r 
                        :prep-with a2)))) 
       Open an issue       

[106]   cjconsensus   PROXY_LTW_ENG_20030814_0653.51   (snt. 51 in workset  proxy-19-wset-99, last updated on Tue Jul 28, 2015)
Retired director of the State Department's Office on strategic, proliferation and military issues in the Bureau of Intelligence and Research Greg Thielmann stated the CIA utilized the blueprints to make full mock-ups of missiles complete with decals.

(s / state-01 
      :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Greg_Thielmann" :name (n / name :op1 "Greg" :op2 "Thielmann") 
            :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 
                  :ARG1 (g4 / government-organization :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Office" :op2 "on" :op3 "Strategic," :op4 "Proliferation" :op5 "and" :op6 "Military" :op7 "Issues") 
                        :part-of (g2 / government-organization :wiki "Bureau_of_Intelligence_and_Research" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Bureau" :op2 "of" :op3 "Intelligence" :op4 "and" :op5 "Research") 
                              :part-of (g / government-organization :wiki "United_States_Department_of_State" :name (n3 / name :op1 "State" :op2 "Department")))) 
                  :ARG2 (d / director 
                        :ARG0-of (r / retire-01)))) 
      :ARG1 (u / utilize-01 
            :ARG0 (g3 / government-organization :wiki "Central_Intelligence_Agency" :name (n5 / name :op1 "CIA")) 
            :ARG1 (b / blueprint) 
            :purpose (m / make-01 
                  :ARG0 g3 
                  :ARG1 (m2 / mock-up 
                        :mod (f / full) 
                        :mod (m3 / missile)) 
                  :ARG1-of (c / complete-02 
                        :prep-with (d2 / decal))))) 
       Open an issue       

[107]   cjconsensus   PROXY_LTW_ENG_20030814_0653.7   (snt. 7 in workset  proxy-19-wset-99, last updated on Mon Sep 16, 2013)
Following a melee with the crew of the kuwolsan, customs agents discovered an assembly line for ballistic missiles.

(d / discover-01 
      :ARG0 (p / person 
            :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 
                  :ARG2 (a3 / agent 
                        :mod (c3 / customs)))) 
      :ARG1 (l / line 
            :mod (a2 / assembly) 
            :purpose (m / missile 
                  :mod (b / ballistic))) 
      :ARG1-of (f / follow-01 
            :ARG2 (m2 / melee 
                  :prep-with (c2 / crew-01 
                        :ARG1 (s / ship :wiki - 
                              :name (n / name :op1 "Kuwolsan")))))) 
       Open an issue       

[108]   cjconsensus   PROXY_LTW_ENG_20070930_0021.25   (snt. 52 in workset  proxy-19-wset-102, last updated on Wed Feb 10, 2016)
Delays in winning approval for the India deal could have a negative effect on the administration's foreign policy legacy with delay until an election year having the most negative effect.

(p / possible-01 
      :ARG1 (a3 / affect-01 
            :ARG0 (d / delay-01 
                  :ARG1 (w / win-01 
                        :ARG1 (a / approve-01 
                              :ARG1 (d2 / deal 
                                    :mod (c / country :wiki "India" :name (n / name :op1 "India")))))) 
            :ARG1 (l / legacy 
                  :mod (p2 / policy-01 
                        :ARG2 (f / foreign)) 
                  :poss (g / government-organization 
                        :ARG0-of (a2 / administrate-01))) 
            :ARG2 (n2 / negative-02)) 
      :prep-with (d3 / delay-01 
            :ARG2 (y / year 
                  :mod (e2 / elect-01)) 
            :ARG0-of (a4 / affect-01 
                  :ARG2 (n3 / negative-02 
                        :degree (m / most))))) 
       Open an issue       

[109]   cjconsensus   PROXY_NYT_ENG_20071115_0274.19   (snt. 19 in workset  proxy-19-wset-108, last updated on Wed Sep 11, 2013)
Western diplomats stated that the government in Tehran uses front companies to receive and convert technology to weapons production without being detected as the standoff with Iran over Iran's nuclear program has continued.

(s / state-01 
      :ARG0 (p3 / person 
            :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 
                  :ARG2 (d / diplomat)) 
            :mod (w / world-region :wiki "Western_world" 
                  :name (n / name :op1 "West"))) 
      :ARG1 (u / use-01 
            :ARG0 (g / government-organization 
                  :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01) 
                  :location (c / city :wiki "Tehran" 
                        :name (n2 / name :op1 "Tehran"))) 
            :ARG1 (c2 / company 
                  :mod (f / front)) 
            :purpose (a / and 
                  :op1 (r / receive-01 
                        :ARG0 g 
                        :ARG1 t) 
                  :op2 (c3 / convert-01 
                        :ARG0 g 
                        :ARG1 (t / technology) 
                        :ARG2 (p / produce-01 
                              :ARG1 (w2 / weapon)))) 
            :manner (d2 / detect-01 :polarity -) 
            :ARG1-of (c4 / cause-01 
                  :ARG0 (c5 / continue-01 
                        :ARG1 (s2 / standoff 
                              :prep-with (c6 / country :wiki "Iran" 
                                    :name (n3 / name :op1 "Iran"))) 
                        :topic (p2 / program 
                              :mod (n4 / nucleus) 
                              :poss c6))))) 
       Open an issue       

[110]   cjconsensus   PROXY_NYT_ENG_20080919_0209.21   (snt. 21 in workset  proxy-19-wset-109, last updated on Wed Aug 7, 2013)
Any website with material that was contrary to Sunni teachings would be punished.

(p / punish-01 
      :ARG1 (w / website 
            :prep-with (m / material 
                  :ARG1-of (c / contrary-01 
                        :ARG2 (t / teach-01 
                              :mod (r / religious-group :wiki "Sunni_Islam" 
                                    :name (n / name :op1 "Sunni"))))) 
            :mod (a / any))) 
       Open an issue       

[111]   cjconsensus   PROXY_XIN_ENG_20040429_0189.43   (snt. 43 in workset  proxy-19-wset-115, last updated on Sun Jul 26, 2015)
When asked to comment on German Federal Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's promise to support sale of nuclear fuel from Hanau to China Wen stated that cooperation between China and Germany in this field is exclusively for peaceful utilization of nuclear energy with equality and mutual benefits.

(s / state-01 
      :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Wen_Jiabao" :name (n / name :op1 "Wen")) 
      :ARG1 (c6 / cooperate-01 
            :ARG0 c5 
            :ARG1 c2 
            :topic (f3 / field 
                  :mod (t / this)) 
            :purpose (u / utilize-01 
                  :ARG1 (e2 / energy 
                        :mod (n7 / nucleus)) 
                  :mod (p3 / peace) 
                  :manner (e / exclusive-02) 
                  :prep-with (a2 / and 
                        :op1 (e3 / equality) 
                        :op2 (b / benefit-01 
                              :mod (m / mutual))))) 
      :time (a / ask-02 
            :ARG1 (c / comment-01 
                  :ARG0 p 
                  :ARG3 (p2 / promise-01 
                        :ARG0 (p4 / person :wiki "Gerhard_Schröder" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Gerhard" :op2 "Schroeder") 
                              :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 
                                    :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "Germany" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Germany")) 
                                    :ARG2 (c3 / chancellor 
                                          :mod (f / federal)))) 
                        :ARG2 (s2 / support-01 
                              :ARG0 p4 
                              :ARG1 (s3 / sell-01 
                                    :ARG1 (f2 / fuel 
                                          :mod (n4 / nucleus)) 
                                    :source (c4 / city :wiki "Hanau" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Hanau")) 
                                    :destination (c5 / country :wiki "China" :name (n6 / name :op1 "China")))))) 
            :ARG2 p)) 
       Open an issue       

[112]   cjconsensus   a_pmid_2194_3101.167   (snt. 42 in workset  pmc-3189908-results, last updated on Sun Jan 17, 2016)
More specifically, BRAFV600E and HRASG12V provided Caco-2 cells with highly migrating and invasive properties, some similar to those in DLD-1 cells (Figure 3A, B), which is compatible with their more elongated morphology described earlier (Figure 1).

(p / provide-01 
      :ARG0 (a / and 
            :op1 (g / gene :name (n / name :op1 "BRAF") 
                  :ARG2-of (m / mutate-01 :value "V600E")) 
            :op2 (g2 / gene :name (n2 / name :op1 "HRAS") 
                  :ARG2-of (m2 / mutate-01 :value "G12V"))) 
      :ARG1 (p2 / property 
            :mod (i / invade-01 
                  :ARG1-of (h / high-02)) 
            :mod (m3 / migrate-01 
                  :degree h) 
            :ARG1-of (r / resemble-01 
                  :ARG2 (p3 / property 
                        :location (c / cell-line :name (n3 / name :op1 "DLD-1")) 
                        :quant (s / some)) 
                  :ARG1-of (d / describe-01 
                        :ARG0 (a2 / and 
                              :op1 (f / figure :mod "3A") 
                              :op2 (f2 / figure :mod "3B"))))) 
      :ARG2 (c2 / cell-line :name (n4 / name :op1 "Caco-2")) 
      :mod (c3 / compatible 
            :prep-with (m4 / morphology 
                  :poss c2 
                  :ARG1-of (e3 / elongate-01 
                        :degree (m5 / more)) 
                  :ARG1-of (d2 / describe-01 
                        :ARG0 (f3 / figure :mod 1) 
                        :time (e4 / early 
                              :degree m5)))) 
      :ARG1-of (s2 / specific-02 
            :degree m5)) 
       Open an issue       

[113]   cjconsensus   a_pmid_2251_5704.57   (snt. 27 in workset  pmc-3444881-results, last updated on Tue Jun 23, 2015)
To explore how cell lines with different mutations respond differently to TAK733 we analyzed signaling pathways in representative cell lines with similar growth kinetics but with markedly different sensitivities to TAK733.

(a / analyze-01 
      :ARG0 w 
      :ARG1 (p / pathway 
            :ARG0-of (s / signal-07) 
            :location (c / cell-line 
                  :ARG0-of (r3 / represent-01) 
                  :prep-with (k / kinetics 
                        :mod (g / grow-01) 
                        :ARG1-of (r4 / resemble-01) 
                        :ARG1-of (c2 / contrast-01 
                              :ARG2 (s2 / sensitive-03 
                                    :ARG0 p 
                                    :ARG1 s3 
                                    :ARG1-of d 
                                    :manner (m4 / marked)))))) 
      :purpose (e / explore-01 
            :ARG0 (w / we) 
            :ARG1 (r / respond-01 
                  :ARG0 (m2 / mutate-01 
                        :ARG1-of (d / differ-02)) 
                  :ARG2 (s3 / small-molecule :name (n / name :op1 "TAK733")) 
                  :manner (a2 / amr-unknown)))) 
       Open an issue       

[114]   cjconsensus   a_pmid_2514_2146.179   (snt. 130 in workset  pmc-4155088-results, last updated on Tue Feb 2, 2016)
Treatment of M238 and M792, two BRAFV600E-mutant melanoma cell lines highly sensitive to singular treatment with vemurafenib and SCH772984, with equimolar concentrations of combined vemurafenib and SCH772984 treatment resulted in potent synergistic growth inhibition with IC50 of 10nM (Figure 5A, 5B).

(r / result-01 
      :ARG1 (t / treat-04 
            :ARG1 (a / and 
                  :op1 (c / cell-line :name (n / name :op1 "M238")) 
                  :op2 (c2 / cell-line :name (n2 / name :op1 "M792")) 
                  :ARG1-of (m / mean-01 
                        :ARG2 (c3 / cell-line :quant 2 
                              :mod (g / gene :name (n3 / name :op1 "BRAF") 
                                    :ARG1-of (m2 / mutate-01 :value "V600E")) 
                              :ARG0-of (s / sensitive-03 
                                    :ARG1 (t2 / treat-04 
                                          :ARG1 a 
                                          :ARG2 (a2 / and 
                                                :op1 (s4 / small-molecule :name (n6 / name :op1 "vemurafenib")) 
                                                :op2 (s3 / small-molecule :name (n4 / name :op1 "SCH772984")))) 
                                    :ARG1-of (h / high-02)) 
                              :prep-with (c5 / concentrate-02 
                                    :ARG1 (t3 / treat-04 
                                          :ARG2 (a3 / and 
                                                :op1 s4 
                                                :op2 s3) 
                                          :ARG1-of (c6 / combine-01)) 
                                    :mod (e / equimolar)) 
                              :part-of (m3 / medical-condition :name (n7 / name :op1 "melanoma")))))) 
      :ARG2 (i / inhibit-01 
            :ARG1 (g2 / grow-03) 
            :mod (p / potent) 
            :ARG0-of (s2 / synergize-01) 
            :ARG3-of (h3 / have-percentage-maximal-inhibitory-concentration-01 
                  :ARG2 50 
                  :ARG4 (c7 / concentration-quantity :quant 10 
                        :unit (n5 / nanomolar)))) 
      :ARG1-of (d / describe-01 
            :ARG0 (a4 / and 
                  :op1 (f / figure :mod "5A") 
                  :op2 (f2 / figure :mod "5B")))) 
       Open an issue       

[115]   cjconsensus   a_pmid_2514_2146.188   (snt. 139 in workset  pmc-4155088-results, last updated on Sat Jan 30, 2016)
Four intermediately sensitive cell lines to BRAFi became highly sensitive to the combination, with improved pathway inhibition compared to ERK inhibition alone in all cases.

(b / become-01 
      :ARG1 (c / cell-line :quant 4 
            :ARG0-of (s / sensitive-03 
                  :ARG1 (m / molecular-physical-entity 
                        :ARG0-of (i5 / inhibit-01 
                              :ARG1 (e2 / enzyme :name (n2 / name :op1 "BRAF")))) 
                  :degree (i / intermediate))) 
      :ARG2 (s2 / sensitive-03 
            :ARG0 c 
            :ARG1 (c2 / combine-01) 
            :ARG1-of (h / high-02)) 
      :prep-with (i2 / inhibit-01 
            :ARG1 (p / pathway) 
            :ARG1-of (i3 / improve-01) 
            :compared-to (i4 / inhibit-01 
                  :ARG1 (e / enzyme :name (n / name :op1 "ERK")) 
                  :mod (a / alone) 
                  :prep-in (c3 / case-04 
                        :mod (a2 / all))))) 
       Open an issue       

[116]   cjconsensus   a_pmid_2514_2146.216   (snt. 167 in workset  pmc-4155088-results, last updated on Sun Jan 3, 2016)
In contrast, for the G0-G1 populations, there was a correlation with sensitivity, with an up to 40% increase in G0-G1 population seen in the sensitive cell lines M238 and M792, while the resistant cell lines M233 and M299 demonstrated only a 10% increase in the G0-G1 population for the combination treatment.

(c / contrast-01 
      :ARG1 (c2 / correlate-01 
            :ARG1 (p / population 
                  :mod (e / event :name (n3 / name :op1 "G0-G1"))) 
            :ARG2 (s3 / sensitive-03) 
            :prep-with (i / increase-01 
                  :ARG1 p 
                  :ARG2 (u / up-to 
                        :op1 (p3 / percentage-entity :value 40)) 
                  :ARG1-of (s / see-01 
                        :location (a / and 
                              :op1 (c3 / cell-line :name (n / name :op1 "M238")) 
                              :op2 (c4 / cell-line :name (n2 / name :op1 "M792")) 
                              :ARG0-of (s2 / sensitive-03))))) 
      :ARG2 (d / demonstrate-01 
            :ARG0 (a2 / and 
                  :op1 (c5 / cell-line :name (n4 / name :op1 "M233")) 
                  :op2 (c6 / cell-line :name (n5 / name :op1 "M299")) 
                  :ARG1-of (t / treat-04 
                        :ARG2 (c7 / combine-01)) 
                  :ARG0-of (r / resist-01)) 
            :ARG1 (i2 / increase-01 
                  :ARG1 p 
                  :ARG2 (p4 / percentage-entity :value 10)))) 
       Open an issue       

[117]   cjconsensus   a_pmid_2514_2146.88   (snt. 39 in workset  pmc-4155088-results, last updated on Wed Sep 21, 2016)
Concomitant with this, pMEK levels remained unchanged until 24 hours and increased further by 48 hours.

(a / and 
      :op1 (r / remain-01 
            :ARG1 (l / level 
                  :quant-of (e / enzyme :name (n / name :op1 "MEK") 
                        :ARG3-of (p / phosphorylate-01))) 
            :ARG3 (c / change-01 :polarity - 
                  :ARG1 l) 
            :time (u / until 
                  :op1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 24 
                        :unit (h / hour)))) 
      :op2 (i / increase-01 
            :ARG1 l 
            :time (a2 / after 
                  :op1 (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 48 
                        :unit (h2 / hour))) 
            :degree (f / further)) 
      :manner (c2 / concomitant 
            :prep-with (t3 / this))) 
       Open an issue       

[118]   cjconsensus   bc.cctv_0000.2   (snt. 2 in workset  cctv-0000, last updated on Tue Jul 14, 2015)
With their unique charm , these well - known cartoon images once again caused Hong Kong to be a focus of worldwide attention .

(c3 / cause-01 
      :ARG0 (i / image 
            :mod (t / this) 
            :ARG1-of (k / know-02 
                  :degree (w / well)) 
            :mod (c4 / cartoon)) 
      :ARG1 (f / focus-01 
            :ARG0 (a2 / attend-02 
                  :ARG1 c 
                  :mod (w2 / worldwide)) 
            :ARG1 (c / city :wiki "Hong_Kong" :name (n / name :op1 "Hong" :op2 "Kong"))) 
      :prep-with (c6 / charm-01 
            :ARG0 i 
            :mod (u / unique)) 
      :mod (a / again 
            :mod (o / once))) 
       Open an issue       

[119]   cjconsensus   bio.bmtr_0004.23   (snt. 23 in workset  bio-bmdr4, last updated on Thu Jan 8, 2015)
These results led us to examine the effect of monoubiquitination on the interaction of Ras with its cognate GEF and GAPs, which also target the switch domains.

(l / lead-03 
      :ARG0 (t / thing 
            :ARG2-of (r / result-01) 
            :mod (t2 / this)) 
      :ARG1 (w / we) 
      :ARG2 (e / examine-01 
            :ARG0 w 
            :ARG1 (a / affect-01 
                  :ARG0 (u / ubiquitinate-01 :quant 1) 
                  :ARG1 (i / interact-01 
                        :ARG0 (e2 / enzyme :name (n / name :op1 "Ras")) 
                        :ARG1 (a2 / and 
                              :op1 (p / protein :name (n2 / name :op1 "GEF")) 
                              :op2 (p2 / protein :name (n3 / name :op1 "GAP")) 
                              :mod (c / cognate 
                                    :prep-with e2) 
                              :ARG0-of (t3 / target-01 
                                    :ARG1 (d / domain 
                                          :mod (s / switch-01)) 
                                    :mod (a3 / also))))))) 
       Open an issue       

[120]   cjconsensus   bio.chicago_2015.18675   (snt. 211 in workset  chicago15, last updated on Sun Nov 1, 2015)
Unlike known E2Fs, these E2F-like proteins efficiently bind E2F sites in the monomeric form but not as a heterodimer with DP proteins and repress E2F-regulated promoters.

(a / and 
      :op1 (b / bind-01 
            :ARG1 (p / protein 
                  :ARG1-of (r2 / resemble-01 
                        :ARG2 (p4 / protein-family :name (n / name :op1 "E2F"))) 
                  :ARG1-of (r5 / resemble-01 :polarity - 
                        :ARG2 (p5 / protein-family :name (n3 / name :op1 "E2F") 
                              :ARG1-of (k / know-01))) 
                  :mod (t2 / this)) 
            :ARG2 (s / site 
                  :mod p4) 
            :ARG1-of (e / efficient-01) 
            :condition (c / contrast-01 
                  :ARG1 (f / form 
                        :mod (m / monomer)) 
                  :ARG2 (h / heterodimer :polarity - 
                        :prep-with (p2 / protein :name (n2 / name :op1 "DP"))))) 
      :op2 (r3 / repress-01 
            :ARG0 p 
            :ARG1 (m2 / molecular-physical-entity 
                  :ARG0-of (p3 / promote-01) 
                  :ARG1-of (r4 / regulate-01 
                        :ARG0 p4)))) 
       Open an issue       

[121]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8882462_0024.18   (snt. 27 in workset  dfb-0005, last updated on Fri Dec 18, 2015)
Right now, they are doing very well with the two parties they have.

(w / well-09 
      :ARG1 (t / they) 
      :degree (v / very) 
      :time (n / now 
            :mod (r / right-yy)) 
      :prep-with (p / party :quant 2 
            :ARG1-of (h / have-03 
                  :ARG0 t))) 
       Open an issue       

[122]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8882466_0227.11   (snt. 258 in workset  dfb-0006, last updated on Tue Aug 18, 2015)
This is part and parcel with you guys.

(a / and 
      :op1 (p / part) 
      :op2 (p2 / parcel) 
      :prep-with (g / guy 
            :mod (y / you)) 
      :domain (t / this)) 
       Open an issue       

[123]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8882529_0206.22   (snt. 404 in workset  dfb-0007, last updated on Wed Dec 2, 2015)
All info from the planned parenthood website with link provided.

(i / information 
      :mod (a / all) 
      :source (w / website 
            :mod (o / organization :wiki "Planned_Parenthood" 
                  :name (n / name :op1 "Planned" :op2 "Parenthood"))) 
      :prep-with (l / link 
            :ARG1-of (p3 / provide-01))) 
       Open an issue       

[124]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8882762_0223.14   (snt. 427 in workset  dfb-0008, last updated on Sun Nov 29, 2015)
If they have made peace with their pay, then there is no reason you should not be at peace with their pay as well.

(r2 / reason :polarity - 
      :ARG0-of (c / cause-01 
            :ARG1 (r3 / recommend-01 :polarity - 
                  :ARG1 (p3 / peace 
                        :prep-with (p / pay-01 
                              :ARG2 (t / they)) 
                        :domain (y / you) 
                        :mod (a2 / as-well)))) 
      :condition (m / make-18 
            :ARG0 t 
            :ARG1 (p2 / peace 
                  :prep-with p))) 
       Open an issue       

[125]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8882762_0237.4   (snt. 478 in workset  dfb-0008, last updated on Mon Dec 7, 2015)
The only active duty personnel I ever saw in 23yrs that needed food stamps were the ones that enlisted with a family all ready or got married too young and started a family.

(o2 / or 
      :op1 (e / enlist-01 
            :ARG1 (o / one 
                  :domain (p / personnel 
                        :ARG0-of (a3 / activity-06 
                              :ARG1 (d / duty)) 
                        :mod (o3 / only) 
                        :ARG1-of (s2 / see-01 
                              :ARG0 (i / i) 
                              :time (e2 / ever) 
                              :duration (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 23 
                                    :unit (y2 / year))) 
                        :ARG0-of (n / need-01 
                              :ARG1 (s3 / stamp 
                                    :mod (f3 / food))))) 
            :prep-with (f / family 
                  :time (a / already))) 
      :op2 (a2 / and 
            :op1 (m2 / marry-01 
                  :ARG1 o 
                  :mod (y / young 
                        :degree (t / too))) 
            :op2 (s / start-01 
                  :ARG0 o 
                  :ARG1 (f2 / family)))) 
       Open an issue       

[126]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8883574_0192.14   (snt. 345 in workset  dfb-0012, last updated on Wed Aug 26, 2015)
he gets to live with it

(g / get-04 
      :ARG0 (h / he) 
      :ARG1 (l / live-01 
            :ARG0 h 
            :prep-with (i / it))) 
       Open an issue       

[127]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8883574_0336.3   (snt. 551 in workset  dfb-0012, last updated on Wed Aug 26, 2015)
With me it was because being homosexual is unhealthy, but still haven't seen a response to Post #267.

(c / contrast-01 
      :ARG1 (c2 / cause-01 
            :ARG0 (h / healthy :polarity - 
                  :domain (h2 / homosexual)) 
            :ARG1 (i2 / it) 
            :prep-with (i / i)) 
      :ARG2 (s / see-01 :polarity - 
            :ARG0 i 
            :ARG1 (r / respond-01 
                  :ARG1 (p / post-01 :mod 267)) 
            :mod (s2 / still))) 
       Open an issue       

[128]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8883574_0358.2   (snt. 565 in workset  dfb-0012, last updated on Thu Aug 27, 2015)
Wake up and get a clue, God said we are ALL sinners, so please DO try to get past that point with your failed logic...

(a / and 
      :op1 (w / wake-up-02 :mode imperative 
            :ARG0 y 
            :ARG1 (y / you)) 
      :op2 (g / get-01 :mode imperative 
            :ARG0 y 
            :ARG1 (c / clue 
                  :mod (s / say-01 
                        :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "God" 
                              :name (n / name :op1 "God")) 
                        :ARG1 (p2 / person 
                              :ARG0-of (s2 / sin-01) 
                              :domain (w2 / we 
                                    :mod (a2 / all))) 
                        :ARG0-of (c2 / cause-01 
                              :ARG1 (t / try-01 :mode imperative :polite + 
                                    :ARG0 y 
                                    :ARG1 (g2 / get-05 
                                          :ARG1 y 
                                          :ARG2 (p3 / pass-by-17 
                                                :ARG0 y 
                                                :ARG1 (p4 / point 
                                                      :mod (t2 / that)) 
                                                :prep-with (l / logic 
                                                      :poss y 
                                                      :ARG1-of (f / fail-01)))))))))) 
       Open an issue       

[129]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8886306_0014.31   (snt. 49 in workset  dfb-0020, last updated on Fri Sep 11, 2015)
So on balance, I have to say that given a choice between Romney and Romney care and Newt and his affection for all his weird baggage with PBS, Global Warming, playing footsie with various flaky arab regimes...

(o / obligate-01 
      :ARG1 (i / i) 
      :ARG2 (s / say-01 
            :ARG1 (c2 / cause-01 
                  :ARG0 (c / choose-01 
                        :ARG2 (b / between 
                              :op1 (a / and 
                                    :op1 (p / person :wiki "Mitt_Romney" 
                                          :name (n / name :op1 "Romney")) 
                                    :op2 (l / law :wiki "Massachusetts_health_care_reform" 
                                          :name (n4 / name :op1 "Romney" :op2 "Care"))) 
                              :op2 (a2 / and 
                                    :op1 (p2 / person :wiki "Newt_Gingrich" 
                                          :name (n2 / name :op1 "Newt")) 
                                    :op2 (a3 / affection 
                                          :poss p2 
                                          :topic (b4 / baggage 
                                                :prep-with (c3 / company :wiki "PBS" 
                                                      :name (n8 / name :op1 "PBS")) 
                                                :mod (w3 / weird) 
                                                :mod (a4 / all))) 
                                    :op3 (w2 / warm-01 
                                          :ARG1 (g / globe)) 
                                    :op4 (p4 / play-01 
                                          :ARG0 p2 
                                          :ARG1 (f / footsie) 
                                          :ARG3 (r / regime 
                                                :mod (e / ethnic-group :wiki "Arabs" 
                                                      :name (n3 / name :op1 "Arab")) 
                                                :mod (b3 / bit) 
                                                :ARG1-of (f2 / flake-01) 
                                                :mod (v / various))))))))) 
       Open an issue       

[130]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8886422_0025.6   (snt. 23 in workset  dfb-0021, last updated on Tue Oct 6, 2015)
Another oddity with Pelosi & Reid is the unemployment figures, after 1 year of Democrat control and the last of the Republican budgets past away, the unemployment figures started growing precipitously.

(m / multi-sentence 
      :snt1 (f / figure 
            :topic (e / employ-01 :polarity -) 
            :domain (o / oddity 
                  :mod (a / another) 
                  :prep-with (a2 / and 
                        :op1 (p / person :wiki "Nancy_Pelosi" 
                              :name (n / name :op1 "Pelosi")) 
                        :op2 (p2 / person :wiki "Harry_Reid" 
                              :name (n2 / name :op1 "Reid"))))) 
      :snt2 (s / start-01 
            :ARG1 (g / grow-01 
                  :ARG1 (f2 / figure 
                        :topic (e2 / employ-01 :polarity -)) 
                  :ARG1-of (p3 / precipitate-01)) 
            :time (a3 / after 
                  :op1 (c / control-01 
                        :ARG0 (p7 / political-party :wiki "Democratic_Party_(United_States)" 
                              :name (n5 / name :op1 "Democratic" :op2 "Party")) 
                        :duration (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1 
                              :unit (y / year))) 
                  :op2 (p4 / pass-away-16 
                        :ARG1 (b / budget-01 
                              :ARG0 (p5 / political-party :wiki "Republican_Party_(United_States)" 
                                    :name (n3 / name :op1 "Republican" :op2 "Party")) 
                              :mod (l / last)))))) 
       Open an issue       

[131]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8886574_0016.4   (snt. 4 in workset  dfb-0022, last updated on Mon Sep 21, 2015)
what's your beef with this Guy...?

(b / beef 
      :domain (a / amr-unknown) 
      :prep-with (g2 / guy 
            :mod (t2 / this)) 
      :poss (y / you)) 
       Open an issue       

[132]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8886574_0016.5   (snt. 5 in workset  dfb-0022, last updated on Mon Sep 21, 2015)
I have no beef with him.

(h2 / have-03 :polarity - 
      :ARG0 (i / i) 
      :ARG1 (b / beef) 
      :prep-with (h / he)) 
       Open an issue       

[133]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8886574_0333.16   (snt. 713 in workset  dfb-0022, last updated on Wed Sep 30, 2015)
They complained that Clarke kept coming in with his hair on fire---which means that he grasped the reality of the problem BEFORE 9/11.

(c / complain-01 
      :ARG0 (t / they) 
      :ARG1 (k / keep-02 
            :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki "Richard_A._Clarke" 
                  :name (n / name :op1 "Clarke")) 
            :ARG1 (c2 / come-in-07 
                  :ARG1 (p3 / person) 
                  :prep-with (h / hair 
                        :part-of p2 
                        :ARG1-of (f / fire-03)))) 
      :ARG1-of (m / mean-01 
            :ARG2 (g / grasp-01 
                  :ARG0 p2 
                  :ARG1 (r / reality 
                        :poss (p / problem)) 
                  :time (b / before 
                        :op1 (i / incident :wiki "September_11_attacks" 
                              :name (n2 / name :op1 "9/11")))))) 
       Open an issue       

[134]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8888018_0041.6   (snt. 99 in workset  dfb-0031, last updated on Wed Oct 14, 2015)
It simply means it will ultimately fail with even MORE debt if it borrows to stay afloat · If it needs to borrow to expand....

(m / multi-sentence 
      :snt1 (m2 / mean-01 
            :ARG1 (i / it) 
            :ARG2 (f / fail-01 
                  :ARG1 (i2 / it) 
                  :time (u / ultimate) 
                  :prep-with (d / debt 
                        :mod (m3 / more) 
                        :mod (e2 / even)) 
                  :condition (b / borrow-01 
                        :ARG0 i2 
                        :purpose (s2 / stay-01 
                              :ARG1 i2 
                              :ARG3 (a / afloat)))) 
            :mod (s / simple)) 
      :snt2 (h / have-condition-91 
            :ARG2 (n / need-01 
                  :ARG0 (e / expand-01 
                        :ARG1 (i3 / it)) 
                  :ARG1 (b2 / borrow-01 
                        :ARG0 i3)))) 
       Open an issue       

[135]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8888447_0001.56   (snt. 56 in workset  dfb-0033, last updated on Mon Oct 5, 2015)
But if you don't believe me, if you ever get in trouble with the law, try telling a DA that a criminal conviction would hurt your career.

(c4 / contrast-01 
      :ARG2 (h / have-condition-91 
            :ARG1 (t / try-01 
                  :ARG0 y 
                  :ARG1 (t2 / tell-01 
                        :ARG0 y 
                        :ARG1 (h3 / hurt-01 
                              :ARG0 (c / convict-01 
                                    :ARG2 (c2 / crime-02)) 
                              :ARG1 (c3 / career 
                                    :poss (y / you))) 
                        :ARG2 (p / person 
                              :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 
                                    :ARG1 (d / district) 
                                    :ARG2 (a / attorney))))) 
            :ARG2 (a2 / and 
                  :op1 (b / believe-01 :polarity - 
                        :ARG0 y 
                        :ARG1 (i / i)) 
                  :op2 (g / get-04 
                        :ARG0 y 
                        :ARG1 (t3 / trouble) 
                        :time (e / ever) 
                        :prep-with (l / law))))) 
       Open an issue       

[136]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181104-8724642_0023.3   (snt. 41 in workset  dfb-0056, last updated on Mon Nov 30, 2015)
Nelson's a weak candidate but if the GOP nominates someone weak as well - like they did with that Kathy chick with all the make-up who was responsible for the vote count in 2000 - then Nelson will win.

(h3 / have-concession-91 
      :ARG1 (h2 / have-condition-91 
            :ARG1 (w3 / win-01 
                  :ARG0 p2) 
            :ARG2 (n3 / nominate-01 
                  :ARG0 (p / political-party :wiki "Republican_Party_(United_States)" 
                        :name (n / name :op1 "GOP")) 
                  :ARG1 (s / someone 
                        :ARG1-of w) 
                  :mod (a / as-well) 
                  :ARG1-of (r / resemble-01 
                        :ARG2 (t / thing 
                              :ARG1-of (d2 / do-02 
                                    :ARG0 p 
                                    :prep-with (c3 / chick 
                                          :mod (p3 / person :wiki - 
                                                :name (n4 / name :op1 "Kathy")) 
                                          :mod (t2 / that) 
                                          :ARG0-of (h / have-03 
                                                :ARG1 (m / make-up 
                                                      :mod (a2 / all))) 
                                          :ARG0-of (r2 / responsible-01 
                                                :ARG1 (c4 / count-01 
                                                      :ARG1 (v / vote-01) 
                                                      :time (d / date-entity :year 2000))))))))) 
      :ARG2 (c2 / candidate 
            :ARG1-of (w / weak-02) 
            :domain (p2 / person :wiki "Bill_Nelson" 
                  :name (n2 / name :op1 "Nelson")))) 
       Open an issue       

[137]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181106-15949161_0074.7   (snt. 181 in workset  dfb-0067, last updated on Wed Oct 7, 2015)
Boy I remember about 2 years and change ago when you and your types were all pro anger with the whole Tea-bagger movement and all.

(r / remember-01 
      :ARG0 (i / i) 
      :ARG1 (f / favor-01 
            :ARG0 (a / and 
                  :op1 (y / you) 
                  :op2 (t / type-03 
                        :ARG1 y)) 
            :ARG1 (a2 / anger-01) 
            :prep-with (a3 / and 
                  :op1 (m / movement-07 
                        :mod (w / whole) 
                        :mod (o / organization :wiki - 
                              :name (n / name :op1 "Tea-bagger"))) 
                  :op2 (a4 / all)) 
            :time (b2 / before 
                  :op1 (n2 / now 
                        :op1 (a5 / about 
                              :op1 (a6 / and 
                                    :op1 (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 2 
                                          :unit (y2 / year)) 
                                    :op2 (c / change)))))) 
      :mod (b / boy :mode expressive)) 
       Open an issue       

[138]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181106-15949161_0243.18   (snt. 541 in workset  dfb-0067, last updated on Fri Jan 8, 2016)
What you had in Florida with Zimmerman was a 911 tape like this In 911 call, does George Zimmerman call Trayvon Martin a 'f***ing coon'?

(t / tape-02 :ARG0 911 
      :example (c / call-01 :mode interrogative 
            :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "George_Zimmerman" 
                  :name (n / name :op1 "George" :op2 "Zimmerman")) 
            :ARG1 (p2 / person :wiki "Trayvon_Martin" 
                  :name (n2 / name :op1 "Trayvon" :op2 "Martin")) 
            :ARG2 (c2 / coon 
                  :mod (f / fucking)) 
            :time (c3 / call-02 :ARG1 911 
                  :ARG0 p) 
            :ARG1-of (h2 / hyperlink-91 
                  :ARG3 (u / url-entity :value ""))) 
      :mod (t2 / this) 
      :ARG1-of (h / have-03 
            :ARG0 (y / you) 
            :location (s / state :wiki "Florida" 
                  :name (n3 / name :op1 "Florida")) 
            :prep-with p)) 
       Open an issue       

[139]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181106-8869384_0073.39   (snt. 193 in workset  dfb-0071, last updated on Wed Oct 14, 2015)
Or do you just have an axe to grind with me personally?

(o / or 
      :op2 (h / have-03 :mode interrogative 
            :ARG0 (y / you) 
            :ARG1 (a / axe 
                  :ARG1-of (g / grind-01 
                        :prep-with (i / i) 
                        :ARG1-of (p / personal-02))) 
            :mod (j / just))) 
       Open an issue       

[140]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181118-8874189_0025.2   (snt. 57 in workset  dfb-0090, last updated on Wed Sep 30, 2015)
We spent Christmas with him and his family, and he talked about Obama wanting to cut their pay.

(a / and 
      :op1 (s / spend-02 
            :ARG0 (w2 / we) 
            :ARG1 (f / festival :wiki "Christmas" 
                  :name (n / name :op1 "Christmas")) 
            :prep-with (a2 / and 
                  :op1 h 
                  :op2 (f2 / family 
                        :poss h))) 
      :op2 (t / talk-01 
            :ARG0 (h / he) 
            :ARG1 (p / person :wiki "Barack_Obama" 
                  :name (n2 / name :op1 "Obama") 
                  :ARG0-of (w / want-01 
                        :ARG1 (c / cut-02 
                              :ARG0 p 
                              :ARG1 (p2 / pay-01 
                                    :ARG2 (t2 / they))))))) 
       Open an issue       

[141]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181118-8874189_0029.1   (snt. 74 in workset  dfb-0090, last updated on Mon Oct 5, 2015)
With the end of Vietnam most elements of the Military were slightly pared down, but not as would have normally occured because of the ongoing Cold War with Russia.

(c3 / contrast-01 
      :ARG1 (p / pare-down-04 
            :ARG1 (e / element 
                  :quant (m / most) 
                  :poss (m2 / military)) 
            :ARG1-of (c4 / cause-01 
                  :ARG0 (e2 / end-01 
                        :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Vietnam" 
                              :name (n / name :op1 "Vietnam")))) 
            :degree (s / slight)) 
      :ARG2 (p2 / pare-down-04 :polarity - 
            :ARG2-of (n4 / normal-02 
                  :ARG1 p) 
            :ARG1-of (c5 / cause-01 
                  :ARG0 (w / war :wiki "Cold_War" 
                        :name (n2 / name :op1 "Cold" :op2 "War") 
                        :ARG1-of (g / go-on-15) 
                        :prep-with (c2 / country :wiki "Russia" 
                              :name (n3 / name :op1 "Russia")))))) 
       Open an issue       

[142]   cjconsensus   bolt12_10511_2891.3   (snt. 1335 in workset  bolt12-tune-master-1, last updated on Fri Jul 24, 2015)
The Political Bureau also specifically assigned people to the task of Mao Zedong's medical care, taking turns with the doctors and nurses to be on constant vigil at his living quarters.

(a / assign-01 
      :ARG0 (o / organization :wiki "Politburo_of_the_Communist_Party_of_China" :name (n / name :op1 "Political" :op2 "Bureau")) 
      :ARG1 (t / task-01 
            :ARG1 (c / care-03 
                  :ARG0 p 
                  :ARG1 (p2 / person :wiki "Mao_Zedong" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Mao" :op2 "Zedong")) 
                  :mod (m / medicine) 
                  :manner (t2 / take-01 
                        :ARG0 p 
                        :ARG1 (t3 / turn 
                              :prep-with (a2 / and 
                                    :op1 (d / doctor) 
                                    :op2 (p3 / person 
                                          :ARG0-of (n3 / nurse-01))) 
                              :purpose (v / vigil 
                                    :mod (c2 / constant) 
                                    :location (q / quarter 
                                          :mod (l / live-01) 
                                          :poss p2)))))) 
      :ARG2 (p / person) 
      :manner (s / specific-02) 
      :mod (a3 / also)) 
       Open an issue       

[143]   cjconsensus   bolt12_2981_5391.34   (snt. 241 in workset  bolt12-tune-master-dt, last updated on Mon Nov 11, 2013)
It's a pity that many Chinese are still hoping to make friends with imperialist America and maintain a friendship with imperialist America from generation to generation.

(p / pity 
      :domain (h / hope-01 
            :ARG0 (p2 / person 
                  :mod (c / country :wiki "China" 
                        :name (n / name :op1 "China")) 
                  :quant (m / many)) 
            :ARG1 (a / and 
                  :op1 (b / befriend-01 
                        :ARG0 p2 
                        :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "United_States" 
                              :name (n2 / name :op1 "America") 
                              :mod (i / imperialism))) 
                  :op2 (m2 / maintain-01 
                        :ARG0 p2 
                        :ARG1 (f / friendship) 
                        :prep-with c2 
                        :prep-from (g / generation 
                              :prep-to (g2 / generation)))) 
            :mod (s / still))) 
       Open an issue       

[144]   cjconsensus   bolt12_64533_0511.4   (snt. 29 in workset  bolt12-tune-master-1, last updated on Mon Jul 20, 2015)
Firstly, Russia is not a country with sea power. It has no interest in intervening and meddling in the issues of the East and South China Seas.

(m / multi-sentence 
      :snt1 (c2 / country :polarity - :li 1 
            :prep-with (p / power 
                  :mod (s / sea)) 
            :domain (c / country :wiki "Russia" 
                  :name (n2 / name :op1 "Russia"))) 
      :snt2 (i / interest-01 :polarity - 
            :ARG1 (i4 / it) 
            :ARG2 (a / and 
                  :op1 (i2 / intervene-01 
                        :ARG0 i4 
                        :ARG1 (i3 / issue-02 
                              :ARG0 (a2 / and 
                                    :op1 (s3 / sea :wiki "East_China_Sea" 
                                          :name (n3 / name :op1 "East" :op2 "China" :op3 "Sea")) 
                                    :op2 (s4 / sea :wiki "South_China_Sea" 
                                          :name (n4 / name :op1 "South" :op2 "China" :op3 "Sea"))))) 
                  :op2 (m2 / meddle-01 
                        :ARG0 i4 
                        :ARG1 i3)))) 
       Open an issue       

[145]   cjconsensus   bolt12_6453_3276.1   (snt. 128 in workset  bolt12-tune-master-1, last updated on Thu Jan 21, 2016)
It is fun? They are ordering the dog they feed at home to bark at you, yet you have gone to shake hands with them, looking for slaps

(m / multi-sentence 
      :snt1 (f / fun-01 :mode interrogative 
            :ARG1 (i / it)) 
      :snt2 (h3 / have-concession-91 
            :ARG1 (a / and 
                  :op1 (g / go-03 
                        :ARG0 y 
                        :ARG1 (s / shake-01 
                              :ARG0 y 
                              :ARG1 (h2 / hand) 
                              :prep-with t)) 
                  :op2 (l / look-01 
                        :ARG0 y 
                        :ARG1 (s2 / slap-01))) 
            :ARG2 (o / order-01 
                  :ARG0 (t / they) 
                  :ARG1 (d / dog 
                        :ARG2-of (f2 / feed-01 
                              :ARG0 t 
                              :location (h / home))) 
                  :ARG2 (b / bark-01 
                        :ARG0 d 
                        :ARG2 (y / you))))) 
       Open an issue       

[146]   cjconsensus   bolt12_6453_3277.1   (snt. 129 in workset  bolt12-tune-master-1, last updated on Thu Jan 21, 2016)
It is fun? They are ordering the dog they feed at home to bark at you, yet you have gone to shake hands with them, looking for slaps

(m / multi-sentence 
      :snt1 (f / fun-01 :mode interrogative 
            :ARG1 (i / it)) 
      :snt2 (h3 / have-concession-91 
            :ARG1 (a / and 
                  :op1 (g / go-03 
                        :ARG0 y 
                        :ARG1 (s / shake-01 
                              :ARG0 y 
                              :ARG1 (h2 / hand) 
                              :prep-with t) 
                        :mod (y2 / yet)) 
                  :op2 (l / look-01 
                        :ARG0 y 
                        :ARG1 (s2 / slap-01))) 
            :ARG2 (o / order-01 
                  :ARG0 (t / they) 
                  :ARG1 (d / dog 
                        :ARG2-of (f2 / feed-01 
                              :ARG0 t 
                              :location (h / home))) 
                  :ARG2 (b / bark-01 
                        :ARG0 d 
                        :ARG2 (y / you))))) 
       Open an issue       

[147]   cjconsensus   bolt12_64556_5612.1   (snt. 131 in workset  bolt12-tune-master-dt, last updated on Sun Jun 21, 2015)
If we greatly value making peace with wolves, we will pay a painful price!

(p / pay-01 
      :ARG0 (w / we) 
      :ARG1 (t / thing 
            :ARG2-of (p2 / price-01 
                  :ARG0-of (p3 / pain-01))) 
      :condition (v / value-02 
            :ARG0 w 
            :ARG1 (m / make-18 
                  :ARG0 w 
                  :ARG1 (p4 / peace) 
                  :prep-with (w2 / wolf)) 
            :degree (g / great))) 
       Open an issue       

[148]   cjconsensus   bolt12_64556_5612.3   (snt. 133 in workset  bolt12-tune-master-dt, last updated on Thu Dec 18, 2014)
Looking the territorial seas with smoke of beacon-fires up everywhere, what can being a great sports and arts nation accomplish?

(p / possible-01 
      :ARG1 (a3 / accomplish-01 
            :ARG0 (n / nation 
                  :mod (s / sport) 
                  :mod (a2 / art) 
                  :mod (g / great)) 
            :ARG1 (a4 / amr-unknown)) 
      :condition (l / look-01 
            :ARG1 (s2 / sea 
                  :location (t / territory) 
                  :prep-with (s3 / smoke 
                        :source (f / fire 
                              :mod (b / beacon)) 
                        :location (e / everywhere) 
                        :location (u / up))))) 
       Open an issue       

[149]   cjconsensus   bolt12_64556_5627.3   (snt. 175 in workset  bolt12-tune-master-dt, last updated on Sat Jan 10, 2015)
Fleets bumping fishing boats. Little evil Japanese ghosts stirring up trouble and unrest. With hearts of thieves and arrogant form, they again show their wolfish appearance

(m / multi-sentence 
      :snt1 (b / bump-01 
            :ARG1 (b2 / boat 
                  :purpose (f / fish-01)) 
            :ARG2 (f2 / fleet)) 
      :snt2 (s / stir-up-04 
            :ARG0 (g / ghost 
                  :mod (c / country :wiki "Japan" :name (n / name :op1 "Japan")) 
                  :mod (l / little) 
                  :mod (e / evil)) 
            :ARG1 (a / and 
                  :op1 (t / trouble) 
                  :op2 (u / unrest))) 
      :snt3 (s2 / show-01 
            :ARG0 (t2 / they) 
            :ARG1 (a3 / appearance 
                  :poss t2 
                  :mod (w / wolfish)) 
            :mod (a2 / again) 
            :prep-with (a4 / and 
                  :op1 (h / heart 
                        :mod (p / person 
                              :ARG0-of (s3 / steal-01))) 
                  :op2 (f3 / form 
                        :mod (a5 / arrogance))))) 
       Open an issue       

[150]   cjconsensus   nw.chtb_0101.4   (snt. 207 in workset  nw-xinhua-master-a, last updated on Wed Jan 20, 2016)
Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation officials in charge of the economic and trade exchange with Hong Kong said that , the growth rate of imports and exports and the growth rate of exports to Hong Kong by the inland was far higher than the growth rate of imports and exports and the growth rate of exports of the inland ( at a rate of 14 % and 23.2 % ) over the same period , and is one of the inland regions with the fastest export growth .

(s / say-01 
      :ARG0 (p4 / person 
            :ARG1-of (c3 / charge-05 
                  :ARG2 (e3 / exchange-01 
                        :ARG2 c 
                        :mod (e4 / economy) 
                        :mod (t2 / trade-01))) 
            :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 
                  :ARG1 (g3 / government-organization :wiki "Ministry_of_Commerce_of_the_People's_Republic_of_China" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Ministry" :op2 "of" :op3 "Foreign" :op4 "Trade" :op5 "and" :op6 "Economic" :op7 "Cooperation")) 
                  :ARG2 (o2 / official))) 
      :ARG1 (a / and 
            :op1 (h2 / high-02 
                  :ARG1 (a2 / and 
                        :op1 (r4 / rate 
                              :mod (g4 / grow-01 
                                    :ARG1 (a3 / and 
                                          :op1 (i2 / import-01) 
                                          :op2 (e5 / export-01))))) 
                  :degree (m2 / more 
                        :degree (f2 / far)) 
                  :compared-to (r2 / rate 
                        :mod g4 
                        :time (p / period 
                              :ARG2-of (s2 / same-01))) 
                  :quant (p3 / percentage-entity :value 14)) 
            :op2 (h / high-02 
                  :ARG1 (r5 / rate 
                        :mod (g2 / grow-01 
                              :ARG1 (e2 / export-01 
                                    :ARG0 (i3 / inland) 
                                    :ARG2 (c / city :wiki "Hong_Kong" :name (n / name :op1 "Hong" :op2 "Kong"))))) 
                  :degree (m3 / more 
                        :degree (f3 / far)) 
                  :quant (p2 / percentage-entity :value 23.2) 
                  :compared-to (r3 / rate 
                        :mod (g5 / grow-01 
                              :ARG1 (e6 / export-01 
                                    :ARG0 i3)) 
                        :time p)) 
            :op3 (i / include-91 
                  :ARG1 c 
                  :ARG2 (r / region 
                        :prep-with (g / grow-01 
                              :ARG1 (e / export-01 
                                    :ARG0 i3) 
                              :ARG1-of (f / fast-02 
                                    :degree (m / most))) 
                        :part-of i3)))) 
       Open an issue       

[151]   cjconsensus   nw.chtb_0103.6   (snt. 219 in workset  nw-xinhua-master-a, last updated on Wed Feb 10, 2016)
According to statistics , the balance of deposits in RMB of Bank of China reached 591.239 billion yuan last year , the balance of loans for all items in RMB reached 564.452 billion yuan ; the balance of deposits for foreign currency was 35.508 billion US dollars and the balance of loans for all items with cash foreign exchange was 39.787 billion US dollars .

(s / say-01 
      :ARG0 (s2 / statistic) 
      :ARG1 (a / and 
            :op1 (r / reach-01 
                  :ARG0 (b / balance 
                        :mod (r5 / renminbi 
                              :ARG1-of (d / deposit-01 
                                    :ARG2 (c4 / company :wiki "Bank_of_China" :name (n / name :op1 "Bank" :op2 "of" :op3 "China"))))) 
                  :ARG1 (m / monetary-quantity :quant 591239000000 
                        :unit (y / yuan))) 
            :op2 (r2 / reach-01 
                  :ARG0 (b2 / balance 
                        :mod (y5 / yuan 
                              :ARG1-of (l / loan-01 
                                    :ARG0 c4)) 
                        :mod (i / item 
                              :mod (a2 / all) 
                              :mod (r4 / renminbi))) 
                  :ARG1 (m2 / monetary-quantity :quant 564452000000 
                        :unit (y3 / yuan))) 
            :op3 (m5 / monetary-quantity :quant 35508000000 
                  :unit (d3 / dollar 
                        :mod (c2 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n2 / name :op1 "US"))) 
                  :domain (b3 / balance 
                        :mod (t3 / thing 
                              :ARG1-of (d2 / deposit-01 
                                    :ARG2 c4)) 
                        :mod (c / currency 
                              :mod (f / foreign)))) 
            :op4 (m6 / monetary-quantity :quant 39787000000 
                  :unit (y4 / yuan) 
                  :domain (b4 / balance 
                        :mod (t4 / thing 
                              :ARG1-of (l2 / loan-01 
                                    :ARG0 c4)) 
                        :mod (i2 / item 
                              :mod (a3 / all) 
                              :prep-with (e / exchange-01 
                                    :ARG1 (c3 / cash) 
                                    :mod f)))) 
            :time (y2 / year 
                  :mod (l3 / last)))) 
       Open an issue       

[152]   cjconsensus   nw.chtb_0145.7   (snt. 376 in workset  nw-xinhua-master-a, last updated on Thu Nov 5, 2015)
The Development Bank successfully issued samurai bonds of 30 billion Japanese yen for the first time with a status of a national sovereign - level fund raiser last February in Japan , and issued Yankee Bonds of 330 million US dollars on the market in the US at the beginning of this year , establishing a good image on the international financial market .

(e / establish-01 
      :ARG0 (c4 / company :wiki "Asian_Development_Bank" :name (n / name :op1 "Development" :op2 "Bank")) 
      :ARG1 (i / image 
            :ARG1-of (g / good-02)) 
      :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 
            :ARG0 (a / and 
                  :op1 (i3 / issue-01 
                        :ARG0 c4 
                        :ARG1 (b2 / bond 
                              :mod (s2 / samurai) 
                              :ARG1-of (a2 / amount-01 
                                    :ARG2 (m2 / monetary-quantity :quant 30000000000 
                                          :unit (y / yen 
                                                :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Japan" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Japan")))))) 
                        :manner (s / succeed-01) 
                        :prep-with (s3 / status 
                              :mod (r / raise-02 
                                    :ARG1 (f3 / fund) 
                                    :mod (l / level 
                                          :mod (s4 / sovereign 
                                                :mod (n5 / nation))))) 
                        :time (d / date-entity :month 2 
                              :mod (y2 / year 
                                    :mod (l2 / last))) 
                        :location c2 
                        :time (f2 / first)) 
                  :op2 (i4 / issue-01 
                        :ARG0 c4 
                        :ARG1 (t3 / thing :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Yankee" :op2 "Bond") 
                              :ARG1-of (a3 / amount-01 
                                    :ARG2 (m3 / monetary-quantity :quant 330000000 
                                          :unit (d2 / dollar 
                                                :mod (c3 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n3 / name :op1 "US")))))) 
                        :ARG2 (m4 / market 
                              :location c3) 
                        :time (b / begin-01 
                              :ARG1 (y3 / year 
                                    :mod (t4 / this)))))) 
      :location (m / market 
            :mod (f / finance) 
            :mod (i2 / international))) 
       Open an issue       

[153]   cjconsensus   nw.chtb_0247.9   (snt. 692 in workset  nw-xinhua-master-a, last updated on Wed Dec 18, 2013)
Irving from the UK 's Longman Publishing Company said that British publishers hope to further develop business with Chinese publishers on the basis of mutually respecting copyrights .

(s / say-01 
      :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - 
            :name (n / name :op1 "Irving") 
            :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 
                  :ARG1 (c / company :wiki "Longman" 
                        :name (n2 / name :op1 "Longman" :op2 "Publishing" :op3 "Company") 
                        :poss (c2 / country :wiki "United_Kingdom" 
                              :name (n3 / name :op1 "UK"))))) 
      :ARG1 (h / hope-01 
            :ARG0 (c6 / company 
                  :ARG1-of (p3 / publish-01) 
                  :mod (c3 / country :wiki "United_Kingdom" 
                        :name (n4 / name :op1 "Great" :op2 "Britain"))) 
            :ARG1 (d / develop-02 
                  :ARG0 c6 
                  :ARG1 (b / business 
                        :prep-with (c7 / company 
                              :ARG1-of (p5 / publish-01) 
                              :mod (c4 / country :wiki "China" 
                                    :name (n5 / name :op1 "China")))) 
                  :degree (f / further) 
                  :ARG1-of (b2 / base-02 
                        :ARG2 (r / respect-01 
                              :ARG1 (c5 / copyright-01) 
                              :mod (m / mutual)))))) 
       Open an issue       

[154]   cjconsensus   nw.chtb_0266.8   (snt. 760 in workset  nw-xinhua-master-a, last updated on Fri Jul 24, 2015)
It is predicted that Shashe , the PLO 's chief negotiations representative , and Rosechird , Israel 's chief negotiations representative , will go to Washington to specifically negotiate and determine the aid issues with the US and the World Bank .

(p4 / predict-01 
      :ARG1 (g / go-02 
            :ARG0 (a / and 
                  :op1 (p5 / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Shashe") 
                        :ARG0-of (r2 / represent-01 
                              :ARG1 (o3 / organization :wiki "Palestine_Liberation_Organization" :name (n3 / name :op1 "PLO")) 
                              :ARG2 (n5 / negotiate-01) 
                              :mod (c4 / chief))) 
                  :op2 (p6 / person :wiki "Daniel_Rothschild" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Rothschild") 
                        :ARG0-of (r3 / represent-01 
                              :ARG1 (c5 / country :wiki "Israel" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Israel")) 
                              :ARG2 (n7 / negotiate-01) 
                              :mod (c6 / chief)))) 
            :ARG4 (c7 / city :wiki "Washington,_D.C." :name (n8 / name :op1 "Washington")) 
            :purpose (a2 / and 
                  :op1 (n9 / negotiate-01 
                        :ARG0 a 
                        :ARG1 (a4 / and 
                              :op1 (c8 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n10 / name :op1 "US")) 
                              :op2 (o / organization :wiki "World_Bank" :name (n11 / name :op1 "World" :op2 "Bank"))) 
                        :ARG1-of (s / specific-02)) 
                  :op2 (d / determine-01 
                        :ARG0 a 
                        :ARG1 (i / issue-02 
                              :ARG0 (a3 / aid-01)) 
                        :prep-with a4)))) 
       Open an issue       

[155]   cjconsensus   nw.chtb_0302.2   (snt. 101 in workset  nw-xinhua-master-dt, last updated on Mon Nov 2, 2015)
When meeting with Chavalit Yoncayu , vice-premier and concurrent Minister of Domestic Affairs of Thailand , at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse today , Huaqing Liu , vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission said that China placed a great deal of importance in developing friendship with the government , people and Armed Forces of Thailand , especially the economic and trade cooperation between the two countries .

(s / say-01 
      :ARG0 (p3 / person :wiki "Liu_Huaqing" :name (n / name :op1 "Huaqing" :op2 "Liu") 
            :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 
                  :ARG1 (g / government-organization :wiki "Central_Military_Commission_(China)" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Central" :op2 "Military" :op3 "Commission")) 
                  :ARG2 (c / chairman 
                        :mod (v / vice)))) 
      :ARG1 (p4 / place-01 
            :ARG0 (c7 / country :wiki "China" :name (n3 / name :op1 "China")) 
            :ARG1 (i / important 
                  :degree (d3 / deal 
                        :mod (g2 / great))) 
            :ARG2 (d4 / develop-02 
                  :ARG0 c7 
                  :ARG1 (a / and 
                        :op1 (f2 / friendship 
                              :prep-with (a2 / and 
                                    :op1 (g3 / government-organization 
                                          :ARG0-of (g4 / govern-01 
                                                :ARG1 (c8 / country :wiki "Thailand" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Thailand")))) 
                                    :op2 (p5 / person 
                                          :mod c8) 
                                    :op3 (m / military :wiki "Royal_Thai_Armed_Forces" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Armed" :op2 "Forces") 
                                          :mod c8))) 
                        :op2 (c9 / cooperate-01 
                              :ARG0 c7 
                              :ARG1 c8 
                              :ARG2 (a3 / and 
                                    :op1 (e / economy) 
                                    :op2 (t2 / trade-01)) 
                              :mod (e2 / especially))))) 
      :time (m2 / meet-03 
            :ARG0 p3 
            :ARG1 (p6 / person :wiki "Chavalit_Yongchaiyudh" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Chavalit" :op2 "Yoncayu") 
                  :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 
                        :ARG2 (p7 / premier 
                              :mod (v2 / vice))) 
                  :ARG0-of (h4 / have-org-role-91 
                        :ARG1 (g5 / government-organization :wiki "Ministry_of_Interior_(Thailand)" :name (n7 / name :op1 "Domestic" :op2 "Affairs") 
                              :poss c8) 
                        :ARG2 (m3 / minister 
                              :ARG1-of (c2 / concurrent-02)))) 
            :location (h2 / hotel :wiki "Diaoyutai_State_Guesthouse" :name (n8 / name :op1 "Diaoyutai" :op2 "State" :op3 "Guesthouse")) 
            :time (t4 / today))) 
       Open an issue       

[156]   cjconsensus   nw.chtb_0305.6   (snt. 118 in workset  nw-xinhua-master-dt, last updated on Mon Dec 16, 2013)
Akayev highly commended the results of the conference with Peng Li

(c / commend-01 
      :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Askar_Akayev" 
            :name (n / name :op1 "Akayev")) 
      :ARG1 (t / thing 
            :ARG2-of (r2 / result-01 
                  :ARG1 (c5 / conference 
                        :prep-with (p3 / person :wiki "Li_Peng" 
                              :name (n3 / name :op1 "Peng" :op2 "Li"))))) 
      :degree (h / high)) 
       Open an issue       

[157]   cjconsensus   nw.chtb_0318.9   (snt. 133 in workset  nw-xinhua-master-dt, last updated on Fri Jan 3, 2014)
Souya emphasized , the Japanese delegation must make use of this opportunity of participation in the Beijing Far South Sports Meet " to deepen friendship with athletes from various countries , and expand the scope of international friendliness . "

(e2 / emphasize-01 
      :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki - 
            :name (n / name :op1 "Souya")) 
      :ARG1 (o / obligate-01 
            :ARG1 (d / delegation 
                  :mod (c3 / country :wiki "Japan" 
                        :name (n2 / name :op1 "Japan"))) 
            :ARG2 (u / use-01 
                  :ARG0 d 
                  :ARG1 (o2 / opportunity 
                        :mod (t / this) 
                        :mod (p3 / participate-01 
                              :ARG0 d 
                              :ARG1 (g / game :wiki - 
                                    :name (n3 / name :op1 "Beijing" :op2 "Far" :op3 "South" :op4 "Sports" :op5 "Meet")))) 
                  :ARG2 (a / and 
                        :op1 (d2 / deepen-01 
                              :ARG0 d 
                              :ARG1 (f2 / friendship 
                                    :prep-with (a2 / athlete 
                                          :source (c4 / country 
                                                :mod (v / various))))) 
                        :op2 (e3 / expand-01 
                              :ARG0 d 
                              :ARG1 (s2 / scope 
                                    :poss (f / friendly-01 
                                          :mod (i / international)))))))) 
       Open an issue       

[158]   cjconsensus   pmid_1177_7939.133   (snt. 133 in workset  pmid-11777939, last updated on Fri Dec 18, 2015)
As shown in Fig. 8 D, activation of Ras was rapid and short lived, whereas activation of Rac was sustained over a longer period of time, compatible with the differential regulation of the corresponding activating complexes, S/G and S/E/E8.

(c / contrast-01 
      :ARG1 (a / and 
            :op1 (r / rapid 
                  :domain (a2 / activate-01 
                        :ARG1 (e / enzyme :name (n / name :op1 "Ras")))) 
            :op2 (l / live-01 
                  :ARG0 a2 
                  :ARG1-of (s / short-07))) 
      :ARG2 (s2 / sustain-01 
            :ARG1 (a3 / activate-01 
                  :ARG1 (e2 / enzyme :name (n2 / name :op1 "Rac"))) 
            :ARG1-of (l2 / long-03 
                  :degree (m / more) 
                  :mod (c2 / compatible 
                        :prep-with (r2 / regulate-01 
                              :ARG1 (a4 / and 
                                    :op1 (m2 / macro-molecular-complex 
                                          :part (p2 / protein :name (n3 / name :op1 "S")) 
                                          :part (p3 / protein :name (n5 / name :op1 "G"))) 
                                    :op2 (m3 / macro-molecular-complex 
                                          :part (p5 / protein :name (n6 / name :op1 "E")) 
                                          :part (p6 / protein :name (n7 / name :op1 "E8")) 
                                          :part p2) 
                                    :ARG0-of (a5 / activate-01 
                                          :ARG1-of (c3 / correspond-02))) 
                              :ARG1-of (d / differ-02))))) 
      :ARG1-of (s3 / show-01 
            :ARG0 (f / figure :mod "8D"))) 
       Open an issue       

[159]   cjconsensus   pmid_1859_7688.117   (snt. 10 in workset  pmc-2474852-results, last updated on Sat Jan 16, 2016)
Anti-Ras and anti-HA western blotting demonstrated approximately equal levels of ectopic Ras expression among Ras-infected cells, with slightly lower levels in HME16C RasV12-infected cells relative to EDM-infected cells (Figure 1A).

(d / demonstrate-01 
      :ARG0 (a / and 
            :op1 (i4 / immunoblot-01 
                  :ARG3 (a3 / antibody 
                        :ARG0-of (c3 / counter-01 
                              :ARG1 e5))) 
            :op2 (i5 / immunoblot-01 
                  :ARG3 (a4 / antibody 
                        :ARG0-of (c5 / counter-01 
                              :ARG1 (p / protein :name (n2 / name :op1 "HA")))))) 
      :ARG1 (l / level 
            :ARG1-of (e / equal-01 
                  :ARG0-of (a2 / approximate-01)) 
            :degree-of (e2 / express-03 
                  :ARG2 (e4 / enzyme :name (n5 / name :op1 "Ras") 
                        :mod (e3 / ectopic)) 
                  :ARG3 (c / cell 
                        :ARG1-of (i / infect-01 
                              :ARG2 (e5 / enzyme :name (n6 / name :op1 "Ras"))))) 
            :prep-with (l2 / level 
                  :ARG1-of (l3 / low-04 
                        :degree (m / more 
                              :degree (s / slight))) 
                  :ARG1-of (r / relative-05 
                        :ARG2 (l4 / level 
                              :mod (c4 / cell 
                                    :ARG1-of (i3 / infect-01 
                                          :ARG2 (e7 / enzyme :name (n8 / name :op1 "EDM")))))) 
                  :location (c2 / cell-line :name (n / name :op1 "HME16C") 
                        :ARG1-of (i2 / infect-01 
                              :ARG2 (e6 / enzyme :name (n7 / name :op1 "Ras") 
                                    :ARG2-of (m2 / mutate-01 :value "V12")))))) 
      :ARG1-of (d2 / describe-01 
            :ARG0 (f / figure :mod "1A"))) 
       Open an issue       

[160]   cjconsensus   pmid_2303_9341.55   (snt. 20 in workset  pmc-3554420-results, last updated on Sun Jan 3, 2016)
Using this criterion, BRAF mutation status correlated with E6201 hypersensitivity (p < 0.03), with 15 out of the 18 hypersensitive cell lines possessing a BRAF mutation.

(c / correlate-01 
      :ARG1 (s / status 
            :mod (g / gene :name (n / name :op1 "BRAF") 
                  :ARG1-of (m / mutate-01))) 
      :ARG2 (s2 / sensitive-03 
            :ARG1 (s5 / small-molecule :name (n2 / name :op1 "E6201")) 
            :degree (h / hyper)) 
      :condition (u / use-01 
            :ARG1 (c2 / criterion 
                  :mod (t2 / this))) 
      :prep-with (c3 / cell-line :quant 15 
            :ARG0-of (p2 / possess-01 
                  :ARG1 g) 
            :ARG1-of (i / include-91 
                  :ARG2 (c4 / cell-line :quant 18 
                        :ARG0-of (s4 / sensitive-03 
                              :degree (h3 / hyper))))) 
      :ARG1-of (s3 / statistical-test-91 
            :ARG2 (l / less-than :op1 0.03))) 
       Open an issue       

[161]   cjconsensus   pmid_2303_9341.73   (snt. 38 in workset  pmc-3554420-results, last updated on Sat Jan 16, 2016)
We sought to further evaluate the mechanism of sensitivity to E6201, as an equivocal cytocidal response in vitro may equate to the poor clinical response observed with current MEK inhibitors.

(c / cause-01 
      :ARG0 (p / possible-01 
            :ARG1 (e3 / equate-01 
                  :ARG1 (t2 / thing 
                        :ARG2-of (r / respond-01 
                              :manner (i2 / in-vitro)) 
                        :mod (c2 / cytocidal)) 
                  :ARG2 (t3 / thing 
                        :ARG2-of (r2 / respond-01 
                              :ARG1-of (o / observe-01 
                                    :prep-with (m3 / molecular-physical-entity 
                                          :ARG0-of (i3 / inhibit-01 
                                                :ARG1 (p3 / protein-family :name (n / name :op1 "MEK"))) 
                                          :time (c4 / current)))) 
                        :mod (p2 / poor) 
                        :mod (c3 / clinic) 
                        :mod (e4 / equivocal)))) 
      :ARG1 (s / seek-01 
            :ARG0 (w / we) 
            :ARG1 (e2 / evaluate-01 
                  :ARG0 w 
                  :ARG1 (m / mechanism 
                        :ARG0-of (s2 / sensitive-03 
                              :ARG1 (s3 / small-molecule :name (n2 / name :op1 "E6201")))) 
                  :degree (f / further)))) 
       Open an issue       

[162]   cjconsensus   pmid_2303_9341.84   (snt. 49 in workset  pmc-3554420-results, last updated on Thu Jan 14, 2016)
The results from the cell death ELISA were very similar to that obtained from the Annexin studies with 10 out of 13 sensitive melanoma lines demonstrating a greater than two-fold increase in DNA fragmentation with E6201.

(r2 / resemble-01 
      :ARG1 (t / thing 
            :ARG2-of (r / result-01 
                  :ARG1 (d / die-01 
                        :ARG1 (c / cell) 
                        :mod (a / assay-01 
                              :mod (t2 / thing :name (n / name :op1 "ELISA")))))) 
      :ARG2 (t3 / thing 
            :ARG2-of (r3 / result-01 
                  :ARG1-of (o / obtain-01 
                        :ARG2 (s / study-01 
                              :ARG1 (p / protein :name (n2 / name :op1 "Annexin") 
                                    :prep-with (c2 / cell-line :quant 10 
                                          :ARG1-of (i / include-91 
                                                :ARG2 (c3 / cell-line :quant 13 
                                                      :ARG0-of (s2 / sensitive-03) 
                                                      :source (m / medical-condition :name (n6 / name :op1 "melanoma")))))))))) 
      :degree (v / very) 
      :ARG0-of (d2 / demonstrate-01 
            :ARG1 (i2 / increase-01 
                  :ARG1 (f / fragment-01 
                        :ARG0 (s3 / small-molecule :name (n3 / name :op1 "E6201")) 
                        :ARG1 (n4 / nucleic-acid :wiki "DNA" :name (n5 / name :op1 "DNA"))) 
                  :ARG2 (m2 / more-than 
                        :op1 (p2 / product-of :op1 2))))) 
       Open an issue       

[163]   cjconsensus   pmid_2337_4602.86   (snt. 14 in workset  pmc-3599697-results, last updated on Wed Sep 21, 2016)
From May 2004 until December 2008, cetuximab had been administered as an intravenous infusion according to standard regimens (loading dose 400 mg/m2 followed by weekly 250 mg/m2) as monotherapy (42, 13.4%) or with regimes based on irinotecan (153, 48.7%), oxaliplatin (84, 26.7%) or both agents (29, 9.2%).

(o / or 
      :op1 (a / administer-01 
            :ARG1 (s / small-molecule :name (n / name :op1 "cetuximab")) 
            :ARG2 (c3 / case-04 :quant 42 
                  :ARG1-of (m4 / mean-01 
                        :ARG2 (p / percentage-entity :value 13.4))) 
            :ARG1-of (i / infuse-01 
                  :mod (i2 / intravenous)) 
            :ARG1-of (a2 / accord-02 
                  :ARG2 (r / regimen 
                        :ARG1-of (s2 / standard-02) 
                        :ARG1-of (m / mean-01 
                              :ARG2 (d3 / dose-01 
                                    :ARG2-of (l / load-01) 
                                    :quant (c / concentration-quantity :quant 400 
                                          :unit (m2 / milligram-per-square-meter)) 
                                    :ARG2-of (f / follow-01 
                                          :ARG1 (d4 / dose-01 
                                                :frequency (w / week) 
                                                :quant (c2 / concentration-quantity :quant 250 
                                                      :unit (m8 / milligram-per-square-meter)))))))) 
            :manner (m3 / monotherapy)) 
      :op2 (a3 / administer-01 
            :ARG1 s 
            :ARG2 (c4 / case-04 :quant 153 
                  :ARG1-of (m5 / mean-01 
                        :ARG2 (p2 / percentage-entity :value 48.7))) 
            :ARG1-of i 
            :prep-with (r2 / regimen 
                  :ARG1-of (b / base-02 
                        :ARG2 (s3 / small-molecule :name (n2 / name :op1 "irinotecan")))) 
            :ARG1-of a2) 
      :op3 (a4 / administer-01 
            :ARG1 s 
            :ARG2 (c5 / case-04 :quant 84 
                  :ARG1-of (m6 / mean-01 
                        :ARG2 (p3 / percentage-entity :value 26.7))) 
            :ARG1-of i 
            :prep-with (r3 / regimen 
                  :ARG1-of (b2 / base-02 
                        :ARG2 (s4 / small-molecule :name (n3 / name :op1 "oxaliplatin")))) 
            :ARG1-of a2) 
      :op4 (a5 / administer-01 
            :ARG1 s 
            :ARG2 (c6 / case-04 :quant 29 
                  :ARG1-of (m7 / mean-01 
                        :ARG2 (p4 / percentage-entity :value 9.2))) 
            :ARG1-of i 
            :prep-with (r4 / regimen 
                  :ARG1-of (b3 / base-02 
                        :ARG2 (a6 / and 
                              :op1 s3 
                              :op2 s4))) 
            :ARG1-of a2) 
      :time (d5 / date-interval 
            :op1 (d / date-entity :month 5 :year 2004) 
            :op2 (d2 / date-entity :month 12 :year 2008))) 
       Open an issue       

[164]   cjconsensus   pmid_2352_4590.19   (snt. 19 in workset  pmc-3615214, last updated on Tue Jan 19, 2016)
Accumulative genetic changes within malignant plasma cells, together with MM interplay with the bone marrow microenvironment (BMME), potentiate disease progression by promoting the deregulation of multiple signal transduction networks, one of which is the Ras/MAPK pathway.4, 5

(p / potentiate-01 
      :ARG1 (p3 / progress-01 
            :ARG1 (d2 / disease)) 
      :ARG2 (a / and 
            :op1 (c / change-01 
                  :ARG1-of (a2 / accumulate-01) 
                  :mod (g / genetics) 
                  :location (c2 / cell 
                        :mod (p2 / plasma) 
                        :ARG1-of (m / malignant-02))) 
            :op2 (i / interplay-00 
                  :mod (d / disease :name (n / name :op1 "multiple" :op2 "myeloma")) 
                  :prep-with (m2 / microenvironment 
                        :mod (m3 / marrow 
                              :mod (b / bone))))) 
      :manner (p4 / promote-01 
            :ARG0 a 
            :ARG1 (d3 / deregulate-01 
                  :ARG1 (n2 / network 
                        :quant (m4 / multiple) 
                        :ARG2-of (t / transduce-01 
                              :ARG1 (s / signal-07)) 
                        :ARG2-of (i2 / include-91 
                              :ARG1 (p5 / pathway :name (n3 / name :op1 "Ras/MAPK")))))) 
      :ARG1-of (d4 / describe-01 
            :ARG0 (p6 / publication-91 
                  :ARG1-of (c3 / cite-01 
                        :ARG2 (a3 / and :op1 4 :op2 5))))) 
       Open an issue       

[165]   cjconsensus   pmid_2384_5441.79   (snt. 29 in workset  pmc-3706745-results, last updated on Tue Jan 19, 2016)
To avoid misleading nomenclature by drawing inadequate morphologic parallels between murine SI lesions and human LI tumors, we refer to dysplastic lesions as “murine serrated adenoma with dysplasia” (mSA) or more specifically as mSA with low-grade dysplasia (mSA-LGD) or high-grade dysplasia (mSA-HGD).

(r / refer-01 
      :ARG0 (w / we) 
      :ARG1 (l / lesion 
            :mod (d / dysplastic)) 
      :ARG2 (o / or 
            :op1 (m / medical-condition :name (n3 / name :op1 "adenoma") 
                  :ARG1-of (s / serrate-01) 
                  :mod (o3 / organism :name (n2 / name :op1 "Muridae")) 
                  :prep-with (d2 / dysplasia)) 
            :op2 (o2 / or 
                  :op1 (m2 / medical-condition :name (n4 / name :op1 "adenoma") 
                        :ARG0-of (h4 / have-03 
                              :ARG1 (d3 / dysplasia 
                                    :degree (g / grade 
                                          :ARG1-of (l2 / low-04))))) 
                  :op2 (m3 / medical-condition :name (n5 / name :op1 "adenoma") 
                        :ARG0-of (h3 / have-03 
                              :ARG1 (d4 / dysplasia 
                                    :degree (g2 / grade 
                                          :ARG1-of (h / high-02)))) 
                        :ARG1-of (s3 / specific-02 
                              :degree (m8 / more))))) 
      :purpose (a2 / avoid-01 
            :ARG0 w 
            :ARG1 (n / nomenclature 
                  :ARG0-of (m7 / mislead-02)) 
            :manner (d5 / draw-01 
                  :ARG1 (p / parallel-01 
                        :ARG1 (a4 / and 
                              :op1 (l3 / lesion 
                                    :mod (i / intestine 
                                          :mod (s2 / small)) 
                                    :mod o3)) 
                        :mod (m6 / morphologic) 
                        :mod (a3 / adequate :polarity - 
                              :op2 (t / tumor 
                                    :mod (h2 / human) 
                                    :mod (i2 / intestine 
                                          :mod (l4 / large)))))))) 
       Open an issue       

[166]   cjconsensus   pmid_2465_1010.196   (snt. 196 in workset  pmid-24651010, last updated on Thu Feb 4, 2016)
In hindsight, most of the assumptions were incorrect: the Raf/MAPK pathway is not often hyperactive in human cancer cells with mutant Ras, as measured by steady-state levels of phospho-MEK or phospho-ERK.

(c2 / correct-02 :polarity - 
      :ARG1 (a / assume-02 
            :quant (m / most) 
            :example (h / hyperactive 
                  :frequency (o / often :polarity -) 
                  :domain (p / pathway :name (n3 / name :op1 "Raf" :op2 "MAPK")) 
                  :location (c / cell 
                        :mod (d / disease :wiki "Cancer" :name (n / name :op1 "cancer") 
                              :mod (h2 / human)) 
                        :prep-with (e / enzyme :name (n2 / name :op1 "Ras") 
                              :ARG1-of (m3 / mutate-01))) 
                  :ARG1-of (m2 / measure-01 
                        :ARG2 (l / level 
                              :degree-of (o2 / or 
                                    :op1 (p2 / phosphorylate-01 
                                          :ARG2 (e4 / enzyme :name (n4 / name :op1 "MEK"))) 
                                    :op2 (p3 / phosphorylate-01 
                                          :ARG2 (e3 / enzyme :name (n5 / name :op1 "ERK")))) 
                              :ARG1-of (s / steady-01 
                                    :mod (s2 / state)))))) 
      :prep-in (h3 / hindsight)) 
       Open an issue       

[167]   cjconsensus   sdl_0002.28   (snt. 28 in workset  sdl-mt09-chi, last updated on Thu Feb 11, 2016)
After the old couple 's invitation to him to spend the Spring Festival with them was rejected , they actually took the initiative to lend their own vehicle to the young person .

(i / initiate-01 
      :ARG0 c 
      :ARG1 (l / lend-01 
            :ARG0 c 
            :ARG1 (v / vehicle 
                  :poss c) 
            :ARG2 (p / person 
                  :mod (y / young))) 
      :time (a / after 
            :op1 (r / reject-01 
                  :ARG0 p 
                  :ARG1 (i2 / invite-01 
                        :ARG0 (c / couple 
                              :mod (o / old)) 
                        :ARG1 p 
                        :ARG2 (s / spend-02 
                              :ARG0 (a3 / and 
                                    :op1 c 
                                    :op2 p) 
                              :ARG1 (f / festival :wiki "Chinese_New_Year" :name (n / name :op1 "Spring" :op2 "Festival")) 
                              :prep-with c)))) 
      :ARG1-of (a2 / actual-02)) 
       Open an issue       

[168]   cjconsensus   sdl_0002.68   (snt. 68 in workset  sdl-mt09-chi, last updated on Wed Jul 10, 2013)
Why must he go to a city with many Chinese people ?

(o / obligate-01 
      :ARG0 (a / amr-unknown) 
      :ARG1 (h / he) 
      :ARG2 (g / go-02 
            :ARG0 h 
            :ARG4 (c / city 
                  :prep-with (p / people 
                        :mod (c2 / country :wiki "China" 
                              :name (n / name :op1 "China")) 
                        :quant (m / many))))) 
       Open an issue       

[169]   cjconsensus   sdl_0002.7   (snt. 7 in workset  sdl-mt09-chi, last updated on Wed Mar 2, 2016)
The low - cut gold swimsuit with a low back weighs 500 grams , with a sales price of 10 million Japanese yen .

(w / weigh-01 
      :ARG1 (s / swimsuit 
            :consist-of (g / gold) 
            :prep-with (b / back 
                  :ARG1-of (l / low-04)) 
            :ARG1-of (s2 / sell-01 
                  :ARG3 (m2 / monetary-quantity :quant 10000000 
                        :unit (y / yen 
                              :mod (c / country :wiki "Japan" :name (n / name :op1 "Japan"))))) 
            :ARG1-of (c2 / cut-01 
                  :ARG2-of (l2 / low-04))) 
      :ARG3 (m / mass-quantity :quant 500 
            :unit (g2 / gram))) 
       Open an issue       

[170]   cjconsensus   sdl_0002.95   (snt. 95 in workset  sdl-mt09-chi, last updated on Sat Jul 25, 2015)
Stardock Aquarium Desktop is not a fish tank screen saver that is currently in fashion ; instead it turns your desktop directly into an aquarium , with beautiful fish swimming on your desktop while you work .

(t2 / turn-02 
      :ARG0 s 
      :ARG1 (d / desktop 
            :poss (y / you)) 
      :ARG2 (a / aquarium 
            :prep-with (f3 / fish 
                  :ARG1-of (b / beautiful-02) 
                  :ARG0-of (s3 / swim-01 
                        :ARG2 d 
                        :time (w / while 
                              :op1 (w2 / work-01 
                                    :ARG0 y))))) 
      :ARG1-of (d2 / direct-02) 
      :ARG1-of (i / instead-of-91 
            :ARG2 (s / screen-saver 
                  :domain (p / product :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Stardock" :op2 "Aquarium" :op3 "Desktop")) 
                  :mod (f4 / fashion 
                        :time (c / current)) 
                  :mod (t / tank 
                        :mod (f / fish))))) 
       Open an issue       

[171]   cjconsensus   wb.eng_0002.22   (snt. 22 in workset  wb-eng-0002, last updated on Sat Jul 25, 2015)
As I have been hammering away relentlessly on this blog ( See `` A World with One Billion Cars '' ) , the world economy is moving from a 20 - year era of cheap petroleum to a plateau of more expensive petroleum .

(m3 / multi-sentence 
      :snt1 (m / move-01 
            :ARG1 (e / economy 
                  :mod (w / world)) 
            :ARG2 (p2 / plateau 
                  :poss (p3 / petroleum 
                        :mod (e3 / expensive 
                              :degree (m2 / more)))) 
            :source (e2 / era 
                  :duration (t4 / temporal-quantity :quant 20 
                        :unit (y3 / year)) 
                  :time-of (p / petroleum 
                        :ARG1-of (c / cheap-02))) 
            :ARG1-of (h / hammer-away-05 
                  :ARG0 (i / i) 
                  :manner (r / relentless) 
                  :medium (b / blog 
                        :mod (t3 / this)))) 
      :snt2 (s / see-01 :mode imperative 
            :ARG0 (y2 / you) 
            :ARG1 (w2 / world 
                  :prep-with (c2 / car :quant 1000000000)))) 
       Open an issue       

[172]   cjconsensus   wb.eng_0002.96   (snt. 96 in workset  wb-eng-0002, last updated on Sun Jul 26, 2015)
Toomanytaxes : Zone pricing is the mechanism the oil companies use to make sure that we pay the same price as people in states with higher gas taxes .

(s / say-01 
      :ARG1 (m / mechanism 
            :ARG1-of (u / use-01 
                  :ARG0 (c / company 
                        :mod (o / oil)) 
                  :ARG2 (e / ensure-01 
                        :ARG0 c 
                        :ARG1 (p3 / pay-01 
                              :ARG0 (w / we) 
                              :ARG1 (t4 / thing 
                                    :ARG2-of (p4 / price-01) 
                                    :ARG1-of (s2 / same-01 
                                          :ARG2 (p5 / person 
                                                :location (s3 / state 
                                                      :prep-with (t5 / thing 
                                                            :ARG1-of (t6 / tax-01 
                                                                  :ARG3 (g2 / gas)) 
                                                            :ARG1-of (h / high-02 
                                                                  :degree (m2 / more)))))))))) 
            :domain (p / price-01 
                  :mod (z / zone))) 
      :ARG2 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Toomanytaxes"))) 
       Open an issue       

[173]   cjconsensus   wb.eng_0007.2   (snt. 2 in workset  wb-eng-0007, last updated on Sun Jul 26, 2015)
In place of the sterile monoculture that now characterizes the office complex near the Pentagon , members of an advisory task force see a more lively street - level scene with a greater mix of shops , restaurants and offices .

(s / see-01 
      :ARG0 (p / person 
            :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 
                  :ARG1 (f / force 
                        :mod (t / task) 
                        :ARG0-of (a / advise-01)) 
                  :ARG2 (m2 / member))) 
      :ARG1 (s2 / scene 
            :mod (l / level 
                  :mod (s4 / street)) 
            :mod (l2 / lively 
                  :degree (m3 / more)) 
            :prep-with (m4 / mix-01 
                  :ARG1 (a2 / and 
                        :op1 (s5 / shop) 
                        :op2 (r2 / restaurant) 
                        :op3 (o2 / office)) 
                  :mod (g / great 
                        :degree (m5 / more)))) 
      :ARG1-of (i / instead-of-91 
            :ARG2 (s6 / see-01 
                  :ARG0 p 
                  :ARG1 (m / monoculture 
                        :ARG2-of (c / characterize-01 
                              :ARG1 (c2 / complex 
                                    :mod (o / office) 
                                    :ARG1-of (n / near-02 
                                          :ARG2 (g2 / government-organization :wiki "The_Pentagon" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Pentagon")))) 
                              :time (n3 / now)) 
                        :ARG1-of (s3 / sterile-02))))) 
       Open an issue       

[174]   cjconsensus   wb.eng_0007.5   (snt. 5 in workset  wb-eng-0007, last updated on Wed Jun 17, 2015)
Though close to Reagan National Airport and dense with hotels , the area has long been seen as a gloomy 1960s era enclave of offices connected by underground passages .

(s / see-01 
      :ARG1 (a2 / area) 
      :ARG2 (e / enclave 
            :consist-of (o / office 
                  :ARG1-of (c2 / connect-01 
                        :ARG3 (p / passage 
                              :location (u / underground)))) 
            :mod (e2 / era 
                  :mod (d3 / date-entity :decade 1960)) 
            :mod (g / gloomy)) 
      :concession (a / and 
            :op1 (c / close-10 
                  :ARG1 a2 
                  :ARG2 (a3 / airport :wiki "Ronald_Reagan_Washington_National_Airport" :name (n / name :op1 "Reagan" :op2 "National" :op3 "Airport"))) 
            :op2 (d2 / dense 
                  :prep-with (h / hotel))) 
      :ARG1-of (l / long-03)) 
       Open an issue       

[175]   cjconsensus   wb.eng_0009.27   (snt. 27 in workset  wb-eng-0009, last updated on Tue Nov 3, 2015)
Perhaps we can take more from this than the suspicion that the Jackson clan had gotten with the program .

(p / possible-01 
      :ARG1 (p2 / possible-01 
            :ARG1 (t / take-01 
                  :ARG0 (w / we) 
                  :ARG1 (t3 / thing 
                        :compared-to (s / suspect-01 
                              :ARG1 (g / get-01 
                                    :ARG0 (c / clan :wiki "The_Jackson_5" :name (n / name :op1 "Jackson")) 
                                    :prep-with (p3 / program))) 
                        :quant (m / more)) 
                  :ARG2 (t2 / this)))) 
       Open an issue       

[176]   cjconsensus   wb.eng_0009.31   (snt. 31 in workset  wb-eng-0009, last updated on Mon Nov 9, 2015)
His close friendship with SPECTRA contactee and channeller of the Nine , Uri Geller , for one instance .

(f / friendship 
      :ARG1-of (c / close-13) 
      :poss (h / he) 
      :prep-with (p2 / person :wiki "Uri_Geller" :name (n / name :op1 "Uri" :op2 "Geller") 
            :ARG1-of (c2 / contact-01 
                  :ARG0 (o2 / organization :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "SPECTRA"))) 
            :ARG0-of (c3 / channel-01 
                  :ARG1 (o3 / organization :wiki "Nazgûl" :name (n3 / name :op1 "The" :op2 "Nine")))) 
      :ARG0-of (e / exemplify-01)) 
       Open an issue       

[177]   cjconsensus   wb.eng_0014.31   (snt. 93 in workset  wb-eng-0013-14, last updated on Mon Nov 9, 2015)
After a few years , he switched his studies to entomology , and , more importantly , began forming close friendships with a group of young artists who were to influence him strongly in the future .

(a / and 
      :op1 (s / switch-01 
            :ARG0 (h / he) 
            :ARG1 (s2 / study-01 
                  :ARG0 h) 
            :ARG2 (e / entomology)) 
      :op2 (b / begin-01 
            :ARG0 h 
            :ARG1 (f / form-01 
                  :ARG0 h 
                  :ARG1 (f2 / friendship 
                        :ARG1-of (c / close-13)) 
                  :prep-with (g / group 
                        :consist-of (a2 / artist 
                              :mod (y / young)) 
                        :ARG0-of (i / influence-01 
                              :ARG1 h 
                              :ARG1-of (s3 / strong-02) 
                              :time (f3 / future)))) 
            :mod (i2 / important 
                  :degree (m / more))) 
      :time (a3 / after 
            :op1 (f4 / few 
                  :op1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1 
                        :unit (y2 / year))))) 
       Open an issue       

[178]   cjconsensus   wb.eng_0015.45   (snt. 45 in workset  wb-eng-0015, last updated on Sat Apr 19, 2014)
Abather ended up leading a U.S. Army - contracted security squad with a monthly salary of $ 130 .

(e / end-up-03 
      :ARG1 (p2 / person :wiki - 
            :name (n / name :op1 "Abather")) 
      :ARG2 (l / lead-02 
            :ARG0 p2 
            :ARG1 (s / squad 
                  :mod (s2 / security) 
                  :ARG2-of (c / contract-02 
                        :ARG0 (m2 / military :wiki "United_States_Army" 
                              :name (n2 / name :op1 "U.S." :op2 "Army")))) 
            :prep-with (s3 / salary 
                  :quant (m4 / monetary-quantity :quant 130 
                        :unit (d2 / dollar) 
                        :ARG1-of (r / rate-entity-91 
                              :ARG2 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1 
                                    :unit (m / month))))))) 
       Open an issue       

[179]   cjconsensus   wb.eng_0015.71   (snt. 71 in workset  wb-eng-0015, last updated on Fri Mar 4, 2016)
One day in August 2005 , Abather was driving Balqes , six months pregnant with their second child , to a doctor 's appointment .

(d / drive-01 
      :ARG0 (p3 / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Abather")) 
      :destination (a / appointment-02 
            :ARG0 p 
            :ARG1 (d2 / doctor)) 
      :beneficiary (p / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Balqes") 
            :mod (p2 / pregnant 
                  :prep-with (p4 / person 
                        :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 
                              :ARG1 (a2 / and 
                                    :op1 p3 
                                    :op2 p) 
                              :ARG2 (c / child 
                                    :ord (o2 / ordinal-entity :value 2)))) 
                  :duration (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 6 
                        :unit (m / month)))) 
      :time (d4 / date-entity :month 8 :year 2005 
            :mod (d3 / day 
                  :mod (o / one)))) 
       Open an issue       

[180]   cjconsensus   web1-eng-DF-233-195519-1438703_0001.3   (snt. 3 in workset  dfb-0546, last updated on Wed Sep 2, 2015)
I've suddenly become infatuated with this guy.

(b / become-01 
      :ARG1 (i2 / i) 
      :ARG2 (i / infatuate 
            :prep-with (g / guy 
                  :mod (t / this))) 
      :manner (s / sudden)) 
       Open an issue       

[181]   colorado   DF-170-181118-887_6009.25   (snt. 25 in workset  dfa-06, last updated on Mon Jun 8, 2015)
The army has brotherhood beef with the marines but we recognize that the marines are a unique unrivaled infantry machine.

(h / have-03 
      :ARG0 (m / military :wiki "United_States_Army" :name (n / name :op1 "Army")) 
      :ARG1 (b / beef 
            :mod (b2 / brotherhood) 
            :prep-with (m2 / military :wiki "United_States_Marine_Corps" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Marines"))) 
      :concession (r / recognize-02 
            :ARG0 m 
            :ARG1 m2 
            :ARG2 (m3 / machine 
                  :mod (i / infantry) 
                  :ARG0-of (r2 / rival-01 :polarity -) 
                  :mod (u / unique)))) 
       Open an issue       

[182]   colorado   DF-170-181122-878_0709.14   (snt. 74 in workset  dfa-06, last updated on Thu Jan 21, 2016)
For me, part of the fun of renting movies was going to the store with your chick and picking them out, bullshitting with other people in the store, etc.

(f / fun-01 
      :ARG0 (i / i) 
      :ARG1 (a / and 
            :op1 (g / go-02 
                  :ARG0 y 
                  :ARG4 (s / store) 
                  :prep-with (c / chick 
                        :poss (y / you)) 
                  :purpose (p / pick-out-03 
                        :ARG1 (m / movie))) 
            :op2 (b / bullshit-01 
                  :ARG2 (p2 / person 
                        :mod (o / other) 
                        :location s)) 
            :op3 (e / et-cetera) 
            :subevent-of (r / rent-01 
                        :ARG1 m))) 
       Open an issue       

[183]   colorado   DF-200-192453-580_6584.3   (snt. 8 in workset  dfa-55, last updated on Thu Oct 8, 2015)
If a circle of 10-15 target a high-end retailer during a perfectly normal shopping day, perhaps at a strategic location and time, I don't really see what could stop them from looting a shop with lots of valuable merchandise within proximity of the entrance e.g. luxury clothes shop.

(s / see-01 :polarity - 
      :ARG0 (i / i) 
      :ARG1 (t / thing 
            :ARG0-of (s2 / stop-03 
                  :ARG1 (t2 / they) 
                  :ARG2 (l / loot-01 
                        :ARG0 t2 
                        :ARG1 (s3 / shop 
                              :prep-with (m2 / merchandise 
                                    :ARG1-of (c / close-10 
                                          :ARG2 (e / entrance 
                                                :poss s3)) 
                                    :quant (l2 / lot) 
                                    :ARG1-of (v2 / value-01)) 
                              :example (s4 / shop 
                                    :mod (c2 / clothes 
                                          :mod (l3 / luxury))))))) 
      :ARG1-of (r / real-04) 
      :condition (t3 / target-01 
            :ARG0 (p / person 
                  :quant (b / between :op1 10 :op2 15)) 
            :ARG1 (r2 / retailer 
                  :mod (h / high-end)) 
            :time (d / day 
                  :time-of (s5 / shop-01) 
                  :ARG1-of (n / normal-02 
                        :ARG1-of (p2 / perfect-02))) 
            :location (l5 / location 
                  :mod (s6 / strategic) 
                  :mod (p3 / perhaps)) 
            :time (t5 / time 
                  :mod s6 
                  :mod (p4 / perhaps)))) 
       Open an issue       

[184]   colorado   DF-200-192453-580_6754.18   (snt. 32 in workset  dfa-55, last updated on Sat Mar 29, 2014)
You know what the problem is with this country?

(k / know-01 :mode interrogative 
      :ARG0 (y / you) 
      :ARG1 (p / problem 
            :domain (a / amr-unknown) 
            :prep-with (c / country 
                  :mod (t / this)))) 
       Open an issue       

[185]   colorado   DF-200-192453-580_7106.16   (snt. 52 in workset  dfa-55, last updated on Sat Jan 30, 2016)
I wouldn't support it for first time offenses, but when a criminal is given a second chance and reoffends, I'm all for it... I mean, if the evidence is 100% conclusive that is, which is the case most of the time now with modern technology etc

(a4 / and 
      :op1 (c7 / contrast-01 
            :ARG1 (s / support-01 :polarity - 
                  :ARG0 (i / i) 
                  :ARG1 (i2 / it) 
                  :condition (o3 / offend-03 
                        :ord (o / ordinal-entity :value 1) 
                        :domain i2)) 
            :ARG2 (s2 / support-01 
                  :ARG0 i 
                  :ARG1 i2 
                  :degree (a / all) 
                  :condition (a2 / and 
                        :op1 (g / give-01 
                              :ARG1 (c2 / chance-02 
                                    :ARG0 p2 
                                    :ord (o2 / ordinal-entity :value 2)) 
                              :ARG2 (p2 / person 
                                    :ARG2-of (c / criminal-03))) 
                        :op2 (o4 / offend-03 
                              :ARG0 c 
                              :mod (a3 / again))))) 
      :op2 (m2 / mean-01 
            :ARG0 i 
            :concession (c5 / conclusive 
                  :domain (e / evidence) 
                  :mod (c3 / case-04 
                        :time (n / now 
                              :mod (m3 / most)) 
                        :prep-with (t / technology 
                              :ARG1-of (m4 / modern-02)) 
                        :prep-with (e2 / et-cetera)) 
                  :extent (p / percentage-entity :value 100)))) 
       Open an issue       

[186]   colorado   DF-212-191666-303_1700.28   (snt. 28 in workset  dfa-68, last updated on Sat May 3, 2014)
I think this shows that pretty much every President can do any design thing they want with both the Residence and the Office Wings

(t / think-01 
      :ARG0 (i / i) 
      :ARG1 (s / show-01 
            :ARG0 (t2 / this) 
            :ARG1 (p / possible-01 
                  :ARG1 (d / do-02 
                        :ARG0 (p2 / president 
                              :mod (e / every 
                                    :mod (p3 / pretty-much))) 
                        :ARG1 (t3 / thing 
                              :mod (d2 / design) 
                              :mod (a / any) 
                              :ARG1-of (w / want-01 
                                    :ARG0 p2) 
                              :prep-with (a2 / and 
                                    :op1 (r / residence) 
                                    :op2 (w2 / wing 
                                          :mod (o / office)))))))) 
       Open an issue       

[187]   colorado   PROXY_AFP_ENG_20020723_0353.4   (snt. 93 in workset  proxy-19-05, last updated on Tue Sep 17, 2013)
Malaysia proposes expansion of anti-terrorism pact with Indonesia and the Philippines to entire ASEAN.

(p / propose-01 
      :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "Malaysia" 
            :name (n / name :op1 "Malaysia")) 
      :ARG1 (e / expand-01 
            :ARG0 c 
            :ARG1 (p2 / pact 
                  :prep-with (a2 / and 
                        :op1 (c2 / country :wiki "Indonesia" 
                              :name (n2 / name :op1 "Indonesia")) 
                        :op2 (c3 / country :wiki "Philippines" 
                              :name (n3 / name :op1 "Philippines"))) 
                  :ARG0-of (o2 / oppose-01 
                        :ARG1 (t / terrorism))) 
            :ARG4 (o / organization :wiki "Association_of_Southeast_Asian_Nations" 
                  :name (n4 / name :op1 "ASEAN") 
                  :mod (e2 / entire)))) 
       Open an issue       

[188]   colorado   PROXY_AFP_ENG_20020723_0353.6   (snt. 95 in workset  proxy-19-05, last updated on Wed Sep 24, 2014)
The Malaysian Government proposes the expansion of an anti-terrorism pact with Indonesia and the Philippines to encompass the remainder of Southeast Asia.

(p / propose-01 
      :ARG0 (g / government-organization 
            :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 
                  :ARG1 (c4 / country :wiki "Malaysia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Malaysia")))) 
      :ARG1 (e / expand-01 
            :ARG1 (p2 / pact 
                  :prep-with (a2 / and 
                        :op1 (c / country :wiki "Indonesia" :name (n / name :op1 "Indonesia")) 
                        :op2 (c2 / country :wiki "Philippines" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Philippines"))) 
                  :ARG0-of (o / oppose-01 
                        :ARG1 (t / terrorism))) 
            :ARG4 (e2 / encompass-01 
                  :ARG0 p2 
                  :ARG1 (r2 / remainder 
                        :location (s2 / southeast 
                              :part-of (c3 / continent :wiki "Asia" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Asia"))))))) 
       Open an issue       

[189]   colorado   PROXY_AFP_ENG_20021226_0325.23   (snt. 23 in workset  proxy-19-07, last updated on Sat Jun 13, 2015)
20021226 incoming Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Republican Senator Richard Lugar stated on NBC television that a US attack would be inadvisable because North Korea would likely retaliate with a potentially devastating attack on the Seoul area.

(s / state-01 
      :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki "Richard_Lugar" :name (n / name :op1 "Richard" :op2 "Lugar") 
            :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 
                  :ARG1 (g / government-organization :wiki "United_States_Senate_Committee_on_Foreign_Relations" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Senate" :op2 "Foreign" :op3 "Relations" :op4 "Committee")) 
                  :ARG2 (c2 / chairman 
                        :ARG1-of (c / come-in-07))) 
            :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 
                  :ARG2 (s2 / senator)) 
            :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 
                  :ARG1 (p3 / political-party :wiki "Republican_Party_(United_States)" :name (n7 / name :op1 "Republican")))) 
      :ARG1 (a / advise-01 :polarity - 
            :ARG2 (a2 / attack-01 
                  :ARG0 (c3 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n3 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States"))) 
            :ARG1-of (c4 / cause-01 
                  :ARG0 (l / likely-01 
                        :ARG1 (r2 / retaliate-01 
                              :ARG0 (c5 / country :wiki "North_Korea" :name (n4 / name :op1 "North" :op2 "Korea")) 
                              :prep-with (a3 / attack-01 
                                    :ARG1 (a4 / area 
                                          :location (a5 / around 
                                                :op1 (c6 / city :wiki "Seoul" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Seoul")))) 
                                    :ARG0-of (d / devastate-01 
                                          :mod (p / potential))))))) 
      :medium (c7 / channel :wiki "NBC" :name (n6 / name :op1 "NBC") 
            :mod (t / television)) 
      :time (d2 / date-entity :year 2002 :month 12 :day 26)) 
       Open an issue       

[190]   colorado   PROXY_AFP_ENG_20030120_0196.9   (snt. 121 in workset  proxy-19-07, last updated on Fri Sep 26, 2014)
Sadagopan stated that these things happen with all technology if history is reviewed and that imaginative people can cause extraordinary problems even with primitive technology.

(s / state-01 
      :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Sadagopan")) 
      :ARG1 (a / and 
            :op1 (t5 / thing 
                  :mod (t6 / this) 
                  :prep-with (t7 / technology 
                        :mod (a3 / all)) 
                  :condition (r2 / review-01 
                        :ARG1 (h3 / history))) 
            :op2 (p5 / possible-01 
                  :ARG1 (c / cause-01 
                        :ARG0 (p2 / person 
                              :mod (i / imaginative)) 
                        :ARG1 (p3 / problem 
                              :mod (e / extraordinary) 
                              :prep-with (t4 / technology 
                                    :mod (p4 / primitive 
                                          :mod (e2 / even)))))))) 
       Open an issue       

[191]   colorado   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8885935_0003.6   (snt. 3925 in workset  dfb-uco1, last updated on Sat Jan 30, 2016)
I was watching one business program with an awesome finance critic Amanda Lang and she had gone to Germany to interview people who had succeeded in affordable green.

(a / and 
      :op1 (w / watch-01 
            :ARG0 (i / i) 
            :ARG1 (b2 / broadcast-program :quant 1 
                  :topic (b / business) 
                  :prep-with (p2 / person :wiki "Amanda_Lang" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Amanda" :op2 "Lang") 
                        :ARG0-of (c3 / criticism-04 
                              :ARG1 (f / finance)) 
                        :ARG0-of (a2 / awe-01)))) 
      :op2 (g / go-02 
            :ARG0 p2 
            :ARG4 (c / country :wiki "Germany" :name (n / name :op1 "Germany")) 
            :purpose (i2 / interview-01 
                  :ARG0 p2 
                  :ARG1 (p3 / person 
                        :ARG0-of (s / succeed-01 
                              :ARG1 (t / thing 
                                    :ARG1-of (g2 / green-03) 
                                    :ARG1-of (a3 / afford-01 
                                          :ARG1-of (p4 / possible-01)))))))) 
       Open an issue       

[192]   colorado   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8886072_0027.15   (snt. 3964 in workset  dfb-uco1, last updated on Mon Jan 4, 2016)
Lol, no… maybe with his companies but not with his state.

(a / and 
      :op1 (a2 / and 
            :op1 (l / laugh-01 
                  :ARG0 (i / i) 
                  :manner (l2 / loud)) 
            :op2 (n / no)) 
      :op2 (c / contrast-01 
            :ARG1 (p / possible-01 
                  :ARG1 (e / event 
                        :prep-with (c2 / company 
                              :mod (h / he)))) 
            :ARG2 (h2 / have-polarity-91 
                  :ARG1 (e2 / event 
                        :prep-with (s / state 
                              :poss h)) 
                  :ARG2 -))) 
       Open an issue       

[193]   colorado   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8886072_0028.3   (snt. 3967 in workset  dfb-uco1, last updated on Mon Jan 4, 2016)
Working across the isle to create a balanced budget with a surplus.

(w / work-01 
      :location (a / across 
            :op1 (a2 / aisle)) 
      :purpose (c / create-01 
            :ARG1 (b / budget-01 
                  :ARG1-of (b2 / balance-01) 
                  :prep-with (s2 / surplus)))) 
       Open an issue       

[194]   colorado   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8886578_0055.20   (snt. 5286 in workset  dfb-uco1, last updated on Mon Jan 4, 2016)
Im not sure where you are going with this and how you are reading my " he didnt answer the question".

(s / sure-02 :polarity - 
      :ARG0 (i / i) 
      :ARG1 (a / and 
            :op1 (l / location 
                  :ARG4-of (g / go-02 
                        :ARG0 (y / you) 
                        :prep-with (t / this))) 
            :op2 (t2 / thing 
                  :manner-of (r / read-01 
                              :ARG0 y 
                              :ARG1 (s2 / say-01 
                                    :ARG0 i 
                                    :ARG1 (a2 / answer-01 :polarity - 
                                          :ARG0 (h2 / he) 
                                          :ARG1 (t3 / thing 
                                                :ARG1-of (q / question-01)))))))) 
       Open an issue       

[195]   colorado   bolt-eng-DF-170-181122-8788322_0084.34   (snt. 690 in workset  dfb-uco2, last updated on Fri Feb 12, 2016)
The Christian holy book is replete with violent instructions and absurd proclamations and tenets.

(r / replete 
      :domain (b / book 
            :mod (h / holy) 
            :mod (r2 / religious-group :wiki "Christian" :name (n / name :op1 "Christian"))) 
      :prep-with (a / and 
            :op1 (i / instruct-01 
                  :ARG3 (v / violence)) 
            :op2 (a2 / and 
                  :op1 (p / proclaim-01 
                        :mod (a3 / absurd)) 
                  :op2 (t / tenet 
                        :mod (a4 / absurd))))) 
       Open an issue       

[196]   colorado   bolt-eng-DF-170-181122-8789373_0055.36   (snt. 873 in workset  dfb-uco2, last updated on Sat Feb 20, 2016)
Built in South Korea as a supertanker for transporting oil and iron ore, the six-month-old vessel was refitted in the wake of the BP oil spill with 12, 16-foot-long intake vents on the sides of its bow designed to skim oil off surface waters

(r / refit-01 
      :ARG1 (v / vessel 
            :age (t / temporal-quantity :quant 6 
                  :unit (m / month)) 
            :ARG1-of (b2 / build-01 
                  :location (c2 / country :wiki "South_Korea" 
                        :name (n2 / name :op1 "South" :op2 "Korea")) 
                  :purpose (s5 / supertanker 
                        :ARG0-of (t2 / transport-01 
                              :ARG1 (a / and 
                                    :op1 (o3 / oil) 
                                    :op2 (o4 / ore 
                                          :consist-of (i / iron)))) 
                        :domain v))) 
      :prep-in (w / wake 
            :time-of (s / spill-01 
                  :ARG1 (o / oil) 
                  :mod (c / company :wiki "BP" 
                        :name (n / name :op1 "BP")))) 
      :prep-with (v2 / vent :quant 12 
            :mod (d / distance-quantity :quant 16 
                  :unit (f / foot)) 
            :location (s2 / side 
                  :part-of (b / bow 
                        :part-of v)) 
            :ARG1-of (d2 / design-01 
                  :ARG3 (s3 / skim-02 
                        :ARG0 v2 
                        :ARG1 (o2 / oil) 
                        :ARG2 (w2 / water 
                              :mod (s4 / surface)))))) 
       Open an issue       

[197]   colorado   bolt-eng-DF-200-192451-5797408_0014.13   (snt. 15192 in workset  dfb-uco2, last updated on Wed Oct 28, 2015)
He can't win with people like you.

(p / possible-01 :polarity - 
      :ARG1 (w / win-01 
            :ARG0 (h / he)) 
      :prep-with (p2 / person 
            :ARG1-of (r / resemble-01 
                  :ARG2 (y / you)))) 
       Open an issue       

[198]   ldcpreferred   DF-170-181104-872_5895.10   (snt. 65 in workset  dfa-02, last updated on Thu Nov 19, 2015)
I'll have a Senator to vote for along with my Representative, and Senator Voinovich is not running in 2010 so I'll luckily have more options to vote for.

(a / and 
      :op1 (h / have-03 
            :ARG0 (i / i) 
            :ARG1 (p3 / person 
                  :ARG0-of (h4 / have-org-role-91 
                        :ARG2 (s / senator)) 
                  :ARG1-of (v / vote-01)) 
            :prep-with (p / person 
                  :ARG0-of (r / represent-01 
                        :ARG1 i))) 
      :op2 (r2 / run-02 :polarity - 
            :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki "George_Voinovich" :name (n / name :op1 "Voinovich") 
                  :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 
                        :ARG2 (s2 / senator))) 
            :time (d2 / date-entity :year 2010) 
            :ARG0-of (c / cause-01 
                  :ARG1 (h2 / have-03 
                        :ARG0 i 
                        :ARG1 (o / option 
                              :quant (m / more) 
                              :purpose (v2 / vote-01)) 
                        :manner (l / lucky))))) 
       Open an issue       

[199]   ldcpreferred   DF-201-185516-35_4986.12   (snt. 12 in workset  dfa-58, last updated on Sat Apr 12, 2014)
America had been toying with the idea of "revisiting" Iraq ever since the first war ended, particularly in 1998, when Saddam first started getting coy with the inspectors.

(t / toy-01 
      :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "United_States" 
            :name (n / name :op1 "America")) 
      :ARG1 (i / idea 
            :topic (r / revisit-01 
                  :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "Iraq" 
                        :name (n2 / name :op1 "Iraq")))) 
      :time (s3 / since 
            :op1 (e2 / end-01 
                  :ARG1 (w / war 
                        :ord (o / ordinal-entity :value 1))) 
            :ARG2-of (i3 / include-91 
                  :ARG1 (d / date-entity :year 1998 
                        :mod (p / particular) 
                        :time-of (s2 / start-01 
                              :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki "Saddam_Hussein" 
                                    :name (n3 / name :op1 "Saddam")) 
                              :ARG1 (g / get-03 
                                    :ARG1 p2 
                                    :ARG2 (c3 / coy 
                                          :prep-with (p3 / person 
                                                :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 
                                                      :ARG3 (i2 / inspect-01 
                                                            :ARG0 p3))))) 
                              :ord (o2 / ordinal-entity :value 1)))) 
            :mod (e / ever))) 
       Open an issue       

[200]   ldcpreferred   DF-201-185522-35_2114.12   (snt. 56 in workset  dfa-58, last updated on Wed Nov 4, 2015)
The Mosuo live in large extended families, with many generations (grandparents, parents, children, grandchildren, etc.) all living together in the same house.

(l / live-01 
      :ARG0 (e / ethnic-group :wiki "Mosuo" :name (n / name :op1 "Mosuo")) 
      :accompanier (f / family 
            :ARG1-of (e2 / extend-01) 
            :mod (l2 / large)) 
      :prep-with (l3 / live-01 
            :ARG0 (g / generation 
                  :quant (m / many) 
                  :example (a / and 
                        :op1 (g2 / grandparent) 
                        :op2 (p / parent) 
                        :op3 (c / child) 
                        :op4 (g3 / grandchild) 
                        :op5 (e3 / et-cetera) 
                        :mod (a2 / all))) 
            :location (h / house 
                  :ARG1-of (s / same-01)) 
            :mod (t / together))) 
       Open an issue       

[201]   ldcpreferred   DF-201-185522-35_2114.15   (snt. 59 in workset  dfa-58, last updated on Wed Apr 9, 2014)
Traditionally, a Mosuo woman will invite a man to spend the night with her.

(i / invite-01 
      :ARG0 (w / woman 
            :mod (e / ethnic-group :wiki "Mosuo" 
                  :name (n2 / name :op1 "Mosuo"))) 
      :ARG1 (m / man) 
      :ARG2 (s / spend-02 
            :ARG0 m 
            :ARG1 (n / night) 
            :prep-with w) 
      :mod (t / tradition)) 
       Open an issue       

[202]   ldcpreferred   DF-201-185522-35_2114.9   (snt. 53 in workset  dfa-58, last updated on Fri Jul 24, 2015)
Children are raised not only without an expectation of spending their life with that one special person, but they often don't even know (or care) who their biological father is.

(a / and 
      :op1 (r / raise-03 
            :ARG1 (p2 / person 
                  :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 
                        :ARG2 (c / child))) 
            :prep-without (e / expect-01 
                  :ARG1 (s / spend-02 
                        :ARG1 (l / life 
                              :poss p2) 
                        :prep-with (p / person :quant 1 
                              :ARG1-of (s2 / special-02) 
                              :mod (t / that))))) 
      :op2 (o / or 
            :op1 (k / know-01 :polarity - 
                  :ARG0 p2 
                  :ARG1 (p3 / person 
                        :ARG0-of (h2 / have-rel-role-91 
                              :ARG2 (f / father 
                                    :mod (b / biology))) 
                        :domain (a2 / amr-unknown)) 
                  :mod (e3 / even)) 
            :op2 (c2 / care-01 :polarity - 
                  :ARG1 p3) 
            :frequency (o2 / often) 
            :mod (e2 / even))) 
       Open an issue       

[203]   ldcpreferred   DF-202-185837-43_8915.23   (snt. 27 in workset  dfa-59, last updated on Mon Dec 19, 2016)
He's so much more interesting when he's an attack dog and he is positioning himself now as wanting to be the fullback to Rick Santorum; if he's going down, he wants to take Romney with him, and in the meantime that'll let Santorum have a positive week and float above the fray.

(m / multi-sentence 
      :snt1 (a / and 
            :op1 (h5 / have-condition-91 
                  :ARG1 (i / interesting 
                        :degree (m2 / more 
                              :degree (m3 / much 
                                    :degree (s / so))) 
                        :domain (h / he)) 
                  :ARG2 (d / dog 
                        :ARG0-of (a3 / attack-01) 
                        :domain h)) 
            :op2 (p / position-01 
                  :ARG0 h 
                  :ARG1 h 
                  :ARG2 (w2 / want-01 
                        :ARG0 h 
                        :ARG1 (h4 / have-org-role-91 
                              :ARG0 h 
                              :ARG2 (f / fullback) 
                              :prep-to (p2 / person :wiki "Rick_Santorum" :name (n / name :op1 "Rick" :op2 "Santorum")))) 
                  :time (n3 / now))) 
      :snt2 (a2 / and 
            :op1 (w / want-01 
                  :ARG0 (h3 / he) 
                  :ARG1 (t / take-01 
                        :ARG0 h3 
                        :ARG1 (p3 / person :wiki "Mitt_Romney" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Romney")) 
                        :prep-with h3) 
                  :condition (g / go-01 
                        :ARG1 h3 
                        :direction (d3 / down))) 
            :op2 (l / let-01 
                  :ARG0 w 
                  :ARG1 (a4 / and 
                        :op1 (h2 / have-03 
                              :ARG0 (p5 / person :wiki "Rick_Santorum" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Santorum")) 
                              :ARG1 (w3 / week 
                                    :mod (p4 / positive))) 
                        :op2 (f2 / float-01 
                              :ARG2 (a5 / above 
                                    :op1 (f3 / fray)))) 
                  :time (m4 / meantime)))) 
       Open an issue       

[204]   ldcpreferred   DF-202-185837-43_8915.42   (snt. 46 in workset  dfa-59, last updated on Sat Apr 19, 2014)
That was with a day or so out.

(t / that 
  :prep-with (o / or 
               :op1 (d / day) 
               :op2 (o2 / out 
                      :op1 (s / so)))) 
       Open an issue       

[205]   ldcpreferred   DF-202-185837-43_8915.49   (snt. 53 in workset  dfa-59, last updated on Sun Jul 26, 2015)
I'm thinking it's going to be Romney and Paul with a considerable lead, and Gingrich a distant third.

(t / think-01 
      :ARG0 (i / i) 
      :ARG1 (p / predict-01 
            :ARG1 (a / and 
                  :op1 (a2 / and 
                        :op1 (p2 / person :wiki "Mitt_Romney" :name (n / name :op1 "Romney")) 
                        :op2 (p3 / person :wiki "Ron_Paul" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Paul")) 
                        :prep-with (l / lead-02 
                              :mod (c / considerable))) 
                  :op2 (p4 / person :wiki "Newt_Gingrich" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Gingrich") 
                        :ord (o / ordinal-entity :value 3) 
                        :ARG1-of (d / distant-02))))) 
       Open an issue       

[206]   ldcpreferred   DF-202-185837-43_8915.66   (snt. 70 in workset  dfa-59, last updated on Mon Jul 13, 2015)
Ron Paul is sailing with his strong 20%.

(s / sail-01 
      :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Ron_Paul" :name (n / name :op1 "Ron" :op2 "Paul")) 
      :prep-with (p2 / percentage-entity :value 20 
            :ARG1-of (s2 / strong-02) 
            :poss p)) 
       Open an issue       

[207]   ldcpreferred   DF-202-185837-43_8930.15   (snt. 99 in workset  dfa-59, last updated on Fri Oct 17, 2014)
With that said, I still want to kill anyone who is responsible in the planning, or anyone who shields these people.

(w / want-01 
      :ARG0 (i / i) 
      :ARG1 (k / kill-01 
            :ARG0 i 
            :ARG1 (o / or 
                  :op1 (a / anyone 
                        :ARG0-of (r / responsible-01 
                              :ARG1 (p / plan-01))) 
                  :op2 (a2 / anyone 
                        :ARG0-of (s3 / shield-01 
                              :ARG1 a)))) 
      :prep-with (s / say-01 
            :ARG1 (t / that)) 
      :mod (s2 / still)) 
       Open an issue       

[208]   ldcpreferred   PROXY_AFP_ENG_20020117_0270.12   (snt. 120 in workset  proxy-19-01, last updated on Thu Dec 1, 2016)
Parliament approved plans in May 2001 to build an anti-drugs wall along the 925-kilometre (560-mile) border with Afghanistan.

(a / approve-01 
      :ARG0 (g / government-organization :wiki "Parliament_of_Pakistan" :name (n / name :op1 "Parliament")) 
      :ARG1 (p / plan-01 
            :ARG1 (b / build-01 
                  :ARG1 (w / wall 
                        :purpose (o / oppose-01 
                              :ARG1 (d4 / drug)) 
                        :location (a3 / along 
                              :op1 (b2 / border 
                                    :extent (d / distance-quantity :quant 925 
                                          :unit (k / kilometer)) 
                                    :prep-with (c / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Afghanistan"))))))) 
      :time (d3 / date-entity :month 5 :year 2001)) 
       Open an issue       

[209]   ldcpreferred   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8885491_0007.17   (snt. 17 in workset  dfb-0016, last updated on Fri Jan 29, 2016)
He has done something Bush has done and got Europe on board with his policy.

(a / and 
      :op1 (d / do-02 
            :ARG0 (h / he) 
            :ARG1 (s / something 
                  :ARG1-of (d2 / do-02 
                        :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "George_W._Bush" :name (n / name :op1 "Bush"))))) 
      :op2 (g / get-04 
            :ARG0 h 
            :ARG1 (c / continent :wiki "Europe" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Europe") 
                  :mod (o / on-board 
                        :prep-with (p2 / policy-01 
                              :ARG0 h))))) 
       Open an issue       

[210]   ldcpreferred   bolt-eng-DF-170-181106-8872006_0264.4   (snt. 268 in workset  dfb-0073, last updated on Tue Mar 22, 2016)
So far, his "messages" have been replete with innuendoes at best and blatant accusations at worst that Liberals=ALL BAD; Conservatives=ALL SAVIORS.

(r / replete 
      :time (s / so-far) 
      :domain (m / message-01 
            :ARG0 (h / he)) 
      :prep-with (a / and 
            :op1 (i / innuendo 
                  :mod (a3 / at-best)) 
            :op2 (a2 / accuse-01 
                  :mod (b / blatant) 
                  :mod (a4 / at-worst)) 
            :topic (a5 / and 
                  :op1 (e / equal-01 
                        :ARG1 (p / person 
                              :ARG1-of (l / liberal-02)) 
                        :ARG2 (b2 / bad-07 
                              :mod (a6 / all))) 
                  :op2 (e2 / equal-02 
                        :ARG1 (p2 / person 
                              :mod (c / conservative)) 
                        :ARG2 (s2 / savior 
                              :mod (a7 / all)))))) 
       Open an issue       

[211]   ldcpreferred   bolt-eng-DF-170-181106-8873872_0070.22   (snt. 74 in workset  dfb-0079, last updated on Mon Jan 25, 2016)
The issue was raised about the right being as upset as with the Sykes comments and this was the response.

(a / and 
      :op1 (r / raise-01 
            :ARG1 (i / issue-02 
                  :ARG0 (u / upset-01 
                        :ARG1 (r2 / right-08) 
                        :degree (a2 / as-much-as 
                              :prep-with (c / comment-01 
                                    :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Wanda_Sykes" 
                                          :name (n / name :op1 "Sykes"))))))) 
      :op2 (t / this 
            :ARG2-of (r3 / respond-01))) 
       Open an issue       

[212]   ldcpreferred   bolt-eng-DF-170-181106-8873872_0089.9   (snt. 157 in workset  dfb-0079, last updated on Mon Jan 25, 2016)
The subject is now changed to Bush and comments that he apparently made about American deaths with video of same.

(c / change-01 
      :ARG1 (s / subject) 
      :ARG2 (a / and 
            :op1 (p / person :wiki "George_W._Bush" 
                  :name (n2 / name :op1 "Bush")) 
            :op2 (c2 / comment-01 
                  :ARG0 p 
                  :ARG1 (d / die-01 
                        :mod (c3 / country :wiki "United_States" 
                              :name (n3 / name :op1 "America"))) 
                  :prep-with (v / video 
                        :instrument-of (s2 / show-01 
                              :ARG1 c2)) 
                  :ARG1-of (a2 / appear-02))) 
      :time (n / now)) 
       Open an issue       

[213]   ldcpreferred   bolt-eng-DF-170-181106-8873872_0178.12   (snt. 364 in workset  dfb-0079, last updated on Sat Jan 30, 2016)
and therefore is expected to act with dignity.

(a / and 
      :op2 (e / expect-01 
            :ARG1 (a2 / act-02 
                  :prep-with (d / dignity)) 
            :mod (t / therefore))) 
       Open an issue       

[214]   ldcpreferred   bolt-eng-DF-199-192783-6837912_0347.23   (snt. 100 in workset  dfb-0139, last updated on Mon Feb 1, 2016)
Well on the Supreme Court thing, my statements are in line with the Constitution, and the Supreme Court has a fairly good track record of eventually returning to the Constitution when they have departed from it, so there may come a day when they will rule that way.

(t3 / thing 
      :mod (w / well :mode expressive) 
      :domain g2 
      :topic (a / and 
            :op1 (l2 / line-up-02 
                  :ARG1 (s / state-01 
                        :ARG0 (i / i)) 
                  :prep-with l) 
            :op2 (r2 / record-01 
                  :ARG1 (r / return-01 
                        :ARG1 (g2 / government-organization :wiki "Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Supreme" :op2 "Court")) 
                        :ARG4 (l / law :wiki "United_States_Constitution" :name (n / name :op1 "Constitution")) 
                        :time (e / eventual) 
                        :time (d3 / depart-01 
                              :ARG0 g2 
                              :ARG1 l)) 
                  :mod (t2 / track) 
                  :ARG0-of (c / cause-01 
                        :ARG1 (p / possible-01 
                              :ARG1 (c2 / come-03 
                                    :ARG1 (r3 / rule-01) 
                                    :ARG2 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1 
                                          :unit (d2 / day))))) 
                  :ARG1-of (g / good-02 
                        :mod (f / fairly))))) 
       Open an issue       

[215]   ldcpreferred   bolt-eng-DF-200-192448-6194147_0045.9   (snt. 27 in workset  dfb-0240, last updated on Wed Dec 2, 2015)
Didn't think they'd go down well with a Libertarian

(t / think-01 :polarity - 
      :ARG1 (g / go-over-30 
            :ARG1 (t2 / they) 
            :ARG1-of (w / well-09) 
            :prep-with (p / person 
                  :mod (p2 / political-party :wiki "Libertarian_Party_(UK)" 
                        :name (n / name :op1 "Libertarian"))))) 
       Open an issue       

[216]   ldcpreferred   bolt-eng-DF-200-192448-6194147_0046.1   (snt. 30 in workset  dfb-0240, last updated on Wed Dec 2, 2015)
Originally Posted by Seanisonfire · Didn't think they'd go down well with a Libertarian

(p / post-01 
      :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki - 
            :name (n / name :op1 "Seanisonfire")) 
      :ARG1 (t / think-01 :polarity - 
            :ARG1 (g / go-over-30 
                  :ARG1 (t2 / they) 
                  :prep-with (p3 / person 
                        :mod (p4 / political-party :wiki "Libertarian_Party_(UK)" 
                              :name (n2 / name :op1 "Libertarian"))) 
                  :ARG1-of (w / well-09))) 
      :manner (o / original)) 
       Open an issue       

[217]   ldcpreferred   bolt-eng-DF-200-192451-5796283_0117.28   (snt. 164 in workset  dfb-0248, last updated on Wed Dec 16, 2015)
This not only encouraged the Muslim goondas, but gave them the confidence that they could go on safely with the blessings of the League leaders.

(c2 / contrast-01 
      :ARG1 (e / encourage-02 
            :ARG0 (t2 / this) 
            :ARG1 (g2 / goonda 
                  :mod (r / religious-group :wiki "Muslim" 
                        :name (n / name :op1 "Muslim"))) 
            :mod (o / only :polarity -)) 
      :ARG2 (g / give-01 
            :ARG0 t2 
            :ARG1 (c / confidence 
                  :purpose (p / possible-01 
                        :ARG1 (g3 / go-on-25 
                              :ARG0-of (s / safe-01 
                                    :ARG1 t2) 
                              :prep-with (t / thing 
                                    :ARG2-of (b / bless-01 
                                          :ARG0 (p2 / person 
                                                :ARG0-of (l / lead-02 
                                                      :ARG1 (p3 / political-party :wiki "All-India_Muslim_League" 
                                                            :name (n2 / name :op1 "League"))))))))))) 
       Open an issue       

[218]   ldcpreferred   bolt-eng-DF-200-192451-5796283_0128.1   (snt. 191 in workset  dfb-0248, last updated on Thu Dec 17, 2015)
I went to Pakistan in December, the Christmas hols after 4 years, and was absolutely shocked to see girls in Lahore walking about in denim mini skirts with no tights, tight sleeveless tops and highlighted short short hair!

(a / and 
      :op1 (g / go-02 
            :ARG0 (i / i) 
            :ARG4 (c / country :wiki "Pakistan" :name (n / name :op1 "Pakistan")) 
            :time (d / date-entity :month 12 
                  :time-of (h / hols 
                        :mod (f / festival :wiki "Christmas" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Christmas")) 
                        :time (a2 / after 
                              :op1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 4 
                                    :unit (y / year)))))) 
      :op2 (s / shock-01 
            :ARG0 (s2 / see-01 
                  :ARG0 i 
                  :ARG1 (g2 / girl 
                        :location (c2 / city :wiki "Lahore" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Lahore")) 
                        :ARG0-of (w / walk-01 
                              :mod (a3 / about)) 
                        :ARG0-of (w2 / wear-01 
                              :ARG1 (a4 / and 
                                    :op1 (s3 / skirt 
                                          :mod (m / mini) 
                                          :consist-of (d2 / denim) 
                                          :prep-with (t2 / tights :polarity -)) 
                                    :op2 (t3 / top 
                                          :ARG1-of (t4 / tight-05) 
                                          :mod (s4 / sleeveless)) 
                                    :op3 (h2 / hair 
                                          :ARG1-of (s5 / short-07) 
                                          :ARG1-of (h3 / highlight-01)))))) 
            :ARG1 i 
            :degree (a5 / absolute))) 
       Open an issue       

[219]   ldcpreferred   bolt-eng-DF-200-192451-5796411_0128.29   (snt. 27 in workset  dfb-0252, last updated on Sat Jan 9, 2016)
However you might turn it, you have a colony in 1890 with 2% of its population being jewish.

(h / have-03 
      :ARG0 (y / you) 
      :ARG1 (c / colony 
            :prep-with (p / population 
                  :quant (p2 / percentage-entity :value 2) 
                  :domain (r / religious-group :wiki "Jews" 
                        :name (n / name :op1 "Jew")))) 
      :concession (t / thing 
            :manner-of (t2 / turn-01 
                  :ARG0 y 
                  :ARG1 (i / it) 
                  :ARG1-of (p3 / possible-01))) 
      :time (d / date-entity :year 1890)) 
       Open an issue       

[220]   ldcpreferred   bolt-eng-DF-200-192451-5796411_0128.7   (snt. 6 in workset  dfb-0252, last updated on Thu Jan 14, 2016)
The pledge to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine came about with the Balfour Deceleration in 1917 which was incorporated into a peace treaty during the San Remo conference in 1920 (which included Britain, France, Italy, Japan and the US) - this is at least 2 decades before WW2 started.

(c10 / come-about-06 
      :ARG1 (p / pledge-01 
            :ARG2 (c2 / create-01 
                  :ARG1 (h / homeland 
                        :mod (r / religious-group :wiki "Jews" 
                              :name (n / name :op1 "Jew"))) 
                  :location (c3 / country :wiki "State_of_Palestine" 
                        :name (n2 / name :op1 "Palestine")))) 
      :prep-with (l / law :wiki "Balfour_Declaration" 
            :name (n3 / name :op1 "Balfour" :op2 "Declaration") 
            :time (d2 / date-entity :year 1917) 
            :ARG1-of (i / incorporate-02 
                  :ARG2 (t / treaty 
                        :mod (p2 / peace)) 
                  :time (c / conference 
                        :time (d3 / date-entity :year 1920) 
                        :ARG0-of (i2 / include-01 
                              :ARG1 (a / and 
                                    :op1 (c5 / country :wiki "United_Kingdom" 
                                          :name (n5 / name :op1 "Britain")) 
                                    :op2 (c6 / country :wiki "France" 
                                          :name (n6 / name :op1 "France")) 
                                    :op3 (c7 / country :wiki "Italy" 
                                          :name (n7 / name :op1 "Italy")) 
                                    :op4 (c8 / country :wiki "Japan" 
                                          :name (n8 / name :op1 "Japan")) 
                                    :op5 (c9 / country :wiki "United_States" 
                                          :name (n9 / name :op1 "US")))) 
                        :location (l2 / law :wiki - 
                              :name (n4 / name :op1 "San" :op2 "Remo" :op3 "Declaration"))))) 
      :time (b / before 
            :op1 (s / start-01 
                  :ARG1 (w / war :wiki "World_War_II" 
                        :name (n10 / name :op1 "World" :op2 "War" :op3 "II"))) 
            :quant (a2 / at-least 
                  :op1 (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 2 
                        :unit (d4 / decade))))) 
       Open an issue       

[221]   ldcpreferred   bolt-eng-DF-200-192451-5796411_0128.8   (snt. 7 in workset  dfb-0252, last updated on Mon Feb 8, 2016)
Expanding on the above, the idea to partition Palestine originated around 1937 with the Peel Commission which was then followed up by the Woodhead Commission (later evaluated at the St. James Conference) - these were British en-devours, not nefarious Jewish plans.

(m / multi-sentence 
      :snt1 (o / originate-01 
            :ARG1 (i / idea 
                  :topic (p / partition-01 
                        :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "State_of_Palestine" :name (n / name :op1 "Palestine")))) 
            :time (a / around 
                  :op1 (d / date-entity :year 1937)) 
            :prep-with (c2 / commission :wiki "Peel_Commission" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Peel" :op2 "Commission") 
                  :ARG1-of (f / follow-up-03 
                        :ARG0 (c3 / commission :wiki "Woodhead_Commission" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Woodhead" :op2 "Commission") 
                              :ARG1-of (e / evaluate-01 
                                    :time (l / late 
                                          :degree (m2 / more)) 
                                    :location (c4 / conference :wiki "St._James_Conference" :name (n4 / name :op1 "St." :op2 "James" :op3 "Conference")))) 
                        :time (t3 / then)))) 
      :snt2 (c5 / contrast-01 
            :ARG1 (e2 / endeavor-01 
                  :ARG0 (c6 / country :wiki "United_Kingdom" :name (n5 / name :op1 "British")) 
                  :ARG1 (t / this)) 
            :ARG2 (p2 / plan-01 :polarity - 
                  :ARG0 (p3 / person 
                        :mod (r / religious-group :wiki "Jews" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Jew"))) 
                  :mod (n7 / nefarious))) 
      :ARG1-of (e3 / expand-01 
            :prep-on (t2 / thing 
                  :location (a2 / above)))) 
       Open an issue       

[222]   ldcpreferred   bolt-eng-DF-200-192451-5796411_0129.1   (snt. 35 in workset  dfb-0252, last updated on Mon Feb 29, 2016)
Because they people they are supposedly being 'defending' themselves against are systematically having their rights taken away by Israeli foreign policy who insist they life in a state of complete autonomy with no world recognition or any equality - and for that matter, subjecting Palestinians to torture, regularly bombing schools and hospitals and refusing to allow them the basic tools and materials to rebuild their society and economy.

(c / cause-01 
      :ARG1 (t / take-away-05 
            :ARG0 (p / policy-01 
                  :ARG0 (c2 / country :wiki "Israel" :name (n / name :op1 "Israel")) 
                  :ARG2 (f / foreign) 
                  :ARG0-of (i / insist-01 
                        :ARG1 (a / and 
                              :op1 (l / live-01 
                                    :ARG0 p2 
                                    :manner (s3 / state 
                                          :mod (a2 / autonomy 
                                                :ARG1-of (c3 / complete-02))) 
                                    :prep-with (a4 / and 
                                          :op1 (r2 / recognize-01 :polarity - 
                                                :ARG0 (w / world)) 
                                          :op2 (e / equal-01 :polarity -))) 
                              :op2 (a3 / and 
                                    :op1 (s4 / subject-01 
                                          :ARG0 p 
                                          :ARG1 (p3 / person 
                                                :mod (c4 / country :wiki "State_of_Palestine" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Palestine"))) 
                                          :ARG2 (t3 / torture-01 
                                                :ARG1 p3)) 
                                    :op2 (b / bomb-01 
                                          :ARG0 p 
                                          :ARG1 (a5 / and 
                                                :op1 (s5 / school) 
                                                :op2 (h / hospital)) 
                                          :ARG1-of (r3 / regular-02)) 
                                    :op3 (r4 / refuse-01 
                                          :ARG0 p 
                                          :ARG1 (a6 / allow-02 
                                                :ARG0 p 
                                                :ARG1 (a7 / and 
                                                      :op1 (t4 / tool) 
                                                      :op2 (m / material) 
                                                      :mod (b2 / basic)) 
                                                :ARG2 (r5 / rebuild-01 
                                                      :ARG0 p3 
                                                      :ARG1 (a8 / and 
                                                            :op1 (s6 / society) 
                                                            :op2 (e2 / economy) 
                                                            :poss p3)))))))) 
            :ARG1 (r / right-05 
                  :ARG1 (p2 / person 
                        :ARG3-of (d / defend-01 
                              :ARG0 (t2 / they) 
                              :ARG1 t2 
                              :ARG1-of (s2 / suppose-01)))) 
            :manner (s / systematic))) 
       Open an issue       

[223]   ldcpreferred   bolt-eng-DF-225-196010-9663645_0002.5   (snt. 26 in workset  dfb-0360, last updated on Thu Jan 21, 2016)
If she were here with you now do you think she would want you to be so very unhappy?

(h / have-condition-91 :mode interrogative 
      :ARG1 (t / think-01 
            :ARG0 (y / you) 
            :ARG1 (p / possible-01 
                  :ARG1 (w / want-01 
                        :ARG0 (s / she) 
                        :ARG1 (h2 / happy-01 :polarity - 
                              :ARG1 y 
                              :degree (v / very 
                                    :degree (s2 / so)))))) 
      :ARG2 (b / be-located-at-91 
            :ARG1 s 
            :ARG2 (h3 / here) 
            :prep-with y 
            :time (n / now))) 
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