AMR Editor Search in release

Found 100 matches for  :prep-on  [strict mode]  

[1]   consensus   nw.wsj_0008.1   (snt. 58 in workset  wsj100-sent, last updated on Fri Jun 15, 2012)
The federal government suspended sales of U.S. savings bonds because Congress has n't lifted the ceiling on government debt .

(s / suspend-01 
      :ARG0 (g4 / government-organization 
            :ARG0-of (g / govern-01) 
            :mod (f / federal)) 
      :ARG1 (s2 / sell-01 
            :ARG1 (b / bond 
                  :mod (s3 / savings) 
                  :mod (c3 / country :wiki "United_States" 
                        :name (n / name :op1 "U.S.")))) 
      :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 
            :ARG0 (l / lift-01 :polarity - 
                  :ARG0 (g3 / government-organization :wiki "United_States_Congress" 
                        :name (n2 / name :op1 "Congress")) 
                  :ARG1 (c4 / ceiling 
                        :prep-on (d / debt 
                              :mod (g5 / government-organization 
                                    :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01))))))) 
       Open an issue       

[2]   cjconsensus   DF-199-192783-684_3808.13   (snt. 25 in workset  dfa-wset-1, last updated on Wed Jun 3, 2015)
It is to the great, abiding shame of women and blacks to turn their backs on the great achievements of these people.

(g / great 
      :domain (s / shame 
            :ARG1-of (a / abide-01) 
            :domain (t / turn-18 
                  :ARG1 (b2 / back 
                        :poss a2) 
                  :prep-on (a3 / achieve-01 
                        :ARG0 (p2 / person 
                              :mod (t2 / this)) 
                        :mod (g2 / great))) 
            :poss (a2 / and 
                  :op1 (w / woman) 
                  :op2 (p / person 
                        :ARG1-of (b / black-05))))) 
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[3]   cjconsensus   DF-199-192783-685_0989.51   (snt. 51 in workset  dfa-wset-3, last updated on Thu Nov 13, 2014)
Also,to use an old cliche..."I would rather die on my feet then live on my knees"

(u / use-01 
      :ARG1 (c / cliche 
            :mod (o / old) 
            :topic (p / prefer-01 
                  :ARG0 i 
                  :ARG1 (d / die-01 
                        :ARG1 (i / i) 
                        :prep-on (f / foot 
                              :part-of i)) 
                  :ARG2 (l / live-01 
                        :ARG0 i 
                        :manner (k / kneel-01 
                              :ARG0 i)))) 
      :mod (a / also)) 
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[4]   cjconsensus   DF-199-192794-660_6610.9   (snt. 9 in workset  dfa-wset-5, last updated on Fri Oct 23, 2015)
Then I looked at a report card that I got that had ALL a's on it.

(l / look-01 
      :ARG0 (i / i) 
      :ARG1 (c / card 
            :mod (r / report-01) 
            :ARG1-of (g / get-01 
                  :ARG0 i) 
            :ARG0-of (h / have-03 
                  :ARG1 (s / score-on-scale-91 
                        :ARG1 "A") 
                  :mod (a2 / all) 
                  :prep-on c)) 
      :time (t / then)) 
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[5]   cjconsensus   DF-199-192834-659_0767.1   (snt. 44 in workset  dfa-wset-12, last updated on Mon Nov 2, 2015)
Or it is possible you will stand there with a frozen grin on your face, unable to say anything remotely intelligent.

(o / or 
      :op2 (p / possible-01 
            :ARG1 (s / stand-01 
                  :ARG1 (y / you) 
                  :ARG2 (t / there) 
                  :manner (g / grin-01 
                        :prep-on (f / face 
                              :part-of y) 
                        :ARG1-of (f2 / freeze-01)) 
                  :ARG1-of (c / capable-01 :polarity - 
                        :ARG2 (s2 / say-01 
                              :ARG0 y 
                              :ARG1 (a / anything 
                                    :ARG1-of (i / intelligent-01 
                                          :degree (r / remote)))))))) 
       Open an issue       

[6]   cjconsensus   DF-199-192834-659_0767.6   (snt. 49 in workset  dfa-wset-12, last updated on Mon Dec 12, 2016)
Please indicate, by noon on Saturday, Jan 8th, your picks on these 4 games:

(i / indicate-01 :mode imperative :polite + 
      :ARG0 (y / you) 
      :ARG1 (p2 / pick-01 
            :ARG0 y 
            :prep-on (g / game :quant 4 
                  :mod (t / this))) 
      :time (b / by 
            :op1 (d / date-entity :month 1 :day 8 :time "12:00" 
                  :weekday (s / saturday)))) 
       Open an issue       

[7]   cjconsensus   DF-199-193268-677_5678.17   (snt. 61 in workset  dfa-wset-18, last updated on Sun Sep 15, 2013)
Those always stay on file in wherever the state keeps their vital records.

(s / stay-01 
      :ARG1 (t / that) 
      :prep-on (f / file) 
      :time (a / always) 
      :location (t2 / thing 
            :location-of (k / keep-01 
                  :ARG0 (s2 / state) 
                  :ARG1 (r / record 
                        :mod (v / vital) 
                        :poss t)))) 
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[8]   cjconsensus   DF-199-193488-664_4828.11   (snt. 34 in workset  dfa-wset-19, last updated on Wed Nov 4, 2015)
When some of the victims are trying to pursue their cases in federal court, the Bush administration tried to throw out their cases on a theory about government secrets.

(t2 / try-01 
      :ARG0 (g3 / government-organization 
            :mod (p2 / person :wiki "George_W._Bush" :name (n / name :op1 "Bush")) 
            :ARG0-of (a / administrate-01)) 
      :ARG1 (t3 / throw-out-06 
            :ARG0 g3 
            :ARG1 c) 
      :prep-on (t4 / theory 
            :topic (s2 / secret 
                  :poss (g / government-organization 
                        :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)))) 
      :time (t / try-01 
            :ARG0 (p3 / person 
                  :quant (s3 / some) 
                  :ARG1-of (i / include-91 
                        :ARG2 (v / victim))) 
            :ARG1 (p / pursue-01 
                  :ARG0 v 
                  :ARG1 (c / case-03 
                        :ARG1 v)) 
            :location (c2 / court 
                  :mod (f / federal)))) 
       Open an issue       

[9]   cjconsensus   DF-199-193488-664_4828.39   (snt. 62 in workset  dfa-wset-19, last updated on Fri Aug 23, 2013)
I admit I don't know the facts but on it's face I disagree with the decision.

(c / contrast-01 
      :ARG1 (a / admit-01 
            :ARG0 (i / i) 
            :ARG1 (k / know-01 :polarity - 
                  :ARG0 i 
                  :ARG1 (f / fact))) 
      :ARG2 (d / disagree-01 
            :ARG0 i 
            :ARG1 (d2 / decision 
                  :prep-on (f2 / face)))) 
       Open an issue       

[10]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192400-625_7200.1   (snt. 1 in workset  dfa-wset-25, last updated on Tue Mar 10, 2015)
I'm pretty much non-autistic (not diagnosed with dyspraxia but I think the doctor misdiagnosed), but I walk on my toes nearly all of the time.

(c / contrast-01 
      :ARG1 (a / autistic :polarity - 
            :ARG1-of (m / mean-01 
                  :ARG2 (d4 / diagnose-01 :polarity - 
                        :ARG1 i 
                        :ARG2 (d2 / dyspraxia) 
                        :ARG1-of (c2 / contrast-01 
                              :ARG2 (t / think-01 
                                    :ARG0 i 
                                    :ARG1 (m2 / misdiagnose-01 
                                          :ARG0 (d3 / doctor)))))) 
            :degree (p / pretty-much) 
            :domain (i / i)) 
      :ARG2 (w / walk-01 
            :ARG0 i 
            :prep-on (t2 / toe 
                  :part-of i) 
            :frequency (t3 / time 
                  :quant (n / nearly 
                        :op1 (a2 / all))))) 
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[11]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192400-625_7200.10   (snt. 10 in workset  dfa-wset-25, last updated on Wed Jul 29, 2015)
I used to walk on my toes, but that was because I was born with strange toes that curled under and had to be straightened with surgery two years ago.

(c3 / contrast-01 
      :ARG1 (w / walk-01 
            :ARG0 (i / i) 
            :prep-on (t2 / toe 
                  :part-of i)) 
      :ARG2 (c / cause-01 
            :ARG0 (b / bear-02 
                  :ARG1 i 
                  :prep-with (t3 / toe 
                        :mod (s / strange) 
                        :ARG1-of (c2 / curl-01 
                              :ARG2 (u / under)) 
                        :ARG1-of (s2 / straighten-01 
                              :ARG2 (s3 / surgery-01) 
                              :ARG2-of (o / obligate-01) 
                              :time (b2 / before 
                                    :op1 (n / now) 
                                    :quant (t4 / temporal-quantity :quant 2 
                                          :unit (y2 / year)))))) 
            :ARG1 w)) 
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[12]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192400-625_7200.13   (snt. 13 in workset  dfa-wset-25, last updated on Fri Sep 6, 2013)
I walk on my toes not as much since years of being told not to.

(c / cause-01 
      :ARG0 (t / tell-01 
            :ARG1 (w2 / walk-01 :polarity - 
                  :prep-on (t3 / toe 
                        :part-of i)) 
            :ARG2 (i / i) 
            :duration (m2 / multiple 
                  :op1 (t4 / temporal-quantity :quant 1 
                        :unit (y / year)))) 
      :ARG1 (w / walk-01 
            :ARG0 i 
            :prep-on (t2 / toe 
                  :part-of i) 
            :frequency (m / much :polarity -))) 
       Open an issue       

[13]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192400-625_7200.6   (snt. 6 in workset  dfa-wset-25, last updated on Fri Sep 6, 2013)
Walking on toes can be a symptom of autism.

(p / possible-01 
      :ARG1 (s / symptom 
            :mod (a / autism) 
            :domain (w / walk-01 
                  :prep-on (t / toe)))) 
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[14]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192400-625_7557.23   (snt. 40 in workset  dfa-wset-25, last updated on Mon Nov 2, 2015)
Are you on any drugs or getting any therapy?

(o / or :mode interrogative 
      :op1 (y2 / you 
            :prep-on (d / drug 
                  :mod (a / any))) 
      :op2 (g / get-01 
            :ARG0 d 
            :ARG1 (t / therapy 
                  :mod (a2 / any)))) 
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[15]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192400-625_7744.15   (snt. 15 in workset  dfa-wset-26, last updated on Mon Jan 20, 2014)
I used to do this on my way to college-I had a list of items I knew I had on me and used to check compulsively on the bus.

(m / multi-sentence 
      :snt1 (u / use-02 
            :ARG0 (i / i) 
            :ARG1 (d / do-02 
                  :ARG0 i 
                  :ARG1 (t / this) 
                  :time (w / way 
                        :destination (c / college) 
                        :poss i))) 
      :snt2 (a / and 
            :op1 (h / have-03 
                  :ARG1 (t2 / thing 
                        :ARG2-of (l / list-01 
                              :ARG1 (i2 / item 
                                    :ARG1-of (h2 / have-03 
                                          :ARG0 i 
                                          :ARG1-of (k / know-01 
                                                :ARG0 i) 
                                          :prep-on i))))) 
            :op2 (u2 / use-02 
                  :ARG0 i 
                  :ARG1 (c2 / check-01 
                        :ARG0 i 
                        :manner (c3 / compulsive) 
                        :location (b / bus))))) 
       Open an issue       

[16]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192446-380_7981.8   (snt. 24 in workset  dfa-wset-46, last updated on Wed Jan 20, 2016)
we don't know the full story but i get the impression that this "14 year old girl" offered him sex on a plate willingly....

(c / contrast-01 
      :ARG1 (k / know-01 :polarity - 
            :ARG0 (w2 / we) 
            :ARG1 (s / story 
                  :mod (f / full))) 
      :ARG2 (i2 / impression-03 
            :ARG0 (i / i) 
            :ARG1 (o / offer-01 
                  :ARG0 (g2 / girl 
                        :age (t / temporal-quantity :quant 14 
                                    :unit (y / year)) 
                        :mod (t2 / this)) 
                  :ARG1 (s2 / sex-01 
                        :ARG0 g2 
                        :ARG1 h) 
                  :ARG3 (h / he) 
                  :prep-on (p / plate) 
                  :ARG1-of (w / will-02 
                        :ARG0 g2)))) 
       Open an issue       

[17]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192446-380_8068.28   (snt. 76 in workset  dfa-wset-46, last updated on Mon Mar 24, 2014)
It may well be tactical on the part of the SNP to wait until 2014, but I think it's practical too.

(c / contrast-01 
      :ARG1 (p / possible-01 
            :ARG1 (t / tactic 
                  :domain (w / wait-01 
                        :ARG1 p3 
                        :time (u / until 
                              :op1 (d2 / date-entity :year 2014))) 
                  :prep-on (p2 / part 
                        :poss (p3 / political-party :wiki "Scottish_National_Party" 
                              :name (n / name :op1 "SNP"))) 
                  :mod (w2 / well))) 
      :ARG2 (t2 / think-01 
            :ARG0 (i / i) 
            :ARG1 (p4 / practical 
                  :domain w) 
            :mod (t3 / too))) 
       Open an issue       

[18]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192446-380_8068.3   (snt. 51 in workset  dfa-wset-46, last updated on Thu Feb 4, 2016)
Something that struck me watching a question time debate on this issue was the attitude of some English people, such as the obnoxious Mail journalist on the panel, that Scottish independence was good because then we wouldn't have to subsidise them for being poor.

(s / strike-01 
      :ARG1 (i / i) 
      :ARG2 (a / attitude 
            :poss (p / person 
                  :mod (c / country :wiki "England" :name (n2 / name :op1 "England")) 
                  :quant (s2 / some) 
                  :example (j / journalist 
                        :mod (n4 / newspaper :wiki "Royal_Mail" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Mail")) 
                        :prep-on (p2 / panel) 
                        :mod (o2 / obnoxious))) 
            :mod (c2 / cause-01 
                  :ARG0 (o / obligate-01 :polarity - 
                        :ARG2 (s3 / subsidize-01 
                              :ARG0 (w2 / we) 
                              :ARG1 (t2 / they) 
                              :ARG1-of (c4 / cause-01 
                                    :ARG0 (p3 / poor 
                                          :domain t2)))) 
                  :ARG1 (g / good-04 
                        :ARG1 (i3 / independence 
                              :mod (c3 / country :wiki "Scotland" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Scotland")))))) 
      :time (w / watch-01 
            :ARG0 i 
            :ARG1 (d / debate-01 
                  :ARG1 (i2 / issue-02 
                        :mod (t / this)) 
                  :mod (b / broadcast-program :wiki "Question_time" :name (n / name :op1 "Question" :op2 "Time"))))) 
       Open an issue       

[19]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192448-618_9503.19   (snt. 37 in workset  dfa-wset-52, last updated on Tue Mar 25, 2014)
They evidently are quite angry that they don't have much money and therfore take their anger out on other races and point the blame on them...

(c / cause-01 
      :ARG0 (h / have-03 :polarity - 
            :ARG0 (t / they) 
            :ARG1 (m / money 
                  :quant (m2 / much)) 
            :ARG0-of (a / anger-01 
                  :ARG1 t 
                  :degree (q / quite) 
                  :manner (e / evident))) 
      :ARG1 (a2 / and 
            :op1 (t2 / take-out-11 
                  :ARG0 t 
                  :ARG1 (a3 / angry 
                        :poss t) 
                  :prep-on (r / race 
                        :mod (o / other))) 
            :op2 (p / point-01 
                  :ARG0 t 
                  :ARG1 (b / blame-01 
                        :ARG0 t 
                        :ARG1 r) 
                  :ARG2 r))) 
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[20]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192451-579_6300.7   (snt. 7 in workset  dfa-wset-64, last updated on Wed Jan 20, 2016)
How on earth is this fair?

(f / fair-01 
      :ARG1 (t / this) 
      :manner (a / amr-unknown 
            :prep-on (e / earth))) 
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[21]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192451-579_6409.10   (snt. 15 in workset  dfa-wset-66, last updated on Thu Dec 17, 2015)
Where's the public outcry about Russian veto and unilateralism (a criticism routinely employed - rightly - against the United States when it vetoes resolutions on Israeli aggression)?

(b / be-located-at-91 
      :ARG1 (o / outcry 
            :ARG1-of (p / public-02) 
            :topic (a / and 
                  :op1 (v / veto-01 
                        :ARG2 (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russia"))) 
                  :op2 (u / unilateralism)) 
            :example (c2 / criticism 
                  :ARG1-of (e / employ-02 
                        :mod (r / routine) 
                        :prep-against (c3 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n2 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")) 
                        :ARG1-of (r2 / right-02) 
                        :time (v2 / veto-01 
                              :ARG0 c3 
                              :ARG1 (r3 / resolution 
                                    :prep-on (a2 / aggression 
                                          :mod (c4 / country :wiki "Israel" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Israel")))))))) 
      :ARG2 (a3 / amr-unknown)) 
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[22]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192451-579_6409.2   (snt. 7 in workset  dfa-wset-66, last updated on Sat Jul 25, 2015)
Apparently they're threatening to veto a resolution on Syria if it does not explicitly rule out foreign military intervention.

(t / threaten-01 
      :ARG0 (t2 / they) 
      :ARG1 (v / veto-01 
            :ARG0 t2 
            :ARG1 (r / resolution 
                  :prep-on (c / country :wiki "Syria" :name (n / name :op1 "Syria")))) 
      :condition (r2 / rule-out-02 :polarity - 
            :ARG0 r 
            :ARG1 (i2 / intervention 
                  :mod (m / military 
                        :mod (f / foreign))) 
            :ARG1-of (e / explicit-03)) 
      :manner (a / apparent)) 
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[23]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192451-579_6414.2   (snt. 42 in workset  dfa-wset-66, last updated on Thu Dec 17, 2015)
Ron Paul is right on every level but the mainstream media does not want him to get as much talk time as other Puppets such as Rick Santo rum and Mitt Romney

(c / contrast-01 
      :ARG1 (r / right-06 
            :ARG1 (p / person :wiki "Ron_Paul" :name (n / name :op1 "Ron" :op2 "Paul")) 
            :prep-on (l / level 
                  :mod (e / every))) 
      :ARG2 (w / want-01 :polarity - 
            :ARG0 (m / media 
                  :ARG1-of (m2 / mainstream-02)) 
            :ARG1 (g / get-02 
                  :ARG0 p 
                  :ARG1 (t / time 
                        :purpose (t2 / talk-01 
                              :ARG0 p) 
                        :degree (e2 / equal) 
                        :compared-to (p2 / puppet 
                              :example (a / and 
                                    :op1 (p3 / person :wiki "Rick_Santorum" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Rick" :op2 "Santorum")) 
                                    :op2 (p4 / person :wiki "Mitt_Romney" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Mitt" :op2 "Romney"))) 
                              :mod (o / other)))))) 
       Open an issue       

[24]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192451-579_6799.1   (snt. 27 in workset  dfa-wset-68, last updated on Thu Oct 29, 2015)
With the primaries quickly approaching I thought it would be a good idea to have a thread on everything related to the 2012 election.

(c / cause-01 
      :ARG0 (a / approach-01 
            :ARG1 (p / primary) 
            :ARG1-of (q / quick-02)) 
      :ARG1 (t / think-01 
            :ARG0 (i / i) 
            :ARG1 (i2 / idea 
                  :domain (i3 / it) 
                  :domain (h / have-03 
                        :ARG1 (t2 / thread 
                              :prep-on (e / everything 
                                    :ARG1-of (r / relate-01 
                                          :ARG2 (e2 / elect-01 
                                                :time (d / date-entity :year 2012)))))) 
                  :ARG1-of (g / good-02)))) 
       Open an issue       

[25]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192451-579_6832.1   (snt. 13 in workset  dfa-wset-69, last updated on Wed Apr 29, 2015)
The law of return gives Jewish people and those who half Jewish on their mother's side the right to become Israeli citizens.

(g / give-01 
      :ARG0 (l / law 
            :mod (r / return-01)) 
      :ARG1 (r3 / right-05 
            :ARG1 (a / and 
                  :op1 (p / person 
                        :mod (r2 / religious-group :wiki "Jews" :name (n / name :op1 "Jew"))) 
                  :op2 (p3 / person 
                        :ARG1-of (h3 / have-mod-91 
                              :ARG2 r2 
                              :degree (h / half) 
                              :prep-on (s / side 
                                    :mod (p2 / person 
                                          :ARG0-of (h2 / have-rel-role-91 
                                                :ARG1 p3 
                                                :ARG2 (m / mother))))))) 
            :ARG2 (b / become-01 
                  :ARG1 a 
                  :ARG2 (c / citizen 
                        :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Israel" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Israel"))))) 
      :ARG2 a) 
       Open an issue       

[26]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192451-579_7352.3   (snt. 3 in workset  dfa-wset-72, last updated on Sun Jun 21, 2015)
Britain has nothing to match the Republican Party, on social issues, apart from perhaps the BNP - but even they don't hate on gays as much as the Republican Party does.

(h / have-concession-91 
      :ARG1 (h3 / have-03 
            :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "United_Kingdom" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Britain")) 
            :ARG1 (m2 / match-01 :polarity - 
                  :ARG0 c 
                  :ARG2 p2 
                  :prep-on (i / issues 
                        :mod (s / social)) 
                  :ARG2-of (e2 / except-01 
                        :ARG1 p 
                        :ARG1-of (p3 / possible-01)))) 
      :ARG2 (h2 / hate-01 
            :ARG0 (p / political-party :wiki "British_National_Party" :name (n / name :op1 "BNP")) 
            :ARG1 (g / gay) 
            :mod (e / even) 
            :degree (e3 / equal :polarity -) 
            :compared-to (p2 / political-party :wiki "Republican_Party_(United_States)" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Republican" :op2 "Party")))) 
       Open an issue       

[27]   cjconsensus   DF-200-192451-579_7557.15   (snt. 15 in workset  dfa-wset-73, last updated on Thu Jul 30, 2015)
These wars are just ways to prevent other nations gaining any sort of power whether it is directly or indirectly as well as make their arms companies some major money on the side.

(w / way 
      :domain (w2 / war-01 
            :mod (t / this)) 
      :purpose (a / and 
            :op1 (p / prevent-01 
                  :ARG1 (o3 / or 
                        :op1 (g / gain-02 
                              :ARG0 (n / nation 
                                    :mod (o / other)) 
                              :ARG1 (p2 / power 
                                    :mod (s / sort 
                                          :mod (a2 / any))) 
                              :ARG1-of (d / direct-02)) 
                        :op2 (g2 / gain-02 
                              :ARG0 n 
                              :ARG1 p2 
                              :ARG1-of (d2 / direct-02 :polarity -)))) 
            :op2 (m / make-05 
                  :ARG0 (c / company 
                        :poss (t2 / they) 
                        :mod (a3 / arms)) 
                  :ARG1 (m2 / money 
                        :ARG1-of (m3 / major-02) 
                        :mod (s3 / some)) 
                  :prep-on (s2 / side))) 
      :mod (j / just)) 
       Open an issue       

[28]   cjconsensus   DF-225-195986-848_5143.15   (snt. 58 in workset  dfa-73, last updated on Sat Jan 30, 2016)
This is correct. Your KFI/Mortgage Offer may say something along the lines of 'in any one year you may repay up to 10% of the amount outstanding on your special rate product'. It's a rolling 12 months, so the year starts when you make your 1st overpayment. So, you couldn't pay £10k in december and another £10k in january for instance, you'd need to wait 12 months.

(m / multi-sentence 
      :snt1 (c / correct-02 
            :ARG1 (t / this)) 
      :snt2 (p / possible-01 
            :ARG1 (s / say-01 
                  :ARG0 (s5 / slash 
                        :op1 (i / illustrate-01 
                              :ARG1 (f / fact 
                                    :ARG1-of (k / key-02)) 
                              :ARG2 (y4 / you)) 
                        :op2 (o / offer-01 
                              :ARG1 (m2 / mortgage-01) 
                              :ARG3 y4)) 
                  :ARG1 (s3 / something 
                        :ARG1-of (r2 / resemble-01 
                              :ARG2 (p6 / possible-01 
                                    :ARG1 (r3 / repay-01 
                                          :ARG0 y4 
                                          :ARG3 (i2 / include-91 
                                                :ARG1 (a3 / amount) 
                                                :ARG2 (a4 / amount 
                                                      :mod (o5 / outstanding 
                                                            :prep-on (p8 / product 
                                                                  :mod (r5 / rate 
                                                                        :ARG1-of (s4 / special-02)) 
                                                                  :poss y4))) 
                                                :ARG3 (p7 / percentage-entity :value 10)) 
                                          :duration (t4 / temporal-quantity :quant 1 
                                                :mod (a5 / any) 
                                                :unit (y5 / year)))))))) 
      :snt3 (c2 / cause-01 
            :ARG0 (r / rolling 
                  :duration (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 12 
                        :unit (m3 / month))) 
            :ARG1 (s2 / start-01 
                  :ARG0 (y / year) 
                  :time (m4 / make-01 
                        :ARG0 (y2 / you) 
                        :ARG1 (o3 / overpay-01 
                              :ARG0 y2 
                              :ord (o4 / ordinal-entity :value 1))))) 
      :snt4 (c3 / cause-01 
            :ARG0 (p2 / possible-01 :polarity - 
                  :ARG1 (p3 / pay-01 
                        :ARG0 (y3 / you) 
                        :example (a / and 
                              :op1 (m5 / monetary-quantity :quant 10000 
                                    :unit (p4 / pound) 
                                    :time (d / date-entity :month 12)) 
                              :op2 (m6 / monetary-quantity :quant 10000 
                                    :unit (p5 / pound) 
                                    :time (d2 / date-entity :month 1) 
                                    :mod (a2 / another))))) 
            :ARG1 (n / need-01 
                  :ARG0 y3 
                  :ARG1 (w / wait-01 
                        :ARG1 y3 
                        :duration (t3 / temporal-quantity :quant 12 
                              :unit (m7 / month)))))) 
       Open an issue       

[29]   cjconsensus   DF-225-195986-849_3802.9   (snt. 54 in workset  dfa-74, last updated on Wed Jun 3, 2015)
On the flip side there is little return for the lender as you don't want the loan for long so not much time to charge interest.

(c3 / contrast-01 
      :ARG2 (r / return-02 
            :ARG1 (t2 / thing 
                  :mod (l / little)) 
            :ARG2 (p / person 
                  :ARG0-of (l2 / lend-01)) 
            :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 
                  :ARG0 (a / and 
                        :op1 (w / want-01 :polarity - 
                              :ARG0 (y / you) 
                              :ARG1 (l3 / loan-01 
                                    :ARG2 y 
                                    :ARG1-of (l4 / long-03)) 
                              :ARG0-of (c4 / cause-01 
                                    :ARG1 (t / time 
                                          :mod (m / much :polarity -) 
                                          :purpose (c2 / charge-01 
                                                :ARG1 (i / interest)))))))) 
      :prep-on (s / side 
            :mod (f / flip))) 
       Open an issue       

[30]   cjconsensus   DF-225-195989-880_0167.21   (snt. 88 in workset  dfa-75, last updated on Wed Jul 29, 2015)
There's a high chance of an IHT bill on the horizon.

(c / chance-02 
      :ARG1 (b / bill-01 
            :ARG3 (t / tax 
                  :mod (i / inheritance))) 
      :ARG1-of (h / high-02) 
      :prep-on (h2 / horizon)) 
       Open an issue       

[31]   cjconsensus   DF-225-196010-966_5003.47   (snt. 127 in workset  dfa-76, last updated on Sat Apr 26, 2014)
When I was at uni, I think I could count the number of students who lived away from home and had a car on one hand - the rest mnade do with a young persons railcard.

(c / contrast-01 
      :ARG1 (t / think-01 
            :ARG0 (i / i) 
            :ARG1 (p / possible-01 
                  :ARG1 (c2 / count-01 
                        :ARG0 i 
                        :ARG1 (n2 / number 
                              :quant-of (p2 / person 
                                    :ARG0-of (s / study-01) 
                                    :quant (n / number) 
                                    :ARG0-of (l / live-01 
                                          :ARG1 (r / relative-position 
                                                :op1 (h / home) 
                                                :direction (a / away))) 
                                    :ARG0-of (h2 / have-03 
                                          :ARG1 (c3 / car)))) 
                        :prep-on (h3 / hand 
                              :quant (o / one))) 
                  :time (b / be-located-at-91 
                        :ARG1 i 
                        :ARG2 (u / uni)))) 
      :ARG2 (g / get-by-17 
            :ARG0 (r2 / rest) 
            :ARG1 (r3 / railcard 
                  :beneficiary (p3 / person 
                        :mod (y / young))))) 
       Open an issue       

[32]   cjconsensus   PROXY_APW_ENG_20080903_0510.7   (snt. 7 in workset  proxy-19-wset-91, last updated on Mon Nov 2, 2015)
The European Union's highest court also stated that the United Nations order failed to offer individuals on a terror blacklist or individuals on the defense any legal rights to a judicial review under European law.

(s / state-01 
      :ARG0 (c3 / court 
            :ARG1-of (h / high-02 
                  :degree (m / most)) 
            :mod (o2 / organization :wiki "European_Union" :name (n / name :op1 "European" :op2 "Union"))) 
      :ARG1 (f / fail-01 
            :ARG1 (o3 / order-01 
                  :ARG0 (o / organization :wiki "United_Nations" :name (n2 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "Nations"))) 
            :ARG2 (r / right-05 
                  :ARG1 (o5 / or 
                        :op1 (i / individual 
                              :ARG1-of (b / blacklist-01 
                                    :mod (t / terror))) 
                        :op2 (i2 / individual 
                              :prep-on (d / defend-01))) 
                  :ARG2 (r2 / review-01 
                        :ARG0 (j / judiciary) 
                        :ARG1-of (a3 / accord-02 
                              :ARG2 (l2 / law 
                                    :mod (c2 / continent :wiki "Europe" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Europe"))))) 
                  :mod (a2 / any) 
                  :ARG1-of (l / legal-02))) 
      :mod (a / also)) 
       Open an issue       

[33]   cjconsensus   bc.cctv_0000.15   (snt. 15 in workset  cctv-0000, last updated on Sat Jul 25, 2015)
At subway stations , passengers will frequently press the station for Disney on ticket machines , trying to purchase tickets to enjoy the park when it first opens .

(p / press-01 
      :ARG0 (p2 / passenger) 
      :ARG1 (s / station 
            :mod (a / amusement-park :wiki "Hong_Kong_Disneyland" :name (n / name :op1 "Disney"))) 
      :ARG1-of (f / frequent-02) 
      :purpose (t2 / try-01 
            :ARG0 p2 
            :ARG1 (p3 / purchase-01 
                  :ARG0 p2 
                  :ARG1 (t3 / ticket) 
                  :purpose (e / enjoy-01 
                        :ARG0 p2 
                        :ARG1 a 
                        :time (o / open-01 
                              :ARG1 a 
                              :ord (o2 / ordinal-entity :value 1))))) 
      :location (s2 / station 
            :mod (s3 / subway)) 
      :prep-on (m / machine 
            :mod (t / ticket))) 
       Open an issue       

[34]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8882248_0271.27   (snt. 388 in workset  dfb-0002, last updated on Sat Nov 14, 2015)
This is why liberals are double and tripling down on Palin.

(c / cause-01 
      :ARG0 (t2 / this) 
      :ARG1 (a / and 
            :op1 (d / double-01 
                  :ARG1 (p / person 
                        :ARG1-of (l / liberal-02))) 
            :op2 (t / triple-01 
                  :ARG0 p) 
            :direction (d2 / down) 
            :prep-on (p2 / person :wiki "Sarah_Palin" 
                  :name (n2 / name :op1 "Sarah" :op2 "Palin")))) 
       Open an issue       

[35]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8882466_0225.4   (snt. 237 in workset  dfb-0006, last updated on Tue Mar 29, 2016)
Those states cannot afford to keep the manpower and equipment on hand to battle thousands of square miles of fire.

(p / possible-01 :polarity - 
      :ARG1 (a / afford-01 
            :ARG0 (s / state 
                  :mod (t / that)) 
            :ARG1 (k / keep-01 
                  :ARG0 s 
                  :ARG1 (a2 / and 
                        :op1 (m / manpower) 
                        :op2 (e / equipment)) 
                  :prep-on (h / hand) 
                  :purpose (b / battle-01 
                        :ARG0 a2 
                        :ARG1 (f / fire-03 
                              :quant (m3 / multiple 
                                    :op1 (a3 / area-quantity :quant 1000 
                                          :unit (s3 / square-mile)))))))) 
       Open an issue       

[36]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8882466_0329.3   (snt. 383 in workset  dfb-0006, last updated on Wed Aug 19, 2015)
Obamacare is not the same as the Feds propping a city back on its feet.

(s / same-01 :polarity - 
      :ARG1 (l / law :wiki "Patient_Protection_and_Affordable_Care_Act" 
            :name (n / name :op1 "Obamacare")) 
      :ARG2 (g / government-organization :wiki "Federal_Reserve_System" 
            :name (n2 / name :op1 "Federal" :op2 "Reserve" :op3 "System") 
            :ARG0-of (p / prop-up-01 
                  :ARG1 (c / city) 
                  :direction (b / back 
                        :prep-on (f / foot 
                              :part-of c))))) 
       Open an issue       

[37]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8882529_0185.8   (snt. 367 in workset  dfb-0007, last updated on Tue Dec 1, 2015)
If you want to change society's morals you appeal to the hearts and minds of the people that are willing to listen and if they embrace it what you find to be immoral will eventually die out on it's own.

(a3 / and 
      :op1 (a / appeal-02 
            :ARG0 (y2 / you) 
            :ARG1 (a2 / and 
                  :op1 (h / heart) 
                  :op2 (m / mind) 
                  :part-of (p / person 
                        :ARG0-of (w2 / will-02 
                              :ARG1 (l / listen-01 
                                    :ARG0 p)))) 
            :condition (w / want-01 
                  :ARG0 y2 
                  :ARG1 (c / change-01 
                        :ARG0 y2 
                        :ARG1 (m2 / moral-02 
                              :ARG1 (s / society))))) 
      :op2 (d / die-out-03 
            :ARG1 (t / thing 
                  :ARG1-of (m3 / moral-02 :polarity - 
                        :ARG1-of (f / find-02 
                              :ARG0 y2))) 
            :time (e / eventual) 
            :prep-on (o / own 
                  :poss m3) 
            :condition (e2 / embrace-01 
                  :ARG0 p 
                  :ARG1 c))) 
       Open an issue       

[38]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8882529_0236.1   (snt. 449 in workset  dfb-0007, last updated on Tue Feb 9, 2016)
Socialists/Progressives like to have it both ways on issues like this.

(l / like-01 
      :ARG0 (s / slash 
            :op1 (p2 / person 
                  :ARG1-of (p / progressive-02)) 
            :op1 (p4 / person 
                  :mod (p3 / political-movement :wiki "Socialism" :name (n / name :op1 "socialism")))) 
      :ARG1 (h / have-03 
            :ARG0 s 
            :ARG1 (i / it) 
            :manner (w / way 
                  :mod (b / both)) 
            :prep-on (i2 / issue 
                  :ARG1-of (r / resemble-01 
                        :ARG2 (t / this))))) 
       Open an issue       

[39]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8882762_0225.8   (snt. 456 in workset  dfb-0008, last updated on Sun Nov 29, 2015)
You fuck wads need to separate the poor from people on welfare.

(s / say-01 
      :ARG0 (i / i) 
      :ARG1 (n / need-01 
            :ARG0 w 
            :ARG1 (s2 / separate-01 
                  :ARG0 w 
                  :ARG1 (p / poor) 
                  :ARG2 (p2 / person 
                        :prep-on (w2 / welfare)))) 
      :ARG2 (w / wad 
            :mod (f / fuck))) 
       Open an issue       

[40]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8882762_0237.5   (snt. 479 in workset  dfb-0008, last updated on Wed Sep 21, 2016)
If a man or woman enlists at 18 and waits 3 or 4 years until they are at least E-4 or E-5 when they qualify for military housing, they can raise a family with no problem on military pay.

(p / possible-01 
      :ARG1 (r / raise-03 
            :ARG0 o 
            :ARG1 (f / family) 
            :manner (p2 / problem :polarity -) 
            :prep-on (p3 / pay-01 
                  :mod (m / military))) 
      :condition (a2 / and 
            :op1 (e / enlist-01 
                  :ARG0 (o / or 
                        :op1 (m2 / man 
                              :age (t / temporal-quantity :quant 18 
                                    :unit (y / year))) 
                        :op2 (w / woman 
                              :age t))) 
            :op2 (w2 / wait-01 
                  :ARG1 o 
                  :ARG2 (o3 / or 
                        :op1 (h / have-org-role-91 
                              :ARG2 (t3 / thing :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "E-4"))) 
                        :op2 (h2 / have-org-role-91 
                              :ARG2 (t4 / thing :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "E-5"))) 
                        :time-of (q / qualify-02 
                              :ARG1 o 
                              :ARG2 (h3 / house-01 
                                    :mod m)) 
                        :mod (a3 / at-least)) 
                  :duration (t2 / temporal-quantity 
                        :quant (o2 / or :op1 3 :op2 4) 
                        :unit (y2 / year))))) 
       Open an issue       

[41]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8883574_0087.3   (snt. 125 in workset  dfb-0012, last updated on Thu Aug 20, 2015)
all a ploy for forced acceptance and government interference on one side..

(p / ploy 
      :domain (a / all) 
      :purpose (a2 / and 
            :op1 (a3 / accept-01 
                  :ARG2-of (f / force-01)) 
            :op2 (i / interfere-01 
                  :ARG0 (g / government-organization 
                        :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)))) 
      :prep-on (s / side :quant 1)) 
       Open an issue       

[42]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8883574_0087.4   (snt. 126 in workset  dfb-0012, last updated on Thu Aug 20, 2015)
and on the other side, not wanting to reduce government's scope

(a / and 
      :op2 (w / want-01 :polarity - 
            :ARG1 (r / reduce-01 
                  :ARG1 (s / scope 
                        :poss (g / government-organization 
                              :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)))) 
            :prep-on (s2 / side 
                  :mod (o / other)))) 
       Open an issue       

[43]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8883574_0125.14   (snt. 287 in workset  dfb-0012, last updated on Wed Aug 26, 2015)
You owned the business (or your share) and (s)he owned nothing or his/her share - when your spouse acquired your portion - that is income on their part.

(a / and 
      :op1 (o / own-01 
            :ARG0 (y / you) 
            :ARG1 (o2 / or 
                  :op1 (b / business) 
                  :op2 (s / share 
                        :poss y))) 
      :op2 (o3 / own-01 
            :ARG0 s4 
            :ARG1 (o4 / or 
                  :op1 (n / nothing) 
                  :op2 (s3 / share 
                        :poss (s4 / slash 
                              :op1 (h / he) 
                              :op2 (s2 / she))))) 
      :op3 (i / income 
            :domain (a2 / acquire-01 
                  :ARG0 (p / person 
                        :ARG0-of (h2 / have-rel-role-91 
                              :ARG1 y 
                              :ARG2 (s5 / spouse))) 
                  :ARG1 (p2 / portion 
                        :poss y)) 
            :prep-on (p3 / part 
                  :poss s4))) 
       Open an issue       

[44]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8886574_0157.4   (snt. 194 in workset  dfb-0022, last updated on Sat Jan 30, 2016)
Hypocrisy is allowed on the left, but is not to be tolerated on the right.

(c / contrast-01 
      :ARG1 (a / allow-01 
            :ARG1 (h / hypocrisy) 
            :prep-on (l / left-19)) 
      :ARG2 (t / tolerate-01 :polarity - 
            :ARG1 h 
            :prep-on (r / right-08))) 
       Open an issue       

[45]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8886574_0157.7   (snt. 197 in workset  dfb-0022, last updated on Sat Jan 30, 2016)
More hypocrisy that is allowed on the left, but is not to be tolerated on the right.

(c / contrast-01 
      :ARG1 (a / allow-01 
            :ARG1 (h / hypocrisy 
                  :quant (m / more)) 
            :prep-on (l / left-19)) 
      :ARG2 (t / tolerate-01 :polarity - 
            :ARG1 h 
            :prep-on (r / right-08))) 
       Open an issue       

[46]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8886574_0206.30   (snt. 352 in workset  dfb-0022, last updated on Wed Jan 20, 2016)
Perhaps you'd like to show me where Newt admitted to anything other than having an affair on his second wife.

(l / like-02 
      :ARG0 (y / you) 
      :ARG1 (s / show-01 
            :ARG0 y 
            :ARG1 (t / thing 
                  :location-of (a / admit-01 
                        :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Newt_Gingrich" :name (n / name :op1 "Newt")) 
                        :ARG1 (a3 / anything 
                              :ARG2-of (e / except-01 
                                    :ARG1 (a4 / affair-01 
                                          :ARG0 p 
                                          :prep-on (p2 / person 
                                                :ARG0-of (h2 / have-rel-role-91 
                                                      :ARG1 p 
                                                      :ARG2 (w / wife)) 
                                                :ord (o2 / ordinal-entity :value 2))))))) 
            :ARG2 (i / i)) 
      :mod (p3 / perhaps)) 
       Open an issue       

[47]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8891556_0014.11   (snt. 43 in workset  dfb-0051, last updated on Fri Nov 27, 2015)
This would bring the Nation to the point where current spending is no longer adding to our debt and where our debt is no longer increasing as a share of our economy--an important milestone on the way to restoring fiscal discipline and moving us toward balance."

(b / bring-01 
      :ARG0 (t / this) 
      :ARG1 (n2 / nation) 
      :ARG2 (p / point 
            :location-of (a / and 
                        :op1 (a2 / add-02 
                              :ARG1 (s / spend-01 
                                    :time (c / current)) 
                              :ARG2 (d / debt 
                                    :poss (w / we)) 
                              :mod (n / no-longer)) 
                        :op1 (i / increase-01 
                              :ARG1 d 
                              :mod n 
                              :prep-as (s2 / share 
                                    :part-of (e / economy 
                                          :poss w))))) 
      :mod (m / milestone 
            :mod (i2 / important) 
            :prep-on (w2 / way 
                  :direction (a3 / and 
                        :op1 (r / restore-02 
                              :ARG1 (d2 / discipline 
                                    :mod (f / fiscal))) 
                        :op2 (m2 / move-01 
                              :ARG1 w 
                              :ARG2 (b3 / balance)))))) 
       Open an issue       

[48]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181104-8724647_0073.19   (snt. 282 in workset  dfb-0057, last updated on Thu Jan 28, 2016)
Hamilton also ran Bond scams, where he misrepresented the value of the bonds convincing many to sell for pennies on the dollar.

(r / run-01 
      :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Hamilton")) 
      :ARG1 (s / scam-01 
            :ARG2 (b / bond) 
            :mod (m / misrepresent-01 
                  :ARG0 p 
                  :ARG1 (v / value-01 
                        :ARG1 (b2 / bond)) 
                  :ARG0-of (c / cause-01 
                        :ARG1 (c2 / convince-01 
                              :ARG0 p 
                              :ARG1 (p2 / person 
                                    :mod (m2 / many)) 
                              :ARG2 (s2 / sell-01 
                                    :ARG0 p2 
                                    :ARG3 (p3 / penny 
                                          :prep-on (d / dollar))))))) 
      :mod (a / also)) 
       Open an issue       

[49]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181106-15949161_0020.6   (snt. 6 in workset  dfb-0067, last updated on Sat Oct 3, 2015)
If the dead teen had been white this story wouldn't be a blip on anyones radar.

(b / blip :polarity - 
      :domain (s / story 
            :mod (t / this 
                  :condition (w / white-02 
                        :ARG1 (t2 / teen 
                              :ARG1-of (d / die-01))))) 
      :prep-on (r / radar 
            :poss (a / anyone))) 
       Open an issue       

[50]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181106-15949161_0203.2   (snt. 459 in workset  dfb-0067, last updated on Sat Oct 10, 2015)
Once they discover that smoking gun, they'll be on it.

(t4 / they 
      :prep-on (i / it) 
      :time (d / discover-01 
            :ARG0 t4 
            :ARG1 (g / gun 
                  :mod (s / smoking) 
                  :mod (t3 / that)))) 
       Open an issue       

[51]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181106-15949161_0355.8   (snt. 827 in workset  dfb-0067, last updated on Sun Oct 18, 2015)
There is a chance that non-thug Trayvon went street rat on a man he assumed to be unarmed.

(c / chance-02 
      :ARG1 (g / go-05 
            :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Trayvon_Martin" 
                  :name (n / name :op1 "Trayvon") 
                  :mod (t / thug :polarity -)) 
            :ARG1 (r / rat 
                  :prep-on (m / man 
                        :ARG1-of (a2 / assume-02 
                              :ARG0 p 
                              :ARG2 (a / arm-01 :polarity - 
                                    :ARG1 m))) 
                  :mod (s / street)))) 
       Open an issue       

[52]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181106-8869384_0027.21   (snt. 52 in workset  dfb-0071, last updated on Mon Oct 5, 2015)
We don't need to turn on each other.

(n / need-01 :polarity - 
      :ARG0 (w / we) 
      :ARG1 (t / turn-02 
            :ARG0 w 
            :prep-on (p / person 
                  :mod (o / other 
                        :mod (e / each))))) 
       Open an issue       

[53]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181118-8874189_0028.1   (snt. 73 in workset  dfb-0090, last updated on Sun Oct 11, 2015)
We need to expand and take better care of our Military, not gut it and decrease it, not having enough Troops on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan is why things got so fucked up in those places to begin with, we didn't have enough troops to everywhere we needed to be to provide security and we left pockets of those countries open for the insurgents to control.

(m / multi-sentence 
      :snt1 (a / and 
            :op1 (n4 / need-01 
                  :ARG0 (w2 / we) 
                  :ARG1 (a2 / and 
                        :op1 (e / expand-01 
                              :ARG0 w2 
                              :ARG1 (m2 / military 
                                    :poss w2)) 
                        :op2 (c3 / care-01 
                              :ARG1 m2 
                              :ARG1-of (g3 / good-02 
                                    :degree (m3 / more))))) 
            :ARG1-of (i3 / instead-of-91 
                  :ARG2 (a3 / and 
                        :op1 (g / gut-01 
                              :ARG0 w2 
                              :ARG1 m2) 
                        :op2 (d / decrease-01 
                              :ARG0 w2 
                              :ARG1 m2)))) 
      :snt2 (b / begin-01 
            :ARG0 (i / i) 
            :ARG1 (c4 / cause-01 
                  :ARG0 (h2 / have-03 :polarity - 
                        :ARG1 (t2 / troop 
                              :quant (e2 / enough) 
                              :prep-on (g2 / ground) 
                              :location (a4 / and 
                                    :op1 (c / country :wiki "Iraq" 
                                          :name (n2 / name :op1 "Iraq")) 
                                    :op1 (c2 / country :wiki "Afghanistan" 
                                          :name (n3 / name :op1 "Afghanistan"))))) 
                  :ARG1 (f / fuck-up-02 
                        :ARG1 (t / thing) 
                        :degree (s / so) 
                        :location a4))) 
      :snt3 (a5 / and 
            :op1 (h / have-03 :polarity - 
                  :ARG0 (w / we) 
                  :ARG1 (t3 / troop 
                        :quant (e3 / enough)) 
                  :location (e4 / everywhere 
                        :location-of (n / need-01 
                              :ARG0 w 
                              :ARG1 (p / provide-01 
                                    :ARG0 t3 
                                    :ARG1 (s2 / secure-02))))) 
            :op2 (l / leave-14 
                  :ARG0 w 
                  :ARG1 (o / open-01 
                        :ARG1 (p2 / pocket 
                              :quant-of (c6 / country 
                                    :mod (t5 / that))) 
                        :ARG3 (c5 / control-01 
                              :ARG0 (i2 / insurgent) 
                              :ARG1 c6))))) 
       Open an issue       

[54]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181118-8875443_0228.11   (snt. 736 in workset  dfb-0094, last updated on Mon Oct 12, 2015)
This is the same exact line that's been proven wrong on several levels.

(l / line 
      :ARG0-of (p / prove-01 
            :ARG1 (w / wrong-04 
                  :ARG1 l) 
            :prep-on (l2 / level 
                  :quant (s2 / several))) 
      :ARG1-of (s / same-01) 
      :mod (e / exact) 
      :domain (t / this)) 
       Open an issue       

[55]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181118-8875443_0228.18   (snt. 743 in workset  dfb-0094, last updated on Mon Oct 12, 2015)
Your bogus and unsupported claim that this "line" has been "proven [sic] wrong on several levels" is bullshit.

(b / bullshit-01 
      :ARG1 (a / and 
            :op1 (b2 / bogus 
                  :poss y) 
            :op2 (c / claim-01 
                  :ARG0 (y / you) 
                  :ARG1 (p / prove-01 
                        :ARG1 (w / wrong-04 
                              :ARG1 (l / line 
                                    :mod (t / this))) 
                        :prep-on (l2 / level 
                              :quant (s2 / several))) 
                  :ARG1-of (s / support-01 :polarity -)))) 
       Open an issue       

[56]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181118-8876009_0023.6   (snt. 14 in workset  dfb-0096, last updated on Sun Oct 11, 2015)
I hand wash and fold laundry like a demon on steroids, too.

(a / and 
      :op1 (w / wash-01 
            :ARG0 (i / i) 
            :instrument (h / hand) 
            :ARG1-of (r / resemble-01 
                  :ARG2 (d / demon 
                        :prep-on (s / steroid)))) 
      :op2 (f / fold-03 
            :ARG0 i 
            :ARG2 (l / laundry) 
            :ARG1-of r) 
      :mod (t / too)) 
       Open an issue       

[57]   cjconsensus   bolt-eng-DF-170-181122-8786509_0194.12   (snt. 338 in workset  dfb-0099, last updated on Mon Dec 14, 2015)
If I was to click on your name and check out what forums you post in, they wouldn't be Conspiracy Theory ones would they?

(h / have-condition-91 
      :ARG1 (t / theory :polarity - 
            :topic (c4 / conspiracy) 
            :domain (t2 / they) 
            :ARG1-of (r / request-confirmation-91)) 
      :ARG2 (a / and 
            :op1 (c / click-01 
                  :ARG0 (i / i) 
                  :prep-on (n / name 
                        :poss (y / you))) 
            :op2 (c3 / check-out-05 
                  :ARG0 i 
                  :ARG1 (f / forum 
                        :ARG2-of (p / post-01 
                              :ARG0 y))))) 
       Open an issue       

[58]   cjconsensus   bolt12_10510_8841.1   (snt. 1205 in workset  bolt12-tune-master-1, last updated on Sun Jul 26, 2015)
Following the Great Wenchuan Earthquake this time, there were compatriots who struggled out of the debris, wiped their tears and buried the bodies of their families, but they braced up again and declared to the world, "we are not beaten down; we are on our feet again; the earthquake cannot shake the staunch will of the Chinese people; trials and tribulations serve only to revitalize a nation!"

(h / have-concession-91 
      :ARG1 (f / follow-01 
            :ARG1 (a2 / and 
                  :op1 (s / struggle-02 
                        :ARG0 (c / compatriot) 
                        :ARG1 (o / out-06 
                              :ARG1 c 
                              :ARG2 (d2 / debris))) 
                  :op2 (w / wipe-01 
                        :ARG0 c 
                        :ARG1 (t / tear 
                              :poss c)) 
                  :op3 (b / bury-01 
                        :ARG0 c 
                        :ARG1 (b4 / body 
                              :poss (f2 / family 
                                    :ARG1-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 
                                          :ARG0 c 
                                          :ARG2 (m / member)))))) 
            :ARG2 (e / earthquake :wiki "2008_Sichuan_earthquake" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Great" :op2 "Wenchuan" :op3 "Earthquake")) 
            :time (t4 / time 
                  :mod (t5 / this))) 
      :ARG2 (a / and 
            :op1 (b2 / brace-01 
                  :ARG0 c 
                  :ARG1 c 
                  :mod (a4 / again) 
                  :mod (u / up)) 
            :op2 (d / declare-02 
                  :ARG0 c 
                  :ARG1 (a3 / and 
                        :op1 (b3 / beat-01 :polarity - 
                              :ARG1 c 
                              :direction (d3 / down)) 
                        :op2 (s2 / stand-01 
                              :ARG0 c 
                              :ARG1 c 
                              :prep-on (f3 / foot 
                                    :part-of c) 
                              :mod a4) 
                        :op3 (p / possible-01 :polarity - 
                              :ARG1 (s3 / shake-01 
                                    :ARG0 (e2 / earthquake) 
                                    :ARG1 (w3 / will 
                                          :mod (s5 / staunch) 
                                          :poss (p2 / people 
                                                :mod (c3 / country :wiki "China" :name (n3 / name :op1 "China")))))) 
                        :op4 (s4 / serve-01 
                              :ARG0 (a5 / and 
                                    :op1 (t2 / try-01) 
                                    :op2 (t3 / tribulate-00)) 
                              :ARG1 (r / revitalize-01 
                                    :ARG0 a5 
                                    :ARG1 (n / nation)) 
                              :mod (o2 / only))) 
                  :ARG2 (w2 / world)))) 
       Open an issue       

[59]   cjconsensus   bolt12_10511_2891.4   (snt. 1336 in workset  bolt12-tune-master-1, last updated on Thu Mar 12, 2015)
On the day of the Tangshan Earthquake, i.e. July 28th, those on duty at Mao Zedong's quarters were Wang Dongxing, Wang Hongwen, and Mao Zedong's confidential secretary, Zhang Yufeng.

(p / person 
      :prep-on (d / duty 
            :time (d2 / day 
                  :time-of (e / earthquake :wiki "1976_Tangshan_earthquake" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Tangshan" :op2 "Earthquake")) 
                  :ARG1-of (m / mean-01 
                        :ARG2 (d3 / date-entity :month 7 :day 28))) 
            :location (q / quarter 
                  :poss p5)) 
      :domain (a / and 
            :op1 (p2 / person :wiki "Wang_Dongxing" :name (n / name :op1 "Wang" :op2 "Dongxing")) 
            :op2 (p3 / person :wiki "Wang_Hongwen" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Wang" :op2 "Hongwen")) 
            :op3 (p4 / person :wiki - :name (n3 / name :op1 "Zhang" :op2 "Yufeng") 
                  :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 
                        :ARG1 (p5 / person :wiki "Mao_Zedong" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Mao" :op2 "Zedong")) 
                        :ARG2 (s / secretary 
                              :mod (c / confidence)))))) 
       Open an issue       

[60]   cjconsensus   bolt12_2981_5391.5   (snt. 212 in workset  bolt12-tune-master-dt, last updated on Mon Nov 11, 2013)
the wolf and the sheep can never be friends, even if so, it's only an illusion on our part, it's only a wolf in sheep's clothing.

(m / multi-sentence 
      :snt1 (p / possible-01 :polarity - 
            :time (e / ever) 
            :ARG1 (b / befriend-01 
                  :ARG0 (w / wolf) 
                  :ARG1 (s / sheep))) 
      :snt2 (a / and 
            :op1 (i / illusion 
                  :domain (i2 / it) 
                  :mod (o / only) 
                  :prep-on (p2 / part 
                        :poss (w3 / we))) 
            :op2 (w2 / wolf 
                  :ARG1-of (c / clothe-01 
                        :ARG2 (s2 / sheep)) 
                  :mod (o3 / only) 
                  :domain (i3 / it)) 
            :concession (e2 / even-if 
                  :op1 (s3 / so)))) 
       Open an issue       

[61]   cjconsensus   nw.chtb_0119.7   (snt. 277 in workset  nw-xinhua-master-a, last updated on Fri Jul 24, 2015)
International business loans that have not been approved but were signed on their own authority will not be valid , the Foreign Exchange Management Bureau will not process the registration of foreign debts , banks are not allowed to open exclusive foreign debt accounts for them , loan principals and interests are not to be remitted out on their own authority .

(a / and 
      :op1 (v / valid-02 :polarity - 
            :ARG1 (l / loan-01 
                  :mod (b / business) 
                  :mod (i / international) 
                  :ARG1-of (a3 / approve-01 :polarity -) 
                  :ARG1-of (s / sign-02 
                        :prep-on (a4 / authority 
                              :poss t)))) 
      :op2 (p / process-01 :polarity - 
            :ARG0 (g / government-organization :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Foreign" :op2 "Exchange" :op3 "Management" :op4 "Bureau")) 
            :ARG1 (r2 / register-02 
                  :ARG1 (d / debt 
                        :mod (f / foreign)))) 
      :op3 (a2 / allow-01 :polarity - 
            :ARG1 (o2 / open-01 
                  :ARG0 (b3 / bank) 
                  :ARG1 (a5 / account 
                        :ARG0-of (e / exclusive-02) 
                        :mod (d2 / debt)) 
                  :ARG3 (t / they))) 
      :op4 (o / obligate-01 
            :ARG1 (r / remit-01 :polarity - 
                  :ARG1 (a6 / and 
                        :op1 (p2 / principal) 
                        :op2 (i2 / interest) 
                        :mod (l3 / loan-01)) 
                  :prep-on (a7 / authority 
                        :poss t)))) 
       Open an issue       

[62]   cjconsensus   pmid_2352_4590.178   (snt. 178 in workset  pmc-3615214, last updated on Thu Feb 4, 2016)
Breitkreutz et al.85 have also investigated the consequences of AZD6244 administration on osteoclast differentiation, function and cytokine secretion in MM.

(i / investigate-01 
      :ARG0 (p / publication-91 
            :ARG0 (a / and 
                  :op1 (p2 / person :name (n / name :op1 "Breitkreutz")) 
                  :op2 (p3 / person 
                        :mod (o / other))) 
            :ARG1-of (d3 / describe-01 
                  :ARG0 (p5 / publication 
                        :ARG1-of (c / cite-01 
                              :ARG2 85)))) 
      :ARG1 (c2 / consequence 
            :poss (a3 / administer-01 
                  :ARG1 (s / small-molecule :name (n2 / name :op1 "AZD6244"))) 
            :prep-on (a4 / and 
                  :op1 (d / differentiate-01 
                        :mod (o2 / osteoclast)) 
                  :op2 (f / function-01 
                        :mod o2) 
                  :op3 (s2 / secrete-01 
                        :ARG1 (p4 / protein :name (n3 / name :op1 "cytokine")) 
                        :mod o2)) 
            :location (m / multiple :name (n4 / name :op1 "myeloma"))) 
      :mod (a2 / also)) 
       Open an issue       

[63]   cjconsensus   sdl_0003.37   (snt. 37 in workset  sdl-mt09-ara, last updated on Wed Feb 10, 2016)
The Israeli newspapers that were published yesterday devoted supplements to the one year anniversary of the July war , which covered the different aspects of this war and its repercussions on Israel .

(d / devote-01 
      :ARG0 (n / newspaper 
            :mod (c / country :wiki "Israel" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Israel")) 
            :ARG1-of (p / publish-01 
                  :time (y / yesterday))) 
      :ARG1 (t / thing 
            :ARG2-of (s / supplement-01) 
            :ARG2-of (c2 / cover-01 
                  :ARG1 (a3 / and 
                        :op1 (a2 / aspect 
                              :ARG1-of (d2 / differ-02) 
                              :domain w) 
                        :op2 (r / repercussion 
                              :prep-on c 
                              :source w)))) 
      :ARG2 (a / anniversary 
            :topic (w / war :wiki "2006_Lebanon_War" :name (n3 / name :op1 "July" :op2 "War")) 
            :ord (o / ordinal-entity :value 1))) 
       Open an issue       

[64]   cjconsensus   wb.eng_0002.145   (snt. 145 in workset  wb-eng-0002, last updated on Tue Apr 22, 2014)
I remember people sniffing at it , saying they would n't do it because the payback on capital was n't there .

(r / remember-01 
      :ARG0 (i / i) 
      :ARG1 (a / and 
            :op1 (s / sniff-02 
                  :ARG0 (p2 / person) 
                  :ARG1 (i2 / it)) 
            :op2 (s2 / say-01 
                  :ARG1 (d / do-02 :polarity - 
                        :ARG0 p2 
                        :ARG1 i2 
                        :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 
                              :ARG0 (p / payback :polarity - 
                                    :prep-on (c2 / capital))))))) 
       Open an issue       

[65]   cjconsensus   wb.eng_0014.13   (snt. 75 in workset  wb-eng-0013-14, last updated on Fri Jun 26, 2015)
Luis Bunuel has long been recognized in European critical circles as a great and prolific filmmaker on a par with Eisenstein , Chaplin , and Fellini .

(r / recognize-01 
      :ARG0 (c / circle 
            :ARG0-of (c2 / criticism-04) 
            :mod (c3 / continent :wiki "Europe" :name (n / name :op1 "Europe"))) 
      :ARG1 (p / person :wiki "Luis_Buñuel" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Luis" :op2 "Bunuel")) 
      :ARG3 (p2 / person 
            :ARG0-of (m / make-01 
                  :ARG1 (f / film)) 
            :prep-on (p4 / par 
                  :accompanier (a2 / and 
                        :op1 (p5 / person :wiki "Sergei_Eisenstein" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Eisenstein")) 
                        :op2 (p6 / person :wiki "Charlie_Chaplin" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Chaplin")) 
                        :op3 (p7 / person :wiki "Federico_Fellini" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Fellini")))) 
            :mod (g / great) 
            :mod (p3 / prolific)) 
      :ARG1-of (l / long-03)) 
       Open an issue       

[66]   cjconsensus   web1-eng-DF-183-195726-5326951_0001.5   (snt. 5 in workset  dfb-0525, last updated on Fri Sep 11, 2015)
Today, MetroPCS announced that the DOJ has allowed the waiting period to lapse on the planned merger between the two companies.

(a / announce-01 
      :ARG0 (c / company :wiki "MetroPCS" 
            :name (n / name :op1 "MetroPCS")) 
      :ARG1 (a2 / allow-01 
            :ARG0 (g / government-organization :wiki "United_States_Department_of_Justice" 
                  :name (n2 / name :op1 "DOJ")) 
            :ARG1 (l / lapse-01 
                  :ARG1 (p2 / period 
                        :duration-of (w / wait-01)) 
                  :prep-on (m / merge-01 
                        :ARG1 (c2 / company 
                              :quant 2) 
                        :ARG1-of (p / plan-01)))) 
      :time (t / today)) 
       Open an issue       

[67]   colorado   DF-170-181118-887_6009.17   (snt. 17 in workset  dfa-06, last updated on Sat May 3, 2014)
You just know I have to weigh in on this one!

(o / obligate-01 
      :ARG1 (i / i) 
      :ARG2 (w / weigh-in-03 
            :ARG0 i 
            :prep-on (o2 / one 
                  :mod (t / this))) 
      :ARG1-of (k / know-01 
            :ARG0 (y / you) 
            :mod (j / just))) 
       Open an issue       

[68]   colorado   DF-170-181122-878_0709.9   (snt. 69 in workset  dfa-06, last updated on Sun Jun 28, 2015)
You can get some great deals on movies/tv shows as they unload their inventory.

(p / possible-01 
      :ARG1 (g / get-01 
            :ARG0 (y / you) 
            :ARG1 (d / deal 
                  :mod (g2 / great) 
                  :quant (s / some) 
                  :prep-on (o / or 
                        :op1 (m / movie) 
                        :op2 (s2 / show-04 
                              :ARG3 (t3 / television)))) 
            :time (u / unload-01 
                  :ARG0 (t2 / they) 
                  :ARG1 (i / inventory 
                        :poss t2)))) 
       Open an issue       

[69]   colorado   DF-200-192453-580_7549.2   (snt. 54 in workset  dfa-55, last updated on Wed Apr 30, 2014)
As it happened I was the only British person on the bus, and when asked I said that I was from 'England'.

(a3 / and 
      :op1 (p / person 
            :mod (c / country :wiki "United_Kingdom" 
                  :name (n / name :op1 "Great" :op2 "Britain")) 
            :domain (i / i) 
            :mod (o / only) 
            :prep-on (b / bus)) 
      :op2 (s / say-01 
            :ARG0 i 
            :ARG1 (c2 / come-01 
                  :ARG1 i 
                  :ARG3 (c3 / country :wiki "England" 
                        :name (n2 / name :op1 "England"))) 
            :condition (a2 / ask-01 
                  :ARG2 i))) 
       Open an issue       

[70]   colorado   DF-200-192455-620_2658.6   (snt. 75 in workset  dfa-55, last updated on Sun Apr 13, 2014)
I just thought that seven in every thousand people is a bit small, since the campaign was well-publicised, and there were no repurcussions for not telling the truth on the religion question.

(t / think-01 
      :ARG0 (i / i) 
      :ARG1 (s / small 
            :domain (p / person 
                  :domain (r / rate-entity-91 
                        :ARG1 7 
                        :ARG2 1000)) 
            :mod (b / bit)) 
      :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 
            :ARG0 (a / and 
                  :op1 (p2 / publicize-01 
                        :ARG1 (c2 / campaign) 
                        :manner (w / well)) 
                  :op2 (t2 / tell-01 :polarity - 
                        :ARG1 (t3 / truth 
                              :prep-on (q / question-01 
                                    :ARG1 (r3 / religion))) 
                        :ARG1-of (c3 / cause-01 :polarity - 
                              :ARG0 (r2 / repercussion))))) 
      :mod (j / just)) 
       Open an issue       

[71]   colorado   PROXY_AFP_ENG_20021226_0325.11   (snt. 11 in workset  proxy-19-07, last updated on Fri Jan 29, 2016)
Roh campaigned on a pro-engagement platform and has endorsed President Kim Dae-jung's softline sunshine policy of engagement with North Korea.

(a / and 
      :op1 (c / campaign-01 
            :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Roh_Moo-hyun" :name (n / name :op1 "Roh")) 
            :prep-on (p2 / platform 
                  :ARG0-of (f / favor-01 
                        :ARG1 (e / engage-01)))) 
      :op2 (e2 / endorse-01 
            :ARG0 p 
            :ARG1 (p3 / policy-01 
                  :ARG0 (p4 / person :wiki "Kim_Dae-jung" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Kim" :op2 "Dae-jung") 
                        :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 
                              :ARG2 (p5 / president))) 
                  :ARG1 (e3 / engage-01 
                        :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "North_Korea" :name (n3 / name :op1 "North" :op2 "Korea"))) 
                  :mod (s2 / softline) 
                  :ARG0-of (f2 / favor-01)))) 
       Open an issue       

[72]   colorado   PROXY_AFP_ENG_20021230_0032.32   (snt. 62 in workset  proxy-19-07, last updated on Sat Jun 20, 2015)
The functions, indices and data relevant to manned flights tested well on three previous successful launches and landings of Shenzhou spaceships between 1999 and March 2002.

(t / test-01 
      :ARG1 (a / and 
            :op1 (f / function-01) 
            :op2 (i / index) 
            :op3 (d3 / data) 
            :ARG1-of (r / relevant-01 
                  :ARG2 (f2 / fly-01 
                        :ARG1-of (m / man-01)))) 
      :ARG3 (w / well) 
      :prep-on (s / succeed-01 
            :ARG0 (a2 / and 
                  :op1 (l / launch-01 :quant 3 
                        :ARG1 (s2 / spaceship :wiki "Shenzhou_(spacecraft)" :name (n / name :op1 "Shenzhou")) 
                        :mod (p / previous)) 
                  :op2 (l2 / land-01 :quant 3 
                        :ARG1 s2 
                        :mod (p2 / previous))) 
            :time (b / between 
                  :op1 (d / date-entity :year 1999) 
                  :op2 (d2 / date-entity :month 3 :year 2002)))) 
       Open an issue       

[73]   colorado   PROXY_AFP_ENG_20030110_0628.10   (snt. 80 in workset  proxy-19-07, last updated on Fri Jun 7, 2013)
Spacecraft launched from Kourou benefit from the Earth's full rotational speed on the equator to aid their trajectory into space.

(b / benefit-01 
      :ARG0 (s2 / speed 
            :mod (r / rotational) 
            :mod (f / full) 
            :poss (p / planet :wiki "Earth" 
                  :name (n2 / name :op1 "Earth")) 
            :prep-on (e / equator) 
            :ARG0-of (a / aid-01 
                  :ARG1 (t / trajectory 
                        :destination (s3 / space) 
                        :poss s))) 
      :ARG1 (s / spacecraft 
            :ARG1-of (l / launch-01 
                  :location (c / city :wiki "Kourou" 
                        :name (n / name :op1 "Kourou"))))) 
       Open an issue       

[74]   colorado   PROXY_APW_ENG_20021012_0179.9   (snt. 181 in workset  proxy-19-30, last updated on Wed Jan 7, 2015)
Topol missiles have been on combat duty for 15 years and Russia periodically tests them to see if their lifetime can be extended.

(a / and 
      :op1 (m / missile :wiki "RT-2PM_Topol" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Topol") 
            :prep-on (d2 / duty 
                  :mod (c3 / combat-01) 
                  :duration (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 15 
                        :unit (y2 / year)))) 
      :op2 (t3 / test-01 
            :ARG0 (c2 / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Russia")) 
            :ARG1 m 
            :purpose (s / see-01 
                  :ARG0 c2 
                  :ARG1 (p / possible-01 
                        :ARG1 (e / extend-01 
                              :ARG1 (l / lifetime 
                                    :poss m)))) 
            :frequency (p2 / period))) 
       Open an issue       

[75]   colorado   PROXY_APW_ENG_20031021_0426.5   (snt. 184 in workset  proxy-19-31, last updated on Thu Aug 22, 2013)
Krasniqi was captured in Macedonia on an international arrest warrant.

(c2 / capture-01 
      :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki - 
            :name (n3 / name :op1 "Krasniqi")) 
      :location (c3 / country :wiki "Republic_of_Macedonia" 
            :name (n4 / name :op1 "Macedonia")) 
      :prep-on (w / warrant 
            :purpose (a / arrest-01 
                  :ARG1 p2 
                  :mod (i / international)))) 
       Open an issue       

[76]   colorado   PROXY_APW_ENG_20031021_0426.7   (snt. 186 in workset  proxy-19-31, last updated on Tue Aug 20, 2013)
Krasniqi was captured in Macedonia on an international arrest warrant.

(c2 / capture-01 
      :ARG1 (p / person :wiki - 
            :name (n / name :op1 "Krasniqi")) 
      :location (c3 / country :wiki "Republic_of_Macedonia" 
            :name (n3 / name :op1 "Macedonia")) 
      :prep-on (w / warrant 
            :op1 (a / arrest-01) 
            :mod (i / international))) 
       Open an issue       

[77]   colorado   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8886126_0016.7   (snt. 4013 in workset  dfb-uco1, last updated on Thu Nov 19, 2015)
How many families on the adoption waiting list?

(f2 / family 
      :quant (a / amr-unknown) 
      :prep-on (t / thing 
            :ARG2-of (l / list-01 
                  :ARG1 (w / wait-01 
                        :ARG2 (a2 / adopt-01))))) 
       Open an issue       

[78]   colorado   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8886628_0048.6   (snt. 5571 in workset  dfb-uco1, last updated on Thu Dec 31, 2015)
It is sad that Perry started off as bad as he did, he was the only candidate that stood up for and defended the Marines who pissed on the bodies of the Taliban.

(s / sad-02 
      :ARG0 (s2 / start-off-02 
            :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Rick_Perry" 
                  :name (n / name :op1 "Perry")) 
            :manner (b / bad-02)) 
      :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 
            :ARG0 (c2 / candidate 
                  :mod (o / only) 
                  :domain p 
                  :ARG1-of (s3 / stand-up-07 
                        :beneficiary (p2 / person 
                              :ARG0-of (p3 / piss-01 
                                    :prep-on (b2 / body 
                                          :mod (c3 / criminal-organization :wiki "Taliban" 
                                                :name (n3 / name :op1 "Taliban")))) 
                              :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 
                                    :ARG1 (m / military :wiki "United_States_Marine_Corps" 
                                          :name (n2 / name :op1 "Marine"))))) 
                  :ARG0-of (d / defend-01 
                        :ARG1 p2)))) 
       Open an issue       

[79]   colorado   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8887442_0021.2   (snt. 5939 in workset  dfb-uco1, last updated on Mon Jan 11, 2016)
What will Republicans run on?

(r / run-02 
      :ARG0 (p / political-party :wiki "Republican_Party_(United_States)" 
            :name (n / name :op1 "Republican")) 
      :prep-on (a / amr-unknown)) 
       Open an issue       

[80]   colorado   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8887442_0021.9   (snt. 5946 in workset  dfb-uco1, last updated on Mon Jan 11, 2016)
You can't run on, "We have to get Obama out of office because he (and then name Republican failure)".

(p / possible-01 :polarity - 
      :ARG1 (r / run-02 
            :ARG0 (y / you) 
            :prep-on (o / obligate-01 
                  :ARG0 (w / we) 
                  :ARG1 (g / get-04 
                        :ARG0 w 
                        :ARG1 (g2 / go-01 
                              :ARG1 (p2 / person :wiki "Barack_Obama" :name (n / name :op1 "Obama")) 
                              :ARG3 (o2 / office))) 
                  :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 
                        :ARG0 (e / event 
                              :mod p2 
                              :domain (f / fail-01 
                                    :ARG0 (p3 / political-party :wiki "Republican_Party_(United_States)" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Republican")) 
                                    :ARG1-of (n3 / name-01 
                                          :time (t / then)))))))) 
       Open an issue       

[81]   colorado   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8887597_0010.7   (snt. 6064 in workset  dfb-uco1, last updated on Mon Feb 1, 2016)
If your man comes out as the candidate not one person can ever, ever say it was a coronation or he got it on a silver platter.

(p / possible-01 :polarity - 
      :ARG1 (s / say-01 
            :ARG0 (p2 / person) 
            :ARG1 (o / or 
                  :op1 (c / coronate-00 
                        :ARG1 m) 
                  :op2 (g / get-01 
                        :ARG0 m 
                        :ARG1 c3 
                        :prep-on (p3 / platter 
                              :consist-of (s2 / silver)))) 
            :time (e / ever)) 
      :condition (c2 / come-out-09 
            :ARG1 (m / man 
                  :poss (y / you)) 
            :ARG2 (c3 / candidate 
                  :domain m))) 
       Open an issue       

[82]   colorado   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8889109_0071.20   (snt. 7167 in workset  dfb-uco1, last updated on Wed Dec 9, 2015)
But those teachers deserve all that money and perks on the tax payer dime right?

(c / contrast-01 
      :ARG2 (d / deserve-01 
            :ARG0 (p / person 
                  :ARG0-of (t / teach-01)) 
            :ARG1 (a2 / and 
                  :op1 (m / money 
                        :mod (a / all) 
                        :mod (t2 / that)) 
                  :op2 (p2 / perk 
                        :mod (a3 / all) 
                        :mod (t3 / that)) 
                  :prep-on (d2 / dime 
                        :poss (p3 / person 
                              :ARG0-of (p4 / pay-01 
                                    :ARG1 (t4 / tax-01))))) 
            :ARG1-of (r / request-confirmation-91))) 
       Open an issue       

[83]   colorado   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8889727_0052.19   (snt. 7894 in workset  dfb-uco1, last updated on Wed Dec 16, 2015)
They have far too much money on the line.

(h / have-03 
      :ARG0 (t2 / they) 
      :ARG1 (m2 / money 
            :quant (m / much 
                  :degree (t / too 
                        :degree (f / far)))) 
      :prep-on (l / line)) 
       Open an issue       

[84]   colorado   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8890103_0083.9   (snt. 8034 in workset  dfb-uco1, last updated on Wed Dec 23, 2015)
I've been pretty pleased with Obama on the whole but if he caves on that one too, damn I'm gonna be pissed.

(c / contrast-01 
      :ARG1 (p2 / please-01 
            :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Barack_Obama" :name (n / name :op1 "Obama")) 
            :ARG1 (i / i) 
            :degree (p3 / pretty) 
            :mod (o2 / on-the-whole)) 
      :ARG2 (p4 / piss-03 
            :ARG1 i 
            :mod (d / damn :mode expressive) 
            :condition (c2 / cave-01 
                  :ARG1 p 
                  :prep-on (o / one 
                        :mod (t / that)) 
                  :mod (t2 / too)))) 
       Open an issue       

[85]   colorado   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8890103_0099.8   (snt. 8098 in workset  dfb-uco1, last updated on Fri Dec 25, 2015)
On the bright side, it seems he has learned his lesson and realizes the other side is not playing by the same rules

(s / seem-01 
      :ARG1 (a / and 
            :op1 (l / learn-01 
                  :ARG0 (h / he) 
                  :ARG1 (l2 / lesson 
                        :beneficiary h)) 
            :op2 (r / realize-01 
                  :ARG0 h 
                  :ARG1 (p / play-01 :polarity - 
                        :ARG0 (s2 / side 
                              :mod (o / other)) 
                        :instrument (r2 / rule-01 
                              :ARG1-of (s3 / same-01))))) 
      :prep-on (s4 / side 
            :ARG1-of (b / bright-02))) 
       Open an issue       

[86]   colorado   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8890653_0091.12   (snt. 8248 in workset  dfb-uco1, last updated on Sat Jan 2, 2016)
You still haven't explained why it's just for one person to pay a higher rate on his income than another.

(e / explain-01 :polarity - 
      :ARG0 (y / you) 
      :ARG1 (t / thing 
            :ARG0-of (c / cause-01 
                  :ARG1 (j / just-02 
                        :ARG1 (p / pay-01 
                              :ARG0 (p2 / person) 
                              :ARG1 (r / rate 
                                    :ARG1-of (h / high-02 
                                          :degree (m / more) 
                                          :compared-to (p3 / person 
                                                :mod (a / another))) 
                                    :prep-on (i / income 
                                          :poss p2)))))) 
      :mod (s / still)) 
       Open an issue       

[87]   colorado   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8890653_0095.24   (snt. 8275 in workset  dfb-uco1, last updated on Sat Jan 2, 2016)
WE were discussing how it's just for one person to pay a higher rate on his income than another, not whether a flat tax hurts low wage earners.

(a / and 
      :op1 (d / discuss-01 
            :ARG0 (w / we) 
            :ARG1 (j / just-02 
                  :ARG1 (p / pay-01 
                        :ARG0 (p2 / person :quant 1) 
                        :ARG1 (r / rate 
                              :ARG1-of (h / high-02 
                                    :degree (m / more) 
                                    :compared-to (p3 / person 
                                          :mod (a2 / another))) 
                              :prep-on (i / income 
                                    :poss p2))))) 
      :op2 (d2 / discuss-01 :polarity - 
            :ARG0 w 
            :ARG1 (h2 / hurt-01 :mode interrogative 
                  :ARG0 (t / tax-01 
                        :ARG1-of (f / flat-06)) 
                  :ARG1 (p4 / person 
                        :ARG0-of (e / earn-01 
                              :ARG1 (w2 / wage 
                                    :ARG1-of (l / low-04))))))) 
       Open an issue       

[88]   colorado   bolt-eng-DF-170-181103-8890653_0098.9   (snt. 8298 in workset  dfb-uco1, last updated on Tue Feb 9, 2016)
Also, it's not necessarily bad that he pays a 17% rate on his personal income.

(p4 / possible-01 
      :ARG1 (b / bad-07 :polarity - 
            :ARG1 (p2 / pay-01 
                  :ARG0 (h / he) 
                  :ARG1 (r / rate 
                        :mod (p / percentage-entity :value 17) 
                        :prep-on (i / income 
                              :ARG1-of (p3 / personal-02) 
                              :poss h))) 
            :mod (a / also))) 
       Open an issue       

[89]   colorado   bolt-eng-DF-170-181122-8788322_0024.7   (snt. 537 in workset  dfb-uco2, last updated on Thu Jan 28, 2016)
Have any of the idiots who hate Islam ever turned their hatred on doctor killers in this nation, on McVeigh a Catholic who killed many, or Eric Rudolph, another Catholic, who thankfully was less successful?

(t / turn-01 :mode interrogative 
      :ARG0 (i / idiot 
            :mod (a / any) 
            :ARG0-of (h / hate-01 
                  :ARG1 (r / religious-group :wiki "Islam" 
                        :name (n / name :op1 "Islam")))) 
      :ARG1 (h2 / hate-01 
            :ARG0 i) 
      :prep-on (o / or 
            :op1 (p / person 
                  :ARG0-of (k / kill-01 
                        :ARG1 (d / doctor)) 
                  :location (n2 / nation 
                        :mod (t2 / this))) 
            :op2 (p2 / person :wiki "Timothy_McVeigh" 
                  :name (n3 / name :op1 "McVeigh") 
                  :mod (r2 / religious-group :wiki "Catholicism" 
                        :name (n4 / name :op1 "Catholic")) 
                  :ARG0-of (k2 / kill-01 
                        :ARG1 (p3 / person 
                              :quant (m / many)))) 
            :op3 (p4 / person :wiki "Eric_Rudolph" 
                  :name (n5 / name :op1 "Eric" :op2 "Rudolph") 
                  :mod r2 
                  :ARG0-of (s / succeed-01 
                        :degree (l / less) 
                        :ARG2-of (t3 / thankful-02))))) 
       Open an issue       

[90]   colorado   bolt-eng-DF-170-181122-8789373_0022.3   (snt. 784 in workset  dfb-uco2, last updated on Sat Feb 13, 2016)
You're putting a lot of mileage on your Obama knee pads

(p / put-03 
      :ARG0 (y / you) 
      :ARG1 (m / mileage 
            :quant (l / lot)) 
      :prep-on (p2 / pad 
            :purpose (k / knee) 
            :mod (p3 / person :wiki "Barack_Obama" 
                  :name (n / name :op1 "Obama")) 
            :poss y)) 
       Open an issue       

[91]   colorado   bolt-eng-DF-170-181122-8789373_0042.10   (snt. 809 in workset  dfb-uco2, last updated on Mon Feb 15, 2016)
Why does neither the U.S. government nor U.S. energy companies have on hand the cleanup technology available in Europe?

(c / cause-01 
      :ARG0 (a / amr-unknown) 
      :ARG1 (h / have-03 :polarity - 
            :ARG0 (a2 / and 
                  :op1 (g / government-organization 
                        :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 
                              :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "United_States" 
                                    :name (n / name :op1 "U.S.")))) 
                  :op2 (c3 / company 
                        :mod (e / energy) 
                        :mod c2)) 
            :ARG1 (t / technology 
                  :purpose (c4 / clean-up-02) 
                  :ARG2-of (a3 / available-02 
                        :location (c5 / continent :wiki "Europe" 
                              :name (n2 / name :op1 "Europe")))) 
            :prep-on (h2 / hand))) 
       Open an issue       

[92]   colorado   bolt-eng-DF-200-192453-5805248_0018.2   (snt. 16175 in workset  dfb-uco2, last updated on Sun Oct 11, 2015)
Yeah, that's a horrible and malicious attack which can't be condoned on any level.

(a / attack-01 
      :domain (t / that) 
      :mod (y / yeah) 
      :ARG1-of (c / condone-01 
            :ARG1-of (p / possible-01 :polarity -) 
            :prep-on (l / level 
                  :mod (a3 / any))) 
      :mod (h / horrible) 
      :mod (m / malice)) 
       Open an issue       

[93]   colorado   bolt-eng-DF-200-192453-5810289_0127.8   (snt. 16381 in workset  dfb-uco2, last updated on Fri Nov 13, 2015)
Yes, there are people that are on benefits for a reason, such as being made redundant, disabilities etc. The people i am talking about are those who choose not to work because they would rather do nothing and get free money.

(m / multi-sentence 
      :snt1 (p / person 
            :prep-on (b / benefit 
                  :purpose (r / reason 
                        :example (o / or 
                              :op1 (m2 / make-02 
                                    :ARG1 (r2 / redundant)) 
                              :op2 (d / disability) 
                              :op3 (e / et-cetera))))) 
      :snt2 (p2 / person 
            :mod (t / that) 
            :ARG0-of (c / choose-01 
                  :ARG1 (w / work-01 :polarity - 
                        :ARG0 p2) 
                  :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 
                        :ARG0 (p3 / prefer-01 
                              :ARG0 p2 
                              :ARG1 (a / and 
                                    :op1 (d2 / do-02 
                                          :ARG0 p2 
                                          :ARG1 (n / nothing)) 
                                    :op2 (g / get-01 
                                          :ARG0 p2 
                                          :ARG1 (m3 / money 
                                                :ARG1-of (f / free-03))))))) 
            :domain (p4 / person 
                  :ARG1-of (t2 / talk-01 
                        :ARG0 (i / i))))) 
       Open an issue       

[94]   colorado   bolt-eng-DF-200-192453-5810289_0212.4   (snt. 16393 in workset  dfb-uco2, last updated on Wed Dec 23, 2015)
The NHS led to immediate rationing, the long term effect of which has been that rich people opt out, and poor people die on waiting lists.

(l / lead-03 
      :ARG0 (g / government-organization :wiki "National_Health_Service_(England)" 
            :name (n / name :op1 "NHS")) 
      :ARG2 (r / ration-01 
            :time (i / immediate) 
            :ARG0-of (a / affect-01 
                  :ARG2 (a2 / and 
                        :op1 (o / opt-01 
                              :ARG0 (p / person 
                                    :mod (r2 / rich)) 
                              :ARG1 (o2 / out-06 
                                    :ARG1 p)) 
                        :op2 (d / die-01 
                              :ARG1 (p2 / person 
                                    :mod (p3 / poor)) 
                              :prep-on (l4 / list 
                                    :topic (w / wait-01 
                                          :ARG1 p2)))) 
                  :ARG1-of (l2 / long-03)))) 
       Open an issue       

[95]   colorado   bolt-eng-DF-201-185510-351190_0356.25   (snt. 17185 in workset  dfb-uco2, last updated on Tue Oct 13, 2015)
It was PNW rainforest on steroids.

(r / rainforest 
      :location (c / country-region :wiki "Pacific_Northwest" 
            :name (n / name :op1 "PNW")) 
      :prep-on (s / steroid) 
      :domain (i / it)) 
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[96]   colorado   bolt-eng-DF-201-185522-352056_0003.6   (snt. 19666 in workset  dfb-uco2, last updated on Sun Aug 30, 2015)
Either he was really being vague on purpose in his testimony, he's lying now, or he was lying on the stand.

(o / or 
      :op1 (v / vague 
            :domain (h / he) 
            :degree (r / really) 
            :time (t / testify-01 
                  :ARG0 h) 
            :prep-on (p / purpose)) 
      :op2 (l / lie-08 
            :ARG0 h 
            :time (n / now)) 
      :op3 (l2 / lie-08 
            :ARG0 h 
            :location (s / stand))) 
       Open an issue       

[97]   ldcpreferred   DF-170-181113-874_7974.44   (snt. 71 in workset  dfa-04, last updated on Wed Feb 10, 2016)
Some people don't want to work...retirees, housewives/husbands, full time students, and some people on drugs or alcohol or criminals or lazy.

(w / want-01 :polarity - 
      :ARG0 (p / person 
            :mod (s / some) 
            :example (a / and 
                  :op1 (a2 / and 
                        :op1 (p2 / person 
                              :ARG0-of (r / retire-01)) 
                        :op2 (s2 / slash 
                              :op1 (h / housewife) 
                              :op2 (p3 / person 
                                    :ARG0-of (h2 / have-rel-role-91 
                                          :ARG2 (h3 / husband)))) 
                        :op3 (p4 / person 
                              :ARG0-of (s5 / study-01 
                                    :mod (f / full-time)))) 
                  :op2 (o / or 
                        :op1 (p5 / person 
                              :mod (s4 / some) 
                              :prep-on (o2 / or 
                                    :op1 (d / drug-01) 
                                    :op2 (a3 / alcohol))) 
                        :op2 (p6 / person 
                              :ARG2-of (c / criminal-03)) 
                        :op3 (l / lazy)))) 
      :ARG1 (w2 / work-01 
            :ARG0 p)) 
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[98]   ldcpreferred   bolt-eng-DF-170-181112-8763626_0039.1   (snt. 21 in workset  dfb-0085, last updated on Fri Jan 8, 2016)
Didn't Obama and Biden run on coal and nucular?

(r / run-02 :mode interrogative 
      :ARG0 (a / and 
            :op1 (p / person :wiki "Barack_Obama" 
                  :name (n / name :op1 "Obama")) 
            :op2 (p2 / person :wiki "Joe_Biden" 
                  :name (n2 / name :op1 "Biden"))) 
      :prep-on (a2 / and 
            :op1 (c / coal) 
            :op2 (n3 / nucleus))) 
       Open an issue       

[99]   ldcpreferred   bolt-eng-DF-200-192446-3807981_0001.10   (snt. 10 in workset  dfb-0198, last updated on Wed Jan 20, 2016)
we don't know the full story but i get the impression that this "14 year old girl" offered him sex on a plate willingly....

(c / contrast-01 
      :ARG1 (k / know-01 :polarity - 
            :ARG0 (w / we) 
            :ARG1 (s / story 
                  :mod (f / full))) 
      :ARG2 (i / impression-03 
            :ARG0 (i2 / i) 
            :ARG1 (o / offer-01 
                  :ARG0 (g / girl 
                        :age (t / temporal-quantity :quant 14 
                              :unit (y / year)) 
                        :mod (t2 / this)) 
                  :ARG1 (s2 / sex-01 
                        :prep-on (p / plate)) 
                  :ARG1-of (w2 / will-02 
                        :ARG0 g)))) 
       Open an issue       

[100]   ldcpreferred   bolt-eng-DF-200-192451-5796411_0128.8   (snt. 7 in workset  dfb-0252, last updated on Mon Feb 8, 2016)
Expanding on the above, the idea to partition Palestine originated around 1937 with the Peel Commission which was then followed up by the Woodhead Commission (later evaluated at the St. James Conference) - these were British en-devours, not nefarious Jewish plans.

(m / multi-sentence 
      :snt1 (o / originate-01 
            :ARG1 (i / idea 
                  :topic (p / partition-01 
                        :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "State_of_Palestine" :name (n / name :op1 "Palestine")))) 
            :time (a / around 
                  :op1 (d / date-entity :year 1937)) 
            :prep-with (c2 / commission :wiki "Peel_Commission" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Peel" :op2 "Commission") 
                  :ARG1-of (f / follow-up-03 
                        :ARG0 (c3 / commission :wiki "Woodhead_Commission" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Woodhead" :op2 "Commission") 
                              :ARG1-of (e / evaluate-01 
                                    :time (l / late 
                                          :degree (m2 / more)) 
                                    :location (c4 / conference :wiki "St._James_Conference" :name (n4 / name :op1 "St." :op2 "James" :op3 "Conference")))) 
                        :time (t3 / then)))) 
      :snt2 (c5 / contrast-01 
            :ARG1 (e2 / endeavor-01 
                  :ARG0 (c6 / country :wiki "United_Kingdom" :name (n5 / name :op1 "British")) 
                  :ARG1 (t / this)) 
            :ARG2 (p2 / plan-01 :polarity - 
                  :ARG0 (p3 / person 
                        :mod (r / religious-group :wiki "Jews" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Jew"))) 
                  :mod (n7 / nefarious))) 
      :ARG1-of (e3 / expand-01 
            :prep-on (t2 / thing 
                  :location (a2 / above)))) 
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